^ THE WEATHER 1 AVERAGE DAIL2 CIRCULATION Foreeaat by D. •• Weather Bura^ for the Alonth of July, 1020 New Ha Ten 5 , 3 0 1 Fair tonight and F^day. Hemben of the Audit Bnrean of Clrcnlatlonii____________ _ FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENT& VOL. XLIIL, NO. 257. (Claasifled Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929. STATES’ RIGHTS NAVAL PACT Mayoralty Candidate P0UCY0FD.S. ZEPPELIN IS HEADED ARE EXPLAINED PLANSNOW SINCETIIEWAR R Y O m C IA IS MAKING UP AT PARLEY TOWARD STORM ZONE Governor Ritchie, of Mary­ President Calls Naval Men While Europe Was SQuab* Report New Clashes A H ’S YYELL land and Dr. Doran, Dry to White House to Discuss bling Over Politics. Amer- Head, Give Their Views a British-American Naval ice Was Creating Mar­ On Chinese Frontier IS R ffO R T On Important Problem. Agreement. kets, Delegates Are Told. Peiplng, (Peking), Aug. 15 — 4 have captured Suitunghsien from Hamburg Weather Bureau COQ.PS Both naval and new troop clashes | Red troops. Shipping on the Sungari river Universlty, Va., Aug. 15. -Two Washington, Aug. 5— Negotia­ The Hague, Netherlands. Aug. I between Soviet and Chinese fprees ' tions for a Brltish-Amerlcan naval has been suspended. diametrically opposed views con- 15.— America’s aggressive drive for were reported in unofficial messages Governor General Chang Chung Auuouuces Bad Weather cernlng the duty of the states In agreement proceeded apace today foreign trade markets since the war from the Siberian-Manchurian Hul, of Manchuria, has decided to enforcing prohibition were put be­ with the navy high command some­ while European countries were frontier, today. detain rather than deport addition­ Over th/W hole of Rus­ al Soviet citizens who may be, ar­ what mollifled over the assurances squabbling over political matters A Red fleet is reported to have fore the Institute of Public Af­ fired upon the Chinese gunboats rested charged with sabotage and fairs today. given by President Hoover thaL the has created an international situa­ expert views of “ the Admirals” are Lichi and Klang^Keng at the con­ Communistic activities, until the sia-Last Reports Place One came from Governor Al­ not to be disregarded while “ the tion which was discussed in private fluence of the Amur and Sungari Slno-Russian problem is settled, bert C. Ritchie (D) of Maryland, statesmen” reach an agreement conversations today by delegates to rivers. according to word from Harbin, to­ Airship Near Baltic Coast; among themselves. the Hague reparation conference. It is reported that Red troops day. and was a complete denial that the French experts, notably Louis were landed upon Chinese territory Emergency jails are being con­ states are under any obligation, le­ It Is no secret that the new ad­ ministration’s Navy policy has come Loucheur, the French minister of and began looting Shaohsinoheng, structed. Starts 11:35, Our Time, gal or moral, to enforce Federal in for some severe, if anonymous, coou-o'tiT labor, are urging upon the other Chunghsincfien and Sanchienfang Thirty-eight Communists seized prohibition within their borders. criticism in high naval circles.^ It r delegates the necessity of concerted before the arrival of Chinese rein­ In the recent raid upon the Soviet began with Ambassador Dawes’ action by Europe to expand Euro­ forcements. consulate, are staging a hunger from Home Port The other was presented by Dr. -^vOQtLuO V\. pean commerce abroad in order to Chinese naval forces are said to strike. ., ; ; 1| J iJ® J. M. Doran, the Federal prohibi­ famous remark in his Pilgrims’ -POQ tup: UOOS&-. help home industries, home mar­ tion commissioner, who declared speech in London that the failure f-____________ _ of most disarmament conferences kets and the working populations that under the ISth Amendment of the European countries. LOG OF ZEPPELIN the states are legally and morally could be attributed ,to “ the Admir­ HOOVER ON AIR M. Loucheur takes the view that SATURDAY AFTERNOON. bound to assist the Federal gov­ als’ and that if disarmament were New York, Aug. 15.— Fol­ ever realized it would have to be German deliveries in kind—^Ger­ w o n LET SURVEY ernment. And unless they do so, man reparation payments in goods lowing is log of the progress of he said, the Federal government by "statesmen” taking the matter New York, Aug. 15.— The the Graf Zeppelin since be^n- out of naval hands.” — are not responsible or the unfa­ voice of Herbert Hoover will be must expand its facilities and dis­ vorable economic plight of Great OF LARD BE MADE nlng her round-the-world flight. charge every enforcement func­ It was to still the criticism and carried over the nation Saturday All times used are Eastern Day­ obtain, if possible, the sincere co­ Britain and other European coun­ at 12:30 p. m.. Eastern Daylight tion, great and small. tries so much as the failure of light time. Ritchie’s Views operation of the Navy heads that Time, for the first time since his THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 President Hoover had the general Europe to work in unison for trade law enforcement address here Gov. Ritchie’s address was a expansion into fresh markets. 