CP Heads in N. Y. Back Big Business Candidates & Openly Oppose Independent Socialist Votes THE MILITANT PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE By Herman Chauka i , A policy statement on the New York elections by Ben Vol. XXI ■ No. 45 267 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1957 P R IC E 10c Pavis and George Blake Charney, co-chairmen of the New York State Communist Party was published in the Worker Nov. 3. I t aligns the Comm unist-3------------------------------------------------------- Party with the cold-war, red- 9 2 5 V O T E S baiting union bureaucrats of the Liberal Party in support of Tammany’s candidate, Mayor Wagner. The main fire of the statement is directed against the “Buy Less” -- Eisenhower’s Socialist W orkers Party whose candidates campaigned vigorous­ ly to popularize the need for a labor party and a labor admin­ istration and to spread the mes­ sage of socialism. UNITED DRIVE Answer on Rocketing Prices Davis and Charney are spokes­ men for the Foster and Gates wing of the OP leadership. Their A Husky in Space statement represents a united ef­ fo rt by the UP tops to throttle Will Nikita Khrushchev Callously Tells People an apparently growing rank-and- file opposition 10 the party's "co­ alition” line of supporting cap­ italist candidates endorsed by Become Another Stalin? To Resign Themselves to the labor bureaucracy. (The JOYCE COWLEY, Socialist statement takes issue w ith “the By George Lavan Workers Party candidate for argument fo r abstention in out­ New York M ayor polled 13,915 NOV. 6 — After being kept in the dark for a week, ranks,” that is, witn tne auituue votes by unofficial count. In the Soviet people were finally informed by the Kremlin of Lower Living Standards of those wfto saw no real clioice 1953 the SW P M ayoralty vote the fate of the second most powerful figure among their ibetween W agner and Christen- was under 4,000. By Fred Halstead berry.) A t cue same time the rulers, former Defense Minister^ statement is a malicious attack Zhukov. At the (bidding of member .Zhukov will, like the re­ President Eisenhower has strongly implied that the Communist Party’s support to Khrushchev he had been expelled cently-purged Molotov, iMalenkov on independent radicals who sup­ government expects the American workers to cut their ported the Socialist Workers Wagner. True, Wagner’s anti-la­ not only from the Communist and Kaganovich, be given a mi­ ticket in this election. bor record has created such a Party’s Presidium, th e commit-, nor job in some remote p art of standard of living in tihe coming period. He was asked at stench that the statement of sup­ the USSR. After dismissing the .Socialist tee at the very pinnacle of pow­ his Oct. 30 press conference, port is couched in a hypocritical Laoor Party as an electoral er in the UIS'SR, but also from way. ANTI-ZHUKOV CAMPAIGN how best the “American con­ choice because of its hopeless the CP Central Committee. The propaganda campaign sumer . particularly in the This action was voted unani­ sectarianism, the Ui' statement WHAT IT ADDS UP TO against the former Defense Min­ mously by the 133-member Cen­ fieid of the white collar worker” says: "Tne situation witn re­ Christenberry, we are in­ ister has reached new heights. tral Committee which is the up­ could cope w ith the fact that the spect to the SW if is somewhat formed, is the main enemy. To Meetings to undermine Zhukov’s per crust of the whoie bureau­ dilferent. Vve must take into ac­ abstain or vote for the iSLP is position, which prior to the Cen­ cost of living has risen for the cracy and in which there are nu­ count tne position of a number bad; to vote for the SWP far tral Committee’s action had been 13th straight month. He replied merous generals and admirals. of socianst-minoed individuals m- worse; Wagner’s administration held only in the armed forces, that “people should attempt to Zhukov was himself a member ciuding tne editors oi tne i\a- has “accomplishments which we have now spread to all party and not only voted for his own purchase less.” tionai Guardian tnat the SWP do not desire to minimize,” and units in the USSR. Thousands expulsion but made a speech ' As advice, this statement was provides tn« only socialist aitei- a big vote on the Liberal Party of telegrams from such meet­ errors’ hardly necessary. The vast ma­ nauve in the elections, anu tnus line would ibe progressive. But, hlS ings “unanimously” endorsing merits our ¿uppoit." the statement coyly adds, “We! ««“**» * the committee for mak- Zhukov’s ouster are pouring into jority of American workers, The statement then presents a neither endorse or take responsi-1 ,B* th?.m cl*ar