United States Patent (11) 3,617,305 72) Inventors Jacques R. Roland Longueil, Quebec; 56 References Cited John Holme, Preville, Quebec, both of UNITED STATES PATENTS Canada 3,304,183 2/1967 Johnston et al............... 99/90 (21) Appl. No. 880,123 Primary Examiner-Raymond N. Jones 22) Filed Nov. 26, 1969 Assistant Examiner-James R. Hoffman 45) Patented Nov. 2, 1971 Attorney-Christen & Sabol 73) Assignee The Ogilve Flour Mills Company, Limited Montreal, Quebec, Canada (32) Priority Nov. 28, 1968 33) Canada 31 03.6423 ABSTRACT: Flour-based, dry mixes for use in the home preparation of yeast-raised products include an additive com (54) FLOUR-BASED DRY MIXESFOR HOMEBAKING position containing defined amounts of an ascorbate com 13 Claims, 9 Drawing Figs. pound, an edible oxidizing agent, and an edible sulfhydryl containing reducing agent. The additive composition inclusion (52) U.S. Cli....................................................... 99/91, permits a substantial reduction in the time usually required for 99.194 the kneading and fermentation steps, and, in certain instances, 51 Int. Cl......................................................... A21d 2/28, either one of these two steps may be eliminated. The flour A21d 2/22, A21d 2/04 based, dry mixes facilitate the home preparation of yeast 50 Field of Search............................................ 99/91,90, raised products within much shorter periods of time and more 94;99/91, 90,94 conveniently than hitherto. PATENTED NOY2 ISI 3,617,305 SHEET 1 OF 4 FIG.1 940 900 860 780 7 l O 100 ppm AA/50ppm Bromate 50ppm AA/50ppm. Bromate. 3. 7 OO 660 620 50ppm AA/25 frn Bromote MIXING, TIME (mins) PATENTED EY2 Cl 3, 67,305 SHEET 2 OF 4 FIG.2. 940 75ppm. AA/75ppm Bromate 900 /50ppm. Cisteney 50ppm AN/ bOppm Bro?nate 750ppm Cysteine 82O to IO 7OO . 660 50ppmAA/50ppm. Bromote 620 150ppm. Cysteine 510 ----------ms---is- a . .--run- -------------. 1 2 ; MIXING TIME (mins) PATENTED NOY2 (97. 3,617,305 SHEET 3 OF 4 s PATENTED NOY2 3 3,617,305 SHEET 4 OF 4 3,617,305 1 2 FLO UR-BASED DRY MIXES FOR HOME BAKING ing, fermenting, shaping and proofing of bread in home preparation procedures are encountered, all of which provide The present invention relates to flour-based, dry. mixes in obstacles to proper control of bread characteristics, and hence tended for use in the home for the preparation of home-baked, demand from the composition, performance characteristics in yeast-raised products such as bread, rolls, buns and the like. 5 many ways more stringent than those required in commercial More particularly, this invention is concerned with flour practice. based, dry mixes that can be readily packaged, and to methods of using such mixes in the home for the preparation of home The applicants, therefore, have recognized that commercial baked, yeast-raised products. The dry mixes according to this and home baking processes are not at all alike, and the spe invention contain flour and other conventional ingredients: 10 cialized equipment, control procedures and chemical treat such, for example, as salt, sugar and shortening, together with ments applicable to, and associated with, commercial prac combinations of functional additives which permit marked in tices are not directly pertinent to the home baking process nor provements in the general convenience of making yeast-raised relatable to it in terms of its demand for skilful control of each products in the home. preparative step. Hence, applicants realized that novel ap Presently available dry mixes for the home preparation of 15 proaches to the home baking process would most likely come yeast-raised products are typically combinations of in through a detailed investigation of the process itself and not by gredients normally encountered in commercial bread or roll reference to the procedures of commercial processes. recipes, and include flour that has received nothing more than It is a general object of this invention to provide methods for normal oxidative treatments. Such mixes must be subjected to facilitating the preparation of yeast-raised products, in the the prolonged mixing and kneading steps usually associated 2O home within substantially shorter periods of time and with with dough preparation. In the process of kneading, which is greater convenience than hitherto. effected by a rhythmic and regular hand action, the yeast is It is also an object of the invention to provide flour-based, evenly distributed and the dough developed so as to give a dry mixes incorporating normal bread, roll or like ingredients uniformly textured final product. Moreover, the dough so ob and additive combinations, which enable the simplified and tained must be allowed to ferment and expand for normal pro 25 convenient home preparation of yeast-raised products. longed periods of time, commonly of the order of 2 to 3 hours. The fulfilment of these and other related ends is based on Accordingly, the standard recipes for the preparation of applicants' finding of the unique contributions made