Wills of Monroe County, NY

Wills of Monroe County, NY

3 9077 03114476 2 Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Local History & Genealogy Division 115 South Avenue Rochester, New York 14604 Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation R> °<y^y V/ILLS OF HONROE COUNTY, NEW YORK From 1821 - I863 1 I 0 ie fe *ban,»tory,»f »*•*•*, «i«-» Tfcw.lc ,»*T>7, Ifll w*a Oct..24,1^7,^^ Waaban-Vlfr A f Jh9l\, ChWd.Oherlmr #.Jhall, era* 9 RM^I. Aoar,Dtri«!,of Pittaford, <*.July -2,1 ft??. Srrah sear .aldo*, OhU«r«« of full ega * Yolnay S^oer,Shelby,'?.!. Joh* / J»o r, PiU»for*,P.T. *ry *Vno, alfe of Gao.r.Pisher,HoOia«ter, v Ooorf* 0«ilat of ^nehfratfir/Tieh. Molls 0«if> of Roht.Wfleox, *Tand©»,* . Denial Baach,«p*>«i*l E*»rSlrn of Poaaball* an* Tormina* <mi#t,w§r.ar«». aear,John, of mtafor*, «o* April V****. ^l1"* •*»*• 8*wt.,*»,<*p. Vr-m>h vjaar, «i<fow, fa*hii Aaar, Prra /eor, ^Mlw fja^r of ©>lnaT*lla,**.T. ^na.alfa of twain* 'fry endAfk^K^eyf^r. frothy A. Clapp, aifa of fl.w.CUFP. t.yMa D. »1fa of Tharon '.'"'obi*. #dra»,F«uban f. Brighton, dtia* Aur..^*,^"1. •HI "* *• J^7 ,4»»,£"1 • Cetheriao Mrn»,viilov, Optharina Con6 M»"r,n, «insr. Meaa.Abosr, of Ogda, «iad Ha*.«,1«*7, Will wMa Dao.V*?- ffrrwh Adr«a,al^oa, »on/!yTon /daaf of Seat Ploomfial<!,f>ntar o So.l.Y* >"m,**ret»w Mama.of W*» *>«..%! 1* *<*a*,nf Or/»an, «U»U.SO^J^,»!"* of Charloa <Thttreh,o" floaheatar, ^yron Mr**,PTorut.or. Mema.Lucy O.of Rochester, 4f^ #orJ*",<*??.. -Hill ***• July 12,1»*2. Haxt offrin, Chtrlee CHaroh Mr«a, a, minor, Praneaa ?,M»at«. Alberta on, Joaarti ,^etwIon. <t*te of ^oath not glv#n. Illzfbeth albartaon. Will at #lbart»on,Fr«^erlek H. end Denial /Ibsrtain. till* . i. Aldrlen,Sll*e of Roeheeter, died #|»r.2,^?-'. Will nrdo Wob.1*,15^. Lorana Aldrleh,widow, Sr«u«l Aldrioh,of Rochester, »ca,3C. Philena,wifa of Drniel B.PueV: *co,>5, Wn.A.Aldrleh, *fre 2?. Aldrieh,8oloaion of Parlnton •*.***' ",'*??» *iH »4i,.Vy VPV>- Widow,8«ra Aldrieh. «to*«a* A1»f~ieh, %aaaehua«tte, Solo-en Al*rleh, Tn*f#ne, Jaehaa Alrfr1eh,Polli»,wieh. *ir*n Mdrleh. u Erratu* Aldrieh, Pavl' Aldrleh,Coltary,t7r>per CP^M* t ttpmrh Pill, *ife of Danforth Pill .Perinton. t«orency TVyor, **?e of F.1 irb Thryor,wel- werth,W*yne Co. Sustr W«b,wife of Eaua I#«b,Ch*ut*uqu'1 Co. r.T. David Jennings, end Pianthr **erralnee, Wtlworth, IsFiBh iterwooi, C* n- tde, Sally Parwood, ^bfl Garwood, Hannah Ifcrwood, Michigan. A.llea,Eliaa ?i. 2»d. Will -»rtad Sfcr.27,16*?. Hpthfn /Hen, Father of Rllfp Allen,2nd. Vapt -m /Hen, Jemlna Allen, l«y*la Allen, Irrin4? 'lien, & rriet Allen. Allen.Jeroniah, wife <* Tcee aa-*, CMl<*r<Tn era » Cbarlee W. AH«n,*ve-*en, Jnfrm *,men, Srwaei »Jtil«»n, boiv 0* Sweden, Richard •./lien, *c*en, AH t»-,e*a eh'i'rm of f ;"• *r*. Harriet •. wife of "Vniel ?hr»*ptrins, Harwey *.Mi«r en* >n1el T Allen.both wlror*. Jeremiah Allen Hed July »C,185?. win «r 'a, Apr.V^'. 