MUNI UNIVERSITY P. O. Box 725, Arua Tel: +256-476-420311/2/3 • Board (HESFB). students who have qualified total of 8 Success- for higher education in rec- HESFB’s Peterson Mu- ful loan scheme ognised Higher Education A hanguzi, the Loans Officer in beneficiaries who will be Institutions but are unable to charge of Northern Uganda • studying at Muni University support themselves. and Bob Muwagira, the Sen- beginning 2021/2022 aca- ior Communication Officer The loans are intended to demic year have signed con- were at Muni University on increase equitable access to tracts with the Higher Edu- 28th January 2021, and sen- Technical and Higher educa- cation Students Financing sitised the loan beneficiaries tion and support highly qual- on how they will access and ified Ugandan students who use their packages. may not afford Higher Edu- cation HESFB is a body corporate established by an act of Par- liament, number 2 of 2014, to provide loans and scholar- ships to Ugandan students to pursue higher education. The scheme provides loans and scholarships to Ugandan The University department of Students students organised by the office of the Midwifery made a presentation on preven- affairs has urged continuing students to Dean of Students at the Nursing Science tion and management of COVID 19 includ- observe strict adherence to the Standard Lecture Hall on Jan 20th, the Deputy ing a practical demonstration of the correct Operating Procedures (SOPs) set by the Vice Chancellor, Associate Professor way of disinfecting the hands with a hand Ministry of Health so as to stop con- Simon Anguma Katrini urged the stu- rub. tracting COVID 19. dents to wear their masks, wash their He caused a lot of laughter when he revealed During a sensitisation meeting for the hands regularly and keep reasonable that more germs exist on cell phone or key social distance. board than on a toilet seat. “The way to manage this COVID is Presentations were also made on psychologi- to always assume that everybody cal support and briefs on Safety and Security else has the virus except me. With around campus. this principle you will be able to protect yourself and your loved The Dean of Students, Ms. Amandru Stella ones,” he said. Wawa urged the students to remain disci- plined throughout their academic cycle at During meeting, Mr Peter Nyaku- the university. ni a clinical nurse specialist from the Department of Nursing and [email protected] | [email protected] MUNI University Muni University www.muni.ac.ug MUNI UNIVERSITY JANUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER | ISSUE #40 WINNER, HUAWEI ICT COMPETITIONS, 2019/2020 My involvement in the Huawei ICT by an amazing Huawei Academy in- competition started In 2018 when a structor Mr. Olinga John Peter. So in team from Huawei Technologies came September 2020 we did the regional to our University and Introduced the final exam and with the grace of the Huawei ICT Competition and its stag- Almighty our team Team 2 obtained es for the first time. I got the interest First prize which included 800 USD and attempted the preliminary exam. for each team member, Professional Being my first time to interface with certifications to mention but a few. such a diverse exam I failed to raise the This qualified us for the final stage required pass mark of 600 to proceed which is the Global Finals. This stage to the National level, but this opened was even more challenging than any my eyes to what was really required in other stage in a way that it composed terms of knowledge and effort. So I of both a practical lab team exam as did more reading and practice and well as an individual written exam ca- waited for the next competition. tering for Routing and Switching, Se- When Huawei ICT competition 2019- curity and Wireless in addition to do- 2020 was announced I was determined ing the professional certifications in the to do whatever it takes to proceed to different fields. the next level, so having been a DSC So in November 2020 when the D day Lead I teamed up with my core team arrived, we did the exam and we man- member in charge of networks and a aged to obtain First prize as one of the number of other Information Technol- teams representing the Southern Afri- ogy and Information system students. can region. B. Information Systems As a team we did a lot of practice and 2017—2020 reading for the different mocks and the From this experience and involvement preliminary exam, after a number of in this competition I have been able to failed attempts a good number of us obtain a lot of things which range from Winner passed it to the National finals where Knowledge, professional skills and HUAWEI ICT COMPETITIONS we were given a lab exam and among experience in networks, Huawei pro- 2019/2020 the best 10 students two teams Team 1 fessional