'■<f V • * * • ■ W e a t h e rr ' ☆ F i n a l * ^ Fair Qnd-A^%Fmer----- 8 9 ^ E d i t i o n ~ „ T he Magi( The Magic Valley Newspaper?er DedicatedDediui to Serving andid PromotingProm the Growth of Nine Irrigated Idaho Couniiealea - ^ . O ^ 47. 73 * ~ ' TTWIN W U FALLS, IDAHO,). MONDAY,MONE JU N E 28, 19G5- T E N CENTS I' “ r - « m 1^ E o i s e )uth, 14, ^ o S P g Sh e o t f e l l e d i nI CCyclej d fcrash Near Eden[ m D o w n b;b y G ule e i r rilla V EDEN—A 14-year-old Boiseise youth-diedyoiith-di at 5 p.m. Sun- |E |K ■ day of injuries received whenhen the motorcyclemoi on whichh he was a passenger crashedd into a cinderblockcin building i i g o n at 3:30 p.m. a half mile eastist of Eden.Eden John Eldon Co.\, F ir e Ne;f e a r S a i l son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cox, Boi: ?r Cox, Boise, died at Magic |H R B SAIGON. Viet Nam (AP)—’)—tUicntU i e i ilia firo tlowned a twin-enginetwin-c C123 tri^sport Vailey Memorial Hnspiiai where he and the driver, 13 mr ile s o a st of vSaijjon’s airporta irp o rt .-.Sunday night and mnilitary ilitary officials jind ci^lians Richard L. Kossman, 22, Malta.M alta, werewer< taiten after the B L ^ repcreported today Ui bodies wereweie takc;ivlal from the wreckaRe.Lafje. U.S.U.J m ilitary spokesmen accident. State police said they vvere attema pting to pass announced a U .S . Air Force:e officerofficoi and nn enlisted manlan were killed. They declimjd ” ^ ■ a car on the right when to give other details ,includingclinp the total num ber of casualtiesasual ties. Their reticenc^On- the motorcycle hit loose dicated the plane was on an Caldwell Girl gravelra v e l on the shoulder of H B L sesecret e r mission. Americann toKm«g»r- I I .................... •mT "I d ~ \ *hethe roroad. a d . The motorcycle anda n d Vietnanieso visitors to J>lame(tyueeii left the^^the road, crossed a tho crash area, however, yard, went through a fence, in- H jj^ said‘1;^ the plaao slammed in- y , ■ ^ to a playground and smashed to a farmhouse. One military > . h e U hea(^on into the building. RT^'r / sourcesour( said ho understotxl it ^ ... Witnesses told police the mo- / carrietlc a r ri 20 nu*n—all Americitn.s -J^V ^ ■ torcycle was traveling 30 to -10 . well, queen of' lhe mjieV T r ~ —and—anc that :)ll had been killed. ; miles per hour when it left the . ‘ Magic Valley Western Horse " •i.-. ThcTh, two offu ially a'nnoiinced Show at the conclusion of Sun- k'„c^rmr, . deathsd e a 11 hrmi};h( the list of Amer- I S ' day’s performances. Kossman^ , Is reported in fairly'V ■, ■ {) icansicans killod in V'iet Nam by l JM good condition at the hospital « enoniyenen actum tt) *129. ' She received gifts from Twin^ fvherewhero he i.si being treated for Falls merchants and a trophy _ l Or ^ ll PsychologualP s ' warfare miri- saddle donated by Diamond “a broken arm and back injuries. ' I glt‘dg le d 'with bombings in continued i Jim's, Jackpot. InvtstiRatInvestigating officer was Stale ' ^ aira ir rai*lsr on Coinmunisl North Ginger Salvo. Mountain Home. * * ■k * iVet Nam. • was named first runner-up, and A U S. spokesman nnmninced If Gayl Anderson, Gooding, sec- U S. Air I’orco planes dumped ^ H j end runner-up. They received 2.r> m illio n c arto o n leafiL'is ov'cr T h e alternates’ gifts and each of the five North V’u’tnaineso cities, , 13 contestants received a gift ufK iog re s id e n is to oppo.se th e I S U from the Twin Falls Junior Rid- Hanoi government. ing ' Club and Magic Valley yQF acciderd June All the cities were South of H 9p R id e rs. 27 In Hanoi. Ihey are known ccntcrs Gordon Dunlap. Filer, re- I of Roman C'al]i{)licisni or other ceived a large trophy, donatedI I groups potcniially likely to be by Olson's, for the highest point • * 8 ^ 1 ' W. opposed tu the Communist gov­ 1 exhibitor over 18. Mi.ss Williams : cernment. rn n i ^ K'' was named highest point junior Idaho T luh e U.S. sp o k esm a n .said thc V ^ exhibitor and received a tro- 11965 9 6 5 ......................................1........ 