Here are the details on the shoe requirements for Hairspray. It is important that all cast members purchase shoes ASAP, so they can be worn during rehearsals over the next few weeks. Each cast member is responsible for their shoes. Shoes must be brought back and forth until the week of the show. Please have your child check with the Costuming Team (during rehearsal) BEFORE wearing shoes for the first time. LABEL BOTH SHOES WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. LABEL BOTTOMS AND INSIDE EACH SHOE. Questions – [email protected]. Please do not ask Ms. Cambetes or Ms. Phillips as they can’t answer costuming questions. Please see Ms. Cashen or Ms. Stuntz with questions. If this is a financial hardship for any family, please email [email protected] and we will work with your child to find them shoes. Features A B Tracy Turnblad Amanda A Alexa C White Keds & White Character Shoe Link Larkin Nick K Mason Buck oxford & Black Shiny Tuxedo Shoe Black Character Shoe & Shoe 2 to Be Determined after costuming - Edna Turnblad Olivia R Mia S Will communicate shortly Wilbur Turnblad Johnny S Will O Blue suede oxford buck Penny Pingleton Rachael G Cady M Black and White Saddle Shoe * see costuming for 2nd shoe Black Converse style high top shoe – white sole Seaweed Stubbs Seven K Nicholas W * see costuming for 2nd shoe Prudy Pingleton Anastasia S Michaela W Black Character Shoe Amber VonTussel Claire G Summer S White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds Velma VonTussel Claudia H Lanie L Black Slingback Kitten Heel Dress Pump (Shiny) Corny Collins Tyler S Will S White Loafer & Black-Tie Dress Shoes Motormouth Dillon V Sierra B To Be Determined after costuming -Will communicate shortly Inez Stubbs Sara B Sara B White Ked & Black Flats Pinky/Princ/Matron Carlin L Madison T Black Character Shoe & Hot Pink/ Pink low heel Mr Spitzer Jared R Tyler S Black Tie Dress Shoes Council A B Tammy (council grp 1) Evie L Irene S White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds LouAnn (council grp 1) Ava P Elana B White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds Shelley (council grp 1) Alexia G Claudia H White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds Lisa (council grp 1) Maddie B Evalynn B White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds Dotty (council grp 1) Katarina S Rachel M White ONLY Character Shoe & White Keds Fender (council grp 1) Landon Nate Black Dress Shoe & White converse style high top shoe Brad (council grp 2) Henner H Jared R Black Dress Shoe & White converse style high top shoe Brenda (council grp 2) Ashley C Shannon M White ONLY Character Shoe Becky (council grp 2) Kate D Claire Go White ONLY Character Shoe Carla (council grp 2) Michaela W Carina S White ONLY Character Shoe Noreen (council grp 2) Kate L Melanie P White ONLY Character Shoe Doreen (council grp 2) Darby Sydney W White ONLY Character Shoe Record Shop Kids A B RSK/Dynamite Lizzie N Shinjini S Black Character Shoe *Dynamite shoes to be provided RSK/Dynamite Ashley U Dot N Black Character Shoe *Dynamite shoes to be provided RSK/Dynamite Joelle A Dejsha W White Ked *Dynamite shoes to be provided RSK/Dynamite Livi D Taylor W White Ked *Dynamite shoes to be provided Black Converse style high top shoe-white bottom RSK/Duane D'Andre B D'Andre B * see costuming dept. for 2nd shoe RSK Betty B Jill F Black Character Shoe RSK Neha J Saniyah H Black Character Shoe RSK Dot N A'Tiana W Black Character Shoe RSK Nevin B Claire Q Black Character Shoe Ensemble A B Baltimorian/Student Addison