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At evefy Saint Luke's location, you receive the same You only have one heart, and only one health high..quality care from the same doctors and nurses system has had Kansas Crty's best interests at heart who've eamed Saint Luke's Mid America He.rt for 125 years To fin<l a 1nst1tute a worldwide feputattOn for excellence. doctor who's part of Saint From Kansas C•ty's Ot'lly heart transplant program to Luke's. c.ll NurseUne any . the nation·s first heart hospotalto a team of the region•s time at (816) 932-6220 w- e ~ Saint Lukes Hospital ~PIT of Kansas Cil:iY lAINI l Ull l HIAII II lYlii H KtliUIIJCity'l hNIIht•"I,U"for 1 15 yn~ri · IW·2007 saintlukesh ea I1 hs ys 1em. org lH( MACAZIN( 0' TH( MlllOU AlUMNI ASSOCIATION CO N TENTS "But horses, with the possible exception of Mister Ed, a re less fort hcoming." s••••s•••· SUMMtll 100, I VO\.U M ( '1 I N U M8 Eit • MISSOURI BASEBALL FEATURES 16 Getting a leg up An MU equine veterinarian has i.nv~ntcd ~device that helps diagnose subtle injuries that are hard to pinpoint. Along the way. he bruised~ few egos (hum~n ones) and jumped more than~ few fences, By associate editor D.lle Smith 22 Note to self: Go to college Some Missouri high S<hool students don't sec collt."ge as an ~ttainable goal, but nine recent MU graduates are trying to turn that around. By staff writer MarcusWiJkins 28 EMR stat Long b~fore the current govemment stimulus p.1ckage. MU start<.'Cl building a system of electronic medJc~l re<ords. By Dale Smith 30 Missouri's finest fiddlers Howard Marshall, an expc.rt in the traditional musical culture of Missouri, recently re-rele.ased a bo<>k and CDsttaclng the hiscory of old-time fiddling in the Show-Me State. By Dale Smith 38 Tiger athletes: Where are they now? MIZZOU mag.uine tra.cked down five former Tiger athletes and found out ilbout their lives ~fter college. By MarcusWHk:lns DEPARTMENTS 2 From the Editor 3 Mizzou Mail 6 Around the Columns 44 Mizzou Alumni Association News VISIT MlZZOUMAGAZJNf ,COM FOR MORE PHOTOS AND STORIES. SO Class Notes ~ Studen ts in three MU residence halls compete to lower their energy use. 64 Semper Mizzou > Su .. Spitball Charlie.. in action. or listen to somt original Missoud fiddling. _t... _ t. o~ot.~"'N:.- ..... _._........ , ............,_. ... >Corey Hate. with sidekick therapy dog Alma., gradu.ttes ready for a career in rehab. ~··-~"""'-"'""'••rc......... .._ .. N<...... a.-- lot.~,•(-•.c!OC· .. "''-*~~o,~c..... " ,..,.. .._ >Get to know all nine members of the Missouri College Advising Corps. ..... .-.lt\ty,.,..c.u,• .,._ o c--....... ·f()\'ff- 111 FROM TH E E D IT O R IOJ1'0UA~ AMO AOVUYUIMG o•ncu Can one make a difference? ,..,_ Don~old W ~ynokis A!wn.ni ~ntn (ol~o~mb&A,M06Slll, S7}'33l·7J:S1, f.u s;")--331'+1"~ f'or high school. Camry Ivory wanted to attend ~·m.11J.~u Wdl: m.ia~.alinor.cocn an arts school because she loved to dance. But lOllOil ~Oorc:n V.'<lfky AUOC:IAll lfDITOII ~"'$mhh parents Anthony and Deidre Ivory thought CtAU HOTU l onott M.arcus ""'illdns All OIII(CTOII IIL&.l:C'Ointd.t.l~ a college·prep route would ~ ~tter, so she PHOT~IIAI'tttii5R:.ob Hdl 1nd N!Chobs lkf'II'IC:t .,.,.,u rus John ar.wse, o~nd SN~b Gnbcf attended Blue Valley West High School in her lOI"fOit EMUITVS Slo:veSIUnn hometown of Overland Park, Kan. MUlOU A~U.UU A.liOCIATIOM After graduating, Ivory headed to the II) Rt-)'llOid~ Alumni ~nt~ Goh,unbiA. ,\10 'sl••· phonor S1l~''· tu s; 3-#.!~u~ University of Missouri where she majored in t:x«uth~Dir«torToddA, M«Nbbil'l. \1 l:d'9S Of!lnklnf t"ptu..'«'d In thl$ nugulnt linguistics and minored in leadership and public do not n~uwrily ~nc-« the off1od.ll ~lion ohlw Unive,.,ity ofMb:SOI.Iri service. She sought help on a capstone project orthc:Mu~Al~o~n'"IASS()(l.atiOn c~ from )cffWilliams, MU's former director of ITATifMIMT 0' •UitPOSl ~ .1>11~1 Al11mni ..Utociltion p!OI.Idly >Upport' I~ IH>I access and urban outreach who now works for 11\ttrtsts """ tr~dltklln oiMi,.