to, and bread or the like in the home call for much tedious and rather effects resulting from the presence in, flour-based, dry mixes skilful hand kneading of the dough, usually for 15 to 30 for use in the home preparation of yeast-raised products, of an minutes, and require a lengthy fermentation period during 30 additive composition comprising defined amounts of an ascor which the dough is set aside to rise and to develop certain bate compound such, for example, as ascorbic acid, an edible characteristics that are essential for the obtainment of an ac oxidizing agent such, for example, as an alkali or alkaline ceptable final product. By way of illustration, the recipe pro earth bromate or iodate and an edible sulfhydryl (SH)-con vided with a typical commercially available bread mix for 35 taining reducing agent such, for example, as L-cysteine home usage suggests a mixing time of around 3 to 4 minutes, a hydrochloride. kneading time of 10 to 20 minutes and a fermentation period The amounts of each additive that must be employed in of about 2% hours, so that the overall preparation time is combined use in order to obtain the desired results are around 3% hours to 4 hours. The preparation of home made, generally found to be within the following ranges (based on yeast-raised products like bread using the dry mixes available 40 flour weight): at the present time is, therefore, a time-consuming, tedious and inconvenient operation which no doubt explains, at least Ascorbates such as ascorbic acid 20 to 100 p.p.m. in part, the marked decline in the home baking of bread and Oxidants such as potassium bromate 20 to 75 p.p.m. like products. Reducing agents such as L-cysteine In contrast to home baking processes, in which there has 45 hydrochloride 15 to 100 p.p.m. been, at best, only a scant effort in recent years to improve The preferred ranges are usually within the following limits, and simplify the procedures involved, much study has been again based on flour weight: devoted to commercial breadmaking procedures in seeking to shorten the overall time of bread preparation and reduce the Ascorbates such as ascorbic acid 25 to 75 p.p.m. number and inconvenience of operating steps. In certain of 50 Oxidants such as potassium bromate 25 to 65 p.p.m. these commercial practices, some involving conventional mix Reducing agents such as L-cysteine ing equipment and others employing new high-speed mechani hydrochloride 40 to 90 p.p.m. cal devices, chemical treatments based on various types of ad ditives are utilized. For instance, high levels of oxidants such Optimum levels for each of the components of the additive as bromate and/or iodate salts, are often employed to allow 55 composition will vary depending, for instance, upon flour satisfactory bread production in shortened times, and in cer strength and the nature and amount of the other components, tain instances decreases in mixing requirements have been and more information regarding this aspect is presented in ex claimed by use of high levels of ascorbic acid on the one hand, amples given herein. and L-cysteine hydrochloride on the other, Accordingly, in one of its aspects, this invention provides a Normal commercial preparation of bread is, as are most 60 blended, packageable dry mix adapted to be mixed with water commercial production operations, becoming highly auto and yeast and made into home-baked, yeast-raised products mated and strictly controlled in process terms. Successful long comprising a homogeneous blend of flour, sugar, shortening, term production requires stringent control of bread charac salt and an additive composition containing, in parts per mil teristics and loaf quality. Variations in volume, appearance, lion based on flour weight, 20 to 100 parts of an ascorbate eating quality and keeping quality are not tolerable except in 65 compound such as ascorbic acid, 20 to 75 parts of an edible very minor degrees. In order to obtain such standardization oxidizing agent such as potassium bromate and 15 to 100 parts very close control of ingredient quality and performance of an edible sulfhydryl-containing reducing agent such as L characteristics, of the times, temperatures, and work inputs in cysteine hydrochloride. Conveniently, the dry mix also in preparation procedures, and in shaping, proofing and baking cludes milk solids such as nonfat dry milk or skim milk. procedures are demanded. 70 A preferred blended, packageable dry mix according to this It will be readily appreciated by one skilled in the art that invention comprises a homogeneous blend including about 70 the hand preparation of bread in the home is not such a well to about 90 percent by weight flour, about 2 to about 10 per controlled procedure, nor are the results of home baking so cent sugar, about 1 to about 3 percent salt, 0 to about 8 per characterized by uniformity in terms of volume, shape, grain cent shortening, the equivalent of 0 to about 5 percent milk and texture.
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