9790 CONGRE-SSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 15 Portland, Oreg., to succeed Judge Fred Fisk, First Lt. Russell E. Honsowetz to be a cap­ whose term of office will expire on April 30, tain in the Marine Corps from the 1st day of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1942. December 1941. First Lt. Russell B. warye to be a captain MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1941 TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF in the Marine Corps from the 1st day of De- THE UNITED STATES cember 1941. The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and To be lieutenant general To be second lieutenants was called to order by the Speaker. Maj. Gen. Henry Harley Arnold, United Carl M. Johnson, a citizen of Nevada, to be The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera States Army. a second lieutenant in the Marine corps from Montgomery, D. D., offered the following To be major generals the 1st day of September 1941. prayer: George D. Webster, a citizen of North Care- AI · ht G d · Th t b 1 Brig. Gen. Horace Hayes Fuller (colonel, lina, to be a second lieutenant in the Marine mig Y 0 • In Y a ernac e we 'Field Artillery), Army of the United States. 1 1941 · find Thy mercy seat. We thank Thee Brig. Gen. Harry Keneth Rutherford (col­ Corps from the st day of September · that Thou hast made sacrifice a divine onel, Ordnance Department), Army of thtJ and an everlasting virtue, exalting and United States. CONFIRMATIONS glorifying it. We would not seek far and To be brigadier generals Executive nominations confirmed by wide for a better place, nor for more Col. Robert Walter Crawford (lieutenant the Senate December 15, 1941: honorable labor. We pray for that spirit colonel, Corps of Engineers), Army of the that shall make us willing to toil in a United States. UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE common task; give us eyes to see and · Col. Benjamin Curtis Lockwood, Jr., In­ To be medical directors hearts to love truth and service at the fantry. Edward C. Ernst. altar of our country, a most sacred privi-· Col. Frederick Gilbreath, Cavalry. Peter J. Gorman. Col. Walter· Melville Robertstm (lieutenant lege. Release all our powers to believe colonel, Infantry), Army of the United States. APPOINTMENTS TO TEMPORARY RANK IN THE that the foundation of God standeth sure · Col. Roy Cleveland Hefiebower, Medical AIR CORPS, IN THE REGULAR ARMY and that no weapon forged against Him Corps. To be colonel can. prosper; that nation that sows to the Col. John Mather, Ordnance Department. Edwin Randolph Page. wind shall reap to the whirlwind. Lead Lt. Col. William Samuel Rumbaugh, Signal To be lieutenant c-olonels · us beside still waters that we may be Corps. quiet and listen. Col. Carl Adolph Baehr, Field Artillery. James Keller De Armond. Lt. Col. Edward Hale Brooks, Field Artillery. Walter Llewellyn Wheeler. Grant that yonder immortal document Col. Charles Clarence Curtis, Coast Artil­ Norme D. Frost. may clothe the shrine at the altar of our lery Corps (National Guard of the United Linus Dodge Frederick. hearts. We do homage to it and trust States) . To be majors that it may be engraved in the very Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Infantry (Re­ George Lawrence Holcomb. depths of the soul of our Nation. · We serve). William Ray Clingerman, Jr: thank Thee for the glorious company of Chaplain (Col.) William Richard Arnold, Walter Eckman. · patriots, for the apostles of freedom, and ch:ef of chaplains. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY the army . of martyrs for liberty and R-EAPPOINTMENT IN THE OFFICERS' RESERVE To be rear admiral humanity; we hallow it today as we stand . CORPS OF THE ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES . Arthur S. Carpender. in awe in its presence. Oh, America, To be brigadier general, Reserve PosTMASTERS 'keep thy hands clean and God helping Brig. Gen. Henry Joseph Reilly, Reserve, ARKANSAS us, we shall light a candle that shall make from December 23, 1941. the teachings of our Master coextensive Hal P. Johnson, Hatfield. PROMOTIONS IN THE MARINE CORPS with man throughout this sad world. In FLORIDA our Redeemer's name. Amen. To be colonel . James A. Williams, Arachua. Lt. Col. Franklin A. Hart to be a colonel in Alonzo W. Sias, Clewiston. The Journal of the proceedings of Fri­ the Marine Corps from the 1st day of Decem­ Mae B. Wells, Lawtey, day, December 12, 1941, was read and J>er 1941. Thomas J. West, Riviera. approved. To be lieutenant colonels GEORGIA Maj. William S. Fellers to be ·a lieutenant MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Judson Leland Cooper, Pelham. colonel in the Marine Corps from the 1st day Sundry messages in writing from the of December 1941. LOUISIANA President of the United States were com­ Maj. Ralph D. Leach to be a