I'E'E'E Editor ~gion 8 9\{g,ws 9{p 113 - ![e6ruary 1996 'Europe, Mitftf[e-east and .9Lfrica :f\_obert C. Winton "Bob" Winton started his IEEE career as Assistant scene he tried a temporary emigration to the New World, in Secretary to the then newly formed UKRI Section (1963) and Boston as the "Captain of Team l" at the Chairman's in recognition of his obvious secretarial abilities was in the Congress. This must not have been too much to his liking for same year promoted to Secretary, a post which he continued to in 1986 he returned to Europe for the presentation of his fill until 1972. Also in 1963 he -"T"'"!...-....----------"lll"'""'!""".~- Haraden Pratt Award. joined the nascent Region 8 Com- There followed a spell (1987- mittee, to which he has been ac- 1996) as Region 8 Long Range credited in one way or another ever Planning Co-ordinator, during since. which he received the Larry K. Wilson Award. He took a very active part in the Eurocon series of conferences, It would be difficult to find serving as Chairman or Member of another to match this extensive Organising and Publicity commit­ history of service to the Region and tees until 1982. 1973 - 1974 saw to the Institute. The Region 8 him take up the post of Secretary/ Committee has very wisely made Treasurer of Region 8; this was Rob Winton an Honorary member followed by Chairman of UKRI of the committee, thereby ensuring Section from 197 6 to 1977. that over thirty years of experience '------"--------------~ would still be at the committee's He returned to Region 8 as Secretary/Treasurer in 1978 disposal. And so Bob, if you were to imagine even for and in 1984 was awarded the IEEE Centennial Medal. From one moment that you have heard the last of all those 1981 - 1987 he was once more in the Secretary's seat at questions, you would be wrong. Au Revoir Robert C. Region 8 committee meetings. As a change from the European Winton - the goodbyes will have to wait. membership in the Region was 32,000, m comparison with Ji'roni the <Rfgional :i)irector 28,000 last year. Membership is now more than 10% of the total (310,000 at the end of November 1995). IEEE has launched its 1996 Member-Get-A-Member fi jfappy JYew j)ear! campaign, and in the November 1995 issue of the Region 8 News a special Region 8 Membership Application Form was For more than a year I have had the privilege of serving inserted. As Regional Director I strongly encourage you to use the IEEE members in the Region 8 as Regional Director. It is this opportunity to extend the services of the IEEE to more now time to review the activities of the past year and to plan engineers within our field of interest. The IEEE has so much for the coming year, but first of all I wish to congratulate to offer: professionally, technically, and socially. Maurice Papo on his election as Director-elect for 1996, in The Region 8 Application form can also be used by which capacity he will serve on the Region 8 Committee. students, who pay as little as $20.00 per year in dues. Member Services Unfortunately it is indicated on the form, that "For students only the first Society is free"; that is not exactly the case. As The IEEE member services is still one of my major described on page 3 by the Region 8 Membership Develop­ concerns. The Membership renewal process is a peak load ment Chairman, Walter Proebster, new student members in for the staff in the Member Services Department. In order to Region 8 are offered one free basic Society Membership for cope with the special problems of Region 8, Marianne one year only. Additional journals and transactions, and Schmidt has been allocated to our region. Her E-mail address additional Society Memberships are not free is [email protected]. Unfortunately, the mailings of the 1996 Membership Renewal information were staggered from Sections and Chapters the third week in October 1995 to the third week in Including the recently formed Bulgaria Section, the December 1995, we hope that by now all members in Region region now has 36 Chapters and 36 Sections. The formation 8 will have received their Renewal information. of new active chapters is essential in order to improve the The Region continues to grow in both membership and service to members. The major Societies give financial support technical vitality. At the end of October 1995 the total to chapter activities. (Continued on p. 3) Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers Regional Director: Prof. P. Martin Larsen Ylctive o/o{unteers for Service on tfie VJC<f{[ :MTI/E1J/.9lP/L'EO Joint Chapter ~gion 8 Committee By Terry Oxley By Mr. Basil W. Osborne Planning of the Chapter 1996 activities is almost complete; Educational Activities and Chapter Coordination attention is drawn to events of international interest: From candidates with a good track record of service to the IEEE, the Regional Committee is looking for nominations to fill • 7th June 1996 - The 3rd IEEE Joint European Chapter two vacancies as Appointed Representatives. The Chair of the Workshop on "CAE, Modelling and Measurement Verifica­ Region's Nominations and Appointments Committee for 1996, tion" will be held in Paris in conjunction with the GaAs'96 Professor Charles Turner, wishes to encourage a wider Conference. Contact Philippe Dueme, Dassault Electronics. participation in the Region's affairs. He hopes that names will TEL:+ 33-1-3481-6161, FAX:+ 33-1-3491-7378. reach him from those with some previous IEEE experience, whether in a Section, in a Chapteror in a Society. His address 10-llth June 1996 - The 2nd International Conference on is: Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, King's Electronics Technologies ICET96 will be held at the Ramada College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS. Hotel Heathrow London. Organised by ISHM-UK in coopera­ E-mail: c. [email protected] tion with the IEEE Chapter, the conference will focus on Fax: +44 171 836 4781 themes of Microwave Materials, Microwave Devices and These vacancies will be filled at the end of 1996. Those Microwave Applications. Contact: JCET96 ISHM-UK, 13 selected will serve on the Region 8 Committee for the three Fir/ands, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 9SB UK TEL:+44 years 1997-99; they will be the Regional Representatives for 1344-301491.FAX:+44 l 344-481988. ChapterCoordinationand for EducationalActivities. • 13th September 1996 - The 2nd High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloquium will be held at The Director Elect 1998 University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technol­ The Nominations and Appointments committee will, at the ogy (UMIST). Jointly sponsored by the Chapter and November '96 meeting of the Region 8 committee, put forward UMIST the event has technical co-sponsorship support names for the election of the Regional Director-elect for 1998 (to serve as Director during 1999 and 2000). Names - with the from EDS and cooperative support from the national IEE. consent of the persons concerned- should go through a member The CALL-FOR-PAPERS DEADLINE is 5th July 1996. of the Regional Committee to Professor Turner at the address • Contact Rob Sloan, Dept. Electrical Engineering & given in the previous paragraph. Electronics, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 I QD, UK. TEL:+44 161-200-4640, FAX@:+44 161-200-4820. E-mail:[email protected]. • 7-9th October 1996 - EUREL International Conference on Pro(eggio1tt1I Develo1me11t tit lm1erit1I College "The Detection of Abandoned Land Mines - a humanitarian imperative seeking solution" will be held at the Edinburgh ·:· Low-noise BiCMOS Analog International Conference Centre, Edinburgh Scotland, UK. The Integrated Circuit Design event is organised by the national IEE with the Chapter .28 FePt11il17/- 1;1/1dft'H1996 cooperative support. Contact: "MD96" Secretariat, Conference IMPERIAL CMOS/BiCMOS Analog Integrated Services, IEE Savoy Place, UK. Tel: +44 171-240-1871. Fax:+44 COLLECE ·:· 171-240-8830. of Science, Circuit Design Techno/ogy & 1 -5 .Tit/If 1996 • 25 & 26th November 1996 - The 4th IEEE Interna­ Medicine ·:· Multimedia Compression: tional Workshop on "High Performance Devices for Principles, Applications Br Standards Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications" (EDM0'96) 5-l'.litlfe 1996 will be held at The University of Leeds. Jointly sponsored by the Chapter and the University of Leeds the event has Continuing Current Mode Circuits: Techniques ·:· technical co-sponsorship support from EDS and co­ Professional in High Frequency Analog Design operative support from MTT-S. The CALL-FOR-PAPERS Development 8-10.lit11f1996 DEADLINE is 2nd September 1996. Contact: Stavros ·:· Safety Critical Systems lezekiel, Dept. Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Univ­ 16-.20~mkr1996 erity of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK. TEL: +44 113- •!• Microsystems Technology 233-2088. FAX: +44 113-233-2032. E-mail: .f3e/'teJHkr 1996 s. iezekiel@elec-eng. leeds. ac. uk. ·:· Neural Networks: Basics, Applications and Future At the end of a four year term, Terry Oxley is standing down .f3e/'temkr 1996 as Chapter Chairman. The Chairman, as from March 1996 will Approved IEE be: Dr Neil Williams, ERA Technology Ltd, Cleeve Road, CPD Provider All the above courses are recognised by IEE for Professional Leatherhead,Surrey KT22 7SA, UK TEL: +44 1372 367061. Development Units. Fax: +44 1372 367099, E-Mail: [email protected]. Further details from: Sally Verkaik, Continuing Education Centre, Imperial College, Room 558 Sherfield Building, Exhibition For further information please contact the incoming Chairman at the Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ, UK. address in the previous paragraph, or the outgoing Chairman at: Tel: +44 (0)171 594 6882/1 Fax: +44 (0)171 594 6883 "Tremont", Back Lane, Ha/am, Southwell, Newark, Notts NG22 E-mail: [email protected] BAG.
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