No. 59 1789 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 23 APRIL 1987 CORRIGENDUM Dated at Wellington this 15th day of April 1987. Setting Apart Maori Freehold Land as a Maori Reservation K. T. WETERE, Minister of Maori Affairs. (H.O. M.A. 107/1) 8CL IN the notice issued on the 12th day of November 1986 and pub­ lished in the New Zealand Gazette, 27 November 1986, No. 189, page 5084, amend the description of the land in the Schedule from Appointment of Queen's Counsel "Part Ngatihaupoto 2D2 as shown on M.L. 660 and being part of the land contained in a partition order of the Maori Land Court dated 18 October 1917 and being all the land in certificate of title, HIS Excellency the Governor-General, acting on the recommendation Volume 132, folio 185 (Taranaki Registry)" to read "Part Ngati­ of the Attorney-General, and with the concurrence of the Chief haupoto 2D2 as shown on M.L. 660 and being part of the land Justice has been pleased to appoint: contained in a partition order of the Maori Land Court dated 18 October 1917 and being part of the land in certificate of title, Volume Alan Lough Hassan, 132, folio 185 (Taranaki Registry)". Gerald Stewart Tuohy, Peter Aldridge Williams, Dated at Wellington this 18th day of March 1987. David Arthur Rhodes Williams, B. S. ROBINSON, Alan Raymond Galbraith, and Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. John Joseph McGrath. (M.A. H.O. 21/3/7; D.O. 2/439) to be Queen's Counsel. Dated at Wellington this 6th day of April 1987. 6/IAL/2CL GEOFFREY PALMER, Attorney-General. 26 Reappointment of Honorary Community Officers Under the CORRIGENDUM Maori Community Development Act 1962 Portobello Survey District. Dunedin City PURSUANT to section 5 (3) of the Maori Community Development IN the notice dated 20 March 1987 and published in the New Zealand Act 1962, the Minister of Maori Affairs hereby reappoints the persons Gazette of 26 March 1987, No. 38, page 1329-1330, in the Schedule named in the Schedule hereto to serve as honorary community for "809 hectares" read "809 square metres". officers for a further term not exceeding 3 years.in the area shown (L. and S. D.O. 8/471) in the second column of the Schedule. 3/ICL SCHEDULE Name Area Temowhiti Raymond Rapata Timaru Judge of the Maori Land Court Appointed Elizabeth Russell Timaru Pauline Wilson Ashburton Vivian Brown Oamaru Edward Thomson Harris Lake Waitaki PURSUANT to section 16 (I) of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, His Mihi Georgina Harris Lake Waitaki Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint John Rogerson Gore Andrew Duncan Spencer, Esquire Dated this 9th day of April 1987. K. T. WETERE, Minister of Maori Affairs. to be a Judge of the Maori Land Court. Such appointment is to take effect on and from 20 May 1987. 10 1790 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 59 Appointment of Honorary Community Officer Under the Maori District Officer, Dunedin. Community Devc/opmrnt Act 1962 Chief Draughting Officer, lnvercargill. District Officer. lnvercargill. Pt, RSlJANT to section 5 (I) of the Maori Community Development Dated at Wellington this 9th day of April 1987 . ..\ct I 962. the Minister of Maori Affairs hereby appoints thl' person named in the Schedule hereto to serve as an honorarv communit, GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. otlicer for a term not exceeding 3 years in the area shown ill the (Adm. 3/28/3/29) second column of the Schedule. SCHEDULE Ofjicers in the Stale Insurance Office Authorised to Take Name Area Statutory Declarations Peter Kotai Kara Ohai Dated this 9th day of April 1987. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act l 957, I K. T. WETERE, Minister of Maori Affairs. hereby authorise the officers in the service of the Crown named in the Schedule below to take statutory declarations under the said Act. Appointment of J1emher or rhc Legal Aid Appeal Authorirr SCHEDULE Sr -\TE INSURANCE OFFICE His Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to appoint Assistant Manager. (Claims). Whangarei. pursuant to section 6 of the Legal Aid Act 1969 Assistant Manager. (Claims). Auckland. Rutherford Ward, barrister and solicitor of Wanganui Assistant Manager, (Claims), Tauranga. to be a member of the Legal Aid Appeal Authority for a period of Assistant Manager, (Claims), Hamilton. 5 years on and from 23 March 1987. Assistant Manager, (Claims), New Plymouth. Assistant Manager, (Claims), Napier. Dated at Wellington this 7th day of April 1987. Assistant Manager. (Claims). Palmerston North. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. Assistant Manager, (Claims), Lower Hutt. (Adm. 3/22 (5)) Assistant Manager, (Claims), Wellington. Assistant Manager, (Claims), Christchurch. Assistant Manager. (Claims). Dunedin. Assistant Manager. (Claims). lnvercargill. Justice or the Peace Resignation Assistant Manager. (Claims). Otahuhu. Assistant Manager. (Claims). Takapuna. Assistant Manager. (Claims). Rotorua. IT is noted for information that Assistant Manager. (Claims). Porirua. Henry Witen Bell Poppelwcll of 206 Charles Street. Hastings Assistant Manager. (Claims). New Lynn. Assistant Manager. (Claims). Riccarton. has resigned his appointment as Justice of the Peace for New Assistant Manager, (Claims), Howick. Zealand. Dated at Wellington this 9th day of April 1987. