NILES JUL 02200g; JÚLY 2, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION* WWW.PIONEERLOCALCOM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS PREHISTORIC - SQUIRREL LOVE "Ice Age: Dawn of the : Dinosaurs" is featured in this week's Film Clips. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD CRANK IT UP' Best ice cream for the Fourth is most definitely homemade. SEE PAGE 25 Oscar Saenz and Hayley Kliczko play in the water Saturday at Oasis Fun Center in Nues. Page 5. (Sta- S (J Iwl E R, Al LAST cia limonere/for Pioneer Press) NUes publicLibrarY 6960OaktOUStreet NUeS, IllinOis60714 (847) 663-1234 r s1rt1 Expandyouroptions. .Lb saliN jsra.Ad&J' 3r-11nd 11!ld g37JW 2: isrl:1,.Ç,ß1?J.7l7 Start here.. IctOLlÛGO jsLO7 2 Fall classes begin August 24, 2009. : Apply and register online V Oakton DesPlainc, Skokie 847.635.1629 rCoi-nmn1tColleg 2 CONTACT: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor www.pioneerlocaicom TUURSDAY JULY 2, 2009 IPAGE 3 p: 708.524.4433 e: [email protected] ECONOMY DELAY 8 months Areajobless rates keep risinglater, still By LYNNE STJEFEL ment security. directoc The economy con- Morton Grove residents list- pared with 3.8 percent in +N r.hShore [email protected] Itwas the seventh consec- tinues to tighten, just not ated as unemployed. ThatNovembei noBlase uLivo month that the nom-the frenetic pace we expe- grew to I,019in May. Obenview's rate, which had University IiealthSystem Unemployment surged inber ofarea residents seek- rienced last year. Since November, whenbeen .1.1 percent last No- May among residents ofIng work rose. rrhat contraction contin- unemployment was at a lowvember, shot up to 7.2 per-sentence Chicagos norLh, norLhwesl The suburban numbersucstopressure beni for mostPioneer Presssub-cent in May. and western suburbs. corresponded with an liii-economies and potentiallyurbs, the number of job The unemployment rateNo explanation Thejobless rates for allnois rate that reached 10.1means further increases in seekers has been rising fair-was in double digits in two A Teaching Affiliate of the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine but one suburb served bypercent in May, the highestthe unemployment rate." by steadily, except for awest suburbs served by Pi- offered for Pioneer Presswith morein 25 years and well above In most of thePioneer slight slowing in March. oneer Press -Maywood, at than 25,000 residents in-the nation's 9.4 percent. Presscommunities, the The 6.6-percent jobless 15.5 percent, and Elmwood latest holdup creased by as much as I per- -"This national reeessioñnumberofresidents in therate in Wibmette for MayPark, at 10.4 percenL cent from April's rate, ac-has produced unemploy- babor force grew by severalwas up from 3.7 percent last Only Mundelein showed By TONY BERTUCA ording to statistics re-ment figures not seen in ahundred, but soclid the November. Similarly, North-a slight decrease in the May [email protected] leased June 25 by the Till-generation," said Maureennumber of unemployed. brook's 6.7-percent unem-unemployment rate. nois Dèpartment of Employ- O'Donnell, the department's In Januathere were 678pboyment rate for May coros- Comment: ptoneer!ocal.com The long-awaited sentenc- ing offormer Nues Mayor Nicholas Blase on federal corruption charges, slated for the past Friday, was rescheduled for a fourth time. No explanation was offered for the latest delay and a new court date had not been an- nounced as olJune 25. Randall Samborn, spokesman for the U.S. At- torney's Office, said Thurs- day that attorneys on both sides ofthe case had request- ed the delay. When asked about Blase's next court date, Samborn said it would be determined Over 2,000 in "the not-too-distant fu- tore," and declined to corn- Doctors ment any further. Blase pleaded guilty to one charge of tax evasion and one charge ofmail fraud in October. FIe was scheduled to be sentenced in January but was rescheduled for April. The sentencing was then delayed again until May and delayed again until today. The counts against Blase stem from his role in a scheme to steer village busi- nesses to an insurance agency thatpaid him $420,000 in kickbacks in ex- change for the clients. He faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and $250,000 tine. The former mayor re- signed from office in August nort'hshore.org' after holding thejob for 47 the Globes and Bar- © 2009 NorthShore UniversUy HealthSystem BARREL ROLL Sudenis Item Park RidgeNi!e District Ms Roosevelt School Icaro circus skills karo tho company Cirque Amongos so May li. Eliot Bontuinasi pacticipates io years. tels slalios. (Tamara BeUJStalf Pholographer) Comment: pioneerlocal.com news 5 www.pioneerlocal.com 4Inews www.pioneerlocal.com THURSDAY, JULY 2, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NILES FIERALD- OASIS FUN CENTER SPECTATOR 24/7: Check outpioneerlocal.comfor more SERVING READERS SINCE 1951 LAST WEEK INDEX THIS WEEK VILLAGE BOARD BUSINESS 2I ofluckasheat luIls swinrs TOP FIVE STORIES Pool has stroke COMMUNITY CALENDAR 23 Seems like only a week 1. Alpogianis quits CROSSWORD 011 ago - because it was - after state's OBITUARIES 019 that Nues park officials attorney's warning were forecasting gloom and sayshewas OPINION 14 Ex-trustee doom for the village water SHOWTIMES 03 park due a cold, rainy start SPORTS to a late-blooming summer. 