Taipei Liaison Office in the RSA SA-TAIWAN eNews FEBRUARY 26TH 2020 PUBLISHER: MATTHEW CHOU ISSUE 1 I, and the South African Government, have enormous appreciation for the contribution that the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has made to the commitment of the Govern- ment sector in the economic development in Africa. The ROC (Taiwan) further, made a gener- ous and much appreciated contribution to South Africa's transition to democracy . Statement by President Nelson Mandela—27 November 1996 President Tsai thanks allies for supporting Taiwan’s international participation President Tsai Ing-wen thanked Central American Health should come be- allies Belize and Guatemala fore politics, Tsai said, as well as Caribbean ally Haiti adding that the country’s Feb. 18 for backing Taiwan’s world-leading health participation in the activities, care system and experi- mechanisms and meetings of ence with the 2003 out- international organizations. break of severe acute Saint-Hilaire from Belize, Guatemala respiratory syndrome mean it can Faced with China’s campaign of and Haiti, respectively, at the Presi- make a real contribution to ensur- coercion, Taiwan sincerely appreci- dential Office in Taipei City. The ing a seamless global pandemic pre- ates the firm backing of its diplo- delegation is in Taiwan on a five-day vention network. matic allies and like-minded part- political, economic and cultural fact- ners for the country’s attendance at finding visit. Tsai also vowed to strengthen the events such as the U.N. General country’s ties with its allies by con- Assembly last year. According to Tsai, Taiwan is a front- tinuing steadfast diplomacy under line state against the spread of the principle of mutual assistance Tsai made the remarks while receiv- COVID-19. The country deserves a for mutual benefits, citing coopera- ing permanent representatives to seat at the table in the World tion projects involving agriculture, the U.N. Lois Michele Young, Luis Health Organization and other U.N. commerce and tourism in Guate- Antonio Lam Padilla and Patrick specialized agencies, she added. mala, Haiti and Belize, respectively. February Snapshots of Taiwan Left,Members of U-Theater perform during the closing ceremony of Taiwan Lantern Festival Feb. 23 in Taichung City. The annual event attracted more than 10 million visitors during its 16-day run in central Tai- wan. (Courtesy of Taichung City Government);Middle,President Tsai Ing-wen (left) shares a smile with Medi- gen Vaccine Biologics Corp. Vice Chairman Charles Chen Feb. 20 during a tour of the company’s facility in Hsinchu County, northern Taiwan. MVC is cooperating with the U.S. National Institutes of Health to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. (Courtesy of Presidential Office);Right,The most popular entries to Taitung International Balloon Festival from the past 20 years are revealed by the southeastern county’s local government Feb. 20. (Courtesy of Taitung County Government) ISSUE 2 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Headline News Page 2 MOFA thanks allies, partners for supporting Taiwan’s WHA participation The staunch support of the country’s gression that harms the international Taylor. “We believe that Taiwan’s role as diplomatic allies and like-minded part- public health community’s ability to co- an observer in WHA meetings is in the ners for Taiwan’s participation in the ordinate effectively,” he said, adding that best interest of the international health World Health Assembly, the decision- the time has come for the country to be community, and also it is an important making body of the World Health Organi- allowed to lend its considerable exper- partner in the fight against this epi- zation, is greatly appreciated, according tise toward prevention and containment demic,” he said. to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. efforts. Other leaders, representatives and Following an outbreak of pneumonia Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also groups speaking in support of Taiwan caused by the Wuhan coronavirus, diplo- spoke up for Taiwan’s participation. Pre- include St. Lucia Prime Minister Allen matic allies Belize, Guatemala, Haiti, venting further spread of the new coro- Chastanet; St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Min- Paraguay, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lu- navirus will be exponentially harder if ister Timothy Harris and Minister of For- cia, as well as like-minded partners in Taiwan is excluded for political reasons, eign Affairs Mark Brantley; Belize Minis- Canada, Japan, the EU and the U.S., reit- he said. ter of Foreign Affairs Wilfred Elrington; erated the importance of Taiwan’s con- Haiti Minister of Foreign Affairs Bocchit tributions and engagement to global On behalf of the EU, European External Edmond; the Ministries of Foreign Affairs health and disease combatting networks. Action Service spokeswoman Virginie of Guatemala and Paraguay; the Central Battu-Henriksson said the organization American Integration System; and the U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner urged WHO