ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS |^^Wi^Ly7T^^*75|7V^^^^^^^^^^^^5^^^^S^| P^S^HV^ "The South's Foremost ! THISWEEK The Vamonos Van. Money-maker Politicalcrock. Will someoneplease Sleepy? Hypnotist entrances900 Down with the Paladins! The ♥ or money pit? » step upin theSGA? Room audience. men's soccer team upsets Furman. Established 1914 | NEWS 2 OPINIONS 13 A&L16 SPORTS 17 Gist found not guilty in public trial By Sarah Ogdkn situation. It seemed that people StaffWriter came in against the Honor Coun- cil." An estimated one-third of the Said Damon Colbert, one of College's student population the two Defense Advisors: "We crammedintothe900Room Tues- wereexpectingthe crowdbecause day night for thefirst openHonor Ryantoldus thathehadbeenadver- Codehearingofthe year. Thelast tising. Ithrive off of crowdslike openhearing,inthespringof 1997. that, so theenergy justhelpedus. It drew onlyasmallcrowdbecauseit just madeus rise to the occasion." opened up at the last minute, ac- "In a way, the crowdkind of cording to Charlotte Hildebrand, made me nervous," said Katie Chairpersonof theHonorCouncil. Nelson, another Council member. "I was so excited that people "But Iwasn't so nervous that I came," defendant Ryan Gist said couldn't do my job. Itotally felt after the proceedings. "Because likeit waseveryoneagainstus. We peoplesay that ourgeneration'sso arethere toprotect thestudentbody apathetic, and this issue brought orprotectRyan,andIfeltthatit was aboutsuchresponse.Peopleweren't unfair ofpeopletobe hostile." cominghere to seeme. Theywere "I knew a lot of people were comingherebecauseI'mbeingpros- coming,"saidJosieHoover,one of ecutedfor somethingthatshouldn't the two StudentSolicitors. "But I beprosecuted,somethingthatthey don'tthink youcanfeeltheeffects 5eanLutmer believe ♥Hundreds of students packedthe 900 RoomTuesdaynight for Ryan Gist'strial. in." of the sheer numbers until you're When askedwhyherequested there, and you're surrounded by anopenhearing.Gistsaid,"IfIwas people,and they're alljust staring Poll: Students questioning theHonor down, us, ' Code going to go Iwanted the at you. Especiallywith because By Michael J.Kruse what sHonorCodeandwhat'sCode aseriousproblemis whatit shows." school tosee mego down." Ifeltlikesomanypeople werejust EditorinChief ofResponsibility. It shouldn'tbea "What (he)Gist waschargedwith "We were not expecting a against us." mystery." was Social Responsibility," crowd,"saidDeepaKamath,oneof Gist,aseniorROTCcadet,was The students have spoken. "That's about whatIexpected," Shandley explained. "Did hisbe- thesixHonorCouncilmemberswho charged with violatingSection III In a poll conducted Wednesday Gist saidSunday. "Ithink for some haviorreflectpersonalmaturity,did conducted the trial. "We were,in of theCodeof Responsibility after andThursday by the Davidsonian, people,because of the decision,it it conform to a high standard of fact, worriedaboutitbeing a prob- removingthe American flagfrom 48 percentof the382 students who strengthenedtheirfaithintheHonor courtesy and propriety, which is lemas far as settingthe toneof the the DavidsonPost Office Sept. 4. respondedsaidtheyhad lost some Code. what theCodesays?"— — entire trial. Basically, we were Herequestedtheopenhearingafter measureoffaithintheHonorCode "Maybe they didn't understand Still,allbut 12 96.8 percent worriedaboutthepressure,andthe refusing to submit to the Judicial and/or Code ofResponsibilitybe- that it really shouldn't have gone of the near 400 students polled distracting behaviorandthe flags. Committeealmosttwo weeksago. cause of Ryan Gist's public trial that far." agreed with the Honor Council's "Ididn'tappreciate that. We Late inarriving,the members Tuesdayin the900Room. According to the poll,85.2 per- verdict. wereconcernedabouthow theSo- of the Council, the Defense Advi- "It wasn't anHonor Code case, cent ofstudents thought thematter "Thatsurprisesme,actually"Gist licitors were going to handle the See Trial onpage5 soit'sratherconfusing thatitwould shouldneverhavebeenbrought to said, "that anybody could have lessentheirfaithintheHonorCode," trialbytheDeanofStudentsOffice. wanted toconvict me." Coverage Dean of Students Tom Shandley Only 56 participants agreed with When asked if he agreed, More Gist theadministration'sdecisionto try "No The numbers. The Davidsonianpresents all the factsand figures from the student poll saidwhenreachedinhis officeFri- Shandley replied, comment." conducted Wednesday and Thursday. Page 5. day afternoon. Gist. "Because Idon't want tosecond The reaction. Studentresponse to the trial, as written onmanyofthe 382polls. Page 5. "It's probably misunderstood 'That'sabout right onthemoney guesstheprocess,"headded. "The The transcription. Miss thetrial Tuesday night? We didn't. The proceedings in their among the student body about there,"Gist