Annexure A Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA Study of the Proposed Onshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Appraisal Project in GK-ONHP-2017/1 Hydro Carbon Block in Gulf of Kutch, Gujarat Standard ToR for Conducting EIA Study for project/ activity 1(b) [Onshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production] and Information to be included in EIA/EMP Report will be followed, which is provided in the following section. **Considering the temporary and short term nature of the proposed project activities, we request the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) for Exemption of the Public Hearing. A. Proposed TOR 1. Executive summary of a project. 2. Project description, project objectives and project benefits. 3. Cost of project and period of completion. 4. Site details within 1 km of the each proposed well, any habitation, any other installation/activity, flora and fauna, approachability to site, other activities including agriculture/land, satellite imagery for 10 km area. All the geological details shall be mentioned in the Topo sheet of 1:50000 scale, superimposing the well locations and other structures of the projects. Topography of the project site. 5. Details of sensitive areas such as National Park, Wildlife sanctuary and any other eco- sensitive area along with map indicating distance. 6. Approval for the forest land from the State/Central Govt. under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, if applicable. 7. Recommendation of SCZMA/CRZ clearance as per CRZ Notification dated 6th January, 2011 (if applicable). 8. Distance from nearby critically/severely polluted area as per Notification, if applicable. Status of moratorium imposed on the area. 9. Does proposal involve rehabilitation and resettlement? If yes, details thereof. 10. Environmental considerations in the selection of the drilling locations for which environmental clearance is being sought. Present any analysis suggested for minimizing the foot print giving details of drilling and development options considered. 11. Baseline data collection for air, water and soil for one season leaving the monsoon season in an area of 10 km radius with centre of Oil Field as its centre covering the area of all proposed drilling wells. 12. Climatology and Meteorology including wind speed, wind direction, temperature rainfall relative humidity etc. 13. Details of Ambient Air Quality monitoring at 15 locations (Please check all such locations & modified according to Annexure-2 of scope of work) for PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NOx, CO, VOCs, Methane and non-methane HC. 1 14. Soil sample analysis (physical and chemical properties) at the areas located at 15 locations. 15. Ground and surface water quality in the vicinity of the proposed wells site. 16. Measurement of Noise levels within 1 km radius of the proposed wells. 17. Vegetation and land use; flora/fauna in the block area with details of endangered species, if any. 18. Incremental GLC as a result of DG set operation, flaring etc. 19. Potential environmental impact envisaged during various stages of project activities such as site activation, development, operation/ maintenance and decommissioning. 20. Actual source of water and 'Permission' for the drawl of water from the Competent Authority. Detailed water balance, wastewater generation and discharge. 