ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2004 Band/Volume: 17_3_4 Autor(en)/Author(s): Kuch Ulrich, McGuire Jimmy A. Artikel/Article: Range Extensions of Lycodon capucinus BOIE, 1827 in eastern Indonesia 191-193 ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 17 (3/4) Wien, 30. Dezember 2004 SHORT NOTE 191 Wiebeisheim (Aula). CRNOBRNJA-ISAILOVIC, J. & China, the Philippines, and Indonesia (DE ALEKSIC, I. (1999): First record of Coluber najadum Roou 1917; DE HAAS 1950; BOSCH 1985; EICHWALD (1831) in Serbia.-Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade; 51 (3): 47P-48P. DIMOVSKI, A. (1963): Herpetofauna ISKANDAR & COLIJN 2001). A recent colo- na skopska kotlina. I - zoogeografski i ekoloski pre- nization of Christmas Island, about 320 km gled.- Godisen zbornik Prirodno-matematickog fakul- south of Java, was reported by L. A. SMITH teta, Univerziteta u Skoplju, Skoplje; knjiga 14, (1988). In eastern Indonesia, L. capucinus Biologija2: 189-221. DIMOVSKI, A. (1966): Herpeto- fauna na skopska kotlina. II - faunisticki del.- Godisen has been known from central, southwestern, zbornik Prirodno-matematickog fakulteta, Univerziteta and southeastern Sulawesi (DE ROOU 1917; u Skoplju, Skoplje; knjiga 16, Biologija 4: 179-188. ISKANDAR & TJAN 1996) and from the DZUKIC, G (1972): Herpetoloska zbirka Prirodnjackog Lesser Sunda Islands of Sumbawa, Sumba, muzeja u Beogradu. (Herpetological collection of the Belgrade museum of natural history).- Glasnik Savu, Roti, Timor, Flores, Lomblem, Alor, Prirodnjackog muzeja, Beograd; (Ser. B) 27: 165-180. Lembata, and Wetar (DE ROOU 1917; How et DZUKIC, G (1995): Diverzitet vodozemaca (Amphibia) al. 1996). Recent new island records for L. i gmizavaca (Reptilia) Jugoslavie, sa pregledom vrsta capucinus include Lombok, Moyo, Komo- od medunarodnog znaéaja; pp. 449-469. In: STEVANO- VIC, V. & VASIC, V. (eds): Biodiverzitet Jugoslavie. do, Adonara, Pantar, Kisar and Semau in the Beograd (Bioloski fakultet & Ecolibri), 562 pp. Lesser Sunda Islands, and Babar and Kai in DZUKIC, G & PASULJEVIC, G (1979): O rasprostranjen- Southeastern Maluku (How et al. 1996; ju ljuskavog gusterà - Algyroides nigropunctatus (Du- MONK et al. 1997; ISKANDAR & COLIJN 2001 MÉRIL & BIBRON, 1839) Reptilia, Lacertidae.- Biosiste- matika, Beograd; 5 (1): 61-70. KARAMAN, S. (1931): [politically, the islands of Wetar and Kisar Zooloske prilike skopske kotline.- Glasnik skopskog also belong to Southeastern Maluku re- naucnog drustva, Skoplje; knjiga 10, Odeljenje prirod- gency]). Here we report the presence of L. nih nauka, 4: 1-16. KARAMAN, S. (1939): Über die capucinus on the islands of Ambon, Seram Verbreitung der Reptilien in Jugoslavien.- Ann. Mus. Serbiae Meridionalis, Skoplje; 1(1): 1-20. MATVEJEV, and Bum (Central Maluku regency) from S. D. (1961): Biogeografija Jugoslavie. Bioloski insti- where we examined a total of six speci- tut NR Srbije, Monograph. 9. Beograd (Naucna knji- mens. ga), 232 pp. MATVEJEV, S. D. & PUNCER, I. J. (1989): Karta bioma, predeli Jugoslavie i njihova zastita.- Vouchers are deposited in the follow- Glasnik Prirodnjackog Muzeja, Beograd; Posebna ing collections: Forschungsinstitut und Na- izdanja 36: 1-76. PASULJEVIC, G (1968): Prilog pozna- turmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am vanju herpetofaune Kosova.- Zbornik Filozofskog Main, Germany (SMF); Texas Memorial fakulteta, Pristina; 1:61-74. RADOVANOVIC, M. (1951): Vodozemci i gmizavci nase zemlje. Beograd (Naucna Museum, The University of Texas at Austin, knjiga), 250 pp. RADOVANOVIC, M. (1964): Die Ver- USA (TNHC). On Seram we collected two breitung der Amphibien und Reptilien in Jugoslawien.- specimens on 14 April 1998 between 19:00 Senckenbergiana biol., Frankfurt a. Main; 45 (3/5): and 21:00 on the road between the villages 553-561. Kairatu and Wae Samu on the western coast KEY WORDS: Reptilia: Testudines: Testudini- (SMF 82999), and 28 km NW (by road) of dae: Testudo graeca, distribution, Serbia and Monte- the Kairatu ferry port on the same road negro, new country record (TNHC 59520). On Buru, we collected a SUBMITTED: April 19, 2004 specimen (SMF 83000) on 18 April 1998 AUTHORS: Ljiljana TOMOVIC, Institute of Zo- ology, Faculty of Biology, Studentski trg 16, 11000 near the village of Labuan, Namrole, on the Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro < [email protected]. south coast. The Buru specimen regurgitat- ac.yu >; Rastko AJTIC, Institute for Nature Con- ed a partly digested, scincid lizard a few servation of Serbia, Dr Ivana Ribara 91, 11070 hours after capture. Three specimens of L. Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, Dorde DOKOVIC, Sasa ANTIC, Biology Students Association "Josif capucinus from the harbour town Waai in Pancic", Studentski trg 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and northeastern Ambon (SMF, uncatalogued) Montenegro. document its presence on that island as early as 1956. The six specimens reported herein are Range extensions the first records of L. capucinus and the of Lycodon capucinus BOIE, 1827 genus Lycodon FITZINGER, 1826 for the in eastern Indonesia islands of Ambon, Seram and Buru, and for the regency of Central Maluku and the The colubrid snake Lycodon capuci- northern Maluku biogeographical subregion nus BOIE, 1827 is widely distributed (sensu How & KITCHENER 1997). In their throughout Southeast Asia, southeastern external phenotype, these specimens closely ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 192 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 17 (3/4) Wien, 30. Dezember 2004 SHORT NOTE resemble descriptions of this taxon as pro- Island (L. A. SMITH 1988), and is thought to vided by DE Roou (1917) and MERTENS account for the lack of morphological differ- (1930). entiation of populations through the Lesser The Greater Sunda Islands on the Sunda region (How et al. 1996). Similarly, Sunda shelf, Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda in the Philippines LEVITON (1965) demon- Islands harbor a snake fauna originating strated that L. capucinus is widely distrib- from Asian genera and species, while the uted but showed no apparent tendency to islands of southern and northern Maluku, evolve morphologically distinct populations Irian Jaya and adjacent islands are inhabited on different islands. He attributed these find- by genera and species that are more closely ings to a presumed recent arrival and disper- related to those in the Australo-Papuan sal in the Philippines, where L. capucinus region (How & KITCHENER 1997). Within was mainly associated with human habita- the snakes of Indonesia, there is in addition tions. evidence for considering the Lesser Sunda The specimens from Seram were col- Islands and the southern and northern lected from an asphalted road in an area Maluku Islands as three unique biogeo- used for timber production and related indus- graphic subregions with differing regions of tries. The nearby port of Kairatu is served origin for their assemblages, a relatively several times per day by ferries from Waai in high degree of endemism and areas of incip- Ambon, and has been used by international ient speciation (How & KITCHENER 1997). timber companies as well as by transmi- The currently known distribution of L. grants arriving from western Indonesia. No capucinus in Indonesia is clearly incongru- specimens of I. capucinus had been collect- ent with these patterns: This species occurs ed during several biological surveys in in Sumatra, Java, Karimunjawa, Bawean Manusela National Park in central Seram in and Bali, but had never been reported from the late 1980s and early 1990s (EDGAR & Borneo until the discovery of a single spec- LILLEY 1993; MONK et al. 1997). The col- imen in a residential area (apparently in lecting locality of the Buru specimen is near Sabah [STUEBING & INGER 1999]; ISKANDAR the main port of southern Buru (Labuan) & COLIJN [2001] also list this species for which is several times per week served by Kalimantan). From Bali it ranges east across supply ships from other Maluku islands, Wallace's line and well into the southern namely Ambon. In view of its recently dis- and northern Maluku biogeographical sub- covered presence in Buru and Seram, the regions (How et al. 1996; this paper). existence of L. capucinus in collections Throughout this biogeographically unlikely made in Ambon in the 1950s is not surpris- range, morphological differentiation in L. ing. For centuries, Ambon served as the capucinus is remarkably low. Among four principal regional basis for European colo- snake species from the Lesser Sunda Islands nialization, travel, commerce, and research studied by How et al. (1996), L. capucinus throughout the Maluku and western New showed the least morphological variation, Guinean regions. Ambon's ports continue to with most populations overlapping consid- connect the region, thus also bearing consid- erably. These authors noted no variation in erable potential for dispersing introduced body colour or pattern in the specimens col- fauna and flora in Maluku and beyond. We lected for their study, a fact also commented therefore propose the hypothesis, for testing on by MERTENS (1930) and confirmed by the in a phylogenetic context, that the presence specimens from Ambon, Buru and Seram, of L. capucinus in Ambon is due to human which are very similar to L. capucinus from activities, and that this species was intro- western Indonesia (e.g., urban Jakarta). The duced to Buru and Seram during
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