'■T' I * ■ . / i m o p n - s i x W EDNEI^DAY, D E C E M B E R 18, 1861 j Manrbfeter lEupnittg l|?raUt I .. / / . Arerege Daily Net Frees Run The Weethcr For t|^ Week Ended LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY at 1:10 P.M.-SATURDAY 11:10 A,M. Deeenber 9, I t t l foreoMt of D. B. Weather 1Beme CHRISTMAS GIFT FREE and EASY Partty Cloiidy t« Noody aad eeM WRAPPING PARKING 13,518 tonight. liow Friday partly Member of the Andit 2nd flo o r Come for Christmas « Rear of Store Bureau of Ctreulatlon cloady and eoML High Bear s4. '-1^ f ‘ Manchester—~A City of Village Charm • -I?'' 'Tor fho bonefit of Ml 3-4123 Hol|) for Retarded VOL. LX X X I, NO. 63 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, D E C E M B E R 14, 1961 (Olaaalfied AdrertlalDg on Page 2d) PRICE FIVE CENTS C h ild re n J State News Roundup 2 0 Pupils Killed as Train Police Say Youth right: white bouquets CHRIST/MS right: a garden of roses border the pouf sleeves in blue .or pink on cotton Drove Death Car and bouffant skirt .of and dacron sateen, nylon Yesterday and ’59 this peacock or burnt or- TIME petticoat. Hits Colorado School Bus orange dress, petticoat included. Newtown, Dec. 14 (^)— I to 3 — 6.99 State Police said today that the teen-age driver of an auto 7 to I' •10.99 IS 3 to 6x— 7.99 involved in a fatal accident Leftists Seize yesterday was driving while 14 Ghildren 7 to 12— 8.99 his license was under suspen­ Caracas Radio,: sion. KATE GREENAWAY ^ Sgt. John Jones of the IJirhfield Injured, Go State Police Troop said that Ri< h- Blast KennedV ard Barry, 19, of 1ft Fisk St., | _ •• iA J Waterbury, the driver of the auto, . , , TIME had his license suspended in Oct- C aracas. \ eneztiela. Dec. r l To Hospital lober iftsft. ,(.q>)—Ixiftist gunmen seized It Jones said that Barry was the radio tra n sm itte r here today, Greeley. Colo., Dec. 14 (/P) driver of an auto that killed a IV l)roadcast anti-Kennedv pi'on- —A school bus was struck by left; flow ers of blue year-old pedestrian in 1959. He , _ „ i said Barry was subsequently found 0 \ei a nalionw ide a streamliner passenger train or pink bloom on guilty of negligent homicide in honltun and escaned. I in northern Colorado today this dress of cotton Waterbury City Court. While they held the transmitter. ! and at least 20 persons were and dacron, nylon Police said Barry was driving a Ihey urged Venezuelan.s to oppose I killed. 4 petticoat. vehicle yesterday registered to "'i-s weekend s visit by Presidont Coroner Ross Adamson said 20 left: chri.stmas red cot­ Quality Brands ihc.. Waterbury. a Kennedy to Caracas I bodies were taken" to a temporary firm in which Barry's father, Johji ^ 4-man gang boi\nd and gagged morgue in Greeley. Apparently all I to 3 — 6.99 ton with snow.v touches F Barrv, is president and treasur- employes at the P.-'din Caraca.' i of the dead were children. of eyelet on the sleeves, fy ■ transmitter at K1 Bale, several u-iii I ... miles south of this capital. I Adamson said 14 children were 3 to 6x— 7.99 nylon petticoat. Killed in , the crash, of. the. station One man„„„ had a tommx gun An­ I hospitalized and three others re­ wagon and truck veslerdav was other had a rifle with havonet. leased after examination and treat­ 7 to 12— 8.99 William Finn, 18, a basketball star Tile raideis tied tin two guards ment. He said there •were 37 chil­ 7 to 12— 10.99 for Sacred Heart High School of normally posted at the station. dren and ih-e driver on the b«s. Waterbury last year. A man who hentd the interruption Sheriff's officers said the driv­ The collision occurred on P.oiile s.Tid a voice broke into the sched­ er of the bus apparently escaped 6. uled program and said: serious injury and was given shel­ I Barry and two other teen-agers •aav^ a .“ PeoDle of Caracas do not re­ ter in the county jail. He was Iden­ 1 in the auto were injured. ceive Kennedv. He was the man tified as Duane Harms. •Police said the auto was atlempt- Tile train was a Union Pacific ing to pass a car and was hit be- 2 ^ , "" t-lrh'"" in' fore it returned..... ,to the proper i„„„lane He is plotting another Cuban in- railroad streamliner which was T^e driver of the truck. Carter vasion with Betancourt iVenezuel-. trav eling westbound. TTie bus was Vaughn, 4.5. of 83 Colonial PI., New an President Romulo Betan­ struck at a crossing two miles GRANDM A MOSES court.!" east of Evans, which is a short Rochelle, N. Y., wa* uninjured. The raiders escaped In an auto-' ..jLlIki' distance south of Greeley. Mias Ronna Drumm, 