—Men who hate a good —To keep friends, al- deal to say use mighty ways give your candied few words. opinion. —Josh Billings. —Anon. The arry New THE FINEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN EASTERN ONTARIO VOL. LIX—No. 30 ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 27th, 1951 $2.50 A YEAR MNVEGAN IS SIT Fût Y1SIT OF MtcLM CHIEF Flora, Mrs. MacLeod Of MacLeod Arrives P.U.C. Gets Go-Ahead From Hydro Girls’ Pipe Band Among Twelve Wednesday For Two-Day Visit With Clansmen On $44,000. Building Expenditure Coming, Games Officials Hear Contract Was To Be Let Last Night Twelve Of Finest Bands In Eastern Canada Distinguished Guest Is Accompanied By Daughter And Twin Grandsons - And Detroit Pipe Band Are Expected — The Hydro Electric Power Commission has given approval for CBC National Network To Air Gaines « use of available Hydro funds of the local Public Utilities Commis- Plan Clan Reunion sion for erection of a $44,000 Public Utilities’ building here. Mem- bers of the P.U.O. were scheduled to meet last night to let the The colorful St. Andrew’s Girls’ Pipe Band of Toronto, and the fine Wednesday Afternoon, Detroit Pipe Band are coming to Maxville for next Saturday’s j fourth Open Event At Night contract, tender’s on which had been in the hands of the H.E.P.C. for scrutiny. annual Glengarry Highland Games, officials learned this week. Ihey now have the assurance that at least 12 of the finest Pipe Bands on the TTora, Mrs. MacLeod of MacLeod, It is hoped to have the erection proceeded with at once. continent will be participating in the various competitions and in the Chief of the Clan MacLeod, is now Hydro has also approved use of the building for corporation, •purposes, the-town to pay 50 per cent of operating charges. Cost impressive march past of the massed bands. airborne for Canada, travelling by * The CBC’s national network will of the building is to be divided between the electric and water de- Trans-Canada Airlines to Dorval carry a half-hour broadcast of the partments of the P.U.C., Hydro paying two-thirds of the cost out Glengarry Highland Games on Sat- and an historic reuuion with her of available sürplus. Office To Close Glengarry clansmen at Dunvegan. urday night, August 4th, from 8 to Word of the necessary approval from the HJLP.C. was received Week Of August 12th 8.30 pan. The weekly news publica- Accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. this week in a letter to the secretary of the local Commission. tion of the CBC states the special Wolrige Gordon and her twin Our job printing plant will be events department will present an grandsons, John and Patrick Gor- closed the week of August 12th “actuahty broadcast from the don, the Chief of the MacLeods will Games”, recorded earlier in the day to 18th, and there will be no at Maxville. he met at Dorval airport by a small Won Junior Badges Elected Grand Steward issue of The Glengarry News It will be a big day for Eddie (delegation' of the officers of Glen- Robillard, a former Alexandrian, if Masters Claude MacDonald, aged A. P. MacGregor of Baihsville, a that week as the staff enjoys its garry Clan MacLeod who will offi- the Detroit Pipe Band makes an ,13; George Fraser and Keith member of Lancaster Lodge, was annual holiday. appearance. Base drummer with cially welcome her to Canada. Watson, 12, returned on Monday elected a Grand Steward of the Customers in need of job the band for years, Eddie has come The party from Scotland’s. Isle of from Camp Kagama on Sheek’s Is- Masonic Grand Lodge of Ontario printing prior to that date are at the annual meeting in Toronto back to Glengarry for every High- Skye wiH continue on to Toronto land, where they had been enjoying asked to have copy in early and land Games since their inception, for visits to Niagara Palls and other a week’s holiday. While there all last week. advertisers should note there but has never previously been able points and a Clan MacLeod rally at three youngsters qualified and re- Prof. Nelson C. Hart, of the Uni- will be no issue on Friday, to bring his band. Toronto on Tuesday. That evening ceived their Junior Swimming versity of Western/ Ontario, was The pipe bands are being given they reach Ottawa by plane and a Badges. The tests were conducted August 17th. installed as Grand Master. the prominence they rate this year, reunion there with Ottawa’s Clan under Red Cross supervision. as it is felt a big majority of the o — ^ o MacLeod, an organization which thousands attending will want to see boasts several Glengarrians. the band competitions and the Glengarry will first see its dis- Rev. J. Cattanach march of the massed bands. This tinguished guests Wednesday after- Win Red