ESSENCE OF AAPASTAMBA DHARMA SUTRAS Translated and interpreted byV.D.N.Rao, former General Manager, India Trade Promotion Organiza tion, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, now at Chennai 1 Other Scripts by the same Author: Essence of Puranas:-Maha Bhagavata, Vishnu Purana, Matsya Purana, Varaha Purana, Kurma Purana, Vamana Purana, Narada Purana, Padma Purana; Shiva Purana, Linga Purana, Skanda Purana, Markandeya Purana, Devi Bhagavata;Brahma Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Agni Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Nilamata Purana; Shri Kamakshi Vilasa Dwadasha Divya Sahasranaama:a) Devi Chaturvidha Sahasra naama: Lakshmi, Lalitha, Saraswati, Gayatri;b) Chaturvidha Shiva Sahasra naama-Linga-Shiva-Brahma Puranas and Maha Bhagavata;c) Trividha Vishnu and Yugala Radha-Krishna Sahasra naama-Padma-Skanda-Maha Bharata and Narada Purana. Stotra Kavacha- A Shield of Prayers -Purana Saaraamsha; Select Stories from Puranas Essence of Dharma Sindhu - Dharma Bindu - Shiva Sahasra Lingarchana-Essence of Paraashara Smriti- Essence of Pradhana Tirtha Mahima Essence of Upanishads : Brihadaranyaka , Katha, Tittiriya, Isha, Svetashwara of Yajur Veda- Chhandogya and Kena of Saama Veda-Atreya and Kausheetaki of Rig Veda-Mundaka, Mandukya and Prashna of Atharva Veda ; Also ‘Upanishad Saaraamsa’ -Essence of Maha Narayanopanishad; Essence of Maitri Upanishad Essence of Virat Parva of Maha Bharata- Essence of Bharat Yatra Smriti -Essence of Brahma Sutras- Essence of Sankhya Parijnaana- Essence of Knowledge of Numbers for students-Essence of Narada Charitra; Essence Neeti Chandrika-Essence of Hindu Festivals and Austerities Essence of Manu Smriti- Quintessence of Manu Smriti- Essence of Paramartha Saara; Essence of Pratyaksha Bhaskra; Essence of Pratyaksha Chandra; Essence of Vidya-Vigjnaana-Vaak Devi; Essence of Bhagya -Bhogya-Yogyata Lakshmi Essence of Soundarya Lahari- Essence of Popular Stotras- Essence of Pancha Maha Bhutas- Essence of Taittireeya Aranyaka- Quintessence of Soundarya Lahari- Essence of Gayatri Essence of Ganesha Mahima - Essence of Shiva Raatri Mahima- Essence of Chaturupanishads- Essence of Ashtaadasha Upanishads - Essence of Bhagavad Gita Essence of Valmiki Baala Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Ayodhya Ramayana- Essence of Aranya Ramayana-Essence of Valmiki Kishkindha Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Sundara Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Yuddha Ramayana- Essence of Valmiki Uttara Ramayana- Quitessecence of Valmiki Ramayana; * Essence of Veda Vyasa Smriti- *Essence of Yagjnyavalkya Smriti-* Essence of Aapastamba Dharma Sutras Note: All the above Scriptures already released on www. Kamakoti. Org/news as also on Google by the respective references except those marked as of *. 2 Contents Preface P 3-Introduction - P 4; Prashna 1. Patala 1. Khanda 1: Annexture on Vedangas vide Narada Purana- Vishleshana on Chaturvarna vidhis vide Manu Smriti-P 6; Prashna 1. Patala 1. Khanda 2: P9 - Prashna 1. Patala 1 .Khanda 3: P 10- Prashna 1. Patala 1.Khanda 3- Page 11- Prashna 1. Patala 1 Khanda 4.P 12- Vishleshana on Brahma Muhurta vide Dharma Sindhu- Prashna 1.Patala 1.Khanda 5. P 13- Vishleshana on Svetaketu vide Chhandogya Upanishad - Vishleshana on Panchendriyas and Mind ref. Kathopanishad: Prashna 1. Patala 1.Khanda 6. P 16-Prashna 1. Patala 1. Khanda 7. P 17- Vishleshana on Sthitapragjnatva vide Bhagavad Gita ; Vishleshana on Samvartana from Dharma Sindhu Prashna 1. Patala 2.Khanda 8. P 20 - Prashna 1.Patala 3. Khanda 9. P. 21 Vishleshana on Upaakarma vide Bhavishya Purana - Vishleshana on the significance of Swaadhyaaya vide 1.Taittireeya Aaranyaka 2.9. 