certifications, lots of gifts at and Team2 with 3 students per team the different stages of the competition Cloud computing, networks, Graphics and on one team, 2 MUNI University ranging from electronic devices like Designing etc ) and seek its practical students and a Lady from Lira Univer- phones to hard cash, and most im- knowledge and improve your skill, get sity were selected to be part, and these portant of all I’ve been able to meet a professional certifications. The journey teams were to represent Uganda at the lot of talented and skilled people. won’t be easy but it will be worth it. Involve yourself with on campus clubs Regional Finals. At this stage of the We were offered paid internships and that improve your professional skills competition we underwent a very in- currently working with Huawei. like DSC, ISACA. This will be your tense training that really showed us As a word of advice to my fellow stu- key in the world outside campus. what the whole competition was dents, IT is a practical field and If your Special thanks goes to the Muni Uni- about, teamwork and ability and will- versity Administration, students and passion is to have a carrier in the IT ingness to learn very fast and most im- the Entire community for their sup- field, find your area of interest in IT portantly, ability to work under pres- port through this journey. All in all it (programming and software design, sure. All this was made very clear to us was worth it (Alhamdulillah) [email protected] | [email protected] MUNI University Muni University www.muni.ac.ug MUNI UNIVERSITY JANUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER | ISSUE #40 Training on Helping Babies Breathe (HBB) Muni University, Department of medicine physician with Seed Nursing Science organised a two- Global Health supporting day training for Arua Regional Busitema University, Mbale Re- Referral hospital midwives gional Referral Hospital and col- working in Neonatal unit, labour lege of Health Sciences at Mbale. wards and labour suits The training that took place on 22nd and 23rd January 2021 at the Desert Breeze Hotel Annex at Muni University, was spon- sored by Seed Global Health and facilitated by Dr.Lucy Lot, a Paediatrician and adolescent In-house Library training in Faculty of Agriculture The university Library team conducted a one-day training for staff of faculty of agriculture on how to access online agricultural resources that muni university subscribes to like eBooks, e-journals etc. The in-house training according to the team is planned for all fac- ulties and will be conducted one at a time. O U R P R O G R A M M E S Muni University is currently ranked 09th University out of 47 Ugandan Higher Education Institutions, in the uniRank of the most popular universities in Uganda. DID YOU source https://www.4icu.org/ug/ KNOW? [email protected] | [email protected] MUNI University Muni University www.muni.ac.ug MUNI UNIVERSITY JANUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER | ISSUE #40 FIRST UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN, MUNI UNIVERSITY | 2015 —2020 In the words of the Vice Chancellor sincere and honest person. He didn’t Prof. Christine Dranzoa, “In late Dr. have anything with being overly ambi- Mugungu, we are all reminded of hu- tious. He would be very humble and mility, all the core values of the Uni- apologise whenever he realised he versity packed into that man, Our made a mistake” friend and colleague …we are but He says the late Mukungu brought in a flowers”. lot of experience in his field and was Those words undoubtedly summarize able to network with his contacts to the recollections of the entire Univer- develop not only the University but sity community of the person of late the whole region …he donated books Dr.Frederick Nathaniel Mukungu, the to secondary schools around the Uni- first ever Muni University Librarian. versity and in the refugee camps. He succumbed to Covid 19 on 1st Jan- He says the late Dr. Mukungu was also uary 2021 at Mulago hospital. a very religious person who participat- Born on 24th September 1952, Dr. ed a lot in the church affairs especially Mukungu joined Muni University in in the Madi and West Nile diocese. 2015 and handed over office on 3rd The late Doctor Mukungu obtained a Born: 24th September 1952 November 2020 after the end of the PhD in Information Science from Mak- Died: 01st January, 2021 five-year contract. He opted not to erere University, a Master of Arts in apply for a contract renewal. He Library and Information Science and a wished to re-engage into a new career Bachelor of Library Studies, all from First University Librarian of Church Services that he always de- Loughborough University in the Unit- MUNI UNIVERSITY sired to do.
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