Bibliography of Periodical Literature COMPILED BY NORBERT SCHOLZ This section lists articles and reviews of books relevant to Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Entries are classified under the following headings: Reference and General; History (through 1948) and Geography; Palestinian Politics and Society; Jerusalem; Israeli Politics, Society, and Zionism; Arab and Middle Eastern Politics; International Relations; Law; Military; Economy, Society, and Education; Literature, Arts, and Culture; and Book Reviews. REFERENCE AND GENERAL Abou Al-Majd, Ahmad K. “Approaches to Reforming Contemporary Religious Discourse.” CAA 6, no. 2 (Apr. 13): 172–88. Badi, Jamal A., and Lukman A. Olorogun. “The Impact of Islamic Religious Schema on the Muslims and Their Behaviour.” IJACMSD 2, no. 4 (Apr. 12): 318–48. Council for British Research in the Levant – Research Initiatives. “The Investigation of Multiple Identities in the Middle East.” BCBRL 7, no. 1 (Oct. 12): 73–86. Clark, Peter. “Bernard Lewis.” Critical Muslim,no.3(Jul.–Sep. 12): 31–40. Hanssen, Jens. “Reading Hannah Arendt in the Middle East: Rethinking Totalitarianism and Its Arab Readings” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 75–107. Valassopoulos, Anastasia. “Introduction: Arab Cultural Studies.” JCR 16, no. 2 & 3 (12): 105–15. _____, Tarik Sabry, Caroline Rooney, et al. “Arab Cultural Studies - Thinking Aloud: Theorizing and Planning for the Future of a Discipline.” JCR 16, no. 2 & 3 (Jul. 12): 117–34. HISTORY (THROUGH 1948) AND GEOGRAPHY Armianu, Irina. “Kenizé Mourad and Early Middle Eastern Feminism.” LR 1, no. 2 (12): 205–15. Banko, Lauren. “The Creation of Palestinian Citizenship under an International Mandate: Legislation, Discourses and Practices, 1918–1925.” Citizenship Studies 16, no. 5 & 6 (Aug. 12): 641–55. Council for British Research in the Levant – Research Initiatives. “Long-term Landscape Environment and Climate Change Studies, from the Past through to Predictive Models for Future Developments.” BCBRL 7, no. 1 (Oct. 12): 60–70. _____. “The Origins, Development and Practice of Economic and Social Strategies in the Middle East from Earliest Times to the Modern Day.” BCBRL 7, no. 1 (Oct. 12): 42–59. Cesarani, David. “The war on terror that failed: British counter-insurgency in Palestine 1945–1947 and the ‘Farran Affair’.” Small Wars and Insurgencies 23,no.4&5(Oct.–Dec. 12): 648–70. Goldstein, Yossi. “Turkey Above All: Ben-Gurion’s Belief in the Ottoman Empire.” Jama’a, no. 20 (2012): 51–72. Khalidi, Issam. “Coverage of Sports News in Filastin, 1911–1948.” SS 13, no. 5 & 6 (Nov. 2012): 764–76. Piterberg, Gabriel. “The Zionist Settlement in Palestine as Settler Colonialism: The Formative Impact of the German Project in the Ostmark.” Orient 54, no. 2 (13): 24–29. Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. XLIII, No. 1 (Autumn 2013), p. 1, ISSN: 0377-919X; electronic ISSN: 1533-8614. © 2013 by the Institute for Palestine Studies. All rights reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions website, at http://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintInfo.asp. DOI: 10.1525/jps.43.1.bibliography. Autumn 2013 || 1 Bibliography of Periodical Literature Al-Salim, Farid. “Élite Victorians and Their Quest for a Jewish Homeland: A Convergence of Religious and Imperial Worldviews.” JSAMES 35, no. 4 (Sum. 12): 1–27. Shbeib, Samih. “Settlement and Immigration in Zionist Thought, 1864–1939” [in