History of Ukraine 13 DOI: 10.21847/1728-9343.2020.6(170).218799 VOLODYMYR KLAPCHUK, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-1788-794X IGOR MAKARUK, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-4928-4679 OLEKSANDR NOVOSIOLOV, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000-0002-1407-4508 LESIA POLYOVA, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine) e-mail: [email protected], ORCID 0000-0003-2971-5993 EXPLORATION OF OZOKERITE DEPOSITS ON THE TERRITORY OF AUSTRIAN GALICIA: SHORT HISTORICAL SURVEY The article is devoted to the history of ozokerite mining in Galicia during the 19th – the first third of the 20th century. The historiography of the issue has been considered as well as the main scientists, who devoted their works to mineral description and forecasted ozokerite depos- its on Galicia territory, have been highlighted. Having based on the presented studies, the vol- umes, technical supply and staffing of ozokerite industry have been revealed. Comparison of ozokerite deposits’ investigation in different years has been accomplished due to comparative historical method. Moreover, structure and functions of ozokerite industry in Galicia, its external and internal connections have been analyzed. It was mentioned that ozokerite mines were in Boryslaw, Truskavets, Dzvyniachi, Staruni and other towns. Deposits of ozokerite-rich mineral were estimated in 30 ml tons at the end of the 19th century. Boryslaw’s mine was actively ex- plored: up to 1.5-5 thou mines worked yearly where 2-10 tons of pure ozokerite were mined in 1850–1900-s. The peak of development was achieved at the last quarter of the 19th century where 10-19 thou tons were mined. At the beginning of the 20th century was a gradual decay of industry where only 2.6-3.5 thou tons of ozokerite were mined. The price of pure ozokerite had been constantly soaring from 280 to 1533 corona for 1 ton of mineral from the mid of 19th centu- ry. Annual ozokerite production varied between 200 and 500 tons in Truskavets, Dzvyniachi, Staruni. Due to ozokerite deposits’ depletion and reducing demand on the international market, annual ozokerite production had decreased from 3.7 to 1.6 thou tons during 1900–1913-s and during the interwar period – up to 0.7 thou tons. Consolidation of mining companies led to pro- duction enlargement; as a result there were 20-25 mining companies and 2-3 processing plants in Galicia at the beginning of the 20th century. Key word: ozokerite; mining; mine; Boryslaw; value; production; corona. Introduction products in health-resort industry and medicine in our Various medical products based on natural substanc- country. es have been frequently used for treatment and im- Fossil wax used for treatment as well as for candles provement of public health at the current stage of health- production, was mentioned by the professor of Krakow resort industry. Namely, ozokerite or fossil wax is related academy Martin in his work “Herbarz polski, to jest o to these natural substances. Unfortunately, scientists przyrodzeniu ziół i drzew rozmaitych i innych rzeczy do have not drawn attention to the history of emergence and lekarstw należących księgi dwoje” (1595 р.). The author development of ozokerite industry in Galicia during the had described dense oil with sand contamination that last decades. Being lost in the time of Ukrainian inde- “was flowing from the mountainous like a glue” that was pendence, the industry can re-emerge that will permit to collected in the wells; moreover some tough wax and use ozokerite in natural state as well as in the medical bitumen that were a raw material from candles were pre- ISSN 1728-9343 (Print) SKHID No. 6 November-December 2020 ISSN 2411-3093 (Online) 14 Історія України sented in chapter 13 “Asphalt, bitumen and Jewish bitu- was remained in the property of land owners. Neverthe- men”. The records were disseminated by the French less, it did not concern ozokerite and asphalt that were traveler Ph. Walter (1840). left in state property. A textbook of mineralogy and geology «Rzeczy The entrepreneur Ya. Mattis was the first owner of koralnych osobliwe zdatniejszych szukanie, poznanie і mining permission on fossil wax in Boryslaw given by zażycie» of the famous scientist, doctor of philosophy and Mining court in Drogobych in 1810. The companies’ regis- free arts Ya. K. Kluk (1739–1796) was published in War- tration regarding oil and ozokerite mining and processing saw in 1781–1782. The locations with dense oil, the began from that time. methods of its extracting were presented in the book. The However, the exploration in greater scales was ille- author distinguished oil, raw oil, tar, fat, balsam and thick gally performed by peasants, European entrepreneurs types of oil (Jewish oil, gagatek, amber, nature fossil tar). and sellers due to permission of the landowners. Such He mentioned the sources of wax and