CRAIi) RAPIDs THE LOWELL LEDGER. ill ,1 "''py A PROGRESSIVE PAPER FOR PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE Ryenon Publiu Library VOL. XXI LOWELL, MICHIGAN, JAN. 8, 1Q14 No. 3 WAR BULLETIN * 1 . jlft., I Some Satisfaction... V? MAXIMUM The Buppoeedly impregnable it Herald Bargain Days Extended Newsy Notes About People Celebrated by Mr. and barrier of Z-Rays hemming Mrs. I' /'i" "^5,A Household Rubber Goods There is a ureal deal of satisfaction in knowing that to January IS. You Know. Geo. P. Taylor. in the United Republics of America has been pene- your money is absolutely safe. I lerald bargain days have been Silver teaspoons (iOc up at Fifty years ago. or January 1, • ' are Guaranteed for 2 years ; extended to .liimiary 15. neeord- 8 rock 1 m 's sale. adv 1HG4, (leorge P. Taylorand .Miss trated I The European fjtv i That's one thing this bank keeps always in view—the fleets of aerodromones are A printed guarantee in every box that ffiveg J safety of the expositors* money entrusted to our care. injr to ndvice by telephone from Olive Sayles were united in mar- Kv-V ' The Progressives of Grand approaching, the foreign you a two-years' privilege of return or ex- J Tlie Herald cirenlatioii manager riage. Rev. D. L. La ton perform- i ^5k - We are careful about our loans as well as our reserves. UopidM nmiounce a Lincoln club —' toTim LKIHSKH Tliurmlny morn- ing the ceremony. powers having solved the change at any Rexall store in the United * We carry fire and burglar insurance. We use every banquet also. problem of our isolation. inff, January (5. According to l^ist Thursday evening, about States. No matter what article of the big J precaution to protect our depositors' funds. That Napoleon Edison, who alone previous announcement, we horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Asa twenty friends and relatives is why our bank is growing. This is a good bank for is capable of restoring Maximum line you buy, should ?t not give full service for * Htopped takingbanrain daysub- VanDenHroeck January »*), a gathered at their home in Lowell vou. the Z-Ray wall, has disap- the full term of two years, take it back and get your fleriptions after January i. To daughter. to help celebrate the golden an- peared. Where is he? Tho 1IH» few who liave paid the niversary of that event. money The prices are very reasonable when quality is Mrs. 0. C. McDannell enter- integrity of the Western rate Rince that date for "The I'ijr Mr. and Mrs. Taylor received considered and are made possible through the co-operative tained the Literary club Wednes- Hemisphere and the peace Thm«" Herald, I/nhrer uud Midi, many beautiful presents; and a day afternoon. of the world depend upon buying and manufacturing arrangement which this slore VAe CITY STATE BANK lean I'anner, Mr. Toot, of the a happy t ime was spent. his immediate return. enjoys with over 7,000 other Rexall stores in each impor- ileruid will muke refund of tho Mrs. Unlph Kinyonof Freeport Ajnong those present were Mr. The Bank that Pays Four Per Cent. tant city and town in the United States, Canada and Great J 20e eaeli. is visiting her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. C. B. Tavlor of Trav- Britaiin . < Tin: LKIMJICU will receive cash Mrs. Chet. liCary. erse City, Mr. and Mrs. G.C.Tay- The above is from the »» MI l-W-t* H • Ii M t • I »I l -M »l I II 11' l ii 4 orders only—no phone orders Dr. and Mrs. (). (' AlcDannell lor of (irand Rapids, Mr.and Mrs. Hourly Stylograph, \ You ca.an buy Maximum Rubber Goodrinnrlrs. onlnnlyv or\(f J enterlained the Last Side Dinner taken— for thelmi^ain day com- Clifton White of Keeneand Mr. A. D. 1970, the news- binations until Thursday, Jan. club Tuesday evening. and Mrs. W.C.Tredeniekof South tiary ir», when tho ileal will pos Clothing and furnishings at the Lowell. paper of the future as itively close. lowest possible prices, quality The hi t tor, a daughter, was ae- described in the new D. G. LOOK Now. «ii't in on time with the considered at 11. J. Taylor's, ail eompanied also by her son, who serial we are about to represented the third generation money. Those who "wait until King Milling Co. have in nice print — tlw last dog is hung" will get car timothy and clover offering present. The Rexall Drug Store left, as usual. at SI(i 00 per ton if taken from Lawrence-Fuller Wedding. * car. adv * The marriage of Miss Lila M. W. J. (Jonde rman arrived from * Lawrence of Tacoma and Harry Lowell and Alto * . I'M Int. with his household goods The Isolated * v 