»i*i^PPi^^fcy«fi«iiii»iiiiP a betnlo effort the house and about Dry Goods—C. W. Leech. Dry Goods—C. W. leech. Legal. $800 worth of the contents ««f tbe shop were saved. The loss, falls very OTlCE.-NOTICE 18 IIERKUY GIVKK tbsl the Common Cuuucll of the CItyot heavily on the flrm as tbey carried no Hon will Iiu tu session ou Moiitlny Kven* -insurance, and is also a severe blow to liiir, Ni>|»l. 'JlMt, IMND. 10 hunr suggustlons or TjinradAjr, September 1 ?• 1886. the business Interests of this village. objcctious to tt proposed1 i..sowur putltlunof d. .b y- «W. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK OF W. Haot and others. QUO, A. KAULB, The loss Is fully $4,000. The cause of City Clerk. y VtW^ AUBfiLIUS. tbe flre la not exactly known but prob­ ably caught from a molding liox in the OTIOK.-THK HOARD OP A8SK880B8 Miss Eva Jewett Is quite ill.—The foundry as they cast there the day N of tliu City of Masou having made aud tiled a special nsscsnnicnt roll lor tbu purpose of con- WHOLE NO. 1394. Korth Aurelius band will play at before. An effort is being mnde to Btructlug Buwurs In Scwur Districts No. 2 and 8; VOL. XXVII.~NO. 39. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1885. Mason fair next week.—The young have It rebuilt and subscription pauers Ttiureforu, notlco Is huruhy given, that tho Com­ eople of this vicinity gave Miss are out to see how much can be raised mon coiiiicll will ba 111 sussiou on Monday KvKiilnir. Nrnt. Slat, llilia, for the purpose Slerlus Vioemnn a pleasant surprise for that purpose.—O. A. Nims and of ruvlawiiig said assussuiuut roll. All porsous -lost Tuesday evening.—The recent Nib Bogers of Stockbridge were in objecting thoruto arc ruiiuiicd to tile the same JEWBI.EB. Bev. tt. I.. BtcCojr'M I.etter. ually exhibit in the vain attempt to complained of the political character tirocerles—E. 0. Hunt. town Inst Saturday.-Cbas. McKnight with thu city clerk on or before snid meeting. There are three reasons why I array a inaltcious party prejudice of the temperance meetinga, Tbey did heavy rains have delayed the farmers f LIAS CULVER, dealer In watches, clocks. bas gone to the Northern part of this OKU. A. KAULB, nguiiiat the churches, in addition to several days. • E Jewelry,silverware,etc, Bepalrlngdone. not discuss any question in your col not give their names for publication. state.—Hon. M. M. Atwood I? coiiflned 131)2tt2 City Clerk. uinus: 1st. Josh Billings says "when your would-be terrorizing andintluii- Neither are all the pew holdera who TETAY. to the Iiouse by quite severe Illness.— PDBLMRaD EVERY TairBaDAV. Br MIHCEI.I.ANEOVB. laeeasnnke lua hole I concede his datlug attitude toward the miuiaters, thua complain from tlie M. E, church. OUTOAGE SALK.-HOTICE IS IIBREBY E.G.HUNT'S Work hns commenced at the npple M glvuii that dufnull has been mado In thopay- rights to tho hole aud poas ou." I do 08 aeon In your public and private Indeed, the minority of those tbat we Fiiir next week.—Corn cutting will dryer.—P. H. Saiidei-son nnd faiiiliy moiit of thu sums of luoiicy secured to be paid by V.J. TEFFT. FARMER*' MUTUAL not use the illustration to reflect on utterances, does not JuatifV the charge bave heard are not. They felt tbat the soon be at band.—Willie Diamond and of Greenville are visiting at Andrew a mortgage huurlug dntu thu tenth day of August. CURB INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- your character, but to'show you the of boycotting, then 1 will take It all meetinga had been held in theinteresta A. D. 188:1. u.'cucntud hy Alden 1'. fergnson and SSI3ISCS: J: ham county. Safest, cheapest, best. For Harry Price are attendiUR school at Hunt's.—Those expecting a bounty on Melissa M. Furgusou, his wlfu, of Daiisvllle, Oa* irtsr, II.SO; tlx manlhs, 75 •eatai thraa Infbrmatlon write toO. F. Miller, secretory, i'ooliahiiess of storming a man in hia back and iniike the amende honorable. of the prohibition political party. The Price Liot. Mason.-The Hawley Sunday school woodchucks and crows should report Ingham couiily, Michigan, of tho Iirst part, to moalhs, 40 oeals-la ad«aaoa, Mason, BamuelSkadan, presldent,Dansvtlle, own fort. 2d. You passed tlio limita Gth, You know that the tax law la only good that we have ever heard ony nicnioked at the pleasant residence of on or before Oct. 1, as no bounty will The Very Last Chance to the MuCormick harvesting machlno company, of courteous debate IH i'epl.v to uiy last one claim that the meetinKa had done, of Chicago, state ot Illinois, Ithu same belnga ADVEHTIIINa RATES, ONEY TO LOAN, BY THE REAL Es­ a failure and that there ore thousands Alden Fruit Vinegar, per N. Crittenden last Friday.