Volume II, Number 65 9th Waxing Day of First Waso 1377 ME Thursday, 25 June, 2015 President U Thein Sein receives U.S. media, industry delegations (News on page 3) MPs set to vote on constitutional amendment bill By Aye Min Soe running the presidency, by the ruling USDP that will also be put to the vote excludes just “one of the NAY PYI TAW, 24 June on the same day. legitimate children or their — After three days of de- Brig-Gen Tin Soe, spouses” from the section bate, the Pyidaungsu Hlut- a military MP in the par- could be deceptive. taw will vote Thursday liament, argued against He continued to say on an amendment bill for amending Section 59 (f) that the Section 436 (a), the 2008 Constitution that which bars non-citizens which states that the con- proposes altering eligibil- from becoming president stitution shall be amend- ity requirements for the or vice-president, as well as ed with approval of more presidency and removing anyone with a spouse, “le- than 75 percent of all MPs the military’s effective veto gitimate child,” or child’s of the Pyidaungsu Hlut- over constitutional reforms. spouse who holds foreign taw, means nothing can be During the second day citizenship. done without the consent of parliamentary debate If family members of of military MPs and called Wednesday, 17 lawmak- the head of a country are for its amendment. U Jay ers discussed key changes loyal to a foreign power, Yaw Wu of the National to the procedures for the country could fall into Unity Party said the section amending the constitution, servitude of that foreign should not be amended. as well as current restric- country, Brig-Gen Tin Soe Some MPs from the tions on eligibility for the said. ruling Union Solidarity and presidency. Meanwhile, two MPs Development Party sup- The constitutional from the National League ported the amendment to amendment bill deals with for Democracy party said the Section 60 (c) dealing Section 436 (a) which they and other parties share with the eligibility for the currently stipulates that MPs of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw debate amendment of provisions in a desire to amend the con- presidency, stating that the amendments of some key Constitution.—MNA stitution, although their president shall be selected provisions must be agreed specific position on the from elected MPs. upon by more than 75 per- proposes a change to at Article 436 of the con- posed charter reforms. amendments may differ Two MPs from the cent of MPs in addition to least 70 percent of MPs at stitution guarantees the Other sensitive sec- somewhat. National Democratic more than 50 percent of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw and military a quarter of the tions such as 59(f), 59(d) During the debate, Force party objected to the eligible voters in a referen- over 50 percent of the eli- seats in parliament through and 60(c) dealing with el- NLD MP U Aung Kyi amendment of Section 60 dum. gible voters in the referen- appointment, giving them igibility to become presi- Nyunt said an amendment (c) and the Section 436 (a). The amendment bill dum respectively. an effective veto over pro- dent and requirement for to Section 59 (f) proposed GNLM KBZ Bank unveils Myanmar’s first Photographic fundraiser aims to domestic credit card improve lives of Myanmar girls host an exhibition and auc- By Ye Myint financial institution since Sharma said the card will By Khaing Thanda Lwin the government’s relaxa- initially be limited to exist- tion of works by an accom- YANGON, 24 July tion of offering the service. ing domestic customers of YANGON, 24 June—A proving the lives of girls plished U.S. photographer — Kanbawza Bank on At a press briefing in the bank. charity dedicated to im- in Myanmar is preparing to (See page 2) Wednesday unveiled its Yangon, KBZ Bank’s head “Later on, we will start new credit card, the first to of cards and electronic issuing better credit cards be offered by a Myanmar payments Mr Ashis Kumar to all customers follow- ing the establishment of a credit bureau in the country and rules and regulations of Myanmar Payment Union (MPU),” Mr Sharma said. The bank has invited its customers to apply for five difference types of credit cards— platinum, diamond, gold, silver and classical—since last month after getting the green light from the Central Bank of Myanmar to begin the ser- vice. Mr Ashis Kumar Sharma, KBZ Bank’s head of According to the bank, cards and electronic payments, displays the new platinum card users can be A girl works a loom in a village west of Mandalay. The girl, a Girl KBZ Bank credit card at a press briefing eligible for a credit limit of Determined participant, left school to work full time to support her family. Wednesday in Yangon.— PHOTO: YE MYINT (See page 2) PHOTO: ANDREW STANBRIDGE. 