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of April 1987. D. OUGHTON, Secretary for Justice. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. (Adm. 3/28/3/32) 0/jieers in the Department of Surrn· and Land lnformarion Authorised to Take Statwory Declarations 0/jicer in 1he Jfinistrr or Works and Development Authorised to Take Starworr Declarations PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957. I hereby authorise the officers in the service of the Crown named in PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 195 7, I the Schedule below to take statutory declarations under the said herebv authorise the officer in the service of the Crown named in Act. the Schedule below to take statutorv declarations under the said Act. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT OF SURVEY AND LAND INFORMATION MtNISTRY OF WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT District Surveyor, Whangarei. Chief Draughting Officer, Auckland. Administration Officer, Palmerston North. District Officer, Auckland. Section Draugbting Officer. (Maori). Auckland. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of April 1987. Chief Draugbting Officer, Hamilton. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. District Officer, Hamilton. (Adm. 3/28/3/39) Divisional Draugbting Officer (Maori). Hamilton. District Surveyor, Rotorua. 4 Chief Draughting Officer. Gisbome. District Officer, Gisborne. Officers in the Housing Corporation of New Zealand Authorised Chief Draughting Officer, Napier. to Take Statutory Declarations District Officer, Napier. Chief Draughting Officer, New Plymouth. District Officer, New Plymouth. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957, I District Surveyor, Palmerston North. hereby authorise the officers in the service of the Crown named in Chief Draughting Officer, Wellington. the Schedule below to take statutory declarations under the said District Officer, Wellington. A.cl. Section Draughting Officer, (Maori), Wellington. Director Administration, Head Office. Senior Executive Officer, Personnel, Head Otlice. SCHEDULE Executive Officer, Mapping, Head Office. HOUSING CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND Chief Draughting Officer, Blenheim. District Officer, Blenheim. Management Advisory Officer, Porirua. Chief Draughting Officer. Nelson. Housing Liaison Officer, Porirua. District Officer, Nelson. Chief Draughting Officer, Hokitika. Dated at Wellington this 14th day of April 1987. District Officer, Hokitika. GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. Chief Draughting Officer, Christchurch. District Officer, Christchurch. (Adm. 3/28/3/ 15) Chief Draughting Officer, Dunedin. 23 APRIL THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 1791 Ojjzcc?rs in the Post Office Bank Limited Authorised to Take Area Statutory Declarations m' Being 519 Part Lot 2, D.P. 23589; marked "A" on plan. PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957, I 551 Part Lot 2, D.P. 23589; marked "B" on plan. hereby authorise the holders for the time being of the officers in 74 Part Lot 2, D.P. 23589; marked "C" on plan. the Post Office Bank Limited specified in the Schedule below to As shown marked as above mentioned on S.O. Plan 55784, lodged take statutory declarations under the said Act. in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. SCHEDULE SECOND SCHEDULE Registrar, Bonds Centre, Dunedin. Assistant Registrar, Bonds Centre, Dunedin. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT Dated at Wellington this 8th day of April 1987. Road Stopped and Vested GEOFFREY PALMER, Minister of Justice. ALL those pieces of road situated in the Borough of Huntly, described (Adm. 3/28/3) as follows: 4 Area m' Adjoining 613 Lot 2, D.P. 23589; marked "E" on plan. Land Held for Education Purposes to be Crown Land in the City 47 Lot 2, D.P. 23589; marked "F" on plan. of Christchurch As shown marked as above mentioned on S.O. Plan 55784, lodged in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. PURSUANT to section 42 of the Public Works Act 1981, the Minister of Works and Development declares the land described in the Dated at Wellington this 15th day of April 1987. Schedule hereto to be Crown land subject to the Land Act ! 948. P. CASSIN, for Minister of Works and Development. SCHEDULE (P.W. 51/4892; Hn. D.O. 72/1/28/03 part 2) CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT 12/1 ALL that piece of land containing 1282 square metres, situated in the City of Christchurch, being Lot I, D.P. 16866, part Rural Section Declaring Road in Block VIII, Otanake Survey District, Waitomo 48A. All certificate of title 593/46. District, to be Stopped Dated at Wellington this 15th day of April 1987. P. CASSIN, PURSUANT to section 116 of the Public Works Act 1981, the Minister for Minister of Works and Development. of Works and Development declares the pieces of road described in the Schedule hereto to be stopped.
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