Arabic]. ShF, no. 248 (Spr. 12): 83–126. PALESTINIAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY Abu-Rabia, Aref, and Nibal Khalil. “Mourning Palestine: Death and Grief Rituals.” Anthropology of the Middle East 7, no. 2 (Win. 12): 1–18. Abuqamar, Mazen, Danny Coomans, and Fred Louckx. “Health Behaviour and Health Awareness in Infant Mortality in the Gaza Strip.” European Journal of Public Health 22, no. 4 (Aug. 12): 539–44. Awad, Samir A. “Politics in Palestine.” Orient 54, no. 2 (13): 50–56. Badwan, Ali. “Palestine Liberation Organization: Present Status and Prospects for Development” [in Arabic]. ShF, no. 248 (Spr. 12): 29–45. Ball, Anna. “Impossible Intimacies: Towards a Visual Politics of ‘Touch’ at the Israeli-Palestinian Border.” JCR 16, no. 2 & 3 (12): 175–95. Batmah, Nadia. “The Nakba and Palestinian Cultural Heritage and Identity” [in Arabic]. ShF,no.248 (Spr. 12): 219–37. Beinin, Joel. “Mixing, Separation, and Violence in Urban Spaces and the Rural Frontier in Palestine.” ASJ 21, no. 1 (Spr. 13): 14–47. Bhasin, Tavishi, and Maia C. Hallward. “Hamas as a Political Party: Democratization in the Palestinian Territories.” TPV 25, no. 1 (Jan. 13): 75–93. Daraghimah, Muhammad. “Ariel and Marda: The New Settlement is Swallowing the Old Village” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 147–52. Duerr, Glen M. E. “Playing for identity and Independence: The Issue of Palestinian Statehood and the Role of FIFA.” SS 13, no. 5 & 6 (Nov. 12): 653–66. Falk, Richard. “Rethinking the Palestinian Future.” JPS 168, no. 4 (Sum. 13): 73–86. Fareed, Morad. “Diary Entries Written during the Road to the 2006 Mundial – From the Diary of Morad Fareed, Palestinian National Team Member.” SS 13, no. 5 & 6 (Nov. 12): 834–44. Fayyad, Salam. “Interview with Salam Fayyad” [in Arabic]. ShF, no. 248 (Spr. 12): 8–28. Feldman, Ilana. “The Challenge of Categories: UNRWA and the Definition of a ‘Palestine Refugee’.” Journal of Refugee Studies 25, no. 3 (Sep. 12): 387–406. Hatuka, Tali. “Civilian Consciousness of the Mutable Nature of Borders: The Power of Appearance along a Fragmented Border in Israel/Palestine.” Political Geography 31, no. 6 (Aug. 12): 347–57. Hilal, Jamil. “Palestinian Nationalism in the Face of Politics” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 8–17. Jaber, Muhammad. “The Palestinian Aghwar Region: Land Grab or Development?” [in Arabic]. ShF, no. 248 (Spr. 12): 198–218. Johnston, Hank, and Eitan Y. Alimi. “Primary Frameworks, Keying and the Dynamics of Contentious Politics: The Islamization of the Chechen and Palestinian National Movements.” Political Studies 60, no. 3 (Oct. 12): 603–20. Kawtharani, Wajih. “Memory and History in Shafic al-Hout’sMemoirs‘My Life in the PLO’” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 35–43. Kopti, Abir. “Successes and Failures of Popular Resistance: Bab al-Shams as an Example” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 44–55. Leech, Philip. “Why Jabal an-Nar? Researching Nablus.” BCBRL 7, no. 1 (Oct. 12): 30–35. Matesan, Ioana E. “What Makes Negative Frames Resonant? Hamas and the Appeal of Opposition to the Peace Process.” TPV 25, no. 5 (12): 671–705. 