■/ ; )■ / / The Weather PAGE TWENTf MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1971 Average Daily Net Pfess Run ' Continued clear, cold tonlgtat; ipanrbriitrr lEttrntng U m lb For The Week Ended lows five below to flVe above. January 9, 1971 Tomorrow increasing cloudi­ Mai«U Wsubsrt Orcle of Oie ness, chance ot snow late In day A b o u t Conuneni Sesriim - Womm’s Society- of Cbmmunity Two Requests 1 6 ,0 9 5 or at night;-high 20 to 26. The Board of Directors will Baptist Church will meet tomor­ Maneheater— A City of Village Charm John' Mather Chapter, jbrder conduct a publlC' session to­ row at 12:80 p.m. in FeUowriiip Hall of the church. B e fo r e P Z C \ot DeHoIay, will meet Monday morrow from 9 to 11 a.m. in Megs U ) PRICE TEN CENTS the '^oard of Directors Office at 7:S0 p.m. at the Maaonlc Two requests f x ' ssus MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, PRBRUARY 2, 1971 Tenvpie. At 8 ;30, the Rev. Earle In the Municipal Building to The executive committee of VOI* LXX XX, NO. r04 ' (SIXTEEN PAGES) CUater,^ paator of North United hear comments and sugges­ the Women’s Society of Chris­ changes are the only Ita^ on M e th o ^ t CSiurch, w ill discuss tions from the public. tian Service of North United a Ught agenda facing tiia Plan­ “Attitudes of Sex.’’ He will also Future sessions will be Methodist Church will meet to­ ning and Zoning Onmmisslon night at 8 tit the church. Speak, at a meeting ot^the held the first ’Tuesday of tonight. Its session win bo at ea«A month from 0 to 11 sum. 1 0 0 Rei noved; chapter’s Mother’s Cwb at 7:30 7:80 in the Mimlnipal B-iikUng Threat at the Masonic Tenmle. and the third Thursday of A planning session for a new All-Volunteer Army Grgtmdhog NORTH CHINA each month from 8:80 to creative Jeamlng time to be hearing room. M ills launched n^xt fall at Center The Bowers SchMl PTA will 8:30 p.m. in the Board of Atty. Laon'Podrova is sseMng « A. Congregrational Church will be fdSign Of VIETNAM meet tonl^ght at/7:80''-in the Directors Office. to change seven aorss at the Course held tonight at 7:30 in Memorial A Possibility: Laird Apollo on school cafeteria, rnincipal Ray rear ot 112 Highland St. from :|lall of the church. ' ''Qardlner will speak on pro- 'Ihe Women’s Home League Rural Residence to A Zone, Ki More Cold By HOWAMl BENEDICT ^ poke^ school budget projects, of the Salvation Army will meet order to pave the way for the WASHINGTON (AP)—Defense Secretary Mel'vin ' c construction of apartments H o ip K o A D AP Aeroepace Writer and parents will have an <^>por- tomorrow at 1:80 p.m. in the . Robert Kelley, a State of Con­ Laird told a hostile Senate Armed Services (Iloinniittee punxsutawnby . Pa. (a p ) tunity t<r-^ttend two o f five ses- Junior Hall at the Citadel. Mrs. necticut employe, will be guest there. today that reducing draft calls to zero by n^-1978 — Punxsuta^ey Phu, tte In addition to the rear acre­ SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP)—^Apollo 14’s quiet aliis on New at Brig. George Simons is in speaker at a meeting of the would be difficult. But he said the goal coujdf be met "^?*“**^ y,, astronauts hurtled on course today toward a rendezvous Bowers.” cljaiige of the worship service. Klwahls dub of Manchester to­ age, there is a lot fronting on with the support of Congress Snd' the publilK^ groundhog, inched his way from C u ll O f Hostesses are Mrs. Annie John­ morrow no<m at the Manchester Higtiiand g t and containing a his burrow on Gobbler’s Knob with the moon, their once balky docking mechanism no Laird, urging e^nslbn of In- " ston and Mrs. Agnes ffliauger. Country dub . vacant dwelling, which is al­ today, saw his shadow and T o A in n longer a bar to their attempt to land in rugged lunar Second Congregatiooal Church ready in A Zona and would give ducUon auttiority-ras proposed lectlve Sermce leglalatimi, scooW back Inside. That meant council wUl'meet tonight at 7:30 highlands Friday. Panda (Public Attention to access to the back land. by President Nlx<m-for two cajaIrman/John C. Stennls, D- six more weeks of winter, <Jn the remote chance the two able to land ended Monday In the chufeh parlor.