11111• Al£XANOER FRASER lf:'iG_Wl.'iOITII NllA.~ll.N.lil "-tPaintmg• .......... 7tl'INov.-12th0.C. FllM!wllr \"..,_ Mon.·SaL 10 ..-n-5pm l6'HIGHmil'T AdmiUion Free EDl~lllGH SubMli#dbjlrlreSc>olrdflMIQiiind' STUDENT Ttl: IJl·ll5 23'1 20p CONTENTS THURS 3DEC1987 NEVVS • The definitive AGM report! • Health cuts • Debates LETTERS • Due to centenary celebrations the letters page has been taken over IVIUSIC • A world exclusive Jim Kerr interview! • The usual live reviews • THE (£\TRE FOLD SPECIAL EIGHT PAGE PULL-OUT CELEBRATING STUDENT'S CENTENARY, WITH SPECIAL FEATURES, PAST EDITORS INCLUD· ING AN INTERVIEW WITH COLIN DOUGLAS. FILIVI .- '•.' Review of Ishtar .. starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Louis Stevenso.n . ·>'. d; :: .. _·. ·... · .' _..•... Warren Beatty. • _. ff4~t THE CENTENARY ISSUE • L'Escogriffes The Edinburgh University Student newspaper is now 100 years old. This is a special commemorative centenary issue which we dedicate to the memory of Robert Louis Stevenson, writer extraordinaire. He was the originator of the concept of Student. He brought out a magazine, the forerunner to Student, at this university, with the idea of its being produced by students, for students. Little d id he realise that his idea was to develop and reach its 100th birthday. This issue is therefore a landmark in the history of student newspapers. The experience of working on Student has also been extrem ely beneficial to many. We hope that you will keep and treasure this historic issue of Student, with its added colour. Look out for Gerry Sadowitz, an up-and-coming Scottish comedian who is currently the toast of the trendies in London. Read our • Publicat ions arising review of his show on page 10. out of the very wonderful Student! • A look back at people who have filled the position of Recto ~ SPORT • All t he usual japes plus a comment on In our centenary pull-out in cheating the middle of the paper you will find a trip through Student BACK PAGE as it was in the 1880s, the Jim Kerr, lead singer of 1920s, the 1940s, the 1960s, • Classic cartoons! Simple Minds, congratulates the 1970s and the 1980s. • 10 things you never Student on reaching its Marvel at the many changes knew about Robert centenary. He also wishes all the paper has gone through Louis Stevenson! our readers a happy new year. and read the reprinted Read more of what Jim has to extracts of some of its most say in our interview on page 7. controversial artickts. NEVVS THURS 3 DEC 1987 Palestinian Passion The motion on academic free· Proposing the motion David dom in Palestine was passed by Donaghue said that there was an Quorate! 143 votes to 123 after being "incredible amount of confusion amended to be a general motion between anti-Zionism and anti· on students in the Middle East. semitism" and that the Bradford Originally the motion had statement had been signed by centred on the recent deaths of many prominent members of Motioning Palestinian students in Israel the Jewish community. and the forced closing of univer· He went on to argue that " Is· sities under emergency powers. rael actually arms neo-na.zi and at the It called on EUSA to twin with anti-semitic states" as "the grea­ Bir Zeit University, write in pro­ ter the forces of anti-semitism AGM test to the Israel Embassy, and to the more logical it is to have a press for scholarships for Pales­ Jewish state", tinian students. A member of the EU Jewish Three constitutional amend­ While these provisions still Society argued against the ments were put forward. The st~nd an amendment deploring amendment, saying that "by the first, to put the EUSA Secretary the lack of academic freedom in PLO's definition there is hardly a on the EUSPB board of direc­ Arab countries such as Saudi Juw who has the right to stay in tors with full voting rights, was Arabia, Syria, Jordan and Egypt, Israel". passed unopposed, as it was was also narrowly passed. Another asked how Scottish apparently recognised that this Proposing the amendment, students would react to people would alloy..r the Secretary to Andrew Brennan said: "If we are of Scottish descent in England telling Scots to renounce their take up her responsibilities in Hands up if you use Rightguard interested in academic freedom this area more effectively. in the Middle East, let's not be nationality and nation. The second, to rename the blinkered in our approach." Summing up for the opposi· Student Centre the 'Mandela' Budget Cuts from David Clark, while stating that tion it was said, commenting on the proposal to " encou rage ~ Centre, was proposed by Don Faced with explaining the loss he was not anti-semitic, felt that Jnwish students in Edinburgh MacCorquodale. He argued the by EUSA of £16.000, Treasurer Cuckoo Land the situation in Palestine was dif­ University to