'.:t ,. , ~, UNDERWAT~R VOLUME FOURTEEN, NUMBER ONE, January 13, 1987 SPElEOlOGY· The Malheur lava cave system in Oregon. Photos by Karl Anderson. See story page 5. "-:::;""'!+/! 2 UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY Vol. 14, No. 1 THE CAVE DIVING SECTION OF !'!!:!Q~!:!:!e!.~!: ~::1.1::!~1~Q1Q.9.!i is the off'icial r.ewsletter THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. of' the Cave Diving Section of' the National Spele­ P.O. BOX 95121, BRANFORD, FL 321211218-095121 ological 'Sc.ciety, lr.c. Sect ic.r. r~embership, whic(""" - BOARD OF DIRECTORS - ir.cludes subscriptior. to the r.ewsletter, is e.pe\, to all members in good standing of' the NSS a~ $5.1210 per year. Subser i pt i Or.S f'or r.or.;--rn.erobers are $1121.121121 per year. Membership/subscription i r.fc.rrn.at ior., appl icat iems, ar.d stat us may be STEVE ORMEROID Chairman: obtair.ed by writ ing to the Secretary-Treasurer 629 West 4th St. c/o the sect ion's peY'roar.ent address: Marysville, OH 431214121 (513) 642-7775 Jc.e Prosser, Sec./Treas. NSS Cave Di vi r.g Sect ior. Vice-Chairman: JEFF BOZANIC P.O. Bo)! 950 P.O. 80H 49121462 Brar.f'e.rd, FL 321211218-0950 Key Biscayne, FL 33149-0462 (31215) 666-121748 All eurY'er.t r.ews items, reports, art ieles, photo­ graphs, negat i ves, sl ides, carte.ons, or other submissions for the r.ewsletter should be sent or Secretary­ JOE PROSSER Treasurer: 741210 N.W. 55th St. telephor.ed ir. directly to the Editor: Miami, FL 33166 (31215) 592-3146 H.V. Grey, Editor, UWS P.O. Bo)! 575 Ver.ice, FL 34284-0575 Trair.!ng WES SKILES (813) 485-0799 (bus.) Chairman: Route 1, BOH 153 High Springs, FL 32643 (91214) 454-3749 Leadership PETE BUTT Cc.ord i r.a tor: RC:lute 1, 8C:1)( 153 ~§~L_g§=g~ - NACD Cavern Workshop for Open­ High Springs, FL 32643 water Instructors, Manatee and Ginnie (91214) 454-21211211 Springs (Chiefland and High Springs, FL). Workshop Chairman: Steve Members at Large: H.V. GREY Gerrard, 5714 Ed White Ct., Talla­ P. O. BC'H 575 hassee, FL 32301, (304) 877-8135. Ver.ice, FL 34284-121575 ~§!:i_g~=~~ - NSS-CDS Cave DiviY".g Festiva~{. (813) 485-121799 Registration at Branford High SChOO~ Brar.fc.rd, FL. DALE PURCHASE 4181 Wayside Dr. Sagir.aw, ftll 4861213 (517) 791-171211 Th~ ballots were counted and tabulated - PROGRAM COORDINATORS - Friday, December 25, 1385, before the Winter Workshop, with the ~esult that the Newsl.ett ..r •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H. V. Grey three board positic.Y.s were filled by iy,cum­ Journal •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wayr.e Marshall bey.ts Jc.e Prosser ay.d Jeff Bc.zay,ic, ay.d y.ew Sa.ety (South) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mark Leonard member Pete Butt. Joe Prosser agreed to Sa.ety :(NoY'th) •••••••••••••••••••••• Dale Purchase Abe Devis Award •••••••••••••.••••••• • Mark Leor.ard ccmt i y;ue c.r, as Secret at~y ITreasurer; Jeff InteY'natior.al Sa.e Bozanic was elected in absentia (car prob­ Cave DiveY' Award ••••••••• Dr. Milledge Murphey lems the night before the workshop preven­ Sump Diving PY'oJect ••••••••••••••••• Dale Purchase ted his attendance) to the position of Rescue and RecoveY'y ••••••••••• Lt. Henry Niche·lsor. Vice-Chairman; and Pete Butt has agreed to NCIC RepY'eser.tat ive ••••••••••• Lt. Her.ry Niche.lse.r. take on the newly created--and vitally Accident Analysis ••••••••••••••••••••••• John CY'ea ComputeY' Appllcat ior.s •••••••••••••••• Tim Davidsor. needed--position of Leadership Coordinator. Scient i .ic and Conservat ior••••••• Dr. Bi 11 Fehri r.g We bid retiring board member Wayne Cartography •••••••••••••••••••••• Marvin Von Almen Marshall a fond farewell, and thank him for SuY'vey •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Lamar HiY'es his tireless efforts over the last several Cave Files •• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• Mike SandeY's years of effort on behalf of the Section Slide PY'esentati~ns •••••••••••••••• Wayne Marshall ay.d cave divir.g. Wayy.e has beeI'. c'y, the Publications (OveY'all) •••••••••••••••••• H.V. Grey board for several years; was editor of Pv.blieati~<"Dive Shops) ••••••••••••• .Joe Prosser Publications (M.ps) •• ~ ••••••••••••••••• Tilt'l Holden UC~~~~§t~~ §Q~1~212g:i for more than two Publications (Indiv. OY'ders) •••.•••••• .Judy Verano yeaY'S; produced the Section's very fine Newsletter Back Issues ••••.••••••• Stan Hankins official Slide Show Presentation; and has NSS News ColuMn •••••••••••••. Dr. Milledge Murphey been a Cave Diving Instructor since almost ~;;e;~-~anual ••••••••••••••••••• ,Dr. John ZUMrick the very begiy.y,ing c.f the Traiy,iY'g Pre.gt'ar'hllWt~; Advertising (overall) ••• :.