Diamond D A N D IE ^ ^ ROMNEYI/jSnS IDAHOiO ON CAMPAIGN TRAILL I I BurggerBiackeii t j m ” SEE MAGIC VALLEY. 01)1 Valley baseballill t1 e a m s W - U F i n d o uJt t who1 made the ! poised for state r u n s . Market DROPS MOREtE THAN 240 POINTS R a v o r f uLll l F o u r . SEE FOOD S HOME, _________________SEE MONEY, Dl)1 Good Mominf l i f e , P>:57 ■ ^ WEDNESDAY T W L1VC3 Mareh 14,2007 Sunny ik in , warm. (MaUcBe e s 5 w s 50 cents L J y — M«fcW^.com - RyuH ortky I C SI ON I and hli BollMr,iCr ^ RedI's losessitsguitl licenss e l|H Ttny, stind InI frbiho(th*lr 4 T Q By Cassidy FtMmaImaa g u n s itit sometimes left blank . the store through three g£ e n era- ^H ^H |unsbep.ltid1I'l NAnONAI Tlirw»Newi writerlter_________________ requiredred ports of a gun purchase ! tlo n s o f Horsleys. ^^^H TndlnfPott,tala form , omittedon: a background chcck "They arc taking very m in o r Golden Eagles earn doviitoimMin Sf" TW IN FALLSLS — Red's Trading on a specialspi order, failed to log; things and blowing themm o u t of fourth-straight Wp to neK FtOs.TlMU.$.. netfonal P ost, o n e o f[ Idaho'sIc oldest gun multipleiple handgun sales to tbe proportion," snid Terry Hors the tournament with win ov n over sh o p s, con tradeide no longer. same customercu in five working; shop's o w n er a n d Ryan's m o Ari:ona Wes(cm. rn- T h e U.S. BuBureau of Alcohol, days, diddie not keep track of guns The shop, at 215 Shosh(s h o n e St. Alcohol, For details on the gam Tobacco, Flrean;arms and Explosives returnedled to manufacturers, threw’ South, can sell the I,00( g u n s Tobacco, tM Sporta, pagB B l ' has revoked thethe business's license away denieddei applications dealers rem a in in g in its inventory, a c an F ln in u u id to buy. trade or obtain guns after - arc requijquircd to keep for 20 years continue selling gun acce:cesso ries EipioslmlutI a n A ll' audit foundfoi Red's employ- and faiiciailed to p o st a gu n safety>sign a n d am m u n itio n . m e k d th * ces sold gunss improperlyii numcr- and pamlam phlets. But accessories account f It for only thcp’s Deem* ' ous times bctwcween 1999 and 2004. Tlic: ATFa: revoked Red's license 10 p e rc cn t o f its revenue. S Red's manag<lagcr, Ryan H orsley, M archll 5, 5, sh u ttin g dow n 90 percent t o ie llf u u . admits when1 thet business sold of theL' incomein that has sustained Please see RED’S,5, Pagef A3 I'IrlPj Body AREYrou s MAIRTER identifieJ K i r a A n nie d THANIIHISI SRADEBR? I Payton recen n m o v e d h e n imes-News 3ntly from Califorr osts challenge \ g i B S i 3 re :e By Cassidy FrMmaa T i r , . wr1t<r imia poi[iWeb-site— JHHOME ^ T h e wr ' sinblH'd 10 d e a th and dut tsh u Palmer II n aked over th e northw es es-News writer in^ o f th e Perrine iiridgi= ------------------e f t 4 | n g ' l)ccn idcntiOed ns Kim w o m an , _ WIN, . FALLS — Ifyou think I’ayion. du m p ed W so easy, then wiiy don't youu I’aylon. 37. had westrcc riiii- TImes-l moved to 1\vin FallsIdge has ----------it? G-ilifornia, said N ancy H( m Cim A nn jYVjh e Times-News a s k e d a acting spokes- up of flfth-gradcrs at w o m a n for recently Jl’sso rine Elem entary and tlieir the Jerome ^ ^^lis 1 from try it? County Hr lily m em bers to answer a / Howell, 7 h e S h e r i f f ’ s M "simple" m ath questions, D epartm ent. ■ , ; ? g r o u p was a challenge becausc Authorities K w have not iden- se adults included a med- (IHcd a su s- doctor and retired sixth- I pcct. de teacher. P a y t o n ' s ut the students proved that b o d y w as ’ th e s e I know w hat it takes to lead drugged from a vehicle y d pull o u t a re a along U.l g a m e . n o n h of IWin Tails nea ased on the TV gam e show lyton B u ti Perrine Bridge. She ) You Sm arter than a Pifth dragged about 400 feel icle in a der?" we selected m ath (he pedestrian walkwayU.S. 93 the ga istions from the Idalio d u m p e d c ith er late Tlminear thu Base niglu o r early Friday m or i d a r d s A c h i e v e m e n t T est lie w as -AreYc Payton's body landed > IT) and asked both groups I grass7 ledge 187 feet belo’way “and T vj.uui.G ra d e nswer the sam e question, n o rth edge o f th e bridge.rlmrsday quK" isil http://www.m agicval- Tourists taking photoginoming. Standi :om to see how both sides fro m th e n o rth sid e.