I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS UTTAR PRADESH 35-AZAMGARH DISTRICT , I I 315.42 ALLAHABAD: nNG AND STAnONERY, UrrAR PRADESH,INDJA ~n_d;~2 1951 195~ A)...A -J) AZADPS 195) Price, Be.t-S. FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March. 19,52, to supply them for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes population by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record. viz. the National Citizens' Register, in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre­ pared mohalla/ward -wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. Th f required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the N ationa} Citizens' Register. This difference has been accen mated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, Raidas and Bhagat as ~Chamars). (ii) Count Bhangi. Kl1akrob. Sweepers. Harijan. Mehtar. Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact) that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution ofIndia, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried co rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from the National Citizens' Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the cables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived a I by actual counting from the National Citizens' Register, while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in the Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Stlln11lalY of Urban Population the code number of each cown has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tchsil (or towns of OV( one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (otl?er than a town of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. R.AJESHW ARJ PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operation'!, July 23. 19$2. Uttar Prades'h LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTIDOT POPULATION STATISTIOS OF AZAMGARH DISTRIOT A-Errata to column 1, Code no. and name of village (Rural) (a) Additions of new villages (Rural) pag£' no. P~rt;i('nl!\r9 Addit,ion~ \.. 17 Uni')r pargana K.uiyat Mittu 496 -·Kh" llopur . 17 Ditto ditto)') 513 _Khatibaha 17 Ditto dit!" 526--KhudadAdpur. 33 •\~ain.,t 827 pura Pran. 34 Under pargana Deo~aon 134-BhirA. 36 Ditto ditto 721-Rekhai~ha. 36 Ditto ditto 812-Tarak Dih. 36 Unoiel' pargano, Bela Dallltab"a 141-BhopRlpul'. 37 Ditto (litto 160-Bhitauli. 37 Ditto ditto 412-.Tigni. (!l) Deletion ot existing vmages 34 Delete " 16()--Bhitauli and the entry against it". 35 " 412 ......Jigni and the entries against it". 36 " I 34-Bhira .and the entries against it". 37 " 721-Rekh'ticha and the entdes against it". 37 "812 _Tarak Dih and the entries against it". 38 " 141 _Bhopalpur an1 the entries against it". (c) Correetions in existing Code nurobels Reaa 15 132-B9sti CbAk .. 135-Bosti Chak. 16 98-Netpur 698-Netpur. 16 877-Walinagar 977 -Walinagar. IG 994-Yaripur 984-Yaripur. 17 33-I\1'zi Dewara Karkhia 39 - Arazi Dewam Karkhia. (d) Corrections in existing names 01 villages 5 Pargana Qu.anyat Mltter Pargana Kariyat Mittu. S 490-Khullampur 490-Khurrampur. 10 708-Pawaliapur 708 -Pawailadpnr. 10 850-Siwaha Chenlr 85C--Sinsaua Chaur. II 895-Paltan Rai 895-Tonrarpur P"ttan Rai. 12 285--·Daraware n 285-Dar>vurd. 16 Pargana Qilariyat Mitter Pargana Kariyat Mittu. 17 340-Zaizpur 340-l<'aizpur. 23 34 -Bahakarpnr 34-Babhnauli Qazi. 23 201-Chaupar 201-Chandpur. 25 758 --Shampnr 758-Shahpur. 26 148-Chak Bu(lparosh 148-Chak Bakshupur. 27 603-Naka lclll1hdullahpUl' '::;O'3-Nakahi Dulahpllr. 33 75~Pachaura l{hawa 750-Pach~ukhwa. 34 129-·Eharpur PAiphwar 129-Bharpur Pichhwar ----_ ..... 2 ------~------------. ----,-~---~~----- ---- Page Fo,. Read nO. 35 560-Mau ParsaOn 560-Mau Parasin. 35 582-M.:rwakhslpur 582-Mokalpur. 35 . 583-Mowakhalpur 583-Mokalpnr. 35 617-Nizampur Gohri 617-Nizampur Gobari. 36 748-·-8arai Basenti 748 -Sarai Parsauli. 36 856-Zamin Handopllr 856-Z!tmin NamdeopUf. 37 205-Chllk Umari Rasulpttr .. 