1-2 :2. Taittireeya Brahmana respectively -Prashna 1. Patala 3. Khanda 10. P.25 Vishleshans from 1. Dharma Sindhu and 2. From Skanda Purana on Chaaturmaasa nirvahana- Prashna 1. Patala 3.Khanda 11. P 30- Prashna 1.Patala 4. Khanda 12-P 31- Vishleshana on Karmaacharana as Swadharma from Bhagava Gita for facile understanding ; Vishleshana on Bali Harana and Pancha Yagjnas vide Dharma Sindhu. Prashna 1.Patala 4.Khanda 13-P33 Vishleshana on OM shabda Prashna 1.Patala 4.Khanda 14-P 36- Prashna 1.Patala 5 Khanda 15 P. 37. Prashna 1-Patala 5.Khanda 16 P 38 Prashna 1. Patala 5.Khanda 17 P 40. Prashna 1.Patala 6 Khanda 18 P 41- Prashna 1.Patala 7 Khanda 19 P 42. Vishleshana on Self Control vide Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad chapter V- Prashna 1.Patala 8.Khanda 20 P 43- Prashna 1. Patala 9. Khanda 21 P 44. Vishleshana on Atma Jnaana vide Kathopanishad, Brihadananyaka, Shvetaashvatara, and Chhandogya Upanishads - Praśna 1. Paṭala 8. Khaṇḍa 22. P 49. Vishleshana on Self Awareness vide Chhandogya Upanishad - Bhagavad Gita and Kashmiri Shaivism Praśna 1. Paṭala 9. Khaṇḍa 23 P 52- Prashna 1.Patala 9.Khanda 24 P.53. Vishleshana on Prayaschitthaas vide a ) Manu Smriti and b) Paraashara Smriti- Prashna 1. Patala 9. Khanda 25 P.56- Vishleshana on Paaka Yagjna Rites to regain the good will of Devatas vide Taittireeya Aaranyaka 2.18 : 1-8: Prayaschitta regains the good-will of Devas. Prashna 1.Patala 9.Khanda 26 P.58-Prashna 1. Patala 9 Khanda 27 P 59- Prashna1. Patala 10. Khanda 28 P 60- Prashna 1. Patala 11.Khanda 29 P 61-P:rashna1.Patala 11- Khanda 30 P 62.- Prashna 1. Patala 11. Khanda 31 P. 63- 3 Praśna 2. Paṭala 1. Khaṇḍa 1. P.64 Vishleshana on Maithuna Karya vide Brihdaranyakopanishad chapter VI-iv on Procreation duties on the pattern of Sacrifice and the rituals on arrival of a child - Prashna 2. Patala 1. Khandas 2 P 67- Prashna 2.Patala 2.Khanda 3. P 68. 1: Vaishva Deva Karya vide Dharma Sindhu --2. Vaishva Deva Homa-- 3. Oblations by way of Vaishvadeva - Svishta Rites, besides Svishtakrit to Gaarhapatyaagni vide Maha Narayopanishad] -Prashna2. Patala 2.Khanda 4 P.73. Prashna 2. Patala2. Khanda 5 P. 74- P:rashna2.Patala 2 Khanda 6 P.76- Prashna 2.Patala 3. Khanda 7. P.77. Vishleshana on an elaboration on Agni Karyas vide Katha Upanishad-Matsya Purana- Varaha Purana-Brahmanda Purana]. Prashna 2. Patala 4. Khanda 8 P.81. Prashna 2. Patala 4. Khanda 9 P.82. Prashna 2. Patala 5. Khanda 10 P.82 Vishleshana on Varnaashrama Dharmas vide i)Brahma Purana ii) Maha Bhagavat. Prashna 2.Patala 5.Khanda 11- P 84-Vishleshana on Graha Maitri-Gana Vichara- Raashi Kutami-Naadi Vishaara-vadhu lakshanas-asapinda nirnyaya-Gotra Pravara Lakshanaas vide Dharma Sindhu Annexture II on Gotra Pravara Varnana - Prashna 2. Patala 6. Khanda 12 P.88 Vishleshana on Eight kinds of Vivahas ; Vishleshana on Paataka kaaranaas and impact in next births vide Manu Smriti Prashna 2.Patala 6.Khanda 13 P.91-Prashna 2.Patala 6. Khanda 14 P. 92. Vishleshana on Property Rights vide Manu Smriti Prashna 2.Patala 6.Khanda 15. P 95. Vishleshana on Ashoucha Sangraha. Prashna 2. Patala 7. Khanda 16 P.97- Prashna 2. Patala 7. Khanda 17 P.98- Prashna 2. Patala 8. Khanda 18 