12:40 a. m.— Left Lakehurst, vigorous defense of those states board at the White House yester­ last spring, it waJ announced by Vernon Fanner, With Griev­ N. J,, on flight to Frledrichs- day for breakfast. ‘‘The Admirals” Showdown on Saturday. the National Broadcasting Com­ which, like his own Maryland, have Philip Snowden, British chancel­ hafen. 1:45 a. m., circled consistently refused to adopt the were- acquainted with the whole pany today. Statue of Liberty, New York state of the negotiations with the ■Q09\^<5T IK] lor of the exchequer, who demand ance Against Water Com­ Volstead act as a part of their for revision of the Young plan The broadcast will be of the harbor, marking ofBcial start­ own legal codes. The 18 th Amend­ MacDonald government for a naval elaborate ceremonies scheduled agreement, and were an opportun­ threatened to wreck the confer­ ing time of world flight. ment, he contended, gave the ence, sent a letter to the financial for the fairgrounds at Madison, pany Keeps Engineer Oil. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 states power to enforce the pro­ ity to express their own opinions Va., where the president will be as to what should and should not commission insisting upon discus­ 8 :0 0 a. m.— Landed at Fried- hibitory law concurrently with the sion of his sub-committee motion welcomed officially by the state. rlchsbafen completing first leg Federal government ii they chose be done. He will respond to Gov. Byrd of How successful the President’s on Saturday. In fact, Saturday An Irate farmer in the town of of world flight in 55 hours and to do so, but if they did not so G . O . P, Congressman should see a “ showdown” upon the Virginia. Vernon made things uncomfortable 20 minutes. choose there was no obligation to gesture toward “ the Admirals” will be remains to be seen, but at various issues in dispute. for Fred O. Almqulst, an engineer -WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 do so. It was understood that the heads for the state department of health, 11:35 a. m.— Left Frledrlchs- “ The President holds no execu­ any rate the Navy now feels that it is to have a choice In and be of the French, Italian, Belgian and yesterday when the latter attempt­ hafen bound for Toklo on sec­ tive power in the states, and the consulted about the reductions Colorful Character Japanese delegations have under ed to look over his property in con­ ond leg of world flight. governors hold no executive pow­ consideration a set of proposals to SUGAR SCHEDULES nection with a survey of the Man­ THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 er In the nation,’’ said the Mary­ which President Hoover and Premier Macdonald are mutually be presented to the English on Fri­ chester water shed. The farmer, R. 5 :3 5 a. m.— Passed over Ber­ land governor. "As a state we do deslrlous of making. day or SatAirday in an effort to A. SImonsen, refused to give any lin, 400 miles northeast of not defy the Federal law; we do Whoever Wins in New York City, It Will Be a iTriedrlchsbafen. The whole sticking point In the meet Snowden’s demand for revi- CAUSE OF BATTLE reason for refusing to allow Alm- not ignore it nor try to nullify it. quist to come onto his property 7 :1 0 a. m.—rPassed over We put no obstacles in the way of Anglo-American negotiations is the Good Show— Republican to Try to Steal the (Continue on Page 2) but admitted that his grievance was Stettin. Its full enforcement by the Feder­ question of cruisers. On virtual­ 9 :5 5 a. m.— Flew over Dan­ ly every other point, there Is al­ Spotlight from Tammany Jimmy Walker. with the Manchester Water Com­ al oflacials who passed it.” American and Cuban Inter­ pany. zig on the Baltic coast. Backs Wickersham ready substantial agreement be­ tween London and Washington. Check Up On Shed 11:16 a. m.— Passec' Eoenlgs- Dr. Doran virtually endorsed berg, Germany, 80 miles east of the “ Wickersham plan,” although Great Difference New York, Aug. 15— While New«ure, and he yields to nobody when THEATRICAL PLUM The Inspection Almqulst sought Yet, despite the “ substantial York Republicans were wondering it comes to putting on a good show. ests Flood Senate Cham­ to make was In connection with the Danzig. not by name, which would allow <&T the states to take over the" great progress” that Is regularly report­ who could possibly give the cele­ If Walker is a typical Broadway regular annual check-up on drain­ brated Jimmy Walker a run for his musical comedy hero.
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