October 1, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6859 Baseball record for the longest winning cer Awareness Day and raised over series, but it was an earthquake that reg- streak by an American League baseball $100,000 for the cause. The athletic istered 7.1 on the Richter Scale, and the area team. scholarship programs, disaster support uniting in response to the emergency situation, On September 4, 2002, the Oakland fund, Little A’s, and A’s Amigos are that we remember best. A’s set the major league record for the just a few examples of how the ath- Today, Mr. Chairman, as the Major League longest winning streak by an American letics organization is really truly in- Baseball postseason begins, I am proud that League baseball team by winning 20 volved in our entire community. The the House of Representatives is taking a mo- consecutive games. Prior to this ac- accomplishments and contributions of ment to recognize the latest accomplishment complishment, the record for longest the Oakland Athletics organization by the Oakland A’s, their amazing 20 game- winning streak by an American League both on and off the field are worthy of winning streak. And I am proud to be an origi- baseball team had stood for 55 years. recognition. So today I would like to nal cosponsor of this resolution honoring this Only two major league baseball teams congratulate the A’s and its fans on a great team. have won 20 or more consecutive truly remarkable record-breaking reg- Mr. Chairman, winning 20 games in a row is games, this year’s Oakland Athletics ular session. no fluke. It takes a sustained effort both by the with 20 consecutive wins, and, it is my Mr. Speaker, does the gentleman pitching staff and batting line up to win 20 in understanding, the 1935 Chicago Cubs from California (Mr. OSE) know are we a row. I’m proud to say that the fearsome with 21 consecutive wins. still in the third inning with the A’s Oakland starting pitching staff, Barry Zito, Tim During the winning streak, the Ath- up? Hudson, Mark Mulder and Corey Lidle won 15 letics outscored their opponents 141 to Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, will the gen- of the 20 games in the streak. 65 and trailed their opponents in only tlewoman yield? At the plate, the A’s showed a never say die 10 of the 180 innings of the streak. The Ms. LEE. I yield to the gentleman attitude, with shortstop Miguel Tejada and first key to any successful baseball team is from California. baseman Scott Hatterberg each hitting an RBI of course its pitching staff. During the Mr. OSE. Mr. Speaker, I do not know. at the final at bat of the game, winning the streak and for the duration of the sea- My last report is 3 to 5 A’s. Go A’s. game and keeping the streak alive. This son, Oakland’s pitchers have been Ms. LEE. The fans are rooting and streak is the longest in American League his- nothing short of spectacular. During cheering them on to win their real first tory, second only to the 1935 Chicago Cubs’ the streak, Cy Young hopeful Barry post-season game. I know that I am not 21 game-winning streak. As we enter base- Zito, Tim Hudson, Mark Mulder, and alone in wishing the amazing A’s the ball’s post season, the 20 game-winning Corey Lidle pitched into the seventh very best in their race for the pennant. streak serves notice to the other teams in the inning in all six of the games, won as a Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gen- playoffs that the Oakland A’s are a team to be part of the streak, and were credited tleman from California (Mr. OSE) and reckoned with. with 15 of the 20 consecutive wins. the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. I congratulate Manager Art Howe, General The phenomenal success of the Oak- DAVIS) for yielding me the time. Manager Billy Beane and the entire Oakland land Athletics can also be attributed to Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I have Athletics organization. the team’s clutch hitting. While the no further speakers, and I reserve the Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I have A’s have a different hero really every balance of my time. no further requests for time, and I night, Miguel Tejada’s emerging super- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance of my time. stardom and really uncanny knack for have no further speakers, and I am The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. late-game heroics has led the A’s and pleased and delighted that Oakland has SHIMKUS). The question is on the mo- truly energized the fans. The A’s began had such a great run. It is also great to tion offered by the gentleman from the streak four and a half games out of know that Chicago teams, although