P 100- Prashna 2. Patala 8. Khanda 19- Prashna 2.Patala 8. Khanda 20 P.101- Prashna 2. Patala 9. Khanda 21. P.102. Vishleshana on Sanyaasa Dharma vide Manu Smriti Chapter Six 39- 97. Prashna 2.Patala 9. Khanda 22 P 105- Prashna 2. Patala 9.Khanda 22 P. 105-Prashna 2.Patala 9. Khanda 23. P.106 Vishleshanas on Prajapati Shrishti from 1.Bhavishya Purana and 2. Maha Nayayanopanishad . Prashna 2. Patala 9.Khanda 24 P. 106. Prahna 2. Patala 10. Khanda 25. P. 109 [ Vishleshana on a King to build the Capital City and the common facilities vide Chapter 7 of Manu Smriti] Prashna 2.Patala 10. Khanda 26. P.111- Prashna 2.Patala 10.Khanda 27. P.112-Prashna 2.Patala 11. Khanda 28 P.113-Prashna 2. Patala 12.Khanda 29.P. 114 Annexture I: Six ‘Vedangas’ constitute the means of knowledge to attain ‘Mukti’ from Narada Purana. P.115 Annexture II. Gotra Pravarana in detail from Dharma Sindhu P.132 Annexture 111: Sadaachaara Varnana / Principles of Righteous Way of Living (Samvatsara Abdika Vidhi, Varnaashrama Dharma, Dharmaadharma Vidhi and Maha Tatwa Nirnaya highlighted) vide Brahma Purana 4 Preface As distinguished from Brahma Sutras, the Aapastamba Dharma Sutras are like Para and Apara approaches to the Almighty, that is Spiritualism versus Materialism. Indeed the goal is unmistakably the very same as of avyktam shashvatam vishnum anantam ajam avyayam, the Omni Present-Omni Scient- Omni Potent. Yet the Aihikam-Aamushicam approaches seek to submerge. Aapastamba Sutras are invarialbly initiated with ‗Pravaras‘ of respectful self introduction to the elders. One tends to state: Chatussaagara paryantam go brahmanebhyah shubham bhavatu and the proceed announcing one‘s own Rishi Traya pravaraanvita- gotra-Aapastamba Sutrah- Rik / Shukla/ Krishna Yajus/ Saama/-Adharvana Veda Shaakhadhyaayi- amuka naama- ahambho- abhivaadaye/. Such indeed be the practice of Self Introduction before the respect worthy. ‗Aapastamba Kalpa Taru‘ constitutes a torrential Prashna Parampara or of Enquiries of as many as Thirty Jalapaataas. The current presentation seeks to attempt merely two of this succession of the Water Falls. An over view of Vidyardhi and Grihasti Dharmas are sought to be presented currently. Of the Grandha of this Dharmasutra, the first is devoted to the Vidyardhis and the second is devoted to the Grihastha Dharmas. Vidyardhi Dharmas include their vesha bhaashaas- shubhrata- aashrama- bhojana nirnayas- brahmacharya- gayatri / nithya agni kaaryaas- Guru shushrusha-saanghika pravartana- veda pathana- sikshana- guru bharya putra putrika vyavaharana- swaadhyaaya- saanghika pravartaana- and finally brahmachryaashrama nishkramana. Then would grihastaashrama-vivaha- stree sangama- griha nirvahana-bhojana nirnaya-atithi seva- swaadhyaya- nithya dhaarmika pravritti-daana dharmas- dhanaarjana- putra putrika nirvahana- vamsha paaramparya and saanghika kartavya- rajyanga kartavyas- nyaayaadhedesha kartavya nirvahana-maataa pitru seva- sodara-sodari sabhyatas- bandhu sneha karyaas- pirtu tatpana vidhis and so on followed by vaanaprastha-sanyasa dharmaacharana. HH Vijayendra Saraswati has been blessing me to script the Essences of Manu Smriti, Paraashara Smriti, Veda Vyas Smriti, and Yagjnyavalkya Smriti so far. When I sought to further script the Essence of Aapastamba Smriti, a mental flash prompted me to approach the HH to bless me to attempt an effort of Aapastamba Dharma Sutras.
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