1 vx J. Fuller of Lverett, both former- * f' -0) :: '/V X ^ c. ^ L yesterday and is settling in the It ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ly of Lowell, Mich., took phue Keene house. Satiirday afternoon, Dec 20, at Board of Trade Event set for Cascade transfer: Anna Pres- - ir*' : .. > the ome of the bride's cousins. Continent January 27. coit to Kzra M. Kwing and wife, Dr. and Mrs, 1). K. Thyng, The It is only a wild dream The annual banquet of the part section G. Cascade town- ceremony was performed by Rev. r Lowell Hoard of Trade will be ship, §>2,000. Murdock McLeod of First Pres- of the future by Guido Our held Tuesday evening, Jan. 27. Robert Rush of tirand Rapids byterian church, in the presence von Horvath and Dean s Assurances of a successful and called 011 li. S. Shaw. Tuesday of a small company of relatives. Hoard, but It's a highly profitable occasion are given by before leaving lor the Moody Ri- The rooms were prett ily deco Stock Reducing the committees appointed, as ble school in Chicago. rated in clusters of pink chrysan- Interesting and enter- follows: I». S. Shaw received word of the themnms. Charles F. Kellogg taining story. Program—S. I' Hicks, \V. S. illness of his father and leaves for and Mrs. Beatrice Opswig of Lv- Sale Winegiir, T. T. King, (). Mc- Ithaca Friday morning to be erett attended the bride and Print the First Dannell. gone a couple of days. groom. Miss Lawrence was cos- Chapter Soon! Don't Miss It • makes it possible to save from 25 to 50 per cent on Banquet—11. L. Shuter, W. tumed handsomely in blue tail- near, Dovle, V. ('. IVckham, li. L. Three thousand copies of sheet i y everything in our large assortment of staple T/ fkA r\]r *8 a 8°°^ companion any time. music 7c copy at Stocking's sale. ored suit and hat to match. Her Weekes. (lowers were violets. After the 1 merchandise. i\ U U. Ci IV. Either when you motor or go afoot A license was issued Monday Decorations—J. Smith, V. J , ceremony a bridal luncheon of for the wedding of a well known for a stroll, you are sure to see something you want McNaughton, K. W. Slayton, \\ ten covers was daintily served. YOU KNOW OUR LINE, so be the E ARLY BIRD young couple of Ada, Clarence to remember and a picture is the most pleasant reminder. V. Coons. A short honeymoon trip will be Teeplcand Harriet Rowley. and get what you want while the picking is good. .Membership—A. J. Nash, 1°. H. made by Mr. and Mrs. Fuller be- GLOVER M CLUB Brownies from $1.0U up. Ithodes, Koy Jackson, L J. Post. Maxiinuni rubber hot water fore they take up their residence l^ou will be surprised at the values we shall offer, Premo Cameras from $1.50 up. It is expected that speakers bottles and syringes are guaran- in Lveretl. The bride has been Discussed "Vocational Train- which lack of space prevents naming here. teed for two* years and sold at Hawk Eyes from $2.C 0 up. representing the Chautauqua and a teacher in the Tacoma public ing'' at Tuesday's Session. Look's drug store. adv Kodaks from $5.30 up. Y. M. ('. A. interests will have a schools and has many friends in place on the program. King Milling Co. have in nice the city interested in her mar- TheCluwr Lcnf cliih met at tie N\V ('an Hipply your want* nlao tn the watch or jewelry line, Further particulars later. car timothy and clover offering riage.—[Tacoma paper. home of Mrs. F. M. .lolmson R. D. STOCKING ami for rtMnenihrance vve luive a line line of Chinn, Cut GIUBH at §10 00 per ton if taken from Tuesday afn-rnoon. A tier a mi'l Silverware In plnte or KtHrllnar. Onr prices are nlwiiys car. adv short busuii ss session, Mcsilan es Pianos, Sewing Machines, Watches, Clocks, Victrolas Weekes and McNaughton played low and the J^OOJIH are alwnys worth the money without Mr. and Mrs. Claude Parker and Edison Records. any dU»eonnt. a piano duet. A vocal solo by and little daughter. Irene, of Miss Maynard followed. Ionia have been visiting here a The snbjeer for disenssinii was Jeweler and Notes and Items of Interest by few days. Marriage of Viola Schultz and ''Vocational Traininir in the The Kent county board of sup- Ray Denton. with the prayer service. A largf Student Reporter. Public School," Mrs. .\. 1 turnout expected. 1'astor Barry Optometrist ervisors is in session again this The marriage of Miss Viola Jl. D. Oliver The Lowell boys will play the Peckham treated the siib.M-t I ^pent Monday airernoon and week. The county is to be re- Schultz of Cannon township, for- comprehensively.
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