•••••••••••• Jef. Bozardc We welcome Pete BLltt, e.f Hi gh Spri y,gsiliHlW Advertising (E. coast FL) ••••• Sgt. Lloyd Phillips Advertising (Membership Mar.ual) ••.•••• Je.e Pre.sser Florida~ who is a Cave Diving Instructor," Advertising (Workshops) •..•..•••.••••••• H.V. Grey and manager of the Ginnie Springs Dive Foreign Correspondent •••••••...••.•.••• Paul Smith Resort. Pete has been a very active parti­ Grotto Correspondent .••••••..••.•••• Toni Williams cipant in cave-diving affairs for the last '. :.':' ~ . :. ~. '. ,,- 13, 1'"387 -' sever~l years and we greet his enthu~iasm Navy Medical Corps, and has been awarded a - ,nd sir,cer'E il',terest iI', the futLlt'E of cav'e residency in Anesthesia, which he will ( iving with open arms. We th~nk Bob Gibson begin in July at the Naval Hospital in of P~nama City, Florida, for running in the Bethesda, Maryland. John, we salute you, election and for his willingness to take on and thank you for your ceaseless efforts the responsibility of helping to run ,the for the betterment of the sport and science m~chil',ery e.f the Sect lor,. We loe.k fe.t'wat'd of cave diving. The best of luck in your to Bob's continuing participation in cave new medical career. d i vi I"g. And now for the bad news. APATHY, in the form of insufficient voter turnout, has struck again. Only 172 of the more than 400 people who were current members at the time the balle.ts were mailed, ser,t back C~··aig Jer,l',ings of Pe.sdive, lr,c., of their ballots. This did not provid~ us the Port Washington, New York, the United with 51~ maJoritirequired to pass the States distributor for Poseidon Systems, t'eyisie.r,s "iI" the By-Laws, iI', spite of the announced his company's intentio~ to insti­ fact that only 7 of the 142 votes cast tute a new industry award for excellence in concerning the By-Laws were ne~ative. cave-diving Exploration, discovery, and (That's Just another reason why we need to innovation. The first annual award p~esen­ change the By-Laws--so that we're not tat ion will occur in December of 1987 at strangled by voter apathy.) Jeff Bozanic the NSS-CDS Winter Workshop and will went to a lot of trouble to develop his involve the extremely generous cash award revisions and submit them to the board of $500 to the individual or group chosen~ (although in all fairness it should be Mr. Jennings made his presentation to noted for the r~cord, that Qnl~ ~ of the a Joint council of NSS-CDS and NACO board other 6 board members bothered to respo~d members. His offer was greeted with enthu­ to Jeff's preliminary review); I went to a siasm by all members present. Mr. Jennings lot of trouble to prepare the blue mailer explained that Posdive, Inc.--and P6seidon on the By-Laws and send it outr and Joe --were grateful for the recommendations, Prosser ~ent to a lot of trouble to pr~pare comments, criticisms, and helpful sugges­ and mail out the ballots. Every effort was tions made by cave divers for th~ improve­ ( ade to try to make the voting process as ment of Poseidon diving ~quipment. Mr. '. -,lear' al',d easy as pc.ssihle. Please let LIS Jennings generously gave cave divers as a know why you didn't vote, and what ~e can group credit fe.r havir,g made a sigl',ifical',t do to try to encourage you to vote neHt impact on the development of new divi~g time. systems, out of all proportion to our small numbers. The award and cash prize are a positive way of expressing his company's §s~IIQ~ __ Bs;sl~s§ __ ~8bU8~bs appreciation for the continuous feedback QQ~aIIQ~ __ QE __ ~Q~£~IgB received fre.m .cave divers, ar,d er,couragil'.g future exploration and equipment innovation John Zumribk has recently made a very by cave divers. generous donation to the Cave Diving Sec­ Ron Abner of Orange City, FL (an NACD tion in the form of a Texas Instruments' Be.ard Member ar,d Cave Divir,g Ir,structe.r, Professional Computer, complete with nume­ ar,d member e.f be.th the NACO arId NSS-CDS), rous software programs (wordprocessing, has agreed to act as Coordin~tor of the file systems, data management, etc.). The Award and as liason with Craig Jennings and computer was presented to the Section at Posdive, Inc. A Joint committee comprising the Winter Workshop, and was given in ho~es board members of both cave-divingorganiza­ that a computer owned by the Section can tions will make the selection. ~ll indivi­ provide a foundation for a permanent method duals or groups interested in being consi­ of information storage, which can be trans­ dered for the award and cash prize should ferred te. Secretaries, Treasurers, arId/or get in touch with Ron Abner. The criteria Newsletter Editors as these positions are for the first annual award include all filled by new people.
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