53 BEWICICE AVE. N@RTH VANCOUVER, B.C. V7M 3E6 06/21/96 C Interfor logging. trespass borders Garibaldi Park only at By Ron Enns suspended until the forest service con- u-1 cludes its investigation. The majority of BE91 The logging of two to three hectares the falling in the cut block was com- of timber in a buffer zone along the pleted just before winter set in last northern border of Garibaldi Provincial year. Park happened because of a discrepan- Yarding of the felled timber was cy over the boundary of the park, says under way at the time. the general manager of International The forest service granted approval Forest Products’ coast forestry opera- July 4, 1994 for Interfor to commence tions. operations in the 15-hectare cut block. 76oi mbined Tom Lundgren said the trespass log- Cut block boundaries are determined inlyat ging in the Ure Creek area, about 20 with maps and photos and are to be kilometres southeast of Pernberton, marked by the company using a com- 1311 occurred because of confusion about pass and chain, Squamish Forest -1 the boundary of the park and the sub- District operations manager Don sequent boundary of a leave strip, Kinnear said Friday. which was intended to be a buffer Kinnear said it has not yet been deter- between the cut block and the park. mined how or why the trespass “We logged right up to where we occurred. The investigation is continu- thought we had permission,” ing and may be completed by the end us iosit Lundgren said Friday. of this week. 3259 Interfor holds a forest licence in the Timber worth between $90,000 and nbined area and Le Blanc Brothers Logging $130,080 to the provincial government ily at was contracted to do the work on the was felled in the trespass of the cut cut block. block. I. ,Lundgen said the cut block bound- . ,The amount of mgney that would be 9. aries-were laid out for Interfor .b.y a i ‘paid by Interfor to the provincial gov- contractor using a global positioning ernment for harvesting timber in the system (GPS). The B.C. Forest Service cut block is about $44,000 per hectare approves specified cut blocks laid out (based on a stumpage rate of $36 per on maps and charges forest companies cubic metre and a bonus bid amount of with establishing the boundaries in the $50 per cubic metre). Forest companies field. sell timber on the market at a substan- 1582’ However, the GPS data Interfor tially higher rate to make a profit after ibinec . ATest Of Metal,... And Stamina . ’ obtained to mark the cut block‘s paying overhead costs and stumpage -ily at boundary and then leave a buffer fees. Ken Kamachi of New Westminster, a membefof Team Toungeless headed by his cousin between the cut block and the park is The total amount of timber approved Mark Kamachi of Squamish, whizzes through Dead“End Loop during the Brodie Test of 81 conflicting with other information to be harvested from the cut block was -1 Metal Sunday afternoon above Alice Lake Provincial Park. The team’s motto is “Pant till about the park‘s actual boundary. 7,665 cubic metres. you can’t’’, and 380 riders from all over the province and Washington State did just that Lundgren said he is not aware of any The trees that were cut were 150 years under. warm, sunny skies. Ross Wahl photo survey done of the park boundary, As old to more than 200 years old. The well, Lundgren said there is confusion species of the trees felled include west- about the size that the buffer was sup- ern hemlock, balsam fir, yellow cedar - posed to be. and some Douglas fir. Newport3 future unknown A news release issued by the Under the Forest Act, fines can be 911, By Ron Enns Newport developments for the past couple of Squamish Forest District said the levied against companies up to three \bine( include the Newport City months. Ministry of Environment, Lands and times of the value of the timber to the ly at The future of the 900 sin- Club in downtown ”I don’t know what’s Parks has been notified of the trespass government. gle- and multi-family Vancouver and the happening. It’s on hold cutting. With trespasses, the amount of the homes and a golf course as Newport Golf and Country indefinitely,” Leong said. Interfor reported to the B.C. Forest fine is determined using the stumpage part of the Newport Ridge Club and Newport Ridge “I know there have been Service June 15 of the falling in the rates and bonus rates that were in development is unknown Estates, both in Squamish, internal problems with’ leave strip area and an initial investiga- effect at the time of the trespass. As after