July 25, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1615 years passed before the United States re- troops in Iraq and prays for the safety of all of We have begun to hear of Dominicans and turned the land to the Indians. our uniformed men and women still in the Gulf Dominican-Americans in the context of stars According to Pueblo tradition, the Taos tribe and Afghanistan, now is also an opportune like baseball slugger Sammy Sosa, designer was created out of the sacred waters of Blue time for Congress to do more to help our na- Oscar de la Renta, and Miss Universe 2002 Lake. The lake, a place of ritual worship and tion’s new and old veterans in need. To this Amelia Vega. However, there are hundreds of historical importance, was under U.S. Forest end, I am introducing legislation to urge the Dominican professionals and an increasing Service control beginning in 1906. Instru- establishment of a ‘‘National Hire a Veteran amount of Dominican students that are blazing mental in the fight for the return of Blue Lake Week’’ and to urge a presidential proclamation trails in government, law, science, and tech- and the surrounding wilderness, Paul, served calling upon employers, labor organizations, nology. They understand that they stand on as the key interpreter for news reporters and veterans service organizations, and federal, the shoulders of not only the sacrifices that government officials. state, and local governmental agencies to em- their parents have made but also on the Returning the lake to the tribe was strenu- ploy more veterans. achievements of members of other freedom- ously opposed by some powerful opponents: In spite of the best efforts of the U.S. De- loving people. U.S. Senator Clinton Anderson, the U.S. De- partments of Defense, Labor, and Veterans partment of Agriculture, and the U.S. Forest Affairs, imposing barriers continue to impede In many ways, their journey is similar to Service. Under the Anderson proposal, juris- many deserving veterans from securing em- other immigrant groups that have landed on diction would have remained with the U.S. ployment and achieving self-sufficiency. Unfor- our shores. But make no mistake, the people Forest Service, which the Pueblo considered tunately, many veterans struggle to find jobs, of the Dominican Republic have a style all insensitive to their religious beliefs. even with opportunities for increased training their own. They are part of the wonderful mo- In 1966, Taos Pueblo turned down $10 mil- and education offered through government saic that is America whose continuing em- lion and land concessions from the federal programs. Little more than half of our nation’s powerment can only help this country reach its government to settle the dispute. veterans are employed today. Most startlingly, full potential as a democracy. My father, Stewart Udall, former Secretary according to the 2000 Census, nearly 20 per- of the Interior, championed the cause of re- cent of Gulf War veterans are unemployed. f turning Blue Lake to the Taos Pueblo. He met Moreover, it is troubling and shameful that many times in the 1960’s with Paul Bernal and so many of our veterans who risked their own HONORING HOUSTON WALES—IN- other members of the Pueblo. My father has lives to defend our freedom can’t find jobs and TERN IN MY WASHINGTON, DC said many times that Paul Bernal was the must endure homelessness and lives of pov- OFFICE ‘‘most effective leader in the fight to win back erty after they return home. Indeed, American Blue Lake.’’ As Secretary of Interior in the 1960’s, my fa- veterans comprise one-third of the homeless HON. SAM GRAVES ther testified every two years before House male population in America, while an esti- and Senate committees to advocate for the re- mated 250,000 veterans live on our city OF MISSOURI streets. In fact, the number of homeless Viet- turn of Blue Lake. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1970, when Senator Anderson was ill and nam War veterans today exceeds the number ailing but still in the Senate, an extraordinary of service persons who died during that war. Friday, July 25, 2003 bipartisan group of senators—Barry Goldwater Mr. Speaker, even as we tend to the well- (R–AZ), Fred Harris (D–Okla), and George being of our men and women currently on ac- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I McGovern (D–S.D.)—came together to pass tive duty, we cannot forget those who have al- proudly pause to recognize Mr. Houston the Blue Lake legislation. ready served their country and deserve more Wales, a very special young man who has ex- President Nixon signed the legislation into assistance in moving to the next phase of their emplified the finest qualities of citizenship and law on December 15, 1970. Reflecting on his civilian lives. A presidential proclamation of leadership by taking an active part in national career, Richard Nixon later said that making ‘‘National Hire a Veteran Week’’ would provide government. the bill law was, ‘‘one of the most significant an effective and more focused way to do more Houston will be a freshman in the fall at the achievements of my administration.’’ to help all of our veterans find good jobs and University of Missouri-Columbia and has dis- Paul was a respected tribal elder, an icon ensure better living standards for themselves tinguished himself as an intern in my Wash- whose knowledge and experience carried the and their families. I hope that all of my col- ington office by serving the great people of the native-rights movement forward for many dec- leagues will support this legislation and will 6th District of Missouri. Houston joined my ades. He served as Taos Pueblo tribal sec- take one more step to help repay the debt we staff for the 108th Congress as part of the retary for 24 years. He was also humble and owe to all of our nation’s defenders. I also House of Representatives intern program at gracious in sharing credit for restoring tribal hope it can be promptly enacted and signed the United States Capitol In Washington, D.C., control of the lake. During a celebration in Au- into law in the next few weeks. a program designed to involve students in the gust 1971, Paul was asked about being the f legislative process through active participation. leader of such a monumental struggle. His CELEBRATING NEW YORK’S Through this program, Houston has had the reply, ‘‘No one man. All together. The gov- DOMINICAN DAY PARADE opportunity to observe firsthand the inner ernor, the council, all the people.’’ workings of national government and has I was honored to have known this distin- gained valuable insight into the process by guished man, and his death is a great loss for HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL which laws are made. all of us. However, I am certain Paul would OF NEW YORK not have wanted his death to create a void IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES During his time as an intern in my office, where his work is concerned. We can all learn Friday, July 25, 2003 Houston has successfully demonstrated his abilities in the performance of such duties as from this accomplished man and continue his Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- conducting research, helping with constituent work for Native American sovereignty and ute to one of New York’s oldest celebrations services, and assuming various other respon- spiritual integrity of the land. There could be of Dominican culture, Manhattan’s Dominican sibilities to make the office run as smoothly as no better tribute to such a man as Paul Day Parade. Bernal. The annual parade, which once ran through possible. Houston has earned recognition as a f the heart of Washington Heights, has grown to valuable asset to the entire U.S. House of become one of August’s most anticipated Representatives and my office through the ap- INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION plication of his knowledge and skills acquired IN SUPPORT OF DESIGNATION celebrations of cultural and ethnic pride on New York’s Sixth Avenue. prior to his tenure as an intern and through a AND GOALS OF HIRE A VETERAN variety of new skills he has acquired while WEEK This year’s parade on August 10th not only comes on the heels of the Dominican Repub- serving the people of Missouri and our Nation. lic’s hosting of the 14th edition of the Pan- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in HON. RUSH D. HOLT American Games, it also kicks off Dominican commending Mr. Houston Wales for his many OF NEW JERSEY Heritage Week in New York City. From then to important contributions to the U.S. House of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES August 16th, New Yorkers of all ages will get Representatives during the current session, as Thursday, July 24, 2003 a chance to learn about some of the ways in well as joining with me to extend to him our Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, as our nation hon- which this vibrant community is transforming very best wishes for continued success and ors and supports the ongoing efforts of our the Nation. happiness in all his future endeavors. VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:22 Jul 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JY8.094 E25PT1.
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