DE ZEVENSPRONG GRATIS Auteur: Tonke Dragt Aantal pagina's: 304 pagina's Verschijningsdatum: 2018-06-18 Uitgever: Leopold EAN: 9789025875688 Taal: nl Link: Download hier Horsterwold We zijn een school in de stad en in de buurt. We zetten de deuren open naar de stad om ons heen en we gaan zelf ook naar buiten. Alle kinderen uit de buurt zijn bij ons welkom en we zorgen dat ze zich hier thuis kunnen voelen. Kleine berichtjes Warme maaltijden Interesse in huren keuken? Co-office Inschrijvingen. In verscheen haar eerste boek: Verhalen van de tweelingbroers. Een jaar later kwam De brief voor de koning, dat werd bekroond met de prijs voor het beste kinderboek van het jaar, een voorloper van de Gouden Griffel. Het kreeg ook een vervolg: Geheimen van het Wilde Woud. De meeste kinderboekenschrijvers schreven in die tijd realistische verhalen, maar Tonke creëerde haar eigen werelden, zoals de Rijken van Dagonaut en Unauwen. De hoofdpersoon van De torens van februari kan eens in de vier jaar, op schrikkeldag, naar een andere wereld reizen, en Torenhoog en mijlen breed speelt zich af in de toekomst. Het geheim van de klokkenmaker gaat over een tijdmachine — en vooral over de vraag wat er gebeurt als je daar niet heel voorzichtig mee omgaat…. Tonke houdt van poezen. Die geven haar de mogelijkheid een tijger te aaien. En tijgers intrigeren haar: Ogen van tijgers is niet voor niets geschreven! Al haar poezen en ze heeft er vele gehad zijn op een bijzondere manier bij haar gekomen: aanloopkatten, eenzame katten als het baasje was overleden… Ze krijgen allemaal een naam die met een W begint. Wapperstaart, Woesti en Wicci de Winterpoes zijn de meest recente. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — De Zevensprong by Tonke Dragt. De Zevensprong by Tonke Dragt. Naar aanleiding van een geheimzinnige brief gaat een jonge onderwijzer op onderzoek uit en heeft op elk van de zeven wegen van de zevensprong een wonderlijke ontmoeting. Vanaf ca. Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. Published by Leopold first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about De Zevensprong , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of De Zevensprong. Jul 30, Fran rated it it was amazing · review of another edition. Frans van de Steg, teacher, devoted time at the end of each school day to telling tall tales. A born storyteller, he entranced his students with yarns about his adventures, shipwrecks and desert island escapades as hero, Frans the Red. One day, he told his class that he was expecting a letter and headed for home without weaving a story. An ensuing storm rattled windows, blew open doors and a mysterious letter drifted in requesting that he take a carriage provided by GrGr signature illegible at Frans van de Steg, teacher, devoted time at the end of each school day to telling tall tales. An ensuing storm rattled windows, blew open doors and a mysterious letter drifted in requesting that he take a carriage provided by GrGr signature illegible at P. On the dark, rainy night in question, Frans requested that the coachman stop the traveling carriage and demanded to know its destination. Frans refused to proceed and the coach left him at Sevenways. At school the next day, he questioned the children whom he surmised were playing tricks on him. But no The seventh path, very overgrown and barely perceivable, led to the House of Stairs. This grey stone house, in ill repair, looked haunted, had towers, turrets and was replete with a remarkable number of staircases, ladders and fire escapes. The House of Stairs was a ghost- like dwelling holding many secrets. Legend had it that years ago, Count Gregorius Gresenstein wrote a document, a sealed parchment to be read by the eldest son of a Gresenstein. The catch was that upon the eldest son's eighteenth birthday, if the treasure was not unearthed, the parchment would then be sealed until this son's eldest son was of age to view clues to the treasure. Count Gregorius hid the treasure, Count Gradus,legal guardian of Geert-Jan wanted the treasure, but Count Geert-Jan, age ten, was the rightful owner of the treasure. This explains why Geert-Jan couldn't attend school with the other children and has been held captive by Count Gradus in the House of Stairs. Can Geert-Jan aided by the "Conspiracy of Seven" uncover the secret treasure, if it truly exists, in a timely manner? Dutch writer Tonke Dragt has written an excellent children's book full