lo, hlm- i hf °nly Moscow'. Khrushchev is employ­ whose wages have not kept pace faisineu version oi tm P views bility for any candidate or party! ¡" !ga .. ^en n^e ing- dozens of the most impor­ with price rises and whose total A Husky-type dog, like the one in Sputnik II, in a rocket on “peaceful- - ' co-existence,"■ .. ..................... on tne in this Mayoralty election.” The kov s «pitulat.on brought was tant generals and admirals to that he was not expelled from 130 miles above the earth. It was not harmed by the state of income is already required to ‘ ann-monopoiy coalition” and on authors safely assume that any­ make public condemnations of the party itself. It is expected “dynamic weightlessness’’ it occupied aloft for six minutes, meet current ■‘bills, are being the ruling bureaucracy lit tne one of voting age will be able his vanquished opponent on po­ that shortly rank-and-file party according to the Russian navy newspaper, Soviet Fleet. forced to c'ut purchases. But as Soviet Union. (See answer to to deduce from all this that the litical, personal and military the CP’s laisificat'ions on this Communist Party favors a vote grounds. a warning as to who is expected page.) This purported “analysis” for Wagner on the Liberal Par- The denigration of Zhukov as to pay for announced increases EISENHOWER oi the SW P program concludes ty line. IN THIS ISSUE a military ngure went lurthest in armaments expenditures, the with a scurmoua biann - ijpe A major justification offered S Million Unemployed in a re-writing of tne History oi President’s statement is packed ed, and unemployment claitns, smear: “A vote lor the SWl' is by Charney and |)avis for sup- the military campaigns of with meaning. which usually drop in October, a vote that objectively gives porting Wagner is that Christen- World War II toy Marshal Ivan In spite of a continuing rise of went up in the fall of this year sonie measure oi support to berry “is a candidate of the What the Sputniks Forecast for 1958 S. Konev. Printed in full in consumer prices, Eisenhower as they did in 1953. In addition, counter-revolutions. Some good Daily News crowd and the Mc- Pravda, this lengthy article be­ Conservative business spokesmen are almost unani­ himself admitted in the same the freight car loadings total— progressives do not take this Carthyite (¡lement in New York.” Mean for Peace littles Zhukov’s record at tne press conference that the na­ a sensitive 'barometer of business sulncicnt'iy into account.” j Overlooked is the fact that on mous in their predictions that 1958 wiH be a year of “re­ battles of Stalingrad and Berlin, tional economy was “taking a activity — is off 10% from a After presenting the SWP and, Oct. 30 the Daily News en- And Socialism cession” with at least five million unemployed. couples him witn Stalin in re­ breather” as indicated by rising year ago. those who supported its ticket as dorsed not Christenberry but At the fifth annual Confer- sponsibility for the USSR’s de­ unemployment and the failure of The already astronomical arms See Page 2 enee on the Economic Outlook j ly in primary metals and some abetting “counter - revolutions,” W'agner. And the News was not feats at the beginning oi tne business to pick up as much as budget is simply not enough to held Nov. 5 at the University of fabricated metal products. In Davis and Charney announce the! (Continued on page 4) war, and portrays him as a con­ expected this fall. The economy, keep the economy going. While Michigan at Ann Arbor, profes­ New York, state unemployment ceited and unscrupulous glory- said Eisenhower, “always seems warning the workers to cope seeker. sor Daniel B. Suits said th at un­ insurance claims are up 51,000 to be balanced between a with inflation by tightening their employment will increase by two over last year. Jobless aircraft Khrushchev's victory over Zhu­ possibility of deflation and in­ belts, Eisenhower announced that million in 1958. Added to the workers are jamming unemploy­ kov thus appears to be com­ flation.” This is another way of the $38 billion ceiling would be present figure of close to three ment offices on Long Island fol­ plete. From the power struggle saying that the alternatives are exceeded this fiscal year. The lowing government cutbacks CP’s Latest Smear o f SWP in the topmost reaches ot me million, that would be seven per amotints presently assigned to another depression or vastly in­ cent of the nation’s work force. which idled 9,000 in the last few bureaucracy which since Stalin's creased armaments production be squandered on armaments By Harry Ring (Any single area having over weeks.
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