21. Noise abatement measures and measures to minimize disturbance due to light and visual intrusions. 22. Details on wastewater generation, treatment and utilization /discharge for produced water/ formation water, cooling waters, other wastewaters, etc. during all project phases. 23. Details on solid waste management for drill cuttings, drilling mud and oil sludge, produced sand, radioactive materials, other hazardous materials, etc. including its disposal options during all project phases. 24. Disposal of spent oil and lube. 25. Storage of chemicals and diesel at site. Hazardous material usage, storage and accounting. 26. Commitment for the use of water based mud (WBM) only. (#) Synthetic base mud (SBM) will be used in specific hole problems due to difficult geological formations and in deeper sections to drill. 27. Oil spill emergency plans for recovery/ reclamation. 28. H2S emissions control. 29. Produced oil/gas handling, processing and storage/transportation. 30. Details of control of air, water and noise pollution during production phase. 31. Measures to protect ground water and shallow aquifers from contamination. 32. Whether any burn pits being utilised for well test operations. 33. Risk assessment and disaster management plan for independent reviews of well- designed construction etc. for prevention of blow out. Blowout preventer installation. 34. Environmental management plan. 35. Total capital and recurring cost for environmental control measures. 36. Emergency preparedness plan. 37. Decommissioning and restoration plans. 38. Documentary proof of membership of common disposal facilities, if any. 39. Details of environmental and safety related documentation within the company including documentation and proposed occupational health and safety Surveillance Safety Programme for all personnel at site. This shall also include monitoring programme for the environmental. 2 40. A copy of Corporate Environment Policy of the company as per the Ministry's O.M. No. J-11013/ 41/2006-IA.II (I) dated 26th April, 2011 available on the Ministry's website. 41. Any litigation pending against the project and or any direction/order passed by any court of law against the project. If so details thereof. The proposed Sampling Plan proposed for this EIA Study is included in Annex A-1. 3 Annex A-1: Sampling Plan for the EIA Study A. Proposed Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) Locations Monitoring Location Latitude Longitude Type location Code AAQ1 Akari 23°23'11.84"N 68°36'35.02"E Upwind AAQ2 Sheh 23°39'54.13"N 68°35'16.90"E Crosswind AAQ3 Netra 23°24'48.13"N 69° 3'11.54"E Downwind AAQ4 Sandhan 23° 1'10.97"N 68°59'37.66"E Crosswind AAQ5 Vaanku 23° 7'14.73"N 68°51'22.81"E Crosswind AAQ6 Jakhau 23°13'9.50"N 68°43'1.54"E Upwind AAQ7 Mokhra 23°26'15.43"N 68°49'8.69"E Downwind AAQ8 Sanadhro 23°35'59.74"N 68°56'22.75"E Downwind AAQ9 Khatiyu 23°40'1.59"N 68°56'40.42"E Crosswind AAQ10 Siyot 23°43'58.43"N 68°54'12.38"E Crosswind AAQ11 Rodasar 23°34'27.12"N 68°32'9.92"E Upwind AAQ12 Pipar 23°31'16.40"N 68°31'27.10"E Upwind AAQ13 Rampar 23°19'53.95"N 68°48'54.68"E Downwind AAQ14 Bhujay 23°28'56.86"N 68°54'43.25"E Downwind AAQ15 Baranda 23°33'19.76"N 68°40'38.49"E Crosswind AAQ16 Mindhiyari 23°38'19.21"N 68°45'15.10"E Crosswind AAQ17 Near Raedhanpur Airport 23°13'41.08"N 68°53'7.39"E Downwind AAQ18 Sewagram 23°27'0.72"N 68°41'16.22"E Upwind AAQ19 Ukir 23°22'2.92"N 68°42'8.35"E