Z Maddie M Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Elliot B MacArthur M Elliot-Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Mac-Black Dress Shoe Baltimorian/Student Jordan P Kayleigh S Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Tatiana K Ava W Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Kaitlyn F Sadie R Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Rebecca J Sydney N Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Skylar B Giuliana B Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Alyce S Reese J Black Character Shoe Baltimorian/Student Sara G Kaylie C Black Flat or Black Character Shoe Ethan- Black Dress Shoe Jessamine-Black Dress Loafer Shoe Baltimorian/Student Ethan B Jessamine M Jessamine -see costuming dept. for 2nd shoe Baltimorian/Student Grace K Samantha P Black Character Shoe The pictures and links are provided to help you in purchasing shoes. White Keds – must have laces https://www.target.com/p/women-s-emilee-lace-up-canvas-sneakers-wild-fable-153/-/A- 53440647?preselect=53399931#lnk=sametab https://www.amazon.com/Womens-Canvas-Sneakers-Colors- Available/dp/B007GB6WHQ/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1550445528&sr=8-4&keywords=white+canvas+shoe • For Tracy & Little Inez will be wearing Keds for most of the show and may want to upgrade to a high quality for comfort Black Character Shoe 1.5” or 2” heel https://www.amazon.com/Character-Shoe-Flamenco-Folklorico- Ballroom/dp/B07DP74LY9/ref=sr_1_17?ie=UTF8&qid=1550445736&sr=8- 17&keywords=black%2Bcharacter%2Bshoe&th=1&psc=1 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Adult-Stage-Right-2-Character-Shoes/136044290 All White Character Shoes 1.5” or 2” heel https://www.amazon.com/Danzcue-Character-Dance-Shoes- White/dp/B07F82BM1V/ref=sr_1_3?rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1550446118&sr=8- 3&keywords=white%2Bcharacter%2Bshoe&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&th=1&psc=1 https://www.danzia.com/danzcue-1.5-character-dance- shoes/p874562?cse=67702D44514253303136412D5748542D374D&cid=30&sid=578&gclid=CjwKCAiAqaTjBRAdEiwAOdx 9xlZS2WrZSNH5A9bIgguw4EHG5GX46kjJSDU3l9qCYUxWmOXWzlMGURoCyqwQAvD_BwE Black/White Converse style high top shoe – Must have white sole Does not need to Converse brand. Recordshop and Seaweed need the black style high top. Counsel boys should have the white high top. https://www.amazon.com/Converse-Clothing-Apparel-Taylor- Sneaker/dp/B008E05CQU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1550446335&sr=8- 2&keywords=Black+Converse+style+high+top+shoe https://www.amazon.com/KUNSHOP-Canvas-Sneakers-Fashion- Casual/dp/B07JVH747D/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1550512402&sr=8- 6&keywords=canvas%2Bshoe%2Bhigh%2Btop%2Bmen&th=1 White : https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ish-Original-Official-Men-White-Blank-High-Top-Red-Black-Rubber-Sole-Casual- Canvas-Sneaker-Shoes-Size-5-13/607869699 Black Flat No Glitter or Embellishments Your child will dance in these hoes -please keep that in mind when purchasing. A strap can be helpful to keep the shoe on the foot when dancing. https://www.amazon.com/Ollio-Womens-Light-Comfort-Ballet/dp/B071RCPCJ4?ref_=fsclp_pl_dp_12 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077Z817BJ?aaxitk=auoNNH4nec48e.52p5HnDA&pd_rd_i=B077Z817BJ&pf_rd_p=3ff609 2e-8451-438b-8278-7e94064b4d42&hsa_cr_id=7103835610801&sb-ci-n=asinImage&sb-ci-v=https%3A%2F%2Fimages- na.ssl-images-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F61X-OCPzDOL.jpg&sb-ci-a=B077Z817BJ https://www.walmart.com/ip/Alpine-Swiss-Pierina-Womens-Ballet-Flats-Leather-Lined-Classic-Slip-On- Shoes/36478937?variantFieldId=actual_color https://www.amazon.com/alpine-swiss-Womens-Black- Ballet/dp/B00OME1G5I/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1550528534&sr=8-5&keywords=black+flats+with+strap Black Dress Shoes https://www.walmart.com/ip/Men-s-Lace-Up-Faux-Leather-Dress-Shoes/50146755?variantFieldId=actual_color https://www.walmart.com/ip/George-Men-s-Faraday-Oxford-Dress-Shoe/36069937 https://www.amazon.com/Leather-Oxford-Dress-Formal-Wing- Tip/dp/B078J4ZXX4/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1550448397&sr=8-3- spons&keywords=Black%2BTie%2BDress%2BShoes%2Bmale&th=1&psc=1 https://www.walmart.com/ip/George-Men-s-Dress-Shoe/457424882 https://www.amazon.com/Faranzi-Leather-Zapatos-Comfortable- Business/dp/B0771KJ6HD/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1550448788&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=tuxedo+shoe&psc=1 VELMA : Black Slingback Dress Pump (Shiny) https://www.jcpenney.com/p/liz-claiborne-belle-slingback- pumps/pp5006281279?pTmplType=regular&country=US&currency=USD&selectedSKUId=02550060034&selectedLotId= 0255006&fromBag=true&quantity=1&utm_medium=cse&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pumps&utm_content=0 2550060034&cid=cse%7Cgoogle%7C007%20- %20footwear%20and%20handbags%7Cpumps_02550060034&gclid=CjwKCAiAqaTjBRAdEiwAOdx9xlSgbWSxRnPCduur8_ fYT3c-3iVbCkttrHszcScuJNpgX1k2D1Y0KhoCMCIQAvD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/JENN-ARDOR-Stiletto-Pointed- Slingback/dp/B07DMJTKTH/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1550447143&sr=8-4- spons&keywords=Black+Slingback+Kitten+Heel+Dress+Pump&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/OCHENTA-Womens-Pointed-Slingback- Kitten/dp/B07B2QTFFR/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1550447143&sr=8- 12&keywords=Black%2BSlingback%2BKitten%2BHeel%2BDress%2BPump&th=1 WILBUR Blue suede oxford buck (or similar styling and color) https://www.amazon.com/DADAWEN-Classic-Leather-Oxford- Business/dp/B00O0PLIBQ/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_309_bs_lp_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&refRID=A4G08MSKFGQ4FS4F6SDW&th=1 https://www.amazon.com/G-H-Bass-Mens-Proctor- Oxford/dp/B0199VFKHI/ref=sr_1_1?rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1550447385&sr=8- 1&keywords=Blue%2Bsuede%2Boxford%2Bbuck&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011&th=1&psc=1 LINK Buck oxford https://www.walmart.com/ip/George-Men-s-Oxford- Shoe/716063002?athcpid=716063002&athpgid=athenaItemPage&athcgid=null&athznid=PWVUB&athieid=v0&athstid=C S020&athguid=35c61d4f-27d-168fdf1e772b67&athena=true https://www.amazon.com/Eastland-Mens-Buck-Taupe- Suede/dp/B000UPKZRS/ref=sr_1_2?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1550447693&sr=1- 2&nodeID=7141123011&psd=1&keywords=Buck+oxforD PENNY Black Saddle Shoe https://www.amazon.com/Predictions-Womens-Black-Saddle- Oxford/dp/B00ZGQGDRW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1550449176&sr=8-1&keywords=saddle+shoe CORNY white loafer https://www.amazon.com/Zzhap-Pointed-Toe-Tuxedo-Casual- Loafer/dp/B074P27MDY/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1550449372&sr=8- 7&keywords=white+loafer+men Gold - https://www.amazon.com/Amali-Metallic-Patterned-Embossed- Matching/dp/B07N1XT34W/ref=sr_1_52?ie=UTF8&qid=1550513333&sr=8- 52&keywords=white%2Bloafer%2Bmen&th=1&psc=1 .
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