PITTSBURGH^ «g M <■ Û. Psi O - f f . o LU LU 0 > ü > M l/l > z _ i\j J a: o 1 °O <JÄUJQC < L5 w S Z 3 M Q H l/l (Il O' O -J LU S i ^ w 3 H «D (Z UJ O H - (\|UI X 3 w ° H ° LVIII No. 50 30<E catholicEstablished in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication__________ Friday. February 26, 1993 Bishop W uerl C elebrations addresses evil, to fo cu s on s p r e a d o f social concerns, pornography responsibility B y JOHN FRANKO PITTSBURGH — Bishop Donald W. Wuerl addressed DIOCESE OF the spread of pornography in today’s society at a recent PITTSBURGH fund-raising dinner sponsored by the Pittsburgh Coalition Against Pornography at the Vista Hotel. Nearly 200 people attended the event held Feb. 17. The bishop described por­ nography as an expression of a view of life that is basically flawed. He touched on four points on which pornography “Sexuality is itself a WE REMEMBER WE CELEBRATE • WE BELIEVE powerful gift of God, but it needs to be guided by “We are Called: A Musical a wise and strong love. ” Celebration of Diocesan Social Outreach" w ill be presented at Bishop Donald W. W uerl matinee and evening perfor­ mances in St. Paul Seminary auditorium . rests and noted their contrast Performances of the original with a Christian understand­ work will be held Saturday, in g o f h u m a n life . March 6, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, ~ The first, he said, was the March 7, 2 p.m. and 7:30 American preference for indi­ p.m.; Saturday, March 13, vidualism over the common 7:30 p.m., Sunday, March 14, good. The concept of responsi­ m u s i c 2 p .m . ble living or self-control is lost ^acrea at sacrea Heart Ticket prices are $15 for re­ and the move to uphold rights Guest conductor Richard Proulx directs a special choral concert marking the diocesan sesquicentennial featuring choir members served seats at the March 6 excludes moral obligations to from throughout the diocese and members of the Carnegie Brass Quintet The Sacred Music concert was held Feb. 19 at Sacred premiere which includes a one another. Heart Church in Pittsburgh’s Shadyside area. The concert was one of three days of events marking the musical history of the post-performance party: for all “No woman or man is an is­ Pittsburgh Diocese. For information about membership in the Diocesan Choir or local chapter of National Pastoral Musicians call other performances, $5 gen­ land," he stated. “We are im ­ 456-3042. eral admission for adults, $1 ages of God not merely In our for youth under 18, $1 for per­ personal and individual being, s o n s 6 5 a n d o ld e r, a n d $ 2 .5 0 but also in our social nature/# Federal budget im portant to bishops for chaperones. and in the love which binds X By NANCY F. O'BRIEN making more than $140,000, An all-day symposium on one to another." adults: and communities that military spending “to meet WASHINGTON (CNS) — The cuts totaling $76 billion in breed violence and hopeless­ Catholic social teachings is set The bishop added a moral the defense and security chal­ federal budget process must Pentagon spending and $91 for March 22 in the Music Re­ society is only possible with ness instead of offering oppor­ lenges of a changing world." deal with the nation’s billion in pensions and auto­ tunity and safety," it said. cital Hall at Duquesne Univer­ | the recognition of the needs of • “Carefully targeted and dis­ “intertwined” fiscal and hu­ matic benefit programs, and sity. Speakers and subjects in­ others and responsibility to “We cannot continue to ciplined investments to pro­ man deficits, said the chair­ taxes on Social Security bene­ clude Rev. Bryan Hehir, pro­ th e m . m ultiply debt nor can we ig­ mote economic growth and man of a committee of U.S. fits for couples earning more nore the fiscal and social costs fessor of practice in religion Bishop W uerl’s second employment, to address the bishops as President Clinton and society at Harvard Divin­ point touched on the growing hum an deficit and reduce cur­ presented new economic pro­ ity School, an overview of acceptance that what is legal rent and future public costs.” posals in his State of the Catholic social teachings: Aux­ is r ig h t. “The political posturing, budget games and post­ The statement said every pub­ Union message. iliary Bishop Joseph Francis, In an effort to protect legiti­ poning of hard choices of the past cannot lic policy — especially budget “The political posturing, Diocese of Newark, N.J., rac­ mate pluralism, he noted, le­ continue. ” policy — should be measured budget