lieutenant colo­ Paul W. Arnolie, Port Sulphur. nel in the Marine Corps from the 1st day of municated to the House by Mr. Miller, December 1941. · MINNESOTA one of his secretaries, who also informed To be majors Leonard N. Riley, Ellsworth. the House that on ·December 12, 1941, the Della C. Underdahl, Frost . President approved- and s-igned bills of . Capt. Frank G. Dailey to be a major in .the Eva A. Weed, Garvin. th~ House of the following titles: · Marine Corps from the 1st day of December John C. Myers, Green Isle. 1941. H. R. 4993. An act to extend the times for Capt. Frank H. Wirsig to be a major in Mary A. Culhane, Rushford. commencing and completing the construc­ the Marine Corps from the 1st day of De­ John M. Lambert, Two Harbors. of a ac_ross Pass anci Alphonse J. Koelzer, Waterville. .tio~ b~idge Sa~a.sota cember 1941. across Longboat Pass, county cf ~anatee, To be captains MONTANA State of Florida; and · · H. R. 5876. An act to amend the Canal Zone F~rst Lt. Michael Sampas to be a captain Bertha V. Powers, Neihart. in the Marine Corps from the 8th day of pode so as to provide for control of photo­ July 1940. NEW YORK graphing, possession of cameras, etc., in areas First Lt. William G. Robb to be a captain of the Canal Zo-ne. · John H. Otten,1Blauvelt. in the Marine Corps from the 27th day of William L. Bergner, yallicoon. MESSAGE FROM THE· SENATE November 1940. Gus Di Savino, Chadwicks. The following-named first lieutenants to Cornelius J. O'Connell, Chestertown-. A message . from the Senate, by Mr. be captains in the Marine ·corps from the 1st Walter A. Soule, Minoa. Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced day of March 1941: Bernard E. Ryan, Mohawk. that the Senate had passed without · John H. Masters amendment a bill and a concurrent reso­ . Leonard M. Mason PUERTO RICO lution of the House of the following titles: . Walter N. Flour~oy Angel Ramirez, Adjuntas. Kenneth A. King H. R. 5893. An act to amend section 5 of the Arthur B. Barrows RHODE ISLAND act entitled "An act to establish a Board of First Lt. Marion M. Magruder to be a cap­ John J. O'Connor, Ashton. Public Welfare in and for the District of tain in the Marlne ·corps from· the 1st day of Columbia, to determine its functions, and for July 1941. WISCONSIN other purposes," approved March 16, 1926; and First Lt. Wood B. Kyle to be a captain in Lila Roble Baker, Danbury. H. Con. Res. 66. Concurrent resolution au­ the Marine Corps from the 1st·day of October Roberta B. Kessler, South Wayne. thorizing the printing of additional copies of 1941. Arthur B. Roemer, Tigerton. each of the reports submittec:J to the House 1941 ~ CONGRESS! ON AL ·RECORD-HOUSE 9791 during t~e epr_rent Congress by tpe Select ' EXTENSION OF REl\4ARKS The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Committee to Investigate National Defense . the request of the gentleman from Flor­ Migration. Mr. KIRWAN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his own ida? The message also announced that the remarks in the RECORD. There was no objection. ·Senate had passed, with amendments in PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, a brave sol­ which the concurrence of the House is re­ dier died gloriously last week, and all of quested, a bill and a concurrent resolution Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi. Mr. America is proud of his brave, heroic of the Houseof tht following titles: Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to ad­ deed. I speak of Colin Kelly, Jr., intrepid H. R. 6208. An act to authorize black-outs dress the House for 1 minute and to re­ flyer, who hurled his plane straight at in the District of Columbia, and for other vise and extend my own remarks in the· the blazing guns of a Japanese warship purposes; and RECORD, and to include therein a letter and sent his bombs crashing into the H. Con. Res. 57. Concurrent resolution pro­ that I wrote to Mr. Leon Henderson. · vitals of the huge craft. ~olin Kelly is viding for the printing of additional copies of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to dead, but the story of nis magnificent hearings before the Banking and Currency the request of the gentleman from Mis­ sacrifice will live as long as this Nation • .Committee of the House of Representatives sissippi [Mr. RANKIN]? As long as there are annals of free men, on the bill H. R. 5479. · There was no objection. those annals will tell how Colin Kelly The message also announced that the [Mr. RANKIN of Mississippi addressed died for America, while sinking single­ Senate agrees to the amendments of the the House. His remarks appear in the handed a great battleshiP-29,000 tons House to bills of the Senate of the follow- AppendiX of the RECORD.] of the destructive might of the Japanese ing titles: · EXTENSION OF REMARKS Navy.
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