0 3 DUTCHDU TCH p r i n c e s s Beatrix,c, next inIn liline to thc Dutch throne,one. pose:poses wllh a West German drops were the beginning of a V9 phy. ]1 964 9 6 4 99 noblemannobleman, Claus von Amsberg.rg. 38, to whomm she Is engaged.I. The royalroi family released (his major leafk-i campaign to be Sunday afternoon's contestants officialo fficial ocourt plpture of the 27-year-old27-yoar-old princess and her fiance.mce. (AP wirephoto) carmcarried out in North Vi('l Nam performed before a large crowd. MagicMo' Valley -— "t)olow a ccrtain line” soulh of ^ H || - ■ * ; r ; ; See CALDWELL GIRL, P 2. C 1I 1 965 9 6 5 .............................................. 1 6 Hanoi. The northernmost city was thc Catholic community of 1 9 6 4 ...................................... 1 5 I K K iPriiicess to PPhat h a t Diem, f).*) miles south of Ketchum Has * * * * 155J-tiU RuledI GuiltyGu Pri Hanoi.H ano Tho others were Thanh Patrolman \W. C. Baker, assist- 1 Hoa, Bai Thuong. Dong Phon ed by Jerome County Deputy I Wed West 'I'huong 'huoi and Ninh Binh. Basque Fete Sheriff GordonGor Newbry and3 JLJ.I.In Universitysity Row No ground fire or enemy * Marshal KerKenneth Davis. p la n e s w ere sp o tte d , and iTll Cox was born May 30, 1951,1, BERKlBERKELEY. Calif. (AP)—All’)—All 155 defendants, includ-cl- OGerman e ] Yet poighc l g iu planes returned safely, the spokesman satd. O n W e e k e n d in Gooding and attended Weslsl ing tiieir leader, Mario Savio,ivio, wore adjudged guilty to-0- sOSOESTDYK E PALACE, The "“ruf Junior High School, Boise. day by a ^ The leaflets, with cnrtoon.s on KETCHUM—The Third An- ''“.'ji'’., day by a municipal judgee of char{charges stemming fromn NetherlNetherlands (AP)—Queen Ju- „ne s He is survived by his parents; cif in Hor one side and a text on thc other, nual Basque Festival hqs held i' sit-in demonstrations at the UUnive niversity of California,1 . lianaliana announced the engage- two brothers, Wilbur l.ee Cox charged that the Hanoi govern- 2;s, m ore than 500 others who10 mentment cof her eldest daughter to p,,ent at Ketchum Saturday and Sun- and. RobertOnKort Joe Cox, both Boise; On the basis of his findings, more t ^ ment wa.^ taking rice from thc W x day Wllh sports events, dancing stipulated nn agreement to0 be judgijudged in that trial now^ “a WestWest German war veteran to-*■ p„Qf,pl eo p le to fei^d it.s Jro o p s in'South [ * ihree sisters, Vicky I.ynn Cox. Stipulatec day nnd said nhe wa.i "very r and a barbecue aa entertuin- Mary LouiseLouis. Cox nnd Barbaraa face passingpaS! of judgment for thc trialt without a jury. (.onsc?c ^fViet Nam. i "• conscious about tlie doubts andI I-’our Americans were killed I . J Sue Cox. all Boise. Two grand-1- Some of the 155 vvere convictedonvicted tof resisting arrest,t. even the resistance" many The s^rta events, pos poned m^oihers o th e rs alsoa 1 survive, Mrs. others, of ^ Sunday night and today in Viet ' '• others, of trespassing. Somele ' ......^ DDutch u tch may feel toward the- Nam. U.S. authorities an- i" from Saturday because of ram, Blanche Houshka.Hoi Twin Falls, ,^dj V featured three classes, weight anj Mrs Ge ;• were adjudged guilty of 1. nouncnou n ced . p and Mrs. Gertrude Burst. Boise. , „ J But the queen said she cx- ^ ^ carrying, wood chopping and Funeral servicess£ will be con-i; "Vtn-bpth. aavSavio, 22, a philosophyy KennedyJ lV d J to " A U.S. Air Force officcr and t major, became so busy in ^ . J ppected e cted her future son-in-law.’ an„„ enlisted„ man were killed arm wresthng. The weight car- ducted at 2 p.m. Thur.sday at m ajor, D Claus Von Amsberg. 38. a West ^yl,pn MISS IDAHO, Rhonda Lynn HammontHammond, hold.s trophy she won riers were required to carry a white Mortu ^ when the Viet Cong shot down fh/ White Mortuary with Rev. Kar-- the demonstrationsdemc that hee C jrlV 4 u p TTnjP iGermaiGerman diplomat, "by his per- (^12 Wllh Ihe Idaho lltle In the annualual contcscontcst held In Boise. She en- 100-pound weight in each hand old Olson officiating.ofi Final ritess dropped oout of the university. Give ‘ a C123 transport plane Sunday teredi^red thcth contcst a s Mlss F raninklln k lin CouCounty. (AP wlrephoto) y- 1 ^ - 1 sosonality n a litj will be of freat^ nightpjpht 13 miles east of Saigon’s as far as they could. First place are set at TwinTi Falls Cemctery.. Convicted ■with him was Suzanne I support’’ to her dauphter. -p^,, •!.J was won by Philip Albope with ^:------------------------------------- GGoldberg oldberg whom hc since has JL fO \' * Tan Son Nhut airport.
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