FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 32 * NUMBER 131 Saturday, July 8, 1967 Washington, D.C. Pages 10043-10147 (Part II begins on page 10131) Agencies in this issue- The Pre-ident Agriculture Deprtment Atomic EnerCy Commission Budmt Bureau Business and DauEze Services Administration Civil Aeonautlcs Board Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and 1,arketlng Service Customs Bureau Economic Opportunity Office Education OMce Federal Aviation Administration Federal Highway Administration Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commlssion Federal Trade Comml-'on Foreign Ag-rlcultural Service Indlan Aiairs Burcau Interagency Textile Administrative Committce InteriorDepartment International Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commfiion LaborDepartment Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Narcotics Bureau National Labor Relations Board Securities and Etchange Commizson Small Business Administration Transportation Department Treasury Department DetAlcd list of Contents appears inside. No. 131-P I--1 Announcing First 10-Year Cumulation TABLES OF LAWS AFFECTED in Volumes 70-79 of the UNITED STATES STATUTES AT LARGE Lists all prior laws and other Federal in- public laws enacted during the years x956-- struments which were amended, repealed, 1965. Includes index of popular name or otherwise affected by the provisions of acts affected in Volumes 70-79. Price: $2.50 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FIll ll11lEtJISTEf on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Nati, nid Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (mail address National Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408). pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin- Istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The FEDERAL REGISTER will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, payable In advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents fur each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Dosuments, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, which is published, under t-0 tltleq, pur- suant to section 11 of the Federal Register.Act, as amended. The CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS Is sold by the Stperintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first FEDERAL REGISTER Issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the FEDERAL REGISTER or the CODE Or FEtDFRAL I.AI N4, Contents CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL MARITIME THE PRESIDENT SERVICE COMMISSION PROCLAMATION Rules and Regulations Notices World Law Day, 1965----------- 10047 Avocados; import regulations---- 10052 Agreements filed for approval: EXECUTIVE ORDER Handling limitations: Lemons grown in California and Allied Stevedoring and Marine Adding the Secretary of Trans- Corp. et el_10125 of Arizona ------------------ 10052 portation to the membership Valencla oranges grown In Ari- American President Lines and the President's Council on Rec- zona and designated part of Luchenbach Steamship Co., Natural Beauty_-- 10049 10123 reation and California -------- -- 10051 Inc. Oranges grown in Florida; ship- Hanmburg-Amerika line et al 10123 ment limitations ------------ 10051 Hawail/Europe Rate Agree- EXECUTIVE AGENCIES 10124 Proposed Rule Making ment Keat Navigatlon Co., Ltd., and DEPARTMENT U.S. standards for grades in Flor- Line-...... 10124 AGRICULTURE ida: Orient Overzeas See also Commodity Credit Cor- Grapefruit ----------------- 110084 Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., Inc., poration; Consumer and Mar- Oranges and tangelos -------- 10090 and South Afriean Marine keting Service; Foreign Agri- Tangerines ----------------- 10097 Corp., Ltd ------------- 10124 cultural Service. Portugal/U.S. North Atlantic Rules and Regulations CUSTOMS BUREAU Westbound Freight Confer- Procurement by formal advertis- ence 10124 Notices ing; equal low bids --------- 10083 Spain/U.S. North Atlantic Notices Statement of organization, func- Westbound Frelght Confer- ence -------------------- 10125 Organization, functions and avail- tions, and procedures -- --- 10106 ability of information -------- 10118 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION ENERGY COMMISSION OFFICE ATOMIC Rules and Regulations Notices Rules and Regulations Public information, organization Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Community action programs; reg- Co.; issuance of provisional ulation governing requirement and method of operation-.....