Cross Chimes In Memory highlight will be held soon after noon, when they reach Dunvegan Dies At Baltimore the opening ceremonies, as close to to meet their clansmen at a re- Swimming Shields Of Mrs. FT Fraser 2 o’clock as possible. Then will fol- union in Neil D. MaeRap’s maple Rev. James Cattanach, pastor low the hand competitions which grove, one . mile west of the village. Following little, more than a The Recorder of Tisdale, Sask., emeritus of Govans Presbyterian will be held within the hollow Restricted to those of MacLeod an- week’s intensive training under the recently carried a report of the Church in Baltimore, Md., and a square, as was done last year. cestry and their families, the after- fcutelage of Mr. and Mrs. Garruth dedication of a new set of chimes native of Williamstown, died in Bal- Individual piping will be held noon event will include athletic Mrs. Flora MacLeod of MacLeod, Chief of the Clan Mac- Ives, swimming instructors, Alex- in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church timore, Tuesday, July 17th, after a simultaneously with the Highland events, pipe band music, a clan Leod. with her two grandsons, John Gordon (left) and andria’s first classes hrwater safety at Tisdale. The chimes were pre- brief illness. He was 86. dancing at opposite ends of the Highland daneing competition for Patrick Gordon. at the new lake, and beach were sented to the church by Finlay T. Mr. Cattanach is well known in square. In the Highland dancing, the Farquhar MacLeod trophy, solos John was born forty minutes before his twin brother, conducted Wednesday. Don Purdy Fraser “to the Glory of God and in Glengarry, having returned to his the class for girls under 12 has been by Jean MacLeod of Toronto, and Patrick. At the wish of his grandmother, John has of Ottawa, Red Cross examiner, loving memory of bis wife, Mrs. native county every summer until 'divided into two classifications, un- jock MacDonald, Ottawa, and ad- changed his name t-o John MacLeod of MacLeod, in readi- handled the tests, which were most Sadie M. Fraser. one year ago. Many relatives and der 9 years and under 12, at the dresses. ness for the time when it is hoped he will become Chief enoouraging in all three classes. Both Mr. Fraser and his late wife friends in the district learnedtof his request of many interested. That evening an entertainment Earning pins and certification are former Glengarrians, from Glen death with the utmost regret. The athletic competition is to be will he held in Maxville Community of the Clan MacLeod. The change has J>een approved by the Lord Lyon King of Arms, Sir Thomas Innés of awards in junior class were: Andre Sandfield and Dalkeith, respectively. He was a son of Lachlan Cat- much keener than in past years Hall when those not of MacLeod Pommier, Arthur Maclaren, Hubert The former Sadie MacLeod, Mrs. tanach and Jessie McArthur Cat- judging by enquiries from the larger ancestry will have an opportunity Learney. Dubois, Guy Cholette,-. Leo Lemieux, Fraser died September 4th, 1949, tanach, and after graduating from cities. These contests are sanctioned to meet the clan chieftain. Garrand Vachon, Heather McPher- from Injuries suffered in a car col Queen’s University, Kingston, serv- this year by the Amateur Athletic A tour of historic points in Glen- son, Bonnie McPherson, Elaine lision near Melfert, Sask. ed Congregations in Canada and Union of Canada. garry will be the big feature, Thurs- Many Historic Points In Glengarry Sauve, Mary Gormley, Rhonda St. Andrew’s Church was filled to- the United States. \ Estimates of the probable attend- day, and the route is outlined in Shepherd. capacity, the Recorder reports, and He was active as a Presbyterian ance can be but a guess, but head- a rather column. The party leaves Swim suit crests and certification many found it necessary to listen to minister, for more than 50 years, in- quarters at Maxville reports much Glengarry early Friday for Dorval To Be Seen In Thursday Tour awards for intermediates went to: the service from outside, the loud- cluding 26 years at his last church, interest in the big event. A resi- and is due that day in Charlotte- Jim Proulx, Everett Watson and speaking system installed with the Govans Presbyterian, from which he dent of Bryson, in Quebec, has stat- town, P.E.I., for Caledonian Club Flora, Mrs. MacLeod of MacLeod tlement of that area. Germaine Lalonde. chimes being used to carry the ser- retired in 1942. ed that where forty from that area Highland Games there. From Aug- and her plftty will see many historic View of Island! Park and lake at In the senior class four swimmers vice to those outdoors.
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