m THE TIMES — uJ •— < _J ^ _3 »- -i ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS .FANWO00 NEWS VOLUME ; 15 CENTS A COPY o o SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1972 to CM © A Name Fanwood Establishes New Commission For Environmental Issnes Will Consist Of Seven Members ••••i To Be Named By Mayor Watch For The Borough of Fanwood will have a new municipal Commission added to the ranks under provisions of an ordinance Introduced last Unauthorized week. Mayor Theodore Trumpp announced the establishment of an Environmental Commission for the protection, development or use of Peddlers natural resources located within the borough. A Mayor's Committee On the Residents of the area are ad- Environment had been es- in a municipal master plan and vised to check that peddlars tablished in Fanwood within the development and use of open and canvassers have proper past year, it had been headed areas; study and recommend ac- identification and licenses is- by William Kluckas, with two tions concerning open space pre- sued by the municipality. members; Miss Barbara Ad- servation, fwater resources man- There have been reports re- ams and Anthony Sartor, agement, air pollution control, cently of unauthorized door-to- Trumpp noted that the creation etc; manage donated or purchased door sales efforts being un- of a commission instead of a lands for conservation and en- dertaken by both adults and committee would permit the bor- vironmental purposes; coordin- youngsters who are not resi- ough to obtain state, Ford Foun- ate conservation matters in the dents of the Scotch Plains-Fan- dation and other funds available community. wood community. to commissions, A hearing will Among the powers of the new be conducted on the ordinance Commission will be the right, on September 13, subject to Borough Council Who is ha? Well, he's got a body, but so far he has no name. The new commission, first to approval, to control all lands ac- That's where you come In, This puppy just joined the household of Police Captain ba established In the borough quired for conservation purposes Scotch Plains Township Clerk Helen M, Reidy. He replaces her since the Shade Tree Commis- and adopt suitable rules for such old dog "Little Guy, who died recently. The new acquisition is a Will Retire sion in 1965, will include sev- areas, The Commission also Lhasa ADSO — all black with a single white marking on his chest, en members, appointed by the would be enabled to acquire pro- He's four months old and plenty full of life and busy-ness. Got Detective Captain Harold W. Mayor,, All shall be residents perty for environmental pur- any Ideas for a name for him? It would be a shame if he went Millwater of the Fanwood police of panwood and one member poses, with the approval of the through life being called, "Hey, you]" or "Off the sofa]" Forward Department plans to retire from shall be a member of the plan- Council. your ideas to: Helen Reldy, 2143 Gamble Road, Scotch Plains, N,J. the force effective October 1. nine Board. The Commissioners The Borough Council will ap- We'll let you know what Helen decides, Councilman Van Dyke poliitt, first appointed shall hold office propriate whatever sums is nec- in announcing the Captain's re- for terms as follows: two mem- essary for the operation of the tirement, noted that Millwater Is bers for one year; two members Commlsion. considered an.'•institution" in for two years* and three mem- Trumpp thanked and praised DARE Plans Series the Borough, and will be sorely bers for three years. Thereaf- the members of the Mayor's missed. He has served With ter, all terms shall be three Committee, noting the admirable distinction for 30 years, pollitt year ones. job they have done in arousing Of Cottage Meetings noted, The Commission shall have the community awareness of envir- power to promote conservation onmental problems. If a representative from DARE rings your doorbell next week or and development of natural re- Chairman William Kluckas thereafter, he is seeking a date to hold a "cottage meeting" in your sources; plan, Implement and thanked the Council for initiat- neighborhood to acquaint your neighborhood with the local drug inform the public about local en- ing the action on the Commis- abuse prevention program. vironmental programs; recom- sion, He expressed disappoint- Jessie Miller, director of mended to the Planning Board ment that no significant progress the DARE center on Front Street Committee for DARE, plans and programs for Inclusion Continued On Page 2 in Scotch Plains has announced "The sooner we get started in that the DARE group hopes even- trying to change apathetic attitu- tually to meet with residents of des, the better," Miller said, Many Bidders Vie For every street in Scotch Plains and "So many people in town do not Fanwood to explain what is being understand the seriousness of the done locally to fight drug abuse problem in Scotch plains and ,260,000 School Jobs and to enlist residential sup- Fanwood, and many parents don't The Scotch