^ Manchester Chapter, SPEB- Podrove holds a purchase op­ Narcotics Abuse) will hold its SQUA, will rehearse tonight at years beyond (ts present June 80 M lss.,^^d "the volunteer objec- weather folk say. ships could not Unk after Uie when ApoUo mission director weekly m eeting t<might at 7 ;S0 tion on the entire properly, part expiration date, said the te.k of t^ve ^ m e U a flight from reali- But Phil’s "wife” almost stole AU ltS - moon exploration, astronauts Chester Lee declared, “We’re *nie committee of Christian 8 at the KofC Home. The re­ downstairs in 'the Emanuel of the case Bros. mUl holdings achleving an all-volunteer Army ty^unless the slie of the armed the show. R iP O B ltO Alan B. Shepard Jr. and Edgar proceeding with every intention concern of Center Congrega­ hearsal is open to an men wish­ being disposed of by the patent Lutheran Church on Church St. ing to s&ig four-part, baiher- "la a mofet ditticul tone.” forces is to he reduced In the As flashbulbs popped and D. Mitchell were prepared to o f making^— 'lunar------ i— landing -.” tional Church will meet tonight corporation, Boise Osscade. about 60 pei^le cheered Phil on­ O tA h iO The meeting is c^ n to the pub­ shop-style harmony. “But I heueve we can meet walk In space from the lunar Doubt about the landing was at 7:30 in the church lllwary. If the sone change is giaated, ures ward, a dainty female groun­ f O t lic. that goal,’’ he said, “if we in the module back to the commdhd raised shortly after launching Podrove said he intends to buy requirements.” dhog po{q>ed from the hole. OPERATION Sunday when the astrisiauts .had The British-American dub Defense Department vigorously vessel for the return trip home. the parcel and construct a He added he did not oppose Some observers questioned VII difficulty Unking the command -will have a 'Valentine Dance pursue the program we have The three spacemen setUed maxlmnm of 82 • apaitmanta, the volunteer concept in princi­ whether IMill actually saw his and lunar modtdes. They separ­ Saturday, Feb. 13, at the club­ probably townhouse units. formulated to reduce draft calls down for a lO-hour rest periofi ple but that national security shadow or was perturbed by the ated the command ship Kitty house. The Mulhem ’Trio will ('Herald photo by Buoetvklus) The only other ^ppUoattcn is to sero. If the Cksigress supports shortly after 10 a.m. EST today demanded continued induction upetaglng. loUowlng an uneventful night in Hawk and turned around to . play for dancing from 0 p.m. one by Henry A. Demlng iof this program by tqipropriate of servicemen. The Punxsutawney Ground­ which they mcmitored systems, hook up with and extract AiF to 1 a.m. A buffet wUl be serv­ CHastonbury, who is sseMng to legislative action, and If the From the Peanut Gallery Laird noted 188JIOO men were. hog. Club,_however,.c^^ .It '" recharged batteries and- genecr. tares from a. compartment atop ed. Reservations may be made change the entire lot at ST Fine ^neral public gives sup^rt by Inducted in 1970, the smaUest was the shadow that niade 1^1 ally relaxed for the big dAys the third stage ot the Saturn 8 ' at the clubhouse. Valerie LeSiitza and Jeffrey Boulde amuse an audi­ the performance. Proceeds, which totaled f26S, St. to Bustness m . R la pres- a positive attitude toward mili­ do an about-face. - Members of enUy soned half Duslnsas HI draft caU since 1984. “ We are on ahead. ro ck e t ence of children as they present a puppet show at will be donated to the pediatric department of tary service.” the club, vdilch has held the an­ They w ere m ore than 160,000 Five times they tried and The executive board of the and half Resldenca B, ap- nual vigil on the hill for 87 the Peanut Carnival held Saturday at the Union Rockville General ' Hospital. Children purchased In opening the hearing on Se- (See Page Nine) mUes from earth, traveling faUed: They finally succeeded Little Theatre ot Manchester parenUy because o( an error years, tried to ignore the other Congregational Church, Rockville. Mrs. Susan Pren­ peanuts at the door for a penny apiece. Admittance made when zoning lines were about 2,400 miles an hour. on the sixth attempt, hut ex­ win m eet ttmlght at 8 at the groundhog. There was UtUe air-to-ground tiss, a Sunday school teacher (left) supervises to all of the attractions was paid in peanuts. estpbllahed several years ago. perts on the ground Middled to club rooms, 22'Oak St.-At 7:30 , ’Td like you to know that no conversation, prompting Ms- The property is adjacent to a discuss what could have caused the cast for "The Public Eye” lady has been involved in the sion Control Center to comment line of stores to the south front­ the failures.
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