paid content Gov’t to spend rumoured $1.7 - 2.1 Billion for a 10% Traffic Bypass Solution. Visit:WhyTowerRoad.net Alternative North route suggests $1B savings and 90% Traffic Bypass Solution. July 7, 2015 VOLUME 4 • issUE 28 • DELi VERED WEEKLY TO WhiTE CiTY, EMERALD PARK, PiLOT BUTTE, BALGONi E, ZE h NER, EDENWOLD & sURROUNDi NG AREAs • Canada The Balgonie Elks held a successful Canada Day Family Fun Day filled with events. Of the several entries in the parade, the Elks also put in a float and members walked with a “bed” that was used to Proud promote the annual bed derby. Photo by Michelle Nicholson Boundary changes impact Pilot Butte voters MICHELLE NICHOLSON “It’s just redistribution,” Tell said of the McMorris about the community, and tak- been working on getting day care spaces change, “the constituency of Regina Was- ing him on a visit in the fall to introduce for the Town and has been working with a cana Plains was very, very large and heavily him to some people in the area and get consultant on that project. “Unfortunately, onstituency boundaries will be populated.” him familiar with the community. “It’s not there’s just no more left this fiscal year,” changing in time for the provincial In the 2011 election, over 15,000 eli- as if people don’t know him,” Tell said of she said of the day care spaces licensed and Celection. For the residents in and gible voters resided in the Regina Wascana McMorris, whose riding sits adjacent to regulated by provincial government, “I’ll around Pilot Butte, the change means MLA Plains constituency. Of those voters, 10,765 Regina Wascana Plains and as most know just make sure to continue to advocate on Christine Tell will not be representing them. voted, or 68 per cent. Tell captured 69.30 him through his work as the Minister of behalf of the community along with Don,” The change will become effective once the per cent of the votes. Highways and Infrastructure who worked said Tell. election writ is dropped. Awaiting word on “I’m very sad about that,” Tell said on the Regina Bypass Project. Regina Wascana Plains riding includes Federal election timing impacts provincial of the change. Asked what her message “I will miss it. I just want them to know several East Regina neighbourhoods and election plans. If no Federal election is to the community would be; “Just keep too, even though I’m not representing them White City. called, Saskatchewan voters will head to going. The community is so supportive of anymore, officially, I still will be out there During the November 2011 election, 11,352 the poles in November. If a Federal election each other. Just keep doing what they’re [helping] with the rodeo and I will do all I eligible voters resided in the Indian Head-Mile- is called, it will mean an April election date doing. It’s always such a joy to come out can. I’m very supportive of what is going on stone riding during the last election. According for Saskatchewan voters. there. I really do like the community and in that community,” Tell said. to Stats Canada census data from 2011, the During the next election, it will be it’s because of that community spirit that’s The Town of Pilot Butte is awaiting word population of Pilot Butte sits at: 1,840. Elec- Don McMorris,” Tell said of the changes going on out there and it is fabulous. They on their Building Canada grant application tions Saskatchewan confirmed that except for to the Regina Wascana Plains riding she get things done. The energy is phenomenal and needs to move forward on their waste- two ridings in the North (Athabasca and Cum- represents. MLA Don McMorris’s Indian and I certainly enjoyed representing them. water treatment plan, projects Tell is famil- berland), each constituency would experience Head-Milestone riding will be expanded to Absolutely.” iar with. Tell will be talking to McMorris changes. include Pilot Butte. Tell said she will be speaking to MLA about these issues and also said she has also Online Bids BID Close July NOW! 306-757-1755 Wiggnins W86WT V174 Glastron 16’ Boat – WWW.MCDOUGALLBAY.COM 2000 Holiday Rambler Cat D4 Dozer 40Hp Mercury Cruiser 13th At Noon Motorhome Forklift w/pony motor 2 2 THE STAR | SERVING WHITE CITY, EMERALD PARK, PILOT BUTTE, BALGONIE & SURROUNDING AREAS | JULY 7, 2015 Greenall graduates and guests fill Conexus Arts Centre Class of 2015 MICHELLE NICHOLSON do the things that are hard to do, a ball to remember to have fun, a penny to wish reenall High School ceremonies took them all the best of luck and a marble, so over the main stage at the Conexus in the future if grads feel they’ve “lost their GArts Centre the afternoon of June 26 marbles” they’ll know they have a least one. as 157 students received their diplomas. Kaczmar worked in the office at Greenall Guest speaker Lorie Kaczmar was