1 Allen.John Mendon, died PeV.27, If*?, ^m Wt»## Anr. 2, IP*?. Elizabeth Allan, widow, Joah.ua Allen, Jaek*on,*?ieh, Executor, Wvlnf, wife of Joahua,Allen, Ereatua P.!*• d ',Horace Usdd, both of full ago, John A.T.add, all of Detroit *?lch,snd chil 'ron of Pcpry f«sdd, e decaaaed e'rorjhter of John 'ilen,roai-*inr in ^rahall,-»iPh. Willa, $ A. Allen, John 8. Roeheater, Die* Anr.?",!**5*, will «* de Juna '7,1?52. Fenny Allen,widow, Alexander Allen, 8«»*n,wife of Waorr^ Freeman of Fame, Harriet P. wif* of l*yron Could, Daniel Pollen, Rocheetor, All of full age. Allen, *ry, Sweden, died Apr.29,1S6w, will w da Wor.2,'P?2. Chi I dr an t Oeorge R.Allen,Sveden, Hary H. wife of I.Pilea Olllett,of Ashtabula,0. Prenoea E.Allen of Sweden, all of full age. Broeknort, Town of Swede- All en.OllYor,Wheatland, died Wow.'R.lf**, will «?•>, 0ct.i2,l8»p. Jeroeha Allen.widow. OllTer Allen,Jr., Elisabeth Allen, C*><1 -»ren. Allen, •llllan, Penmen, ^ie* Sent.1"/'*", *rte o* wMl not given. Belinda Allen, widow, Taepe Allen, Rachel,wife of sfmuei Tfy^er, Abran Allen, Eliza ,wife of Pesen Reck, Mendon, Phebe, wife of Freemen ®age, of Chsektowege ,Eria Co. *.T. AdolHhus Allen, Pennsh, wife of Awery Downer,of Worthyilla,*pyna Co.N.Y. Joaetti Alle-W Ainaworth, Frcaeea, A. Penfield died Hsy 5^,1^}, Spencer 8.Ainaworth, Husband, James D. and Prsneee A. children) both under '• yeare. Aldrieh,Sllae .Rocheater, died Anr.2,1^. will wade,FeV.H,1°«-. Lorena Aldrich,widow, Senuel Aldrieh age* about ?p yra. Silent, wife of Denial Brack, age about 5?, Wniism Aldrieh, se.2p. AlTord,Sylweater, Sweden died A,iy »0,'*??, Elizabeth Church,of Claren*on,w.T. Eunice fhelpa, md her huahmd, Sarah Graham and her husband,of Parmony,Ch*ut.Co. »*.T. Lucy Skinner and her husband of Tndlenna, PSonl Millar of Weathaapton,*t*e. til IP, p.**. An-terecra, rtwrnr/jParnr, die4 Po*.6,1fl^. Peirai John Anderaon, Jamea Anderson, T>enna'lwanif, W*ney,wifa of Anr L. Brown, Ver^e, Effa PatVraon, Brownsville, W1P. Rirl tn' arson.Prr* Harriet, wife ef lease *Wina,of Parma, tynan Am'«r*on, P• rnf , %ry June Anderson, a minor. All children of Henry An*sr-on. Andrew*,CHarlea P. of *ebetar, *te* *frr.%'fl*1. v*n we*a Feh/,1^'. Pallas* Andrew*, widow, sole hair, no ev11 dram, The following are brothere and sietere. Hrlvina, wife of Joset* Pobb, of MeVs+«r,^ Slary Andrew*, Webster, Orrln Andrew*, Stfte of Yirginl^, *1ilis Andrews., of Webster^.T. Exeeutrix,PellseB,Andrews,widow. She l*t- er married A*r *5*ck. Will brobated, Feb .2 «J, 18^5. Andruac, Henry J. Pittaford died %y *, lr$?, will made Apr.'6,1©*?. Polly r.Andrusa widow, Vjlllasr W«Andr«ap of Pittaford, full rgo. Inez Wjlndroa*, of Pittaford, minor, Henry P.An'rupa, Ukcville, Tjivingston,Co. Minor. Andrew*,Hirpm,Trondoouolt, Mad 'eh.^,*^*. w<n me3a Jan.