an $8.9-million suit adjacent to Garibaldi (Newport) in Vancouver. tion by the forest service determined a well, the forest service reported that was filed in B.C. Supreme Highlands and Garibaldi But I have very little infor- trespass of about two to three hectares Interfor is prepared to take all remedial Court by Newport’s mort- Estates. mation on what’s happen- that occurred across a cutting bound- measures necessary, which may gage lender. Paul Leong of Paul Leong ing.” ary. include remediation for site degrada- The phone was not being Architects, the Vancouver Some houses have been Paul Kuster, district manager of the tion and full reforestation. answered last week at architect of the Squamish built on 35 lots in the Squamish Forest District, issued an The forest practices code, which came Pacific World Management development, said he has Bluejay Place area at the order to cease all operations in the cut into effect June 15 and provides for Ltd., developer behind the not spoken to anyone at west end of Pia Road in block. heavier fines and stiffer penalties, is L13 Newport developments. Pacifil World Manigement. - PZease turn to Puge 2 Operations in the area will remain not retroactive. -1 c mwns Should Squumish Baf@Alone Winds Fill Saik Conservation offi- Malibu Rum race cer has advice tor’ series opens on tree‘planters Howe Sound Bug@3 page 35 I By Patricia Heinkman antigens, then the. potential donor’s blood retested for all six antigens. .There is a factory in the human body It works If a match continues after the second blood te! I day-in, day-out to produce blood cells; .red cells a third blood test is done by the Red Cross ar that carry oxygen, white cells that fight infection,‘ -the physician at the hospital wherethe transp’a ICBC Claims and platelets that help clot bleeding.. will occur, in which five to 12 tubes of-blood a General Civil Litigation But this bone marrow factory not only fuels life. taken sted for transmissible diseases, DN It can destroy life. When bone marrow becomes . (gene up) matchink mixed lymphocy diseased (as in leukemia) or fails to produce cells . cultures and iron content of the blood. The donc (as in aplastic anemia) there are sometimes few has a complete physical hcluding a chest X-r: Squamish options for treatment or chances of survival. and ECG. Scott said that on average it takes thrt One form of treatment, which is often the las months for all the test results to be complete 201-1365 Pemberton Ave. resort when all other possible treatment,options and for the marrow recipient to make up his ’ 8925254 have been exhausted, is to destroy the patient’s her mind and.prepare for the transplant. diseased marrow and repla’ce it with the marrow The marrow extraction itself is only a 20-mhu of a healthy matching donor. For some patients a operation, but more thai likely the donor will t bone marrow transplant is their last chance at kept in hospital for two days for observatioi RONNIE’S PICK life. says Scott. Under general anesthetic, two needlt OFTHE WEEK! A group of about 20 eager and interested people pierce the pelvic bone of the donor and the ma -is/ gathered at Howe Sound Secondary School’s row is sucked ,out, Scott said. The amour cafeteria June 19 to inform themselves about the depends on the age and size of the recipient. Th An Oldie, But a Goodie! Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry. The marrow is shipped to the recipient immediate] information session is a prerequisite to becoming for transplant. a potentail bone marrow donor. It is designed to But at what point can the donor change his c put any potential donors at ease, to answer any her mind?, one of the potential donors asks Scot questions and to make sure people, are fully “A donor can quit at any time, but once th aware of the steps which lead up to marrow patient’s chemotherapy starts it’s the point of n donation before they are tested. return for the patient,” Scott replies. “The chem “We make these information sessions mandato- usually starts about seven days.before the trans ry for many reasons,” said Donna Scott who led plant. It will kill all the patient’s diseased bont the information session. “The United States does- marrow, so if they don’t get a transplant at thi! n’t have these mandatory sessions and about half point, they have no marrow to create blood and Call Ronnie McCartney today their donors say no after a paflial match has been carry oxygen through the body. to have a look.
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