17, Euclid bile. 1 The shattered remains of a .school bus that carried at lea.st 20 children to death today in a col- Bodies of children were scatter­ On 100 Million Yule Cards Avenue. Waterbury, and Peter Cul- : Immediately afterxvard police re-] li.sion with a tram 7 mile.s soulhea.sl of Grcclc.v. Colo. The overturned rear of the bus was the ed for 1,000 yards. School books, hane, 17, of 97 Circuit Ave., Wa- j inforcements were rushed to sll i largest intact .section. Eighteen are hospitalized. i AP Pholofaxi. homework papers, bus seats, cloth­ terbury. were reported in critical jI radio and television stations to , ing and other articles were hurled P. M. condition today in Danbury hos­ prevent a repetition. in all directions. OPEN TONIGHT pital. The incident was the most recent Patrolman Don Glmt of Gree­ in a serie.a of demonstrations and , Guterma Paid Million Program ley, believed to be the first officer Grandma Moses Dies Sues for $ 150,000 other wolence sponsored by i at the scene, said: ’Tve been on ' Venezuelan leftists to discredit the the job eight years and I'vs never Waterbury, Dec. 14 i/Pi — A I visit, which President Kennedy is | Gambling Debt seen anything like it.” Bridgeport woman filed a dam­ scheduled to make here Saturday. ; Greeley is about 50 miles north I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ At 101; Noted Artist age suit for 1150,000 In Superior Venezuelan troops began moving j CD for Constructing of Denver. After the accident the JEWELS AND THE CASES ___________ \ Court today against a Waterbury Into the city In a long-planned j Bv McCormick train was run on to La Salle, man who, she claims, struck her security operation to a.asure the 1 another small community n ear In the head while swinging a golf President's safety. Hooslck Falls, N. Y.. Dec. 14 painting, and throughout her New York, Dee. 14 (A’’ —A key Greeley. —Grandma Moses, spirited 101- lOl years she was endeared to ail club. The Leftists generally are con­ The bus was one of aevaral from factor In the sudden resignation of Shelters in Schools n'$ touch of year-old primitive artist whose who'had the privilege of knowing The woman. Sonya Kudrikoff, sidered a comparatively small the Greeley School District serv­ by MELE .nd BUXTON work has' appeargiil on 100 million her." said, in papers filed with the civil minority in- Venezuela—President EdwajM T. McCormick as president ing Greeley High School, a Junior Christman cards, died 12 days be­ Uoyd Goodrich, director of tha action that she subsequently lost Betancourt liaa'tald they number high school and an elementary lous tassels her left eye at a result of the in -, only about "four dozen”—But they of the American Stock Exchange . Washington, Dee. 14 .f/P-Thei citizen. It calls for advance plan- fore Christmas, Whitney Museum of American Art Defense program, to ning at every level of government school, all in Greeley. ♦as seen in Vogue, Esquire, McCalls, Seven­ Grandma, who achieved world­ in New York, said: jury.- ' are extreme Officials said all of the cUldren Police had laonehM onlv last TOCnCw Alexander u Gutem a to jjg Congrress next month - local, stale and national. Thi« d chains with matching teen, in snow white, bluestone, shell pink, wide fame after taking up paint­ "She represented the folk tradi­ She sal •truck by Ni­ . - . a • a pay ' offon a substantialsubslantial Havai^.^-m about $700 million and planning must be Hexible enough to aboard the bus were. from rural ing in her late 70s, suffered from tion that has been mich an Im- cholas Camerino while ahe was a “ families. some touched with 24 kt. gold, the collection In. fn Z ^m bling debt owed bv McCormick ____include_____ incentive payments for adapt itself to changes in enemy rrings. some with beads a chronic heart ailhient. guest at Carserino'a home. i pre.sldentlal vt.slt. I the Wall Street Journal said today. : construction of fallout shelters In weapons and tactics. It must be The weather was clear with s from Her health gradually faded at a (Contlniied on Page Two) Carsertno, she «ald, invited her | Authorities announced the "''VI I hospitals, and public wel- comprehensive enough to cover temperatures below freesing. E .■nursing home, the Hooslck Falls to watch him practice swinging a l re.st of 50 persons accused of would be nothing illegal In fare institutions, people living imder widely differ­ Tne crossing is marked by a Health Center, where she had been golf club.
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