****. Polly fmith Andrew«,wi,-»ow,eole exeeutriz, fleorge Violin Indrowc, Hiram Edieon Andrews, Prank Eugene An^rtiwa, »il tnH^r '4 y«rrs. H1s Mother ,l|rry Dunham, given a legacy. Angeli,John Ofen, died 0*t.:t,1pM, will. m*a nar/,*^ . Sarah Angell,widow, Clark Angell,Lenewee Co. Mfcch. Eseck Aniroll. of Saratoga Co.H.T. Alfred Anrell, Ruth Sliwoni'.wife of fieorge S. of Providence,R.I. Joeeph Angnll ,of l»enevse Co.Mich. Jsnon Angeil, Lenevee,Oo."'ich, Henry Ang^li, Provi 'ence,R.T. Geo.r.To7n?end, Rochester,^.T. ar»ecirl guardian of Carolina Anrell, a -»inofc. WiMs, § 5. Armstrong,John, Pittaford, died Pe^.4,18*1, will filed *«sr.l7,1^*. Ann Ells* Armstrong, widow, William P.Armatrong, Pltsford, John S^rmatronc, Talley, Hsrlen Co. Ohio, ^sry. *lf» of Wn.Hill.of Ogden, W.T. Sari* t. wife of W«.Fewler, W«wPene,Riag*rs Co.*.Y. 8arah,wifa of Charle* Barker,Te*n of "onroe, Knox Co. Ohio. Armatrong. Am, Plteford, died In Ogden,Wov.l5»1?!>7, will made, *wy,i85*>. Retre i John 8.Armatrong, Very Hill, wife if John 8 .Armstrong, T William Hill, Ann Eliza Armstrong, all ©f Pltsford, *ria T>, *ife of Wn.Powler, of Pitaferd, Sereh, wif« of Oh*a.Pak"r,of Enor Co.Ohi Children of teatstrix, all of full 9r^>. Frederick w.Ar<*ptronf, Oliver P .Armstrong, Richer* ''.Armstrong, children of Wn.^*Arm­ atrong, a daeeaeed son, sll minors of the Town of ^Htaford. Will proved, Pov.19,1^7. Armstrong, Williem, Wheatland, Ho death date, will made Sfry t ,1fiiP. \* ^~ f^,y -^ ^JU To^ii ifS5 Betty Armstrong,widow, Andre*- 'r-iatromg, Betay Wets on, 8i-on Armstrong, Iarbel McHrb. Sfrrgaret bampbell, Qaorz* Amatrc Thonrs Armatrong, Hilllsm 9nd. Archibald Armstrong, two younr, son? Atchlnaon,John of Parma, died %y V??. will made J*n.28,18*2. Abigail A.Ateh,nson,widow, Jrmea R.AteMnson an-* France* AtcMn** minors* John P.Atehlnaon,8and Will, California, 0et»>er1ne,C.<Hfa of Milliam J.i«ek,oF rtoodrieh.^ieh. ail of full ey9. Attrldge.Williem Rocheater, died Dee.15,1**7, will made, Dec.*,1^*7. Reheees Attrldge, widow, Arten Attri-»ge, Eliza Jttridg*, Srrah.wif of John Bemiah, Joaeph Attrldge, Rebecca Attri^ge, Pm./ttridge,Jr. Will?, 9 <>. £ v^ V^ 5 IsV u '. - ,J U * '*' -• • - ' ' Atwood, John, ^enfield, *ied Wov.*,1*59, viM made,AuO,i*?'1. Betsey Afc*oo*, widow, SeThta ,w1"« of Ellfthee "ilcox, of rh*1ps, Ontario Co. R.v. Rath Atwoo-% of Roches*«r, Pufus At^oo^, Webster ,*\Y Rebecca, Saasn , Bilenee,rJraul*,Atvood,f>ll of who* era m*nors,un-*er 21 yeara, except 8©TM*,WVO ov*r 21. Wethanlel Abott of Webster, CuErdit0* Austin,Hf>nneh , Penfield, died may 11, 18}'*, will mr de, nVr.l*, 18>v. Sally, wife of James Orendsll, Silence P.Audtin, Aeeneth Austin, Ire D. Austin, Diana Anstln, Sebrina P .Austin, Ail children of the testrtor. Solomon Op**,Executor. Probate, June 1, 1*?-. Aaten.Ppal, Chili, die* Dec.5,1*57, will ne-Te^e^.'VV. *ria Auten,wldow »nd executrix. Catherine, -Mfe of $ohn P.Franklin, T«e Poy/?eneae* Co.*."*. Fulkerd Auten,Clpr«n'*on,Orlwm* Co.

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