~rr,. t1.ag5h!p unh't!Sity J.ndil ~ .llumnl "''(lt]dw!M. urdong rm•lonshlps .ll¢ lht the Kauffman foundation. Along the way Ivory ~lion olou r support. TheK" rtlo~tloMhips <~n mtwonctd through~«~·. (Ommunlu.tion oU~d\·olunt«<D.m learned Williams was hiring Missouri College Advising Corps guides to help youngsters see t•UUOU A\Uio4MI AUOC:UioT,ON COVl.IUNG •OA•o ~lde1U Cr.-lg ~d!tf, BSCo[,IS [[ ..,, college as an attainable gOill. One of the guides l'mldtnt~Jtct j.J<quc-lio~ CIJrk. 8.r\ ~ V"Ke frni6mt R.-nd.-U Wrlg,tlr. IJ.GS 't}. M,\ 'o);Ttc~VKI f;tmtl1 Gok!Kn Obl:rdidt. would work at Paseo Academy of fine and 8u.1 "&4. 1mmtd..-r.: P~'lt l'rt-ddomrnr'" lllxkmot~, BS Ed '87. M [d 'U; Cornmunk,nion~ Commilt« Cb.Ji.IINI Tfflill,. Performing A!ts in Kansas City, Mo. The magnet 8J '96; Di•·ef)ityC«nmitt« ClwJ1 !on u ...unc~. B.r\ '98, lil\l.l'lcc Coenm.itt« ChJif Gr~!)' 8Ail~y. BS 8A '')6; school called her. 1.Uuou ltgtsl.\tl\~ NMwor\: Commln~ CNU ).\mtS Gwtnbl'I, lA '<p,Mem!M!nbip.:uW Mm:t1ingCommbt«C:hA!rt:~ Ivory has completed Year 1 as a college guide lt.aninstoa. 8f '01; RulcsCommltt«Ciwif lim l'.:mm, tiS 1M.. BS 8A '86: S<hoob: u.d CoUege~ Cocnmittee Cbd1 Chri:J and is eager to return to Paseo in :roog-10. She $reV I'M, BA 'g1,At•l.\r,gt llcprc~nt.Jth'<S J:dlk 8r.&y, BS '98, Chtbt!n• .Urnmers., IJ ',a,.MJ>A '?f>,JD'o).Roi\Ald l.llnlSord, is one of nine guides in seven high schools M (d 'n. tdSp ·~. fdD '79. Tr«ey Meu.hoa, BJ 'Is; hHilltc Roqncsmt.&th·b u ...·Tffl<c Fuller, BS £d 'n. Lr..ll \tcC.utnq-, and three community college-s across the state USN )1, MS '97: 0\II ~·S.IJtt Rq'lrtSe:nt.loCh•n Uwrmc.• who work with low· income, high·achiev-ing. Hurton, 8A '66, ShC'ni l'ort.:'lt..(..:.Uic:l;. 85 £d 'h; 1111~tiOnAI Rql~nutiwOu~rn Yell Kwok, Rl 'oo. Alumni Assod.:.tiOI\ often first·gener.ltion college student hopefuls. StOOcnt &o.t.rd Rtpr~nt.:.tk~ Miun& l.t'PJIIl'l "'""'"lof~.............. Missouri has a population of5 ·9 million, but only Camry Ivory, BA 'o8, ~~ 23, is only s f~~t 2 lnch~s tall~ but sh~ ha.s a blgjob. AOitl. TISIMG SA\U 21.6 percent complete college. Sc:ott R«ttf, Oittnorof Ad\'Cftlj.IAg .07 f«oynOid~ AIIUmni Center, Columb~ M(> 6Stll The question is: Has Ivory made a difference? rhont S1)431·7Js8:, t.u sn·88n190 t'•mo~ll mU:~MiSSOI.lri.«<u There is a girl we'll caU Brittany. Brittany lives with her grandparents because her MIZZOU ~t»S.alinot, Su.m.me~ J009, \'olumc 9J,N\IIft~14 mother is deceased and her father was abusive. Classmates tease her because she Pubti~~ qv.anerly by tlw l,lnl\~hy nf'MISSOW1 Alutn1li A.nodo~tlon. likes math. Spotty attendance caused her GPA to drop, but her ACT score was solid. U) Reynold$ A)utrllll Ct-111~1 Columbb, MO 65J11 Brittany focused only on community colleges, but Ivory believed she'd thrive at a university and convinced her to apply to three colleges. All three accepted her. "They can make it," Ivory says of the students she counsels. "They just don' t know how. Our biggest impact is doing little things, things that my parents did for me; Ivory S<~ys . Missouri•s future just got brighter. Read more on Page 22. -Karen Flondtrmtyer\Vori'JI, 8} '73 2111!!11 SUMMER 2009 MIZZOU MA I L Ml Substantial interest produdngwindmill for his thes-is. It was to pJovide J limitless Jmount of renewable in sustainability ere-cted on Uni\'ersity of Missouri property energy. However. as the article pointed Wind turbines. food 9rindm ondcornpost piqutd out near KO.\tu:rv Channel 8. Don't know the out. critics consider these 27o-fooH Jll reader inttrnt in thuprin9 i.s.sut ofM rZZOU. Tht results and implications, b\.at ol' Mi1:1.ou was behemoths with theh 14o-foot·long blades simp!< ll(tstyltc{MU rtSW<Itossociotes }iU Lucht looking at wind power long ago. to be J.esthetic eyesores. I .-agree. and BiiJMcKdwy piqued tht' inrmsr ofNBC'sTodJy Alvin K. Rosen han, BS ME '62 Couldn't the turbines be made of.1 show, which camttoCoiumbia and filmed them rn Mississippi State, M iss. materi\ll - or be painted - a much le.$S Morch. Thonks (or writing, ondkttp r<odi119 . obtrusive color than white? Consider MIZZOU magazine starr traditional telephone poles, trees and Cover contrast intrigues old·fashiol\ed windmills.
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