games and postponing by “how it touches the life, ism: Dr. Sidney Callahan, pro­ galistic views in the United Auxiliary Bishop John H. Ricard of hard choices of the past fessor of psychology at Mercy States have undermined the dignity and rights of the hu­ cannot continue," said a state­ College, work and the family: common ground of morality man person.”,, i 1 ment issued by Auxiliary than $32,000 and individuals of neglecting basic human and Msgr. George Higgins, ad­ and presented society w ith the In the field of foreign aid, it Bishop John H. Ricard of Bal­ earning more than $25,000. needs," the statem ent added. junct lecturer In theology at position that what the law said, the United States “m ust tim ore as chairm an of the U.S. Although Bishop Ricard's Catholic University, the states is the norm for moral The statement noted that it resist the tempting, hut dan­ Catholic Conference's Com­ statement did not address any present condition of labor. a c tio n . was “not the church’s compe­ gerous, abandonment of glo­ m ittee on Domestic Policy. of the specific proposals that tence or responsibility to pro­ Cost for the symposium Is He said, human morality, bal responsibility in a still The statement was dated had been floated by the pose a ‘moral’ budget;” But $ 5 0 . therefore, has been reduced to hungry and hurting world, Feb. 15 and was released Feb. Clinton adm inistration, it said the statement did suggest four For further information on the most recent public opinion filled w ith refugees and vic- 17, hours before Clinton's any budget plan m ust address either event, please call 456- p o lls . "directions for action” that tims of violence and State of the Union message the nation’s “staggering" fiscal should guide the budget 3 1 5 8 . “If enough people support injustice.” that called for $499 billion in deficit and its “growing human d e b a te : something, it becomes right On tax reform, it called for tax increases and spending d e f ic it . ” • ‘Targeted cuts in federal The deadline for edi­ and if enough people vote for a policy that would "raise the c u ts . “O ur nation is wasting valu­ spending," with only federal something, it becomes moral necessary revenue and pro­ torial copy is Friday at Among other things. able human resources — peo­ assistance to the poor ex­ whether or not it does violence vide fairness for vulnerable noon. Send news items Clinton’s economic plan pro­ ple who want to work and to the natural moral order or cluded from consideration of families w ith children, w ithout to Editor, Pittsburgh. poses higher energy taxes for cannot find employment; chil­ c u ts . even common sense,” he creating disincentives for households making more than dren who lack the education, Catholic, Suite 500; s ta te d . • ‘Tax reform " to raise revenue charitable giving which also $30,000, a freeze on federal health care and housing that 100 Wood St., Pitts­ In explaining his third and “help meet basic needs of contributes to the common workers' pay, an increase in will help them grow into re­ poor fam ilies.” burgh, Pa. 15222. point, the bishop said the sep­ good and meeting the needs of income taxes for families sponsible and productive aration of human sexuality • Cuts in and “redirection” of the nation. from its natural context of marriage and fam ily reduces a Local Catholic school students score above national norms sex partner to an object. He PITTSBURGH — Elemen­ pointed out the moral fabric of 21,000 elementary students in Proficiency (TAP). difference between achieved “Naturally, we are proud of tary and secondary Catholic American society has been at­ grades 2 through 8 from 119 “Staying in local Catholic scores and national norm s." these accomplishments of our school students in the Diocese tacked by the increasingly ac­ schools who took the Califor­ schools seems to make a dif­ For example, she noted that Catholic school pupils wherl of Pittsburgh who took stan­ cepted position that human nia Achievement Test (CAT) in ference," said Sister Elizabeth the difference continues to much of the public emphasis dardized tests in the fall of sexuality is prim arily for self- reading and mathematics and Meegan, diocesan super­ grow through the grade levels is on the academic deficiencies 1992 have once again, on av­ satisfaction and enter­ 2,619 ninth and tenth grade intendent of schools. “We find until reaching a difference of of our country’s students,” erage, scored above national t a in m e n t.
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