No. 7 March 2011 IN THIS ISSUE | Call for papers Toronto 2012 | ICMAC News Recent publications | Conferences | CIC 1917 in China | More CALL FOR PAPERS TORONTO 2012 format) should be sent as an email attachments to [email protected]. Those unable to send pro- The Fourteenth International Congress of Medieval posals as email attachments may send a hard copy Canon Law will be held 5–11 August, 2012, at Saint to: Michael's College in the University of Toronto, Joe Goering Canada. The program committee invites proposals Department of History for papers in any area of Medieval Canon Law, in- University of Toronto cluding the following: 100 St. George St. Sources and Texts Toronto, ON M5S 3G3, Canada Canonical Doctrine Institutions, Legislation, Procedures NEWS OF ICMAC Application and Influence Law, Theology and the Schools Dear ICMAC members, colleagues and all friends of Please include the following information with your medieval canon law, proposal: ICMAC is sponsoring two sessions at the Interna- Your name and title (Ms., Mr., Dr., Prof., tional Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, etc.) Michigan in May 2011. The first of these is entitled, Your institutional affiliation ‘Did the Letter of the Law Matter? Church law and social history.’ The second session, co-sponsored The title of your proposed paper with the organization Episcopus, is called, ‘The A brief (one paragraph) summary of the Bishop at Work: Tasks, trials and transformations of proposed paper diocesan administration.’ ICMAC has granted Dan- Your email address ica Summerlin of Queens’ College, Cambridge a Your postal address travel bursary in order to deliver a paper in the first In addition to individual papers, the program com- session. mittee will also entertain proposals for special ses- ICMAC will hold two social events at Kalamazoo: a sions (3 papers) and panel discussions on a particular BYOS [bring your own sandwich] “business lunch” topic. on Saturday at noon; and a cocktail party on Satur- The deadline for proposals is August 15, 2011. Pro- day, May 15 from 5-7 pm. The “business lunch” is posals (in a PDF file, or in Word or WordPerfect extremely informal and everyone is welcome. Stephan Kuttner Institute Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio NOVELLAE of Medieval Canon Law (ICMAC) News of Medieval Canon Law President: Peter Landau President: Kathleen G. Cushing Editor: Anders Winroth Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 2 http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/ P.O. Box 208324 D-12344 München, Germany medieval/icmac/ New Haven CT 06520-8324, USA www.kuttner-institute.jura.uni- [email protected] muenchen.de Back issues of NOVELLAE | News of Medieval Canon Law are available at http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/medieval/icmac/resources.html NOVELLAE | News of Medieval Canon Law No. 7 March 2011 Please bring a potential participant or friend along, conference will offer new avenues of research and too. The locations will be stated in the program. discussion. Please join us and bring a potential participant or The two keynote speakers for the conference will be friend to the sessions on canon law, join us with a Dominique Barthélemy (Université Paris Sorbonne – sandwich at our business lunch, and come have a IV) and William Ian Miller (University of Michigan drink on us to wrap things up on Saturday evening. Law School); six invited speakers will offer shorter Greta Austin papers discussing the conference themes within dif- Secretary, ICMAC ferent contextual milieux. We invite proposals from postgraduate and postdoc- CONFERENCES toral scholars from any relevant Mediaeval disci- pline for 20-minute papers, encouraging in particular Eighth Carlsberg Academy conference, Copenhagen considerations of the interactions and relationships 4th to 6th May 2011: Law and marriage in the amongst law, violence and social bonds. Middle Ages and Early Modern times. Keynote Please send abstracts for papers of 20 minutes, of no Speakers: Prof. Charles Donahue, Jr. (Harvard Law more than 250 words, to [email protected]. School) and Prof. Philip L. Reynolds (Emory Uni- The deadline for submission is Friday 11 March versity, Candler School of Theology). 