2 Thursday, 25 June, 2015 NATIONAL New aircraft enter service with Myanmar Air Force Union Minister meets NAY PYI TAW, 24 June Humanitarian Coordinator — A range of new aircraft acquired recently by the and UNDP Resident Myanmar Air Force will strengthen air power and Representative defence capacity, the com- mander-in-chief of the na- NAY PYI TAW, 24 June of the President Office, tion’s armed forces said — U Hla Tun, Chairman of here, Wednesday. Wednesday. the Shan State’s Kokang They discussed hu- During a visit to a flight Self-Administered Zone manitarian aid for rehabil- training base in Meiktila, Rehabilitation Manage- itation of Kokang Self-Ad- Senior General Min Aung ment Committee as well ministered Zone, present Hlaing said geopolitics has as Union Minister at the security measures, rule of prompted the country to President Office received law and assistance provid- modernize its defence ser- Humanitarian Coordina- ed by the government for vices to ensure a strong de- tor and UNDP Resident local residents who re- fence system. Representative Ms. Renata turned home. Defence modernization Lok-Dessallien at the hall MNA involves equipping the army Photographic fundraiser … with sophisticated weap- Photo shows newly-commissioned aircraft for Defence Services (Air). onry, he added. He also (from page 1) 17 across the country by stressed the need to provide MYAWADY who has documented the teaching them about their service personnel with train- in transportation of passen- petent fighter pilots, while while the Bell-206 is a light organization’s projects. rights and providing lead- ing in how the new aircraft gers, patients, troops and the Mi-35 is a combat hel- general utility helicopter. Mr Andrew Stanbridge ership, communication and are operated. cargo, as well as in rescue icopter used worldwide, Senior General Min spent three years covering decision-making skills. The new aircraft in- works and patrols. equipped with state-of- Aung Hlaing, together with the work of the charity, Most of the girls clude Beech-1900 D, The Grob-120 TP is a the-art electronic weapons the commander-in-chief Girl Determined, and has helped by the charity are Grob-120 TP, Mi-35, Eu- single-engine modern mili- systems. (Air), observed flight ma- contributed 33 works for from rural communities rocopter and Bell-206. The tary trainer aircraft and will The Eurocopter is a noeuvres by the new squad- the exhibition to be held 28 and had been at risk of Beech-1900 D can be used be used to produce com- medium transport helicopter ron.—Myawady June at Goethe Villa from child labour, gender-based 4-7 p.m. violence, early marriage New hostels opened for veterinary students All exhibited photos and human trafficking. will be available to pur- Some of the girls pic- NAY PYI TAW, 24 June chase through auction, with tured in Mr Stanbridge’s — The University of Vet- all proceeds going to Girl photography will attend the erinary Science in Yezin Determined, according to event to share their expe- opened three new dormito- the founder of the charity, riences with the organiza- ries Tuesday to accommo- Ms Brooke Zobrist. tion. date an increasing number “These images cap- The free exhibition of students. ture the full spectrum of will be open to the public Union Minister U Ohn Myanmar girls’ lives, their and feature live music, a Myint and Deputy Minister joys and struggles as well raffle and photography les- Dr Aung Myat Oo attend- as their achievements, and sons. ed the opening at the uni- we hope they show people Goethe Villa is located versity under the Ministry how important these girls at No. 8 on Komin Kochin of Livestock, Fisheries are to the future of Myan- Road in Bahan Township and Rural Development. mar,” Ms Zobrist said. in Yangon. For more infor- The university began in- Since its establishment mation, visit http://www. creasing enrolments in the in 2010, Girl Determined girldetermined.org. 2011-2012 academic year, has helped girls aged 12 to GNLM creating a need for more student facilities. The three accommodate a total of 600 The opening ceremony of three new dormitories in two-storey dormitories can students.—MNA progress at University of Veterinary Science.—MNA KBZ Bank unveils Myanmar’s first … joy online shopping with internet and mobile bank- the use of the credit cards, ing services for customers, (from page 1) make cash withdrawals at it said. Customers must set- and has nearly 450 ATMs up to K 5 million while any ATMs that can process tle payments within 45 days around the country. The the classical card can Myanmar Payment Union of the purchase date, after bank was granted an author- Course on International have a credit limit of up to cards across the country which purchases will attract ized dealer license (ADL) K300,000.
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