July 15, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 16331 Coast Guard fleet after graduation, then En- The John Adams High School, which have shown that health risks attributable to sign Hathaway was assigned to USCGC Ven- opened in Cleveland in 1923, was unfortu- smoking decrease significantly within a few turous (WMEC 625) in Long Beach, California nately closed on June 13th 1995, making the years after quitting, regardless of age. To- as a deck watch officer. Subsequent afloat reunion all the more important as a reminder bacco use costs the nation $50 billion annu- tours have included duty as Operations Officer of the exceptionally hard work done by the ally, in medical expenses alone. Smoking ces- aboard Venturous and as Commanding Officer school staff in educating thousands of young sation efforts can help to reduce this immense of USCGC Citrus (WMEC 300) in Coos Bay, people. In its seven and half decades, John burden on the health care system. Oregon, USCGC Legare (WMEC 912) in Adams was a proud symbol of public edu- With most chronic diseases, early detection Portsmouth, Virginia and USCGC Munro cation, an inspiration for many as a place is the key to successful treatment. Early de- (WHEC 724) in Alameda, California. were working class families sent their children tection also has the potential to save money. Captain Hathaway’s experience ashore has to be educated in an environment rich in racial For example, treatment costs for breast can- included assignments as a duty officer in the and cultural diversity. This proved to be deci- cer diagnosed in the localized stage are as Coast Guard Pacific Area Command Center, sive for many of the students of John Adams, much as 32 percent lower than treatment assignment officer in the Officer Personnel Di- lending them to use their experiences to moti- costs for later state diagnosis. Regular screen- vision of Coast Guard Headquarters, and cut- vate others. ing can detect cancers of the breast, colon, ter management duty on the Pacific Area Op- The class of 1969 were a good, cohesive cervix, among others, at early stages. Cur- erations Division staff. In 1989, he was hand- group, a rich pool of talent that has created a rently, about 66 percent of people with these picked to serve as the Military Assistant to the group of highly successful and motivated indi- cancers survive for more than 5 years. With U.S. Secretary of Transportation and served in viduals. Of particular inspiration to the group improved early detection efforts, about 95 per- that assignment until 1991. has been the dedicated work and commitment cent or an additional 115,000 people would Captain Hathaway earned a Master of Busi- of their former principal, Mr. J. Robert Kline, survive for 5 years or more. You can’t put a ness Administration degree from the University an attendee at every reunion held by the price tag on that. of California at Irvine in 1983 and a Master of Alumni Association, and a highly instrumental In the case of diabetes, the CDC has found Science Degree in National Resources Strat- player in the success of every reunion held by that enhanced prevention could save the egy from the Industrial College of the Armed the Alumni Association, and a highly instru- Medicare program nearly a billion dollars per Forces in 1994. mental player in the success of the class. year. For example, if all people with diabetes His continued exemplary performance led My fellow colleagues, join me in saluting received recommended eye disease screening him to be selected ahead of his peers for the The John Adams High School Class of 1969 and followup, the annual savings to the federal ranks of Commander and Captain. His numer- in their continual dedication to our community. budget could exceed $470 million. Second, ous personal awards include two Legions of They all benefited from their inspirational edu- over half of the 57,000 lower extremity ampu- Merit, two Meritorious Service Medals, two cation in Cleveland and I am pleased to rec- tations associated with diabetes could be pre- Coast Guard Commendation Medals and three ognize their accomplishments. vented. These preventable amputations cur- Coast Guard Achievement Medals. f rently cost $285 million annually. Jeff Hathaway arrived for duty as the Chief Finally, at least half of the 19,000 new of the Coast Guard’s Congressional and Gov- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE cases of diabetes related kidney disease could ernmental Affairs Staff in July 1996. In this ca- PRESIDENT FOR MEDICARE PRE- be prevented. These preventable cases cost pacity, he has been instrumental in providing VENTIVE CARE PROPOSALS: over $350 million annually. the Congress with an in-depth knowledge and CONGRESS SHOULD ENACT THEM Prevention makes good sense in terms of understanding of the Coast Guard. Most im- THIS YEAR both human and monetary costs. To not sup- portantly, Captain Jeff Hathaway has come to port the prevention of chronic diseases is to epitomize those qualities we expect from our HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK turn our backs on addressing the major health Coast Guard men and women—an intense OF CALIFORNIA issue of our time. sense of honor, respect and above all devo- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to duty. f Mr. Speaker, Jeff Hathaway has served our Thursday, July 15, 1999 CONGRATULATING HAWTHORNE country with distinction for the past 25 years. Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in FIRE CO. NO. 2 As he continues to do so, I call upon my col- strong support of enhancing the preventive leagues from both sides of the aisle and the benefits available in the Medicare program. HON. MARGE ROUKEMA other body to wish him, his lovely wife Re- The President’s Medicare reform plan has OF NEW JERSEY becca, and their four children, Allison, Paul, taken a step in the right direction by elimi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Brianna, and Kenneth, much continued suc- nating cost sharing on preventive services. cess in the future, as well as fair winds and This will encourage more beneficiaries to seek Thursday, July 15, 1999 following seas. out mammography and other valuable screen- Mrs. ROUKEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con- f ing tests. Let’s continue this work by encour- gratulate Hawthorne Fire Co. No. 2 on the IN HONOR OF THE JOHN ADAMS aging outreach efforts targeting preventive completion of extensive renovations as its fire- HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1969 care. house in Hawthorne, NJ. This virtually new The number don’t lie. Prevention saves structure will enhance the ability of the fire HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH lives. The Centers for Disease Control and company’s dedicated volunteers to protect the Prevention has stated that ‘‘our country cannot lives and property of community residents in OF OHIO decrease its enormous healthcare costs, much the most efficient and modern manner pos- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less its priority health problems, without ad- sible. Thursday, July 15, 1999 dressing in a fundamentally more aggressive Organized in 1910 by 25 Hawthorne resi- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to manner, the prevention of chronic disease.’’ dents concerned about the need for fire pro- recognize The John Adams School Class of (Unrealized Prevention Opportunities; Reduc- tection in their town, Fire Co. No. 2 is seen 1969 as they are to celebrate their 30 year re- ing the Health and Economic Burden of nearly a century of service. In the beginning, union on August 21st, 1999. The reunion com- Chronic Disease, CDC Publication March, the fire company possessed a horse-drawn mittee has worked hard and been highly suc- 1997) hose cart purchased by the town, but no for- cessful in tracking the class of 1969, holding The most preventable cause of death in our mal firehouse. Since 1919, the company has a database of 400 out of the original 521 stu- society is tobacco use. Although we hope to been headquartered in a firehouse at 10 dents who attended John Adams in that year. target new initiatives for preventing tobacco Llewellyn Ave. An amazing feat when it is considered that the use primarily to children and adolescents, a lot Many changes and additions to the fire- former students are scattered the length of the can be accomplished with smoking cessation house have been made in the past 80 years country from California to New York, including efforts in the senior population. The Presi- to accommodate new equipment, functions, those who have remained in Cleveland, where dent’s decision to include such programs in and firefighting technique. With an increasingly they began their education. his reform plan makes good sense. Studies large fleet of fire engines and the increasing VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:42 Oct 04, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E15JY9.000 E15JY9 16332 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 15, 1999 size of fire apparatus—including a recently SALVATORE ‘‘BUDDY’’ SCOTTO logical Seminary of the Armenian Catholicate purchased 85-foot ladder truck—it became of Cilicia in 1946. He was ordained a deacon clear in recent years that a new facility was HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS in 1949, and graduated with high honors in needed, however. OF NEW YORK 1952. In the same year, he was ordained a The fire company launched a $280,000 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES celibate priest, receiving the name ‘‘Karekin,’’ fund-raising drive coordinated by a renovation Thursday, July 15, 1999 and entered the religious order of the committee chaired by veteran volunteer Tom Catholicate of Cilicia. He was granted the ec- Furrey. The committee conducted a number of Mr. TOWNS.
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