Coraopolis Borough Loning Ordinance ? INDEX CORAOPOLIS BOROUGH ZONING ORDINANCE Accessory Uses Conflict with Other Ordinances 120 Definition 21 2 Convalescent Home 66 9 Residential Districts 410 Conversion Apartment 665 Commercial Districts 510 Corner Lot 445 Industrial Districts 55 2 Day Care Center 663 Public Recreation District 592 Definitions Article I1 Setback and Yard Coxierage 613 s lgnS 900 Amendment B Department Store 235 To Zoning Map 30 5 Effective Date of the Ordinance 1260 Initiation 1251 Enforoement 1230 Proo edu re 1252 Except ions Public Hearing 1253 Height of Structures 620 Adverse Report 1254 Lots 600 Curative Amendment s 1255 Signs 920 Amusement, Enterprise 215 Yards 6 10 Annexation, Zoning of 31 7 Fee Schedule 1240 Apartment 8 Fences 640 In Commercial Buildings 66 7 Along property lines 641 p 642 Conversion 665 Industrial fences 647 Garage Apartments 666 Appeals 649 Appeals Filing of Ordinance 150 Amendment 1252.7 Foster Care Home 664 Zoning Hearing Board 1130 Front Yard Depth, Minimum Application of Regulations Res ident ial Dia t rict s 444 in each eone distriot 310 Commercial Districts 533 Area of Lot, Minimum Indust rial Diet rict s 573 Residential Districts 442 Public Recreation District 5 94 Commercial Districts 532 Half-Way House 664 Industrial Districts 572 Health Club 247 Lot Measurement 60 3 Hedges Auto Sales and Service 217 Along Property Lines 641,a 642 B i 1lbo ards 906, 962 As Obstructions at Street Corners 646 Boarding or Lodging Home 66 2 As Buffers 643 Book, Card or Stationery Sales 220 Height of Buildings Building Permits 1210 Except ions 620 Buffer Screens Residential Districts 441 Industrial. Districts 575 Commercial Districts 531 Indust rial Districts 5'1 1 Club or Fraternal Organization 225 Measurement of Height 621 Commercial-Mult i-Family Plap 65 2 Height Exceeding 100 Feet 6 23 Submission Requirement 655 Home Occupations 66 1 Community Development Gbjectives 140 Homeowners Association 654 Community Unit Plan 65 1 Loading, Off-S t reet 840 Submission Requirements 655 Lot Area Per Dwelling 442 Plan Review 656 Lot Coverage Conditional Uses Residential Districts 447 Definition 228 Commercial Districts 5 36 Residential Districts 420 Lot Frontage Commercial Districts 5 20 Res ident ial Dist r ict s 443 Indust rial District s 553 Minimum Floor Area, Dwellings 448 Pub1 ic Recreation Pist rict 593 Mobile Homes on Their Own Lots 668 Criteria for Evaluation 70 1 c Procedure for Review Specific Criteria Submission Requirements Yult i-Family Buildings Signs Dimensions Between 653 Definitions 900 Maintenance. of Open Space 654 In Residential Districts 940 Non-Conforming Lots 1010 In Commercial Districts 9%) No n-Co nf o MIing S t ruc tures 1030 In Industrial Districts 960 Non-Conforming Uses 1020 Exempt ions 920 Ekpan~ion 1022, 1023 L i m it at ions 910 Tenninat ion 1024 Maintenance 970 Changes of Use 1025 Permits 930 Reoo rd 1040 Temporary Signs 954 Nursing Home 66 9 Site Grading 631 Occupancy Permits Site Restoration Bond 633 New Uses 1221 Storm Drainage 632 ' Changing Existing Uses 1222 Swimming Pool Fence 648 Parking, OffStreet Variances 1103 Design Standards 8 20 Yards Dimensional Requirements 810 Projections into Required Yard Areas 612 Off-Site Parking Lots 814, 815 Reduction of Prohibited 314, 315 Spaces Required by Use 830 Setbacks on Partially Developed Screening 8 26 Streets 61 1 Surfacing 821 Zoning District Boundaries Use of Lots 817, 818 Interpretat ion 306 Permitted Uses Conflict 307 Definition 26 3 Zoning Hearing Board Residential Districts 400 Appeals From 1130 Commercial Districts 500 C h a1 1enge s 1102 Industrial Districts 55 1 Decisions on Uses Not Listed 1104 Public Recreation District 591 Decisions 1129 Penalties for Violations 1230 Functions 1100 Plan Review Hearings 1120 Commercial Districts 540 0pe rat ion 1110 Industrial Districts 580 Public Not ices 1124 Multi-Family Plans 656 Variances 1103 Principal Structures Zoning Map 300 Maximum on a Lot 60 2 Zoning Officer Public Utility Lines 316 Appeals From 1204 Purposes of the Ordinance 130 Duties 1200 Rear Lot 604 Ehf om ement 1230 Rear Yard Depth, Minim Residential Districts 446 Commercial Districts 535 Industrial Districts 574 Retirement Home 669 Review, Annual of Ordinance 318 Service Station 267 Side Yard Depth, Minimum Residential Districts 445 Comnercial Districts 534 Industrial Districts 574 ZONING ORDINANCE COELAOPOLIS BOROUGH ALLEGHEKY CO-LJXTY, PENISYLVANIA Ordinance No. 1585 4 Page Article I: Preliminary Provisions Sect ion 00: Enacting Clause 1 Section 10: Short Title 1 Section 20: Validity and Conflict 1 Section 30: Purposes of the Ordinance 1 Section 40: Community Development Objections 2 Section 50: Filing 2 Article 11: Definitions Section 200: Generd Rules 3 Section 210: Specific Definitions 3 Article 111: Establishment of Districts Sectiap 300: Official Zoning Kap 12 Section 310: Application of District Regulations 13 Article IV: Provisions Applicable in Residential Zone Districts Section 400: Permitted Uses 15 Section 410: Accessory Uses 15 Section 420: Conditional Uses 15. Section 440: Table of Dimensional Standards in the Residential Districts 16 Article V: -Provisions Applicable in Other Zone Districts Section 500: Permitted Uses in Commercial Districts 17 Swtion 510: Accessory Uses in Commercial Districts 18 Friction 520: Conditional Uses in Commercial Districts 15 ,ectionC. 