said. "It showsthereis process worked." entirety,pages6-7. KoestneraddressesDavidsondaterape policy andprotocol By Jessica Goodson whetherpenetrationoccurs,ifitin- For instance, is silence the Physical incapacitation is a it for a spin,' Normacan't because News Editor cludestheunwantedtouchingof an equivalentofconsent? particularproblem oncollegecam- drinkinganddrivingisillegal.Even intimatepartof anotherperson." IfNormaDavidsonconsented puses. One caneasilybe incapaci- if the car dooropens for her as she Katie Koestnersat down with Koestner pointed out that the last Friday, is that consent appli- tatedby alcohol,whichis involved approaches,the interioris embroi- students, faculty, and administra- terminology of this definition is cablethisFriday? in 90 percent of sexual assaults. dered with her name, and the car tion Wednesday to offer criticism ambiguous."Unwanted touching" Ifapersonisreputedlypromis- Although thedegreeof inebriation See Critique onpage4 oftheCollege-policyandprocedure implies that it is the potential cuous,is there unspokenconsent? is ultimately individual, there are for sexualmisconduct. recipient'sresponsibilitytomakeit Askingquestionssuchas these, three official stages: intoxicated, INDEX "Policyshouldbeeducational," clearwhethertouchingisunwanted, Koestnersaid.isimperative forcre- impaired,andfinally,incapacitated. Koestnersaid."AllIknow is what whereasKoestnerbelievesthat itis ating asensiblepolicy. Cases where both parties are SGA ELECTIONS 3 Iread.Ifit's inthehandbook,I the tofind The current Davidson policy incapacitatedareparticularlytough not initiator's responsibility KATIEKOESTNER 4 don'tknow it." out if touchingis wanted. doesnot explainhow todetermine to judge. EDITORIAL 10 Underthecurrent policy,sexual She preferredto define sexual if consent is given. In addition. "This is where theinitiator/re- misconduct consists of sexual as- assaultas sexualactivity where the Davidson'spolicydoesnotdescribe cipientroles come into play."said LETTERS 10 sault— includingrape— andsexual activityis not consented toby both situationswhichinvolveminors or Koestner. "If Normais drunk and THOUGHTSONGIST....11 harassment. Sexual assault is de- parties.Inturn,"consent,"Koestner mentallyorphysicallyincapacitated her best friend pulls upinhis new ARTS & LIVING 14 finedas any assault,"regardless of said,"shouldbegivenparameters." partners. Porsheandsays 'goaheadandtake SPORTS 20 FirstClassMail Has my faith intheHonor Codelessened? Youassume it was strong to begin with. U.S. PostagePaid Permit#7 Davidson. NC 28036 Written by an anonymous student ona Davidsonian student pollconcerningthe Ryan Gist trial j 2 THEDAVIDSONIAN News TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 Vamonos Van: New Union on drawingboard money-maker or money pit? By Jenny Hapgood transportstudentstoand from off- Staff Writer campusparties. This is animpor- tant aspect of theprogram,andthe Picture this: Friday night has SGA hopesstudents willutilizethe arrived and you and your friends yanas opposedtodrinkinganddriv- feel the time has come to venture ing. "We'regoing todoeverything off campus. Unfortunately, you we can to make sure people don't lack ameansof transportation.Just drinkanddrive,"saidChris Tuttle, when you think allis lost and the chairof theRides Committee. night is ruined, youremember the Currently,theVamonosVanis SGA's transportationservice. rentedfromDavidson for $39.00a With anewprogramandanew night. OnFriday,Sept. 13, the Van outlook, theVamonosVan willtake carriedbetween30 and 40 people. I ■ I you and fourteenothers anywhere Theprofithasnot been substantial, ♥According to preliminary administrative plansand this artistic representation,the between Huntersville and andas of now,theSGA is taking a new Union will incorporate what is now Johnston Gym. Mooresvillefor $1.00. noticeablehit totheirbudget. With This year, there is no estab- anaccommodatingroute,increased Vagtprovidingnecessary impetus building lished route the van must follow. advertising,andpositive feedback for Consequently,students won't find from devoted passengers, the By Naresh Nagella ees willdecide on theactual firm. the emphasis on the new Union shuttledtodestinations VamonosVan will themselves ostensiblydraw NewsEditor Anartist'srepresentationwasdone wouldtakeaway fromthecomplete otherthantheirown. Drivers will morecustomers. by Little and Associates of Char- revamping of the track, although also via communicate a passenger Chauffeurs undergo a brief WiththeLifeScienceBuilding lotte. "theprojects aredifferent and work log tomake theirone- hour shifts training course that consists of ' wellunderway,oneoftheCollege s Dean of Students Tom independently of each other," efficient for driving more boththemselves watching a video and the next
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