-Tbe friends b^ paid on those reiiorted after that tate Agent, JOHN DUNSUACK, article, because you knew I would not of votcra in the republican party who waa when one of the prohibition a corporation orgiinlned under the laws of said OnradvcrtlBlnB rates made known at office, M gal.. 80o and neighbors of Mrs. Andrew Dia­ date.—Rev. Junies Kiley will occupy statu of Illinois nnd having Us priiiclnal omco BMtness cards lla line per year, descend to the black art, and thus can­ have never bowed before this Baal, apeakers boaated that the prohibition mond mnde a bee and did her thresh­ the M. P. pulpit for the coming year. and placu of husinuss ntChicngo aforesaid) of tbo LABK HOUSE, Wm. H. Clark, proprietor. celled all claims on a reply from me. party hod gained three votes by oue of BnalnesB looala Ave oenu per Una aoch and Best one dollar a day houso lu the city. Your haste In declaring t hat every word ing.—There will be no fall term of —A. J. Miller and wife are visiting second pari, which snid mortgnge wns recorded .very Insertion, C 3d. There is ethically and logically au spoken for prohibition berates the re­ them. THE NEWS said the clergymen KinnieviUe Plour 660 Buy Goods at Cost. In tho olMcu ol thu ruglstur of dcudsof Ihu county Marriage, birth, and death notlcea ttet. school In the Hawley district on ac­ this week in Jfccosta county.—A good­ of Inghnin, state of Michigan, on the llth day of Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, M. DRESSER loans money, buys notes, itiipussable gulf between us. There ia publican party, is neither cotnuiend- bad no right, "as citizens," to hold count of renairing the school house.— ly nuinbor nro atteiuling the stnte fair, August, A. D. I8,S;J, ut tun o'clock A. X„ In liber eord* oftbanka, etc,, nve oenu a lino. J. and makes collections; nlso flre Insur­ notliliig I cull sacred or regard tlxed ttble nor wise. All your energy meetings to attack tlie law. We didPrim e New Salt Fork... 7o Bom, Soijt. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Wur- (12 of mortgages, ou pnge 117; and there Is now aneo agent. Olllce In Fanners' bank. and certain that you would not laugh not attempt to hove ecclesiastical claimed to bu due nnd unpaid ou tho said mort- seenia to be devoted to the destruction ren Aseltine, n puir of twins, both BAZEL & MEHAN, proprietors of elty at. For instance, to prove tliat my dominion over them. For would it be New Trout, 12 lb. Pails 76c gago, nt the itnto of this notice, the wholo sum HHB NBWS JOB BOOM of tho republican party ond the foun­ girls. Twin babies are getting quite INOIIAM AND VEVAY. secured thereliv nniounlliig to three hundred nnd F bakery. Fresh bread, pies, and cnkes. principle harmonizes with the divine dation of the publican party. In this from us to desire such a position. Aa numerous in this section. four dollars und elghty-si.-c cunts; nnd uo suit or la Bupplted with the best machinery that will ia to me a demonstration of ita venture I cannot wiah you success. a citizen we have the right to critlciae ,Se8t Oraokers, per lb... 6c proceeding at law hus been liistiiutud to recover AYERS A PHELPS, dealers In hardware, Seeding bos commenced but has been Plenty of Desirable Goods still iu Stock money can buy, fltted (or steam power, a large stoves, tinware, nails, glass, putty, etc. truthfulness, and the strongest luiag- While every aggressive temperance the public utterances of other citi­ the said debt, or nny pnrt tliercnf, whereby tho S Ohoice New Jap Tea— 38o ALAIEDON. retarded on account of so much rain,— power of sale conlaiiiud in snid morlgngu lias assortment of the latest stylos of Type, Bor­ inuble reason why I should obey it. man is a prohibitionist in principle, zens. We still say that, as citizens, it bccotne opcrnllvu. Thcrcrore, notice Is hereby F. BROWN, manir, and dealer In harness, But you have repeatedly referred such is their duty to stand by the law. Apples are a better cri)i> tImn was at den, etc., enabling us todo Job Printing on , saddles, whips, robes, trunks, etc., ete, you endeavor to exclude all such from and a Large Fresh Stook of NEW FALL ;lvuii llinl hy virtue ofthe snid power of sale, aud c questiona of moral obligation to the Since Rev, Mr. McCoy's ortlcle the Bouquet Ooffee S6c Charles Polar is building a corn flnst expected.—The people oi this vl-; fn pursunncu of the stntiitu tu such case made abort notlee.
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