sign the Bradford need for students at Edinburgh Cheow Lay-Wee admitted that ferent as oppression was "not "I thought this was Edin­ statement, "do you realise how University to make a concrete last year was "a disappointing against domestic opposition but burgh not cloud cuckoo land," offensive this hint of coercion is and public demonstration of year". • against a nation under occupa­ Said Malcolm Mcleod Educa­ to the Jewsr. their opposition to Apartheid. While the grant from the Uni­ tion". tion Convener, apparently The amendment was strongly He said "We have to have the. versity had risen by 4.98 per cent Deep disagreement was expressing surprise at a ,rejected. courage of our convictions and to £693,832 EUSA was still caused by an amendment ask­ 1 direct negative to the motion. this is the best way we can do unable to balance the books. Mr Mcleod went on to make ing students to support the Brad­ it." However, Cheow hopes that the point that Edinburgh is fac· ford Resource Centre's state­ KB is not to bf Speakers against the amend­ the "completely different pre· ing harsher cuts than those that ment on Israel and Palestine. ment were consistently hissed It suggested that the PLO sentation of food" coupled with have forced the closure of six The second motion of t he and booed by the audience as a reorganisation of and invest· departments at Aberdeen and a should be recognised as the sole they argued against the use of legitimate representative of the evening that EUSA should ment in the loss-making Student loss of quarter of the staff body. open an office at KBU was pas­ Mandala's name in this connec­ Publications Board will bring Aberdeen has just rationalised Palestinian people, that the state tion, on the grounds that he of Israel in no way represents sed, although opposed, 225 for improvements next year. cuts of £2.3 million. Edinburgh 45 against. It was opposed on endorses violence. Full details are available in the faces cuts of £2.7 million. At Jewish people and that Zionist They pointed out that structures in Israel should be the grounds that the wording of EUSA budget report. this point a point of information the motion itself was bad. Amnesty International does not was raised to remind Mr disbanded. recognise Mr Mandela as a Poll Tax Mcleod "that this is the AGM prisoner of conscience and that poll axed not the election campaign." there are many other " real pris· A member of the Communist The motion opposing the Polt Exploited? oners of conscience" in South Party of Great Britain spoke Tax as "unfair, unjust and Africa who are pacifists. The against the motion saying that / iniquitous" was passed by 395 Motion eight of the AGM dis- A point of information was amendment was passed 318 it's a waste of time lobbying votes to 1. cussed the much publicised raised as to whether the for, 30 against. politicians "who don't give a The motion mandates EUSA issue of apartheid in South capitalism side was really The t hird amendment which toss because they see students to support any mass campaign Africa. It noted the exploitation relevant. · proposed the nomination of Mr as a soh target" and that there ·against the Poll Tax and Jane of black labour, the recent black Aher this the seconder of the Mandela for Honorary Presi­ is no point in trying to galvanise Rogerson to write to the leaders dent was supported by Ben students "who can't make minter's strike in South Africa motion, Kirsty Reid spc.lii;: of all opposition parties to man­ Carver who attacked the use of sense of the issues. " He also and criticised the li~eral image finishing with the emo• date them to run a joint cam­ of the Anglo-American Corpo· " Black workers to power I " the word "terrorist" in connec­ expressed disappointment in paign. tion with the ANC, saying that the Labour group in whom he'd ration.. Another opponent asserted An amendment moved by the he thought only Mrs Thatcher hoped to see "a radical trans­ The motion called for EUSA that the only way to crush apar· Socialist Workers group was supportofallmovementsfight· theid was through a broad lib- called them that. One speaker forming force" instead of passed to call on EUSA to ing for the liberation of South eration.movement. against the motion described' which he said, he was pre­ mobilise support for the anti· Africa, boycotting all South David Clarke summed up his P.W. Botha as "the most prog­ sented with a "picture of the Poll Tax demonstration by Edin­ ressive South African leader leader in a penguin suit at the African produce, making direct argument by saying that it's not burgh and District Trade Associ­ yet." This was not well nauseating, elitist' and juvenile links with independent black only the black workers that are ation on 12th December.
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