•tl oi on a (ISAT) bridge spotted her naked in the com petition. a t a b o u t) p.m . Friday, to a n s )u might be surprised how i Anyone with informitograplis Visit 1 a fifth-grader can com peiele about the crime shouldJ o f th e le y .co t 1 a docior and a retired ta c t th e Jerom e <edbodyCo didin ShcrifT's Officc at 324-89 :h e r. • , Y ou the Idaho State Policerm at atio n ,, 6000. uld con- 'veil a County with a Cassidy Friedman, p •8913 or teachcSimple questions? safety reporter for the2 atT\ 324- Neu^. can bc rvachcd at fv | \ ) How (Jo fiftlvgraders at 3241 or cfriedman&masi M i L Perrine Elementary ley.com. public U5 U a compare with their e Times- iS - S B parents and grandparents?s? -------------------------------------- < at 735- i r i i S Flndotftat _ S«t!iWillIi«t,iflftb-indir,»taillM tf ttr MfnctJy ceaplitlnt hrotwo ISXT M tb pnbUmt Ttttidiy It Pn lagicval' I W A j j . www.maglcvalley.com I Pgilw B w in tiiy SdMollaTMi Fills. BfWje .................................. Buslfwis wd jerwee diftctoor CiMSincds ...................... Comici.................................. CfOMwd ............................ DorADby ......................................C7 0— S e n a t e r e Food & Home........................0^ ...E6 'educescd)!i s t o f H o u ss e g r o c e r y t a x p l a n HoraKops.............................-...EMO ^ ^ Ma(>c V»uey.......................... could sap suite budgidgets in coming Since! then,th' the debate has swirledd Money.................................. lay still veto it foior high price ta{ years, even though it wouldw( cut less tax over hownv toi ofEsel the surcharge thatIt Movttt..................................t 1 I d a h o ^ revenue than the planm thati passed the statercsldesldents psy on food. ofSdals Obnusilet ............................ w ould)ild cut too m u c h fio m state govevem - H ouse. Already, th e staitate's t general fim d e stim a tele the-figuret for the average Opinion ................................ e • wrttar________________ m entnt rim nucsi and doesn't targetst ithe w x revenue since Deceircem bcr has ^ e n Idaho resld Sport*.................................. esident at about $90 per year, tax reliefreli lo low-lncome people asu he about S2B million short < Stock* .................................. s Otter me snofcjqwcutions. , Underur ihed Serute plaa the existing8 Sultfojtw.................................. ,C3. D3 Senators on 'Hiesday would!jldlike. a cc o n ^ to prellminainary lax revenue $20 credit!dil d ut residents get on theirir Tlwfr^ptovw ............................“ ftthfcHBn. it o f a H ouse p la n to give ‘I'mI'm no t going to look w ith &ivoror on figures obtained byi 'The1 Asso'daied' 'siateinconcome taxes to o& et the food taxX s relief for the increa^ anythlrthing that gives an across-lhe-boi)oard Press. w o u ld be doubled, to $40 per year,r. epaidonfoodsincelast credjt,"lit," Otter during a lunch sp(ipon- Lawpiakers raised Idaho'sIda sales tax to Thoseoveriver 65 would get a $60 credit up Ing the change would ■ soredkI bby the Idaho Press Qub. ‘I don'tdc 6 peiT^i from 5 pcrce ■. '. .■. ■. '.eI ' BOISE - SCI rcent in August to from J35.»5. 'nie Senate plan would5 ..........03 slashed the cost■Butch" 0 O ner's v e ta thlnkyiik you can dress thot one cnouough help recoup S260mlllloillonlnrevenuethe reducerev!revenues by about $33 rainioo. ..........Be Idaho residents!T n they voted, however, formem etosipiiL’' state lost when theyy earlier< reduced i n i l|M sales tax theyVeporteis the proposfl still Otteritter said he feared the Senate planpl property taxes. PleaseP se e MOCCIY, Page A33 III summer, hoping IIH ovDldGov.CL'Bi IIM Minutes after I ♦ ’ ■ * 50” 9 Otter told rcporti U TkM»Nm,'lWtaFyb,ld«iM« WidM*diKMirdil4,2007* j / -Doom’s FORECACAST YOURI MORNIIING Today TonightT( Ttiursr e d a y I ^ ■ 0 » a EF Surny sklos CloarC sklos At(Mcl<^ I j * Clouds M a g i c v a lm l e ________ _ I D A H O)/WEST / Nfflm O N / W O E D Ss ports ■ ' H ig h 57 LL( o w 3 8 53 8 /1 3 2 ------------------- Todoy:A low clouds withlh abovoa average tem peratures.
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