Generalized Essential Telangiectasia: A Case Report and Review of the Literature Jonathan E. Blume, MD Generalized essential telangiectasia (GET) is a to fine confluent telangiectasias. Her upper extrem- well-established but seldom reported disorder. ities displayed patchy and reticulate erythema sec- Patients with this condition develop widespread ondary to confluent telangiectasias (Figure). The telangiectasias for no known reason. Although anterior chest had numerous telangiectasias, but the condition can be cosmetically and psycho- they were not confluent. Her upper back and face logically devastating, it fortunately is not associ- had a limited number of telangiectasias, but the ated with other diseases or complications. lower back, buttocks, and abdomen were unaffected. Treatment can be difficult and expensive, but the There were no intraoral or ocular lesions. All therapeutic benefit of providing patients with a involved areas fully blanched with diascopy. name and prognosis for their disease cannot be A 3-mm punch biopsy from the right arm was overemphasized. obtained, and results showed dilated blood vessels Cutis. 2005;75:223-224. in the upper dermis. A complete blood count with differential, liver enzymes, electrolytes, antinuclear antibody, rheumatoid factor, and hepatitis B and C serology were unremarkable. Based on the history, Case Report physical examination, and pathology and labora- A 32-year-old white woman was referred to our tory results, the patient was diagnosed with gener- dermatology clinic because of a red and purple dis- alized essential telangiectasia (GET). coloration of her skin that started approximately The patient was grateful to be given a diagnosis 4 years previously. The dermatosis started on the because she was finally able to answer the fre- distal lower extremities and steadily spread cepha- quently asked question, “What is wrong with your lad over the next few years. The patient’s legs ini- skin?” A trial of tetracycline 500 mg twice a day tially had distinct individual telangiectasias, but was discontinued after one month because the her legs later became red and then purple in color. patient believed it was making her condition The involved areas were essentially asymptomatic worse. Prior to her visit, she had tried a self- except for a mild stinging sensation when exposed tanning solution that did not provide a good cosmetic to sunlight. There was no family history of this result. Laser surgery was not attempted because of problem. Results of a complete review of systems financial limitations. were negative. The patient’s medical and surgical history included hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes Comment mellitus, and gastric bypass surgery. She was taking GET is a well-defined but infrequently reported levothyroxine, rosiglitazone, metformin, and a disorder that was fully defined in the mid 20th cen- multivitamin, and no new medications were started tury by Gentele and Lodin1 and McGrae and when the telangiectasias first appeared. Winkelmann.2 In perhaps the largest study of On physical examination, the patient’s lower patients with GET, the average age of GET onset extremities had a mottled purple discoloration due was 38 years, and 72% of these patients were women.2 Both inherited and sporadic cases have been reported.2-4 Accepted for publication May 11, 2004. GET is a slowly progressing and persistent From the Department of Dermatology, State University of New York condition in which telangiectasias first appear on at Buffalo. the distal lower extremities and then spread to the The author reports no conflict of interest. 2 Reprints: Jonathan E. Blume, MD, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, arms, trunk, and face. The clinical presentation is Department of Dermatology, Elm and Carlton St, Buffalo, NY 14263 varied and the skin findings have been described (e-mail: [email protected]). as diffuse, localized, plaquelike, retiform, mottled, VOLUME 75, APRIL 2005 223 Generalized Essential Telangiectasia substances known to produce vasodilatation (eg, estrogens, serotonin, adrenocorticoid steroids) are not implicated in this condition.2 Treatment of GET is difficult. Shelley10,11 has suc- cessfully treated GET with tetracycline and acy- clovir. One also can attempt applying camouflage make-up, self-tanning solutions, and sclerotherapy of larger vessels. Probably the only truly effective ther- apy for GET is laser surgery (eg, pulsed dye laser).12 Conclusion GET is a well-established but uncommonly reported condition consisting of widespread persistent telangi- ectasias of unknown etiology. Although GET is a dif- ficult and costly condition to treat, patients are likely to be grateful and relieved to be given a name for their disease and hear about its benign course. Patchy and reticulate erythema on the arms. REFERENCES 1. Gentele H, Lodin A. Telangiectasia essentialis generalisata of unknown origin. Acta Derm Venereol. 1957;37:465-470. annular, macular, and grouped.2,5 Confluence and 2. McGrae JD, Winkelmann RK. Generalized essential development of purplish blue lesions, especially of telangiectasia: a report of a clinical and histochemical study the earliest distal lesions, have been described.2 of 13 patients with acquired cutaneous lesions. JAMA. There are no epidermal or dermal abnormalities 1963;185:909-913. such as atrophy, purpura, or depigmentation, and 3. Person J, Longcope C. Estrogen and progesterone receptors varicosities are normally absent.5 are not increased in generalized essential telangiectasia. 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An oculocuta- biopsy specimens taken from affected patients neous presentation of essential progressive telangiecta- show dilated thin-walled vessels in the upper der- sia. Br J Dermatol. 1999;140:969-971. mis with a normal overlying epidermis.2,8 This 8. Weedon D. Skin Pathology. New York, NY: Churchill finding may be secondary to hypostasis or struc- Livingstone; 2002. tural defects in the vessel wall.2,9 McGrae and 9. Ossenkoppele PM, Van Vloten WA. Generalized essential Winkelmann2 found the vessels in GET have no telangiectasia. Br J Dermatol. 1991;125:283-284. alkaline phosphatase activity via the diazo-coupling 10. Shelley WB. Essential progressive telangiectasia: successful technique. Possible explanations for this finding treatment with tetracycline. JAMA. 1971;216:1343-1344. include that the vessels are venous in origin or that 11. Shelley WB, Shelley ED. Essential progressive telangiecta- the loss in alkaline phosphatase is related to the dis- sia in an autoimmune setting: successful treatment with ease process.2 Person and Longcope3 performed acyclovir. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1989;21:1094-1096. biopsies on patients with GET and found the 12. Buscaglia DA, Conte ET. Successful treatment of general- telangiectasias to have no estrogen or progesterone ized essential telangiectasia with the 585-nm flashlamp- receptors. This supports the idea that endogenous pumped pulsed dye laser. Cutis. 2001;67:107-108. 224 CUTIS®.
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