205--Chak 1.Jmari Rame~lrwar Glr. 37 682-Raipur Subhan 682-Raipur SalbahRn. 38 519-Laudhanpur 519-Lohanpur. 38 627-pah Gila 627-Pah Qelha. 38 726-Sardarpur 72 6 -Saddopnf. ------------------------------------------------- B-Errata to population figures (Rural) page no. Particulars 2 3 4 5 6 5 pargana Deogaon .. For 76,589 80,606 157,195 40,823 Read 77,016 81,069 158,085 41,204 5 Pargana Bela Dauitabad .. For 51,482 54,047 105.529 34.171 Read 51,235 <;3,772 105,007 33,948 5 pargana Belhabans .. For 25,735 26,356 52,091 14,639 Read 25,555 26,168 51,723 14,48J 17 496-Khallopur .. .. For Bead Unpopulated 17 513-Khatibaha .. .. For Bead Unpopulated 17 526-Khudadadpur ., Fot' Read Unpopulated 30 IOl8-Usari .. For 400 269 Read 324 193 31 1035-Zunardar Patti .. For Unpopulated Bead 76 76 33 827-Pura pran .. For Blank Bead Unpopulated 34 Pargana Deogaon .. For 157.195 40.823 116,372 Read 158.085 41,204 116.881 34 I 34-Bhira .. FOt' Read 883 211 672 36 721-Rekhaicha .. For Bead 171 171 36 812-Tarak Dih .. .' For Read 265 229 36 36 Pargana Bela Daultabad .. For 105.529 34,171 71,358 Read 105,007 33.948 71,0<;9 36 141-Bhopalpur .. .. FOt' Beael 368 158 210 37 160-Bhitauli .. For Bead Unpopulated 37 412-Jigni ., For Read 429 59 370 38 Pargana Belha Bans .. For 52,091 14,639 37.452 Read 51.723 14,481 37,242 DltJ'll_' M4~Rfl1 S~mary of, Urban PopulQjiOll ... ~ ,. ~- .. .~ .. - Population ----------- Scheduled Code no. and name of Town Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34-1-58 AZAMGARH MUNICIPAL BOAR.D 15,001 11,4911 26,498 7,551 3,382 16,565 34-1-445 NlZAMABAD TOWN AREA 1,934 1,8'17 3,811 1,191 155 2,465 34 -1-794 SARA! MIR TOWN AREA .,. 1,991 2,054 4,045 1,283 638 2,124 34-2-627 MAUNATIi BHANJAN MUNICIPAL BOARD 18,300 16,195 34,495 21,642 1,949 10.904 M-2-641 MOHAMMADABAD TOWN AREA 2,731 2,'111 5,442 2,90'1 3;0 2,285 34-2-651 MUBARAKPUR TOWN AREA 7,314 '1,024 14,338 11,5'19 667 2,092 "34-4-22 AMlLA TOWN AREA 1,115 1,162 2,171 224 322 1,731 -34-4-258 OOHRIGHAT TOWN AREA 1,771 1,775 3,546 459 143 2,944 34-4--4M KOPAGANJ TOWN AREA 4,245 3,958 8,203 5,331 104 2,768 34-5--58 ATRAULIA TOWN AREA 1,351 1,157 1,508 505 220 1,783 .34-5-797 PHULPUR TOWN AREA 1,464 1,368 1,832 945 71 1,816 Tota! 57,217 50,'718 107.995 53,617 6,1!O1 4'1,477 Population according to Ptlmary CensUJ Abstract 57,311 511,821 108,132 Population of Muslims accotdlng to TlLble o-n 52,642 Poptdation oE Scheduled Castes accorc!ing to Table D.IJI ... 8,981 2 DISTRIOT AZAMGARH Population of Towns by ldohallas/Watds Populat'on Scheduled Code no. and name of Mohalla Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others 2 3 4, 5 6 7 AZAMGARH (MUNICIPAL BOARD) 1 Museypur 90 77 167 167 2 Sharafuddinpur 262 286 548 17 iiio 371 3 Sidhui 390 232 622 203 78 34,1' 4 Marya 482 360 842 2 137 703 /j Civil Line 741 371 1,112 277 21 814 6 Raidopur 714 316 1,030 100 354 57S '1 Ailwal 1,016 754 1,770 177 124 1.469' 8 Matberganj 756 484, 1,240 166 113 961 9 Fatrash Tola 306 270 576 142 108 326 10 Qaliganj 214 223 437 33 404 11 Sita Raltn 744 601 1,345 408 39 898 12 Kot 305 265 570 434 3 133: 13 Baj Babadur 724 627 1,351 852 17 482 14 Nala Dharmu 35 • 23 58 4 64 15 Pura Gulami 282 294 576 214 257 105, 16 Jalandhari 376 330 7~6 441 1 264 17 Chakala 254 195 449 237 2 210· 18 Pabarpur 480 419 899 585 77 237 19 Mukeriganj 416 300 716 lfi3 7 55S, 20 Pura ]odhi 104 94 198 I 197 21 Arazi Bagh 388 227 615 .58 1I7 440 ,22 Bazar Pande 558 316 874 45 179 650' 23 Badarqa 454 352 806 415 8 383 24 Asifganj 1,308 1.141 2,449 970 136 1,343 25 Sada Barti 258 328 586 77 9 500' 26 Katra 287 253 540 246 294 27 Dalsingar 47;; 358 833 266 20 547 28 Kurmi Tola 539 392 931 157 50 724 29 Guru Tola 589 484 1,073 414 11 648 30 Anantpura 452 315 767 62 21 684' 31 Kundigarh Tola 477 402 879 396 197 286 32 Khattri Tola 525 408 933 33 102 798 Total 15,001 11,497 26,498 7,551 2,382 16,565 ---------~--- --- - -----_ Population according to Primary Census Abstract ..
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