of riddles, clues and puzzling events. The characters were often multidimensional. Frans van de Steg, teacher was Frans the Red, reluctant hero. Appearances were deceiving. A traditional looking house opened to tents in a wooded area. It was hoped that the true and legal Lord of the House of Stairs, ten year old Geert-Jan would emerge victorious and the dragon or foe would be defeated. I highly recommend it. View all 15 comments. May 24, Annet rated it it was amazing Shelves: fantasy , favorite-author , dutch. Loved this book! Great kid's story for all ages! Jul 17, jade rated it it was amazing · review of another edition Shelves: kids , all-time-faves , dutch-authors. De Zevensprong is one of my childhood favourites that I still reread occasionally, even though I now know the story by heart. The bumbling schoolteacher turns out to be a fearless hero in the end, the man who uses card tricks might even be a real wizard, and the angry young scooter driver might turn out to be the same person as the happy guitar player. The characters in this book are all rather well-developed: especially Frans, the main character and narrator, is unintentionally funny in the way he first rebels against the conspiracy and the fact that he has to believe in a silly prophecy and hunt for treasure. However, his desire to be a real hero instead of a lanky, uncourageous school teacher, eventually breaks through. The children in his class also start to meddle in the whole affair, even more desperate than their teacher to help Geert-Jan. There is also a Dutch TV series of the same name, which I can give just as much recommendation as the book itself. It stays very true to the story, and is also an absolute delight to watch. This one had a great writing style, but the story itself didn't quite captivate me. It had some interesting points, but after the Letter for the King series, this was a bit too plain. I really liked some of the characters, though. A nice book, but I expected more. Sep 08, Chantal rated it really liked it · review of another edition Shelves: ebook-nl , library. When I was a child, we would see this series often on TV and finally, after 30 years I have read the book. I loved the book and how it was written. Easily written and really an adventure with a treasure. Good book for kids, but also grownups. Aug 27, Sylvester rated it it was amazing · review of another edition Shelves: , adventure , children-s , favorites , classic , quirky-families , humor. Not so! This is a story about an ordinary teacher - or is he? Are you ordinary if there's a prophecy written about you and your name is just right and even the colour of your hair? The teacher knows there is no " He visits magician and finds out that appearances are deceptive" "He hears about a hidden treasures and a rhyme written in stone" "He hears about the sealed parchment" "He ventures into forbidden territory" With chapter descriptions like that, one would expect to be reading a fantasy novel. The teacher knows there is no such thing as magic, but how can he explain the strange things that keep happening to him, and this reply to a letter he never wrote? I absolutely loved this story, how it combined humour and wit and threw in every trope imaginable - a magician, an orphan, an evil count, a spy, hidden treasure, a secret society, a huge old house The story is like a riddle that keeps turning in on itself. Is there magic or not? Is magic "real", or, could it possibly be that the "real" is magic? Very much the questions of everyday life, if you ask me. I can't say enough. I wish I had read this as a kid, but better late than never. Jun 27, Buddy rated it it was amazing. This is why I started writing. View 2 comments. Mar 14, Todayiamadaisy rated it liked it · review of another edition Shelves: children. This is a Dutch children's classic, apparently; I suspect I came to it too late to really enjoy it. It's a mystery story about a young schoolteacher who gets involved in a search for missing treasure. I found it a bit slow and repetitive at the start, but overall quite charming. Dec 06, Anne rated it it was amazing Shelves: dutch-literature. I really enjoyed this book as a kid. Jan 12, Bruce Gargoyle rated it really liked it · review of another edition Shelves: adult-fiction , body-parts , adventure , arc-reviews , kid-lit , old-folks , allen-unwin , bizarre , middle-grade-fiction , classics.
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