Upwind AAQ20 Jumara 23°40'42.76"N 69° 4'1.74"E Crosswind AAQ21 Reladiya Manjal 23° 5'2.45"N 69° 4'57.22"E Downwind AAQ22 Vindh 22°58'9.27"N 69° 4'43.21"E Crosswind AAQ23 Kadovi 23° 3'4.94"N 68°51'39.61"E Downwind AAQ24 Kanakpar 23°10'50.21"N 69° 5'9.69"E Downwind AAQ25 Bhachunda 23°12'3.06"N 68°59'56.55"E Downwind B. Proposed Micrometerology Locations Sampling Location Coordinates Location Code Latitude Longitude M1 Rampar 23°19'47.96"N 68°48'43.19"E C. Proposed Ambient Noise Quality Locations Monitoring Location Latitude Longitude location Code N1 Akari 23°23'14.35"N 68°36'33.29"E N2 Sheh 23°39'53.00"N 68°35'16.59"E N3 Netra 23°24'45.21"N 69° 3'8.69"E N4 Sandhan 23° 1'15.79"N 68°59'40.95"E N5 Vaanku 23° 7'21.06"N 68°51'19.33"E N6 Jakhau 23°13'4.04"N 68°43'5.24"E N7 Mokhra 23°26'17.24"N 68°49'14.68"E N8 Sanadhro 23°36'1.04"N 68°56'25.26"E N9 Khatiyu 23°40'0.17"N 68°56'38.79"E N10 Siyot 23°44'0.40"N 68°54'11.75"E N11 Rodasar 23°34'24.00"N 68°32'10.08"E N12 Pipar 23°31'18.23"N 68°31'29.15"E 4 Monitoring Location Latitude Longitude location Code N13 Rampar 23°19'58.77"N 68°48'57.17"E N14 Bhujay 23°28'56.71"N 68°54'37.89"E N15 Baranda 23°33'20.45"N 68°40'34.84"E N16 Mindhiyari 23°38'23.35"N 68°45'18.78"E N17 Near Raedhanpur Airport 23°13'50.01"N 68°53'24.04"E N18 Sewagram 23°26'54.98"N 68°41'18.03"E N19 Ukir 23°22'0.36"N 68°42'6.89"E N20 Jumara 23°40'44.55"N 69° 3'59.89"E N21 Reladiya Manjal 23° 5'3.22"N 69° 4'46.42"E N22 Vindh 22°58'7.63"N 69° 4'44.46"E N23 Kadovi 23° 3'8.12"N 68°51'41.77"E N24 Kanakpar 23°10'45.99"N 69° 5'11.90"E N25 Bhachunda 23°12'0.17"N 68°59'59.32"E D. Proposed Water (GW & SW) Locations Location Geographical location Location Type of water Code Latitude Longitude Ground Water GW1 Wadsar 23°20'31.57"N 68°46'39.28"E Borewell GW2 Ukir 23°22'4.99"N 68°42'5.05"E Borewell GW3 Jangadia 23°26'38.91"N 68°52'20.36"E Borewell GW4 Pipar 23°31'15.57"N 68°31'31.19"E Borewell GW5 Rodasar 23°34'22.48"N 68°32'13.70"E Borewell GW6 Mindhiyari 23°38'25.56"N 68°45'15.91"E Borewell GW7 Sheh 23°39'56.64"N 68°35'15.25"E Borewell GW8 Sewagram 23°26'44.03"N 68°41'20.43"E Borewell GW9 Akari 23°23'11.27"N 68°36'31.44"E Borewell GW10 Samjiaro 23°31'54.50"N 68°49'45.91"E Borewell GW11 Chhachi 22°58'3.38"N 68°59'37.02"E Borewell GW12 Vindh 22°58'4.84"N 69° 4'44.54"E Borewell GW13 Sandhan 23° 1'21.02"N 68°59'39.33"E Borewell GW14 Vaanku 23° 7'13.02"N 68°51'14.65"E Borewell GW15 Jakhau 23°13'12.78"N 68°42'55.23"E Borewell GW16 Naliya 23°15'43.57"N 68°49'24.54"E Borewell GW17 Lakhania 23°19'41.82"N 68°57'53.45"E Borewell GW18 Baranda 23°33'19.13"N 68°40'34.62"E Borewell GW19 Sanadhro 23°36'1.95"N 68°56'18.95"E Borewell GW20 Siyot 23°44'0.44"N 68°54'9.05"E Borewell GW21 Netra 23°24'46.93"N 69° 3'20.85"E Borewell GW22 Haroda 23°40'2.44"N 69° 0'46.99"E Borewell GW23 Vigodi 23°29'50.67"N 69° 5'14.76"E Borewell GW24 Bhavanipur 23°13'46.26"N 69° 4'55.57"E Borewell GW25 Bhachunda 23°12'2.57"N 23°12'2.57"N Borewell Surface Water SW1 Vigodi Talab 23°29'38.87"N 69° 5'22.35"E Pond SW2 Mitti River -Upstream 23°19'19.27"N 68°45'16.01"E River SW3 Mitti River- Downstream 23°18'21.03"N 68°41'19.47"E River 5 Location Geographical location Location Type of water Code Latitude Longitude SW4 Mitti Dam 23°19'56.41"N 68°50'2.23"E River SW5 Lake- Dolatpar 23°35'48.79"N 23°35'48.79"N Lake SW6 Dam in Kandhora 23°27'57.11"N 68°53'12.46"E River E.
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