2011. The sessions will address the following aspects of marriage: Marriage and Canon Law, Practicing Mar- ital Law, the Concept of Marriage, Marital Impedi- International Workshop at the Abbey of Fontevraud, ments, Marriage in Late Medieval Cities, Economi- 17-18 October 2011: Jews in the ecclesiastical, cal Aspects of marriage and Strategies of Marriage, Roman-barbarian and Byzantine law (sixth to Family and Kin. eleventh centuries): changes, ruptures, adaptations. This workshop will provide an opportunity for re- The conference will take place, as usually, at the newed reflection on the legal conditions of Jews in beautiful building of Carlsberg Academy, formerly Latin Europe and Byzantium in the early middle ag- the family residence of the founder of the Carlsberg es. Breweries, J. C. Jacobsen, close to the centre of Co- penhagen. For registration: The workshop will address such topics as the status https://webshop.dpu.dk/default.aspx?id=4992. For of the synagogues, liturgical requirements, prohibi- any practical inquiries, please contact: tions concerning sexual relations and commensality, the problem of conversions to Judaism, proselytiz- Helle I. M. Sigh, Institute for History and Area Stud- ing, apostasy, crypto-Judaism, exclusion from public ies, University of Aarhus: [email protected]. functions, or laws concerning property (landed es- Kirsi Salonen, Department of History and Philoso- tates, slaves) and usury. The vast majority of these phy, University of Tampere: [email protected]. measures have their roots in Roman law. Analysis of their reception in both ecclesiastical and secular laws Helle Vogt, Faculty of Law, University of Copenha- of Latin Europe and Byzantium should permit us to gen, [email protected]. perceive continuities, adaptations, changes or disrup- tions in legal theory and practice. Law, Violence and Social Bonds, c. 900-1250. Call These proposals are indicative and by no means ex- for papers for a three-day conference entitled 'Law, haustive; other lines of inquiry are welcome. Com- Violence and Social Bonds, c. 900-1250,' hosted by munications will be in French or English and will the St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 17- last 30 minutes. The organizers will pay transporta- 19 June 2011. tion costs and accommodation for those presenting Considering attitudes towards lawful and unlawful papers. violence in relation to social bonds - be they famili- Those wishing to participate should send, before al, seignorial or spiritual - and bringing together a April 10, 2011, a one-page proposal and full contact number of distinct conceptual approaches, such as details, personal and professional email to lau- anthropology, sociology and prosopography, this [email protected]. We encourage PhD students to apply (please include a recent curriculum - 2 - NOVELLAE | News of Medieval Canon Law No. 7 March 2011 vitae). The workshop is connected with the dispersed in thousands of academic publications of RELMIN project. specialized literature. The history of academic use of these manuscripts from the 19th century onward will Scientific Committee: be reflected in the form of the records collected. John Tolan, Nicholas de Lange, Capucine Nemo- Several manuscripts will be newly described and Pekelman. Laurence Foschia commented by world-wide known scholars, such as Profs. Bellomo, Bertram, Condorelli, Conte, Dole- MOSAICO PROJECT zalek, Loschiavo, Martino, Vano, Winroth, and oth- ers who will join the project in the near future. In 2008, the Italian Government promoted a research The picture shows a page from Montecassino 266: project presented by a Consortium of Universities Goffredus Tranensis, Apparatus decretalium in the [University of Bologna- CIRSFID (coordinator), Mosaico digital edition by Martin Bertram. Roma Tre University of Rome, Federico II Universi- ty of Naples], named “Piecing together a Mosaic: Describing, Digitizing and Using Medieval Legal RECENT INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS Manuscripts”. The goal of the “Mosaic project” is to create a portal Web 2.0 (online at Magistri Honori Summa ‘De iure canonico tractat- http://mosaico.cirsfid.unibo.it), containing homoge- urus, 2, In memoriam Rudolf Weigand†, ediderunt nous descriptions of medieval codices connected Peter Landau, Waltraud Kozur; adlaborantibus with a collection of digital manuscripts which can be Stephan Haering, Heribert Hallermann, Karin viewed in high resolution. Miethaner-Vent, Martin Petzolt. Monumenta iuris canonici. Series A: Corpus glossatorum 5/2. Città del Vaticano: Bibliotheca apostolica Vaticana, 2010. The text of the Summa of Honorius is now completely edited. It remains to publish a third volume containing indices, which is far along in preparation. Congratulations to the Würzburg team which has been working on it for so long, from the beginning under the leadership of Rudolf Weigand. The team will now continue with the Summa questionum of Honorius. RECENT PUBLICATIONS Esther Cohen, The Modulated Scream: Pain in Late Medieval Culture. Chicago University Press, 2010. 384 pp. A cultural history of pain and suffering, in- cluding one chapter on judicial torture. Peter Landau, Grundlagen und Geschichte des evangelischen Kirchenrechts and des Staatskirchen- rechts. Jus ecclesiasticum 92. Tübingen: Mohr Sie- beck, 2010. viii + 476 pp. Peter Landau, “Kanonistische Ergänzungen zur Germania und Bohemia Pontificia:
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