31 Park District Director Jo LoVerde used the words EelTOReAL becoming 'distraction' "miserable" and "difficult" Assistant Manaçfnq EdRarBorne By TONY BERTUCA foe- tise embattled ti-sestee at Li-ustee, os' possibly, rein- Malt Schinilo 11051 524 4433 to describe the swimming though voters overwhelm- Email: rnschmllz@ploneerlocal corn [email protected] ingly chose to elect me the June 23 enacting. stssll Alpogisenis in tIse event Fax. 15411 4067495 season at Oasis Fun Center, knowing ofiny previous en- "George Alpogianis,is a that loe classes himself. Maoagln Editor-Sparta and noted a steep decline in nich Marlis 1847) 456740i Former NibsTrusteecounters over 25 years ago good man," he said. 1-le Isses Ti'sestee Andiese Pezyby- [mail. rrnarlinepionceriocai corn admissions. George Alpogiaisis, who re-I feel that this issue in be- been a model citizen and Ss to said Inc believes Alpogia- Fax: 10471 3833600 But if the past week is any Geore Alpoqianis signed frotesoffice last week tise nsodel foetisee" ois rleser'esd a chance to NonatInt EditorDlceral ens indicator, this summer conning rs distraction for Jennifer Thomas 10411 4061350 sei-ve his community and Email llhomus@Plvneoilocui coin could turn itselfaround, yet. Embattled Nibs Trustee George AI- amici threatsfrom authori-nsayor and board ¡n serrons- Csellero said Alpogianis' For go caiendot listings or gueulions. As the mercuryjumped, so poianis reslned June 22 trum the ties that he would be re- pUshing osee- goaln foe- Niles." criminal recoi'ds \vee'e con- thinks tise Isew baeeing him email: sparker®piereerlocai corn Villaqe Board amid threats treni the moved ifhe remained,nstsde Alpogianis' criminalfusing and needed furtherfromdoingso should be Got news? did residents - into the Cook County State's Attorney's Ottico a statement June 23 before record includes six countsinvestigation. ctsanged. News lips 10471 4061259 pool- that he must step down or be re- Sports lips 10471 4067460 the Village Board explain-of aggravated battes-y stem- "The Illinois State Police ',lt iv loot Si good law," he Email: paekrldgewpinnecelocai corn Batlsers finally broke out moved because he is a convicted show no felonies," Callee-o said. "I think the law is EdItor hi ChI nf thou' boas-d shorts and biki- lelos. ing his decision to ntep ming from a multi-pee-son down. melee 25 years ago. The for-said. "We are attempting to ve'ong eisd I don't know Jell Winner 10411 406 6040 nis and woo-c out in foi-ce Boring Alpoqianis campalqn tor Email: wissei@pioneerlocai corn last week to make up for lost trustee, election news coverage re- Alpogianis, 42, wan forced mer trustee said he believed recover tise proper tecoi'dswhere it came fs'om. I also MAIL vealod that he had been convicted of to reaign from office be-his record was expungedclearing Geoege, I stand be- believe everybody deserves Oiles HeraldSpeclaler time, giving revoslc-starved sie felony counts of battery after a 370I W. take Ave, cause of felony convictionsafter he successfully corn-hind Geai-go," a second chance." sieoviee, II 60026 lifeguards an oppootunity group moles in bis teen years. Under from his teen years. Underpleted probation, Alpogianio said he and his Te'ustie Joe LoVee-de aleo CosioMEe SEeVict to earn their money. Illinois low cosvicted felons may not sen DELIVERY 555050 Co,rerolent:pioioeerlocell.00111 hold elected municipal office. state law no convicted felon But an investigation by attorney would work on Isisvoiced his suppoet for Al- Coors: Mon-Fel, 6 38am.-4 poi. may serve in elected munie- the Cook County State's At-.clearing isis name. Mike paginais. Sal.630arn.12 prn:Son.,0 am.lCprn Phone 104714009300 Newsweek ranks ¡pal office. torney's Office determinedLavelle, Alpogianis' attor- "I look foe-ward to tise time After careful considera- that Alpogianis io a convict- ney, has said nothing shoi-t when this is behind you," he TO seasceieo Maine East in Top 6 Phone. 10411 4069300 Families cool off Saturday at Oasis . tion and discussion withed felon and authoritiesof a gubernatoiial pardontold Alpogianis. "Youu en- Email: ci,coiatioo0pinneerlocal corn percent nationwide Fun Center. (Stacia Tirn000re/(OrPin- family, friendo and support- there threatened to removewould restore his client's el-ergy in this community, CIrculatIon Dfrector noel Presst ' Maine East High School in Park Ridge Jay Realen 10471 4061200 bos been chosen as one of the na- ero I have decided to resignhim ifhe remained in office, igibility, please, please don't give it A0vCRTISIHC tiens top schools by Newsweek.
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