Oklahoma (Mr. SULLIVAN) that the first place in the Western Division of quite aways back, 1905 and 1936, at House suspend the rules and agree to the American League and just con- least we were there at that time; but I the resolution, H. Res. 530. cluded the regular session four games certainly congratulate Oakland fans, The question was taken; and (two- ahead of second place Anaheim. Re- the team, its management. thirds having voted in favor thereof) markably, the A’s accomplishments Mr. Speaker, I have no further re- the rules were suspended and the reso- and continued success has come with quests for time, and I yield back the lution was agreed to. the third-lowest payroll in the major balance of my time. A motion to reconsider was laid on leagues. Who said that low-budget Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I the table. teams cannot compete and really win? thank my distinguished colleague from The success of the A’s can also be at- California for bringing this resolution f tributed to the managerial skills of Art to the floor. We congratulate the Oak- HONORING JOHNNY UNITAS AND Howe and the unique ability of general land Athletics for the terrific 2002 sea- EXTENDING CONDOLENCES TO manager Billy Beane to build a peren- son highlighted by their 20-game win- HIS FAMILY ON HIS PASSING nial contender with a very limited ning streak. I urge all Members to sup- Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, I move budget. port this resolution. to suspend the rules and agree to the The winning streak and success of Mr. POMBO. Mr. Speaker, growing up in resolution (H. Res. 538), honoring John- the Oakland A’s has brought together Tracy, California, I have been a fan of the ny Unitas and extending condolences people from all walks of life and has Oakland Athletics ever since they first came to to his family on his passing. really brought a new-found excitement Oakland in 1968. I was 7 years old at the The Clerk read as follows: to Oakland fans and the community. time. The accomplishments of the Oakland I remember their World Series Champion- H. RES. 538 Athletics organization really extend ship three-peat teams from 1972, 1973 and Whereas, as a member of the Baltimore far beyond their 20-game winning 1974, which featured players like Vida Blue, Colts, Johnny Unitas’ leadership and passing streak or their American League West Bert Campaneris, Rollie Fingers, Jim ‘‘Catfish’’ skills helped change the game of football; Whereas throughout his life, Unitas de- title. For example, the Oakland A’s Hunter, Joe Rudi and a young ‘‘Mr. October,’’ fined humility, grace, and determination; community fund supports charitable Reggie Jackson. Being from the northern part Whereas in 1955 Unitas played for the love organizations in their efforts to im- of California’s Central Valley, just over the of the sport of football, earning just $6 per prove educational programs, aid to the Altamont Pass, the fact that their 1974 World game as a player in the Greater Pittsburgh underprivileged. They assist in crime Series Championship came by defeating the Football League; and drug prevention and service to Los Angeles Dodgers made the victory even Whereas Unitas led the Baltimore Colts children, service to our senior citizens sweeter. over the New York Giants for the 1958 NFL and those who work to improve the And what baseball fan can forget the 1989 championship in what came to be known as ‘‘The Greatest Game Ever Played’’ and quar- quality of life for people throughout World Series, the ‘‘Bay Bridge Series’’ be- terbacked the Colts to a 2nd consecutive the Bay Area. tween Oakland and the San Francisco Giants? title in 1959; On September 15, another example, A great Oakland team, led by Jose Canseco, Whereas Unitas threw a touchdown pass in the Oakland Athletics organization Dennis Eckersley, Rickey Henderson, Mark the Colts victory over the Dallas Cowboys in hosted their fourth annual Breast Can- McGwire, and Dave Stewart prevailed in that Super Bowl V; H6860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2002 Whereas when Unitas retired from the NFL alone do not adequately tell the story National Football League passing in 1974, he held 22 NFL records, including the of his greatness on the football field. record and won three championships record of 47 consecutive games with a touch- Considered the ultimate team leader, with the Baltimore Colts in an 18-year down pass; Unitas is credited with inventing the 2- career, died of a heart attack in Balti- Whereas Unitas was named Player of the Year in 1959, 1964, and 1967, and played in 10 minute drill, leading the Colts to many more on September 11.
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