FOREWORD SCHISTOSOMIASIS AND Page 4 SOIL-TRANSMITTED HELMINTHIASIS 1 8Page 28 2019 THIS YEAR’S REPORT TRACHOMA Page 34 COUNTRIES SUPPORTED AT A GLANCE 44 Page 8 + 2 9 700INDIVIDUALS TRAINED ABOUT ESPEN STRENGTHENING 236,427,988TABLETS SAVED FROM WASTE Page 11 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 3 10Page 42 PREVENTIVE CHEMOTHERAPY SDGs AND NTDs IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVE Page 14 USE OF DONATED 778DISTRICTS 4 11MEDICINES THROUGH ENHANCED SUPPLY CHAIN 61,258,027 INDIVIDUALS TARGETED MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS NTDs IN AFRICA Page 46 Page 18 ESPEN COLLECT 5 8COUNTRIES LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS PARTNERSHIPS, 1,615SURVEYS Page 20 COORDINATION AND RESOURCE MOBILISATION 6 12Page 49 PORTAL ONCHOCERCIASIS FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 153COUNTRIES Page 24 Page 51 9,255USERS 7 13 REFERENCES 14Page 52 Dr. Maria Rebollo Polo, ESPEN Team Leader (left) Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa (right) FOREWORD As NTD programme managers, we work to protect people from the diseases of poverty and neglect and empower the communities we serve. We started 2019 with great optimism, as another year to work towards making the world a Dear Friends, healthier place, igniting hope for children, men and women in Africa who are at risk of these diseases, so In the past year, member states and partners have reached more than 61 that families and communities could thrive. Despite the long road that remains ahead of us, 2019 has seen considerable million people with preventive medicines through the Expanded Special progress towards achieving our goals of control and elimination of neglected tropical diseases. In July 2019, we Project for Elimination on Neglected Tropical Diseases (ESPEN). This dramatic gathered in Addis Ababa for our annual meeting, the very place where the Addis Ababa NTD commitment was achievement builds on the giant strides and unprecedented collaboration 5 signed. We call for the implementation of the commitments entered by our ministers for increased domestic funding, 1 that have taken place since the partnership was launched in 2016. I commend multisectoral approaches in the implementation of NTD programmes, long-term strategies for NTDs, data use and everyone involved in making this happen. health system strengthening. Partnerships and country ownership are crucial in addressing neglected We call on our African leaders to commit to increased domestic funding, country ownership and sustainability of NTD tropical diseases (NTDs). These diseases affect the poorest and most 4 interventions. vulnerable people, and it is imperative that we ensure no one is left behind. As we start the new decade—with 2020 being a crucial year for NTDs—the momentum continues to grow. The Kigali All stakeholders have roles to play, and together we can transform millions of NTD Malaria Summit in June 2020 will set the global agenda and action needed for the eradication, elimination and lives. control of NTDs in line with the 2030 SDG targets, and will provide an important milestone to demonstrate Africans’ By leveraging the strengths of member states, nongovernmental organisations, ability to incite change in their communities for an Africa free of NTDs once and for all. Together, we are moving closer private companies, researchers, local communities and health care to bridging the gaps and reducing the burden of NTDs in Africa. Therefore, we call on world leaders, governments, the programmes, ESPEN is delivering impactful and sustainable action in the fight private sector and communities to pledge their support and dedicate their efforts to the fight against NTDs. Together, against NTDs. we can and we must fight and defeat this public health problem. Obviously, there is still much to be done, but with persistent, powerful, effective and efficient collaboration, including strong partnerships, we will triumph in conquering Achieving our common vision of an Africa free of NTDs requires concerted NTDs in Africa. Join us as we stand up and speak out against neglected tropical diseases! efforts in critical areas. We need political commitment and investment to ensure health systems are resilient. In doing so, we can accelerate momentum NTD Programme Managers, Africa towards attaining universal health coverage and beating NTDs. With the launch of the World NTD Roadmap 2021–2030, 2020 is a milestone year for NTDs. As such, this annual report is a timely review of our progress and will inform the actions that lie ahead. I would like to thank our partners, countries and programme managers who champion ESPEN’s work daily in countries, districts and communities. I look forward to our continued collaboration towards achieving universal health coverage and an Africa free of NTDs. Dr. Matshidiso Moeti WHO Regional Director for Africa AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome INCAS Institution-based Network on China-Africa SAFE strategy Surgery for TT, antibiotics to clear bacterial CAR Central African Republic Collaboration on Schistosomiasis infection, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement CIND Country integrated NTD database IUs Implementation units SCH Schistosomiasis DALYs Disability-adjusted life years JAP Joint Application Package SCM Supply chain management DBS Dried blood spot LF Lymphatic filariasis SDGs Sustainable Development Goals DEC Diethylcarbamazine LSHTM London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine SOP Standard operating procedures DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo MDA Mass drug administration STH Soil-transmitted helminthiasis DRG Trachoma Dossier Review Group MMDP Morbidity management and disability prevention STP São Tomé and Príncipe ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay NGOs Nongovernmental organization TAS Transmission assessment surveys ESPEN Expanded Special Project for the Elimination of NPO National professional officer Neglected Tropical Diseases NTD Neglected tropical diseases TEC Trachoma Expert Committee FGS Female genital schistosomiasis OEM Onchocerciasis elimination mapping TIPAC Tool for Integrated Planning and Costing FTS Filariasis test strip ONCHO Onchocerciasis TIS Trachoma Impact Survey GET2020 Global Elimination of Trachoma 2020 meetings OTS Onchocerciasis Technical Advisory Subgroup TT Trachomatous trichiasis GIS Geographic information system PC-NTDs Neglected tropical diseases amenable to UN United Nations GPELF Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic preventive chemotherapy USAID The United States Agency for International Filariasis PZQ Praziquantel Development GPW13 Thirteenth General Programme of Work RPRG Regional Programme Review Group for Preventive WHO-AFRO World Health Organization Regional Office HQ Headquarters Chemotherapy for Africa ICT Immunochromatographic test IDA Ivermectin, DEC, and Albendazole SCALE DOWN This year’s report at a glance the number of people requiring preventive chemotherapy • In 2019, ESPEN supported Mauritania to start developing its trachoma elimination dossier. • In December 2019, Malawi completed a dossier to validate the elimination of lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem. The dossier was submitted to ESPEN, which provided technical and financial support for this important milestone. An ad hoc This third annual report summarises the key achievements committee reviewed the dossier and was endorsed and validated by the WHO Regional Office for Africa, followed by the WHO HQ. that resulted from ESPEN’s support to countries in 2019. • In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, trachoma impact surveys were conducted in 18 districts. • 54 pre-transmission assessment surveys (pre-TAS) in six countries (Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and the United Republic of Tanzania) were conducted. SCALING UP: • As part of the entomological monitoring of onchocerciasis interventions, ESPEN Laboratory analysed 203,391 black flies Increased geographical coverage towards the achievement of 100% geographical coverage. trapped in Burkina Faso and Senegal. • To evaluate the performance of the Ov16 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological test, a total of 3,586 dried SUPPORTED IMPLEMENTATION IN SOUTH SOUDAN: blood spots (DBS) from Burkina Faso and Guinea-Bissau were analysed at ESPEN Laboratory. OF MDA FOR THE 5 PC-NTDs • After conducting a high coverage mass drug administration consistently for six years through ESPEN support, Zimbabwe 187,490 147,138 conducted an impact assessment survey for schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted helminthiasis. The results showed a significant 26 countries school-age children school-aged-children reduction in the diseases’ prevalence at district and national levels. The prevalence of schistosomiasis reduced from 23.0% to 61,258,027 individuals targeted targeted treated 5.0%. The number of districts with prevalence of S. haematobium heavy infection intensity (≥50e/ml) >1% reduced from 48 to 12. 778 districts 78% overall While eight districts had prevalence of heavy infection intensities > 1% for S. mansoni at baseline survey, after six rounds of MDA, treatment elimination of S. mansoni as a public health problem has been achieved in all Zimbabwean districts. coverage SÃO TOMÉ AND PRINCIPE IMPLEMENTED STRENGTHEN INFORMATION SYSTEMS TRIPLE THERAPY FOR LF FOR THE FIRST 75% for evidence-based decision-making TIME WHO-recommended minimum threshold • ESPEN conducted country data support missions in 17 countries. 7 implementation units • Using the outcomes of the country support missions, ESPEN developed a workbook to project preventive chemotherapy 148,460 people treated 9 interventions required in each implementation unit for the
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