possibility of its process of mining was looked like mining from the shal- usage for lighting near the villages Rungury and low pits (kopanky) performed by simple tools. Ropianka (Kluk, 1781). In 1810 J. Gekker established Truskavets Mining As- B. Gakket in the work “Neueste physikalisch-politische sociation of “Good Hope” for exploration of natural re- Reisen in Jahren 1788 und 1789 durch die Dacischen sources and mining of the silver-rich galena. In 1814 he und Sarmatischen oder Nordlichen Karpathen” (1788: founded a mine designed by K. Schindler and named 185) also mentioned regarding the sources of oil in the after St. Anna in Truskavets. Particularly, the author men- village Stara Sil and near the village Smolna (to the east tioned that there were deposits of asphalt and mineral of the village Dobromyl) where he had found brownish water near Truskavets in his work “Geognostische black oil in Menilite shales that could be processed and Bemerkungen über die Karpathischen Gebirge in dem obtain a form of candle and was burning with brownish Königreiche Galizien” (Vienna, 1814). red flame. Regarding the origins of oil, B. Gakket sup- The German scientist K.-F. Funke described the de- posed that it could have been created as a result of disin- posits of oil and mentioned about fossil wax mining near tegration of animal and plants remains, oil and asphalt Drogobych as well as its usage for candle manufacture in could have been appeared due to the process of thicken- his monograph “Naturgeschichte und Technologie” (Vien- ing oil. na, 1817). The famous natural scientist, doctor of law S. The geology professor E.B. Push, who had performed Staschyts presented a report of his journey of 1804 at a the geological studies of Poland in 1817-1930, reported public meeting of the Warsaw Association of the Friends that the northern-eastern slopes of the Polish Carpathian of Science (December 13th, 1805) that was published with Mountainous were rich for different minerals, in particular the title “O ziemiorództwie gór dawney Sarmacyi a for rock oil and bitumen at the meeting of German natural późniey Polski” (Warsaw, 1805). The following year, he scientists and doctors in Berlin in September 1828. The published a geological map with the title “Carta geologica deposits of ozokerite in Boryslaw, Popeli and Truskavets totius Poloniae etc.”, where oil locations were marked. were mentioned in the monograph “Geognostische Staschyts reported in the explanatory memorandum to Beschreibung von Polen sowie der übrigen the map (“O ziemiorodztwie Karpatów i innych gór i Nordkarpathen-Länder” (Stuttgart, 1836); moreover, it równin Polski”, Warsaw, 1815) about the numerous was highlighted that it could be presented in the form of sources of salts, hydrogen sulfide, oil and its derivations thin layers between shale and sandstone, and it was an (rock oil) on the surface along the northern-eastern slope oxidation product of rare rock oil. of the Carpathian Mountains from Velychka across In 1827 the administrator of state property J. Dobromyl, Stara Sil, Drogobych till Kuty and further in Mitsevskyi obtained an official permission for building a Romania. Particularly, the author mentioned that rock oil house for taking a bath and four houses for guests’ ac- was mined from three oil holes in Naguevytchy as well as commodation. in Pokuttia, having defined various types: clear yellowish- All those events facilitated to scientific description of grey oil used for lamps and candles (fossil oil); blackish- the origins, exploration and mining of fossil wax that was brown oil that was burning darker with dense unpleasant to obtain an official name. Actually, the modern name smoke (ozokerite); solid brownish-dark bitumen (asphalt, “ozokerite” was introduced into scientific usage by the tar) extracted a dense smoke while burning (quoted from Austrian mineralogist Е.F. Glocker for Moldavian fossil Walter, 1840). wax for the first time in 1833 and later it was disseminat- Particular legal acts regarding ozokerite exploration and ed in the world (Tatomir, 1876). mining were known from the beginning of 19th century. Scientists-geologists and practitioners had been hav- On August 2, 1810 a Decree of State Cabinet ad- ing an extended discussion regarding classification of dressed to Mining Court in Drogobych was issued, where Galicia’s ozokerite for a long time. Having taken into ac- it was mentioned that all minerals that contained earth oil count all classifications of his predecessors, the famous (oil and ozokerite) belonged to state property and could Polish scientist-geologist and paleontologist W. Szaj- not be included into private land property. Permission for nocha had defined the following differences of Galicia’s their mining was approved by the state (mining permis- ozokerite: solid wax, soft wax, wax with gray color, and sion).
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