- 10052 operating license ------------- 10120 of increase in non-Federal Notices 10073 share ---------------------- Hcarings, etc.: BUDGET BUREAU EDUCATION OFFICE El Paco Natural Gas Co ......- 10114 Notices and Wisconsin Notices Kingsford Co., Tennessee Valley Authority; order Michigan Power Co........ 10114 transferring use, possession, and Construction of noncommercial Natural Gas Pipeline Company control of coal and coal rights in educational television broadcast of Americ. ....... 10114 notice of acceptance and under lands from General facilities; Public Utility District No. 1 of Administration -------. 10121 for filing of application for Fed- Services ------ 10120 Snohomish County, Wash., eral financial assistance and City of Everett, Wash_ 10115 BUSINESS AND DEFENSE FEDERAL AVIATION Wflhte, 1arvin E., et al ------- 10110 SERVICES ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Notices Rules and Regulations Applications for duty-free entry of Rules and Regulations articles; decision: Airworthiness directives; BrIti-h scientific Aircraft Corp. Model BAC 1-11 Continental Scarf Corp., Inc., et Ohio State University ...-- 10119 10061 Oregon Regional Primate Re- 200 and 400 Series arcraft___ practices-. 10053 Control zone; alteration (2 docu- al.; prohibited trade search Center of the Medical 10001 Research Foundation of Ore- ments) -------------------- FOREIGN AGRICULTRAL 10119 Transition area; designation; cor- gon-------------------- rection --------------------- 10061 SERVICE CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Proposed Rule Making Notices Airworthiness standards; small func- Notices airplanes capable of carrying Statement of organization, Antillean Airline; no- 10103 of author- Alm Dutch more than 10 occupants ------- 01tytions and delegations 10117 tice of hearing -------------- 10110 Control zone and transition area; proposed alteration- 10103 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Operation of hot air balloons with- HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND limiting See Business and Defense Serv- out an airborne heater; WELFARE DEPARTMENT ices Administration; Interna- certain pilot privileges ------- 10103 tional Commerce Bureau; M~ari- Sce Education Oice. time Administration. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION INDIAN AFFAIRS BUREAU COMMODITY CREDIT Rules and Rogulations Rules and Regulations CORPORATION lotor vehicle safety standards: Tllngit and Haida Indians of Rules and Regulations Glazing materials ------------ 10072 A sl:a; rEquirements for en- Barley; 1967 loan and purchase Hydraulic service brake, emer- rollment and deadlines for fl- program 10052 gency brake, and parking ing applicatons_---------- 10053 Rice; loan and purchase program, brake systems----------- 10072 1966 and subsequent crops -----10057 Seat belt assembly anchorages- 10072 (Cortinuedon next vag1) 10045 10046 CONTENTS INTERAGENCY TEXTILE LABOR DEPARTMENT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Proposed Rule Making COMMISSION* Notices Federal service contracts; pro- Notices Certain cotton textiles and cotton posed interpretations -------- 10132 textile products produced or Hearings,etc.: manufactured in Malaysia; en- LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU Columbia Fund, Inc ---------- 10126 try or withdrawal from ware- Notices Subscription Television, Ino... 10120 house for consumption -------- 10125 California; proposed classification SMALL BUSINESS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT of public lands for multiple-use management ---------------- 10115 ADMINISTRATION See also Indian Affairs Bureau; Nevada; proposed withdrawal and Land Management Bureau. reservation of lands ---------- 10116 Rules and Regulations Notices MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Administration; miscellaneous Commissioner of Indian Affairs; amendments ----------------- 10059 delegation of authority ------- 10117 Proposed Rule Making INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Master lump sum repair contract; TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT proposed revision ------------ 10102 BUREAU See also Federal Aviation Ad- Rules and Regulations NARCOTICS BUREAU ministration; Federal Highway Exports of copper, nickel and Rules and Regulations Administration. nickel alloys--------------- 10077 Public access to information- 10070 Rules and Regulations Miscellaneous amendments to chapter (3 documents) .-------10078, Notices Testimony of employees of Olice 10079, 10082 Statement of organization, func- of the Secretary
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