Animal Health Board Programme Management Monthly report for Horizons Regional Council: May 2013 From: Alan Innes, Programme Manager, Animal Health Board - Southern North Island Date: 12 June 2013 ANIMAL HEALTH BOARD STRATEGY OBJECTIVE The main aim of the Animal Health Board’s (AHB’s) TB control programme is to eradicate bovine tuberculosis (TB) from wildlife, mainly possums, across 2.5 million hectares – or one quarter of New Zealand’s at-risk areas, by 2026. REGIONAL SITUATION Manawatu/Wanganui total cattle and deer infected herds at month end 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Number ofinfected herds 10 0 Jul-10 Jul-06 Jul-07 Jul-08 Jul-09 Jul-11 Jul-12 Nov-06 Nov-07 Nov-08 Nov-09 Nov-10 Nov-11 Nov-12 Mar-12 Mar-07 Mar-08 Mar-09 Mar-10 Mar-11 Mar-13 Manawatu / Wanganui Total I herds 3-yr plan target The number of infected herds for the Wellington Region remains at one – the research herd at Kaitoke. Other lower North Island Regions – Horizons – 2 infected herds; Hawkes Bay – 1; Taranaki - 2. Nationally there are 73 infected cattle herds – 10 North Island & 63 South Island. AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 1 Communications: The Senior Management Team have decided that SENI region would be known as the Southern and Eastern North Island to be consistent with the other regions – “Northern” & “Southern”. TBfree had a significant presence at the New Zealand Young Farmers Grand Final in Kumeu; TB possum control seminars were held with audiences totally approximately 500 school pupils. A demonstration on the use of possum detection/control devices, data management tools (PDA) and possum post mortem procedures was followed with an outline of pest control career paths. The possum post mortem was an unexpected highlight for the Auckland based school pupils. Vector Operations Of the 267 approved activities in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region, 147 have been completed to date. Aerial 1080 control of isolated bush blocks in the Kirikau valley has been completed, ground control on surrounding farmland will commence in early July. The SENI ground control tender evaluation was decided, results are being communicated with contractors. Approved programme for Manawatu-Wanganui for 2012/13 Strategic Choice Activities Hectares (Ha) Cost ($) Eradication 168 825,580 3,560,192 TB Free Area Protection 99 400,687 2,214,758 I-Herd Suppression 0 0 0 Carry Forwards 11/12 521,955 Total Approvals 267 1,226,267 6,296,905 No. activities Hectares (Ha) % complete Possum Control (input, detection + concurrent surveys) 78 275,304 75% Possum Control (ground – output based) 34 107,893 59% Aerial Control (incl child activities) 42 158,791 33% Possum Surveys 3 15,838 66% Pig Surveys 48 401,757 17% Deer Survey 3 62,580 33% Performance Monitor 41 135,292 66% Trend Monitor 18 68,812 94% Total Approvals 267 1,226,267 55% AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 2 Activities completed in May Date Date ID Activity Name Type started completed 57974 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS1 (Pig) Independent survey 15/08/2012 31/05/2013 57976 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS2 (Pig) Independent survey 15/08/2012 06/05/2013 57980 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS4 (Pig) Independent survey 15/08/2012 31/05/2013 57982 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS5 (Pig) Independent survey 15/08/2012 31/05/2013 54660 Hikumutu GS3 Ground control output based 24/07/2012 23/05/2013 38728 Kirikau AS1 Aerial control input based 28/04/2013 08/05/2013 55528 Retaruke GS3 (W) Ground control input based 16/07/2012 20/05/2013 55530 Retaruke GS5 Ground control input based 08/10/2012 20/05/2013 55539 Ruatiti Stage 2 GS3 Ground control output based 06/04/2013 30/05/2013 55543 Ruatiti Stage 2 GS4 Performance monitor 22/04/2013 04/05/2013 36204 Ruatiti Stage 3 AS1 Trend monitor 29/04/2013 11/05/2013 61889 Hihitahi GS2A Trend monitor 01/05/2013 11/05/2013 61890 Hihitahi GS2B Trend monitor 01/05/2013 11/05/2013 59690 Koukoupo South GS2 Concurrent survey 23/03/2013 06/05/2013 59688 Koukoupo South GS2 Ground control input based 23/03/2013 06/05/2013 61397 Raetihi Buffer Stage 1 North GS3A Ground control output based 08/02/2013 16/05/2013 61400 Raetihi Buffer Stage 1 North GS3A Performance monitor 21/05/2013 25/05/2013 51090 Taihape Buffer North GS3A Ground control output based 01/02/2013 03/05/2013 51093 Taihape Buffer North GS3A Performance monitor 06/05/2013 11/05/2013 Failed activities in May RTC ID Activity Name Type RTC Target Result Nil Pig survey progress Shaded denotes completed Samples Required Confirmed TB Project Area (ha) received to Samples samples date Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 (LCR) 48,870 15 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS1 9,209 40 40 AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 3 Samples Required Confirmed TB Project Area (ha) received to Samples samples date Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS2 10,722 50 50 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS3 2,982 15 14 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS4 3,052 15 15 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS5 9,003 40 40 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS6 3,401 15 15 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS7 10,500 40 32 Kirikau AS1 1,075 5 2 Kirikau GS2 & GS3 & GS4 10,459 25 23 Kirikau GS5 542 5 2 Nihoniho AS1 3,377 30 28 Nihoniho GS2 7,954 10 10 Nihoniho GS3 6,208 10 7 Ruatiti Stage 1 6,145 60 Ruatiti Stage 2 AS1 405 7 Ruatiti Stage 2 AS2 950 13 Ruatiti Stage 2 GS6 746 5 1 Ruatiti Stage 3 6,198 60 Tatu Haeo Extension 19,926 40 36 Te Hape-Waiatara AS1 3,203 30 30 Tokirima 10,409 25 19 Waikaka South AS1 12,103 40 4 Waikaka AS1 4,214 40 4 Waimiha 14,046 80 Waitaanga Extension AS1 8,575 40 21 Ahu Ahu AS1 & AS2 5,887 50 75 Ahu Ahu Zone 1 1,304 19 Ahu Ahu Zone 2 1,557 22 Akitio-Herbertville 17,364 50 51 Aohanga 7,337 40 50 Aorangi-Awarua 5,525 40 2 Branscombe 19,472 50 4 East Alfredton Tararua 6,440 40 5 Hihitahi Exclusion Zone 2,565 20 15 AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 4 Samples Required Confirmed TB Project Area (ha) received to Samples samples date Mangamahu 13,462 15 19 Mangaporau AS1-3 7,564 50 38 Mangaporau Zone 3 3,455 50 Mangaporau Zone 4 663 50 Morikau 6,195 50 44 Oporae 24,343 40 Withdrawn Orautoha DOC AS1 5,324 25 Withdrawn Papaiti AS1 4,264 25 Withdrawn Raetihi Buffer Stage 2 GS1& GS2 13,330 25 23 Southern Ruapehu 20,843 60 Withdrawn Ruatiti-Pipiriki 24,780 50 30 Taihape Buffer GS3A & GS3B 12,414 15 Tane-Kaitawa 10,401 40 1 Waihoki 12,475 50 40 Weber 14,523 50 39 Western Tararua 12,965 25 Withdrawn Totals 468,726 1706 829 0 Survey progress Shaded denotes completed Confirmed Animals submitted TB Project Survey Type Area (ha) samples Possum Cat Ferret Other Adhoc Area - NNI Manawatu- Adhoc 2,446,794 4 1 Wanganui Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 (LCR Deer 48,870 Deer) Ruatiti Stage 2 GS6 (Deer) Deer 746 21 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS1 (T) Possum 1,666 342 6 Hauhungaroa Stage 1 & 2 AS2 Possum 193 13 6 (DS) Kirikau GS5 Possum 542 129 6 Nihoniho GS2 Possum 7,954 158 Nihoniho GS3 Possum 6,226 Taumarunui Rollback South GS1 Possum 7,453 660 14 Taumarunui Rollback South GS3 Possum 4,365 440 2 79 AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 5 Confirmed Animals submitted TB Project Survey Type Area (ha) samples Possum Cat Ferret Other Taumarunui Township Exclusion Possum 592 Adhoc Area - SNI Manawatu- Adhoc 2,446,794 5 pigs Wanganui Branscombe GS3 Detection Survey Possum 8,129 8 Nga Rata Possum Survey Possum 7,107 120 Western Tararua Deer Survey Deer 12,965 4 Aorangi-Awarua GS2C Possum 489 8 Aorangi-Awarua GS3A Possum 1,591 33 2 East Whangaehu South GS1B Possum 1,079 62 23 Hihitahi GS2A Possum 7,935 49 Hihitahi GS2B Possum 4,646 186 5 2 Koukoupo South GS1B Possum 3,200 63 1 8 Koukoupo South GS2 Possum 3,194 97 1 16 Mangamahu GS3 Possum 3,081 450 2 Mangamahu GS4 Possum 4,185 365 1 14 Para Para GS1 Possum 3,066 68 6 Para Para GS2 Possum 6,102 221 10 West Whangaehu North GS1 Possum 1,099 4 1 Coastal Manawatu (Sanson) GS1 Possum 12,731 141 2 Branscombe GS3 Possum 8,129 11 Pongaroa-Oporae VRA GS1 Possum 4,943 1505 2 156 Ahu Ahu GS5 Possum 683 101 23 Mangaporau GS6A Possum 206 30 1 Mangaporau GS7A Possum 184 34 Totals 5302 14 1 405 0 AHB Programme Management Report for Greater Wellington, January 2013 6 Activities in progress in May ID Activity Name Type Date Started 54658 Hikumutu GS1 Ground control output based 14/01/2013 54659 Hikumutu GS2 Ground control output based 24/07/2012 54570 Kaitieke AS1 (E) Aerial control input based 28/04/2013 54560 Kaitieke AS1 (W) Aerial control input based 28/04/2013 38906 Kirikau AS1 Communications 01/09/2012 38911 Kirikau AS1 Security 01/05/2013 61318 Kirikau GS2 (North) Ground control output based 01/05/2013 61319 Kirikau GS2 (South) Ground control output based 01/05/2013 58615 Kirikau GS5 Ground control input based 04/06/2013 58621 Kirikau GS5 Concurrent survey 04/06/2013 56847 Ngapuke GS2 Ground control output based 29/04/2013 61498 Ngapuke GS1 Ground control output based 29/04/2013 57835 Nihoniho GS2 Ground control input based 06/05/2013 57837 Nihoniho GS2 Concurrent survey 06/05/2013 57836 Nihoniho GS3 Ground control input based 06/05/2013 57838 Nihoniho GS3 Concurrent survey 06/05/2013 55542 Ruatiti Stage 2 GS3 Performance monitor 10/06/2013 57688 Taumarunui Rollback South GS3 Detection-based control 25/09/2012 57689 Taumarunui Rollback South GS3 Concurrent survey 25/09/2012 57684 Taumarunui Rollback South GS3 Detection 25/09/2012 62283 Taumarunui Rollback South GS2 Ground control output based 08/02/2013 57676 Taumarunui Township Exclusion Detection-based control 01/06/2013 57675 Taumarunui Township Exclusion Detection 01/06/2013 57677 Taumarunui Township Exclusion Concurrent survey 01/06/2013
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