Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 20 Oct 1924 The Missouri Miner, October 20, 1924 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, October 20, 1924" (1924). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 327. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/327 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE MISSOUf\1 MINER.. Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, Missouri. Vol. 11, No.5. Monday, October 20, 1924. Price, 8 Cents. OKLAHOMA A. AND M. 23, MINERS O. CAST FOR CLARENCE CHOSEN. MINERS BATTLE WASHING· T.he Oklahoma Aggies proved to" At the tryout::: held last W r.dnes· TON UNIVERSITY. strvr,g for the Moiners, already hamE .. d ay nig':ilt, Oct. 8th, the followi!1g Once a year every red-blooded capDE- d by the loss of such calpable we~'e· cho~en for the cast of "Clal' Mil1er digs out the old B. R. and buys backfield 'mIen as Lee, Thomas and encc!," Booth Tarkin.gton's most re­ TudeI'. The Agg;es scored a clear cent play: Misses Billy F,a rris, J os­ a round-tr ip ticket to St. Louis to see cu t yictory, but the Miners und>ouLI:­ ephine B owen, DOl clthy Julian, Lor­ the annual fracas between the Miners edl\' felt the absemce of these three r aine Love and Margaret McKer" and Washington University. This men Messrs. Tom Eagan, Ste'wart McKel· : ear 's contest is scheduled, as every­ In Perry, [Miason, Walker and Pigg:; vie, Fred 1M(3tlack, Cl'e~ghton Hen­ the A,~ \:~ies showed a. quartet of bac~(­ dricks,on and Bill Schwickhardt. nne knows, on Saturday, October 25. It will be noticed that Messrs. Mc­ B;arring amy f u rth er injuri<!c; , fie ld mat.erial thiat was hard to stop. On lO ne ,ecc,asion Piggs r eceived :i Kelovie, Hendrickson and Schwick­ t he Miners refuse to consider them­ kick-off on US O,VB 5-yard line, anJ ruardt and Misses Jul:an, McKee a11'l selves as the under-dogs in this year's elud Ed the Miners' ta:klers for a 50- Love ,a l' e· new entrys in the ranks 0 f game. The Miners give thiemselves at 'Yard run past midfield. He a lso pierc .. the Players, however t beir newnes" ed the Miners' line for a 20 and 30 .. at the 6~., me will be more 'than com­ least an even chanc to win. W2shing­ yard daElh before he was downed. pensat Ed for by tlh eir exceptional ton U. has entered but one contest Ferry was. a lso versatile·, ga inin~' abilities in the dramatic art. this season and that resulting- in a yardag'e by} wdl-placed punts 'and l'.'liss Farris and Miss Bowen are ].4-0 victory for Grinnell College. Be­ Lne smashes. Walker and Mason aJ. "old Ln",ers" with the P layers, an.l tween this contest and that with the so proved valuable ground gaineL; the student b:dy is 1coking forward for the Aggies. \,:th ple l s:.Ire td the p lay in which Miner s, vV\ashington h as been taking The A :g;~ i es' first score was due t .) thEY will see these two in action it easy, playing only their fresh­ I1n unfiol'tlLnate f umble by the Miners again. men t eam. on the initial kick-off. The Aggie, The competition for ;:;I1l'ts in th" The Miners on entering the game recovered the fumble ,on the 2-ya'l"! play was very keem at tt,e try·cut" ,·,- ill have played three gam es and at line. The Mi' n ers held gamely f,o r two ,nd in view of He feet tbat th e cast least two of these games with strong do,VBs, but Mason succeeded in push .. was picked from a gr eat number o~ ar;petizers for the Miners befo"'e ing the lligskin over on the. thirf; com:r;ditors, the patrons of t he Play · l11eeting Washington U. It will un­ down. The Aggies wt!':e forc(~d t 'l ers are assured of the best acting doubtedly be a fine battle and the d!''lp-kicJ; for th~ir nl~xt score \I'h('n th ).t can be produced in the s::'hool. Mil1I€s can be depended upon to t.f:e M·. ners h !