530: Table of Dimensional Standards in the Commercial Districts 18 Section 540: Review of Plans in the C-2 and C-3 Districts 19 Section 550: Development in the Limited Industrial (1-1) District 19 Section 560: Development in the Heavy Industrial (1-2) District 20 Section 570: Table of Dimensional Standards in the Industrial Districts 20 Section 580: Review of Plans in the 1-1 and 1-2 Districts 21 Section 590: Public Recreation Zone District 21 Article VI: Supplementary Regulations Section 600: Lot Exceptions 22 Section 610: Yard Exceptions 22 Section 620: Height Exceptions 23 Section 630: Site Grading and Drainage 24 Section 640: Landscape Buffers, Fences adHedges 25 Section 650: Standards and Review Procedures for Community Unit Plans and Commercial-Multi-Family Plans a6 Conditional Uses 26 Section 660: Special Residential Uses 28 r. Article VII: Evaluation and Processing of Conditional Uses Section 700: General Criteria for Evaluation 31 Section 710: Procedure for Review 31 Section 720: Specific Criteria to be Considered 32 Article VIII: Off-street Parking Section 800: General Requirements for Parking 33 Section 810: Dimensional Requirements 33 Section 820: Desigm Standards 34 Section 830: Schedule of Off-street Parking Requirements 35 Section 840: Off-street Loading 36 Article IX: Signs Section 90: Definitions of Terms Peculiar to this Article 38 Section 910: Sign Limitations 38 Section 920: Sign Exemptions 39 Section 930: Permits 39 Section 940: Signs in the Residential Zone Districts 39 Section 950: Signs in the Commercial Zone Districts 40 Section 960: Signs in the Industrial Zone Districts 42 Section 970: Maintenance 42 Article X: Non-Conforming Uses Section 1000: hppl ication 43 Section 1010: Non-Conforming Lots of Record 43 Section 1020: Non-Conforming Uses of Lands and Structures 43 Section 1030 : Non-Conf o rming St ructures 44 Section 1040: Record of Non-Conforming Uses 45 Article XI: Zoning Hearing Board Section 1100: Functions of the Board 46 Section 1110: Operation of the Board 48 Section 1120: Hearings Procedure 49 Section 1130: Zoning Appeals 51 Article XII: Administration Section 1200: Duties of the Zoning Officer 53 Section 1210: Building Permits 53 Section 1220: Occupancy Permits 55 Section 1230: Enforcement and Penalties 56 Section 1240: Schedule of Fees 57 Section 1250: Amendment of the Ordinance 57 Section 1260: Enactment of the Ordinance 60 Article I PRELIXINARY PROVISIONS Sectior, 100 Enacting Clause Be it ordained and enzcted by the Council of the Borough of Coraopolis, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, that from and after €he passzge and approval of this Ordinance, the several classes of districts specified herein shall be established and the following regulations shall be in full force and effect. Section 110 Short Title This Ordinance shall be known ES, and may be cited as, "The Coraopolis Borough Zoning Ordinance .'' Section 120 Validity and Conflict 121. If any section, sabsection, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for zmy reaeon held to be invalid or ur,constitut-ional, such action shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining sections, subsections, clauses or phrases. 122. Where conflicts exist between this ordinance and other ordinances or regulations of the Borough, or of a higher level of government, or legal restrictive covenants applied by landowners to their property, the ordinance, regulation, or covenant establishing the higher standard for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare shall prevail. 123. All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with this Zoning Ordinance, inconsistent with its provisions or less restrictive are hereby repezlea to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect. Section 130 Purposes of the Ordinance This Ordinance is deemed necessmy to: 131. To promote the pablic health, safety, morals and general welfare; 132. To encourage practical and coordinated community development; 133. To estzblish proper density of population in the various districts and provide adequate light, air and menity therein; 134. To facilitate the economical provision of public highways and streets, vehicle parkin&, public transportation, water supply, sewage disposal, public schools, parks and open spaces and other public requirements; 135. To prevent the overcrowding or improper or incompatible development or use of land, to prevent blighting conditions and congestion or hazard I in travel and transportation; 136. To secure safety of health, life mc! property from fire, flood, panic, noise, noxious fumes, explosion and other dangers; 137. To conserve and stabilize property values through encouragement of the most appropriate uses of land in relation to one another; 138.
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