blunt High School for twenty years and is consid- with the graduates, “There’s things I’ve ered a “True Blue Griffin.” She now works learned in my 50 plus years I want you to as an administrative assistant at Balgonie hear loud and clear,” she said at the begin- Elementary School. ning of her address. Her advice to the gradu- “It is kind of fun seeing the kids off, the ates included reminders to “never quit,” “be final goodbye,” said a kilted Patrick Koss- fair and honest,” “strive for your goals and man, backstage after presenting the Access help those around you achieve theirs” and Communications Centennial Scholarship. to “show love and respect to those around Kossman has spent 15 years as a teacher at you.” Greenall and currently teaches, Physics, Sci- Valedictorian Fred Heikkinen steps up to receive an award during the Kaczmar also put together packages, ence, Robotics and Drama. graduation ceremony, June 25 at taped to the underside of the graduates The ceremony also included handing out the Conexus Arts Centre. chairs. In them were six items: a Q-tip to fifteen awards and several 30-Level Course Photo: Michelle Nicholson remind graduates to listen to one another, a Awards, including a $300 scholarship spon- mint as a reminder to enjoy what you do, a sored by the Balgonie Fire Department and toothpick – with its sharp, pointy end - to a $125 scholarship from the Balgonie Elks. Celebrating farewell for Moving on elementary school students MICHELLE NICHOLSON their grade eight and grade six farewell excellence. Magnien said the staff works events June 25. hard to build a solid academic base for alloons, streamers, posters, carica- “We’ve got a lot of really good kids,” students but also a good social base, tures and proud smiles were abun- Principal Kathy Magnien of Pilot Butte using the school to help create “a place Bdant in area schools as students School said of her students. “Our Bear where they belong.” marked education milestones. values speak to that.” Magnien explained Pilot Butte Elementary saw 37 of Pilot Butte Elementary School, Bal- the Pilot Butte Bears nickname given to their students move on from grade eight, gonie Elementary School, École White the student body is also a nickname that Balgonie Elementary said goodbye to 51 City School, Emerald Ridge Elementary is an acronym for Be kind, Earn and give students and École White City said fare- School and Edenwold School celebrated respect, Accept responsibility, Reach for well to 56. The Village school is home to kindergarten through grade six classes. Three of their students bid adieu with plans of starting their grade seven year at Balgonie Elementary in the fall. 15072CC3 “Love Emerald Ridge Elementary School grade eight students having some fun before the cer- emonies began. Photo: Michelle Nicholson me as I am” Need Workers? The Regina & District Chamber of Commerce can help you with Garden Tour your labour force needs. SERVING MEMBERS SINCE 1886 HWY1STORAGE.COM reginachamber.com hwy1storage.com Adults local representative Amanda Baker at 306-757-4650 or 306-522-HWY1 (4991) [email protected] Four different unit sizes from $80 to $210 a mont h Saturday Phone: 306-522-HWY1 (4991) • Email: [email protected] $ July 11, 2015 10 AM – 4 PM Ages 5-16: $5 Tickets available from Joy Dobson, at 20 Kish Greenhouse in Emerald Park, or at the White City Town Offi ce Price includes entry for the $200 door prize basket from WP Gardens and: • Self-guided tour of 7 large, unique White City/Emerald Park gardens • Complimentary refreshments at Cocobeans Coffee • $10 in vouchers for Sherwood Co-op and Ice House White City Come see what might work for your yard and life! GARDENCLUB THE STAR | SERVING WHITE CITY, EMERALD PARK, PILOT BUTTE, BALGONIE & SURROUNDING AREAS | JULY 7, 2015 3 RM OF EDENWOLD N O . 1 5 8 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Intent to Amend the Zoning Bylaw Pursuant to Section 69 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, the Council of R.M. of Edenwold No. 158 gives notice to amend Zoning Bylaw 2010-17 as follows: Bylaw 2015-25 Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Contract NEWSPAPER COMMUNITY LOCAL OUR Zoning Agreement To rezone Parcel A in the NW ¼ 34-18-17 W2M from AR- Agricultural Resource to AR- Agricultural Resource Contract Zone as shown on the 8 PERCIBAL DRIVE, EMERALD SK S4L PARK, 1B7 OFFICE: 306-352-3393 corresponding maps. The legendary Western Music band from Branson, Missouri invite you to see them play all their favourites – including Tumbling Tumbleweed, Cool Water, & Ghost Riders in the Sky CALL KELLY CAMPBELL @ 306-552-8707 CALL KELLY or email [email protected] Aug 2, 2 PM– Purpose: This proposed rezoning is to accommodate firework storage.
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