Di- will continue to seek practical solutions Central American Parliament. rector-General Tedros Adhanom Ghe- for including Taiwan whenever its techni- breyesus in a joint letter cosigned by cal prowess and capacity can provide Taiwan participated in the annual WHA Sens. Marco Rubio, James Inhofe, John additional value. as an observer from 2009 to 2016. The Cornyn, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz and Tom country is excluded from the 73rd edi- Cotton Jan. 31 to grant Taiwan observer Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tion running May 17-21 in Geneva at the status in the activities, mechanisms and also expressed support after statements request of the Chinese authorities. meetings of the global body. “Taiwan’s by Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland and exclusion from the WHO is an act of ag- former health minister Ginette Petitpas President Tsai meets with former senior US official President Tsai Ing-wen met with Randall again proved the people’s determination Schriver, chairman of Project 2049 Insti- to uphold democratic values, Tsai said. tute and former U.S. Department of De- She reiterated her hope to work closely fense assistant secretary for Indo-Pacific with like-minded countries such as the security affairs, Feb. 20 at the Presiden- U.S. to ensure stability in the Indo-Pacific tial Office, emphasizing the two sides’ region. long-standing commitment to regional peace and freedom. Tsai stressed that excluding Taiwan from the World Health Organization creates a Schriver was joined during his visit by for IPSA, particularly for his role in facili- gap in international efforts to combat Foreign Minister Jaushieh Joseph Wu tating an agreement to sell the country F the spread of COVID-19. She extended and National Security Council Secretary- -16V fighter jets in 2019. She also ex- thanks to the U.S. Congress and people General David Lee. pressed her appreciation for Schriver’s for their long-term support of Taiwan’s continued support of Taiwan’s democ- participation in the WHO as well as their Tsai thanked Schriver for strengthening racy and security. recognition of the right to health for all the Taiwan-U.S. security relationship global citizens. during his tenure as assistant secretary Last month’s presidential election once ISSUE 2 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS Business and Economics Page 3 Taiwan treats tickle taste buds in Dubai Taiwan food companies are showcas- The Agriculture Bureau of Kaohsiung ing their finest wares at Gulfood City Government is on hand to pro- 2020, the largest annual food and mote fresh dragon fruits, guavas and beverage trade exhibition in the Mid- jujubes from southern Taiwan. Other dle East and North Africa running choice items on display include cof- Feb. 16-20 in Dubai, United Arab fee, edamame, and mochi. Emirates. Among eminent visitors cheering on The dedicated pavilion showcasing staffers at Taiwan’s booths was Jerry top food products from 18 home- Yang, director-general of the Com- Abdul Kareem was invited by the grown vendors is organized by the mercial Office of Taipei, Dubai, UAE. Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Bureau He was joined in touring Taiwan’s Taiwan in 2018. He helped publicize of Foreign Trade and Taiwan External offerings Feb. 16 by Abdul Kareem Al Taiwan’s commitment to fulfilling the Trade Development Council (TAITRA) -Hendal, a Kuwaiti social media ce- U.N. Sustainable Development Goals with the goal of expanding the coun- lebrity with 2.4 million followers on with a short film shot during his tour try’s reach into promising markets of Instagram. and posted to his Instagram page. the Middle East. GDP growth hits 3.31 percent in Q4 for Taiwan Exports of goods and services gained grow 1.58 percent, with CPI increases 2.64 percent on the back of a double- capped at 0.62 percent. digit increase in information and communication technology ship- The numbers confirm Taiwan’s eco- ments, while imports picked up 4.44 nomic fundamentals are in good percent as local semiconductor firms shape. London-based IHS Markit Ltd., continued to ramp up production. a leading source of information and insight in critical areas shaping the Taiwan’s gross domestic product The DGBAS also adjusted Taiwan’s international business landscape, grew 3.31 percent in the fourth quar- 2019 economic growth estimate to predicts growth of 2.5 percent for ter of 2019, according to the Direc- 2.71 percent, with per capita GDP the global economy in 2020. torate-General of Budget, Accounting reaching US$25,909 and the con- and Statistics Feb. 12. sumer price index rising 0.56 per- Major countries such as the U.S., cent. South Korea, Singapore and Japan Domestic demand remained the expected to gain 2.1 percent, 1.6 per- main growth driver, with private con- Although the global outbreak of the cent, 1.2 percent and 0.6 percent, sumption up 2.63 percent bolstered new coronavirus crisis remains a ma- respectively over the year, according by strong sales of automobiles and jor factor impacting economic activ- to IHS.
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