2 || Journal of Palestine Studies Bibliography of Periodical Literature Mawla, Saud. “Islamic Resistance in Palestine” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 56–74. Nets-Zehngut, Rafi. “Collective Self-Healing Process: The Israeli Palestinian Case.” Conflict Resolution Quarterly 30, no. 2 (Dec. 12): 243–67. Phoenix, Aisha. “Palestine Online: Transnationalism, the Internet and the Construction of Identity.” Social Identities 18, no. 5 (Sep. 12): 623–25. Pugh, Jeffrey D. “Whose Brother’s Keeper? International Trusteeship and the Search for Peace in the Palestinian Territories.” International Studies Perspectives 13, no. 4 (Nov. 12): 321–43. Ramlawi, Nabil. “The Gaza Strip between Liberation and Israeli Hegemony: The Legal Status of the Gaza Strip” [in Arabic]. ShF, no. 248 (Spr. 12): 46–82. Rashed, Haifa, and Damien Short. “Genocide and Settler Colonialism: Can a Lemkin-inspired Genocide Perspective Aid Our Understanding of the Palestinian Situation?” International Journal of Human Rights 16, no. 8 (Dec. 12): 1142–69. Rüsche, Alexander. “Business as Usual, Bloodshed or Boycott? The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict in the Post Peace Process Era.” Orient 54, no. 2 (13): 30–36. Sahli, Nabil. “The Judaization of Sacred Places in Palestine” [in Arabic]. SA, no. 144 (Win. 13): 173–79. Seidel, Timothy. “Development, Religion, and Modernity in Palestine-Israel.” CrossCurrents 62, no. 4 (Dec. 12): 424–41. Shahin, Khalil. “The Palestine Question in the Midst of a Regional Settlement that Reinforces the ‘Israeli Spring’” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 190–95. Shenar, Chaim. “Palestinian Hamas and the Algerian Front Islamique du Salut: The Way to Power” [in Hebrew]. HH, no. 51 (12): 114–30. Shweiki, Omar. “Palestinian Civil Society and the Question of Representation.” BCBRL 7, no. 1 (Oct. 12): 36–41. Soueid, Mahamoud, et al. “Tribute to Elias Shoufani” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 153–62. Stewart, Kenda R. “A Hobby or Hobbling? Playing Palestinian Women’sSoccerinIsrael.” SS 13, no. 5 & 6 (Nov. 12): 739–63. Tamari, Salim. “Normalcy and Violence: The Yearning for the Ordinary in Discourse of the Arab-Israeli Conflict.” JPS 42, no. 4 (Sum. 13): 48–60. Timm, Laura. “Nur leere Worte? Das palästinensische Versöhnungsabkommen und seine Umsetzung.” Giga Focus Nahost (Aug.12): 1–8. Veronese, Guido, Marco Castiglioni, Marco Tombolani, et al. “’My Happiness is the Refugee Camp, My Future Palestine: Optimism, Life Satisfaction and Perceived Happiness in a Group of Palestinian Children.” Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 26, no. 3 (Sep. 12): 467–73. Zohbi, Hemmat. “The Impact of the Nakba on the Status of Displaced Women: The Case of the Displaced in Safurieh and Mujaidel in Nazareth” [in Arabic]. MDF, no. 95 (Sum. 13): 108–34. JERUSALEM Danino, Olivier. “Jérusalem: complexité du statut: quelles solutions possibles?” Confluences en Méditerranée, no. 84 (Win. 12): 143–58. Roberts, Nicholas E. ”Dividing Jerusalem: British Urban Planning in the Holy City.” JPS 42, no. 4 (Sum. 13): 7–26. ISRAELI POLITICS, SOCIETY, AND ZIONISM Adoni, Hanna, and Hillel Nossek. “The Cultural Divide: Book Reading as a Signifier of Boundaries among Co-Cultures in Israeli Society.” IsSR 28, no. 1 (Sum. 13): 54–77. Ahmad, Muhammad I. “Muslim Anti-Semitism.” Critical Muslim,no.3(Jul.–Sep. 12): 203–10. Autumn 2013 || 3 Bibliography of Periodical Literature Arbel, Yuval, Danny Ben-Shahar, and Yossef Tobol. “The Correlation among Immigrant Homeownership, Objective and Subjective Characteristics, and Civic Participation: New Evidence from the Israeli Experience.” Urban Studies 49, no.
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