plains-Fanwood Board of Education received bids on port. Although many young peo- even know or understand enough Tuesday for the $4,260,000 school expansion program approved ple are using the DARE facili- to logically discuss the question by voters last fall. However, the total figure is still unknown be- ties, only a few will be enlisted with their children," cause of the extensive breakdown of bidding areas and the number to conduct the home meetings, Miller said any resident who of bidders. since those best equipped for wishes to arrange for one of the The expansion project includes public speaking and conversation "Cottage meetings" may do so a new 700-pupil Elementary planned by the Board of Educa- will be involved. Therefore, the by calling 322-5675. School to be located on Willow tion in order to open up the cottage meetings will be con- The DARE center has been ac- Avenue behind park Junior High; bidding to more contractors, ducted over a long period of tive this summer, he reported, renovations and a new section at thereby hopefully permitting gre- time, Miller said, beginning next with quite a bit of activity ar- park Junior High; and additions ater competition and a bet- Monday, August 14. ranged around a preventive pro- to four Elementary Schools - ter price. Consequently, the Dozens of young people will gram for sixth graders, Activi- paper work was voluminous, A "CAPT. HAROLD W, MILLWATER Brurmer, McGinn, Coles and Ev- begin the doorbell ringing on that ties have included discussion ergreen. contractor could, for example, date. They will be equipped with meetings, poster distribution, The total also includes $10,000 choose to bid on the electrical literature and brochures explain- and trips combining informa- Millwater, a native of North for purchase of a piece of land work for the entire school ing the purpose behind DARE, tional and recreational activities, plainfield, attended local schools adjacent to LaGrande School, to expansion program, or he might %vhich is sponsored by the Red such as a trip to the residency and joined the Fanwood Police provide more playground space wish to bid on only the electri- Cross and organized by the Scotch for drug abuse at the jersey Department on December 1,1942, there. cal work for a single school ad- plains-Fanwood Drug Abuse shore and bike hikes. He became a Sergeant in 1951, At least 70 bidders gathered dition. Lieutenant in 1959, Detective at Scotch plains-Fanwood High According to Board Vice pres- Lieutenant in 1961, and Cap- School on Tuesday night. They ident Richard Bard, it would be tain in 1968, He attended var- were separated Into three dif- unlikely that final figures would Police Report On Vandalism ious police schools to study fin- ferent rooms to place their bids be available for at least a week. gerprinting, investigation, po- in any or all of 11 different bid The bids collected on Tuesday VANDALISM REPORT - COMPILED BY THE SCOTCH PLAINS lice practice and procedure, de- areas, including General Con- were to be forwarded to the ar- JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB AS REPORTED BY THE SCOTCH PLAINS tection, investigation, and nar- struction Work and Structural chitectural firm responsible for POLICE DEPARTMENT cotics and drug abuse. Steel Work, right on down to the the design of the expansion pack- 1, Broken bottles on property of private home on Grant Avenue, A Testimonial Dinner will be smaller areas such as Carpeting, age — Hamnett, Bouman and 2, Broken window at private home on park Avenue. held in his honor on Sept. 22, Demountable Walls, I Operable Blanche of Trenton, 3, Broken window at Brenner School. 1972 at Sulphur Springs, Berkeley Walls, Science-Lab Equipment, Of the total number of bidders, 4, Five mail boxes torn off homes on Clark Lane, Heights, Tickets for the affair Art Room Complex, Venetian over 30 were bidding on the two 5, Three mall boxes torn off homes on Cooper Road, may be purchased at police Head- Blinds, etc. big categories ~ General Con- 6» Garbage dumped on property of private home on Briar quarters or from any Fanwood The extensive breakdown in struction Work and Structural Cliff Lane. police Officer, bidding areas was deliberately Steel Work. cated that the recycling could re- see establishment of an opera- Commission... main permanently at the present tion similar to that in Cranford. railroad station location. Municipally operated, the site Continued From Page I Following the meeting, Kluc- has permanent bins on a paved ar- has been made on establishment kas, who is also president of 8 " It is open once every two of a permanent site for the com- the Environmental Action Group waeks for collection of cans and munity recycling program, but of Scotch plalns-Fanwood, said glass, while newspapers are col- said he didn't feel the difficulty that group seeks a permanent re- lected by a roving neighborhood rested with the Fanwood Coun- cycling site which would be well collection truck, Cranford has a cil.
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