~! d them 0,1 the 28-ya','0 The proceeds of the p lay will be fight sixty sconds of ever y minute. m al k. In the sec'lnd quart" l: the At!,' dC:~I:tE d to the Bi: IJ ster Club. The ~ ' ies l'f'ached th ~ 3-yard li n , ~, Lut wC!rc cause is a good one, and the students SPECIA L RATES FOR W ASH­ 11alted there by , h e lYLne,", ' forwarci are ur,:=; erl to attend this .affair, bo ot', INGTON U. GAME. wall. for their own pleasure, and ind:rect­ l'ov-rrd thp. en.i of th e; 5€'cond 5es- ly for tl','e ,g ood of this insti tution. Tr~e Athletic Association has re­ 5ion 1I:e Miner5 snl<lsh;;d tileir w" \' This ,p1ay will be presented at 8 :1 3 I:f' ived special rates from the Frisco for everyone going to St. Louis to see ~'l a ))' their Gwn 20-Y.1rd line lflark'·'·l· p. m. Nov. 7th, and tJ :~ e a,dJ:rJissiofl to the AI : I :;:e ~' 34-yard ll:w. but were p'ice will be fifty cents. Everybody t he Washington U . game. The price bl':ed by ihe h ~ H ending at t~IS is cordially invited to attend, and it will be four ducats and tickets may iPo;r. t . Line srr(:shls bv FIsi1t:r, MG­ is hoped tInt the student b cdy will be used going to St. Louis on all d::\ft' TI d Ha~ se lman,3nd a '}ass Has· turn Gut strongly. tl'ains Friday and Saturday morning until noon and returning Saturday seln.un, to Ledford, aided ;nat~l'iallY in th·ir 46-yard march. JUNIOR CLASS DANCF. night and including the last train The A ,~ g:es' next score came i n· The Junior Class will give a "kid's" Sunday night. The tickets will be on sale 'Friday, direl'Uy as a result of the Miners' dap , ~e in the Gym on Ncv. 10th as tackJ:ng 13 man sig:J.al!ing for a f'a l" October 24, at the Rolla Depot. and :, St. Pat's benefit. cfltch. T l' is resulted in a pen<a lty oan be purchased only on that day. By special permission vf Bill bringing the ball to the Miners' G· Line forms on the rigr.t, don't crowd O'Brien, children may wanc1el' the ~',;r d marker. The Miners staved off [',nd don't push. streets after the curfew on the ni,ght a touchdown for tW:J downs, but Per­ of the kid's p2rty. Going to h ave all ry's lin e· smash on the tbird down car­ PlPE AND BOWL PLEDGES. aay suckers and everything. Educated ried the ovalo Vel' the last chalk line kids please pass t he word along to Pipe and Bowl have pledged ~e The Jz.Is t score cf the game W?:3 the kids who can't read. f ollowi.ng men : Jack Gage, T. Smith, made in the bst stanza, when PelTY Beg, borrow or steal a dollar and Mike Jamison, Sam Hodgdon, Lucky circlEd the end for a touchd own. An :::h1ow up. Luckfield, Freeman ancl. Gloecklel'. (Ind run for 14 yards by P ~g'ES place,l PAGE TWO. THE MISSOURI MINER. the oval in position for the Aggie.:: ' a 6·yard gain. Mliners were penaliz .. final. marked. ed 15 yards, bringing th ball t,D Ar;­ Wo nd The playing of Lemon, M'odaff and gies' 46-yard line. Perry punted out­ Dedic Has se l m,~nl were the redeeming fe<.l­ side at Miners' 3-y1ard line. Two line l'A YLOR MURRAY'S You, hues for the Miners. The Aggies ap smashes failed, larnd and 'McBride pearc,d to be pnNiously prepared for punted. l\.'ggies' ball on Miners' 3':'­ "H'ass," and tlr.e result was that hCe yard line. Pii glgs smashed t h'l'u fo:' BARBER SHOP Make was unable to display his usual bril­ six yards, and Mla son repeated, add­ All tt liance. Lemon and Modaff succecc:­ ing 11 yards more. First down for Treat ed in breaking thru the Aggies' lin '~ Ag:g ies on Miners' 20-yard Lne. Ag­ NEXT DOOR TO for considerable @ains. f.';e!:1 \rye'nJ:l r zed 15 YiHds. W,alkL-r & Captain Ledf,~ rd at end, and Bud: :~e r ~ ecl the lin e for 8 yards, and a Merchants Farmers Bank Take at 'tackle once mlJre proved their pass, Perry to Walker, netted A , gg ie ~ push worth ,by doin,g good work in the for­ a 16-y?rd f lain.
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