— » U — MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, Jan. 10, 1986 U.S./WORLD FOCUS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Shuttle delays Guest of honor South ..Windsor ICARS/TRUCKS MOTORCYCLES/ R^MISCEUANjEOUS humbles Indians MISCELLANEOUS HOME AND I RECREATIONAL I7 n I WANTED I prove expensive was a bit fuzzy MISCELLANEOUS I 1 TO BUY FOR SALE BICYCLES IZ U AUTOMOTIVE . FOR SALE FOR SALE BARDEN ITEMS ... page 11 ... page 15 5 Lug nut chrome nuoget ... page 10 6 House Plants. S15. 646- Olln Mark VII190CM, with Wanted — 1971 Chew Bov's Schwinn 10 speed. Exercise Incline Bench — Oldsmoblle 1983 Delta 88 rims, cops and valve 3 dMKt, chairs, adding 5121.0 Tyrolla 350 bindings. Malibu for body ports. Good working cOndItlon. Excellent condition with stems. W ere , on Ford nMchlnos. file cabinet, Good condition. $99. Coll. Call 643-4910. Royale — Light brown, Must sell. $75 or best otfer. vyelghts. S50. 649-5007.D vinyl top, 4 door, one truck, will tit 31411.50 R15 washing machine and T O D A Y IS a good day to 646-0557, 646-9693.0 Tom , 649-5862. dryer. Miscellaneous place an od In classified to owner. $6,995 or offers. - LT's. $200 or best offer. tools. Brown's Tire Shop, Selling Bottle Collection. Line the Coffee Basket of 528-0413 days, 233-7872 Call 289-1062 evenings. sell those Idle Items Ski Package: K-2, bind­ youT percolator with a 72 Honda 340 — Excellent 646-3444. Over too bottles for only you've been storing. A ings, boots, carrier, poles, evenings. running. $500 or best offer. $50 or best offer. Call white facipl tissue to filter 2 Tire Rims, ,1976 Ford quick call to 643-2711 will car rack. $99. 872-2276.0 your coffee. Makes remo-- 649-5234 gfter 5pm. 742-6016.O Pinto. $10 each. 644-8340.iJ DUt your od In print. val of grounds easier too. 74 Vego Wagon ------- Not _ ----------------------H i----------------------- Ralchle Ski Boots — Mens Us a low-cost Classified running. New parts. $300 TOWN OP ANDOVm C.B. Radio; home base, size 9Vi. Asking $25. or best offer, 649-5234 after Looking for camping Tw o Michel In Tkes LKOAL IMTICC realistic, MIket antenna. MUSICAL Ad to find a cash buyer for 185/70 13. New. $75. 646r Please call 646-1565 after no-longer needed house­ 5pm. eaulpment? Shop' the Paid $250, sell for $95.- 4128.0 A copy of the June 30,1985 Re­ ITEMS 5pm.□ hold Items. Classified columns for a gional District * 8 Auditor's Works great I 643-2831 .□ 1978 GMC "Heavy holt" good buy I Report Is on tile at the Town Two small running boards Mmxdmttv) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Lloyd's AM /FM stereo Folding PIngpong Table Pickup — 6 cylinder auto­ Clerk's Office and ovolloble Skiers — New Europa for truck. Good condition. for public Inspection. and 8-track stereo car­ — $40. Call 646-9755.D matic. Mostly used for It's ever so easy to place a navy, stretch ski pants. tridge player and turnta­ Automotive personal travel. $2,700. Want Ad. Just dial 643-2711 $M tor both. Call 649-1431 M ARIE R. BURBANK Men's 28? waist. Out­ Atari 1600 with many cor- Call 644-8841. we'll do the rest I keep trylng.o ; TOW N CLERK grown before worn. $25. ble. Hardly used. Asking $85. Call 647-1560 after trlges. One |ov stick. Ask­ 03001 646-0850.O 5pm, ask for Len. ing $85 negotiable. Call ICARS/TRUCKS 68 Buick Electro 225 Con­ Saturday, Jan. 11, 1986 after 4pm, 646-3062.n vertible. Interior, great REPUBLICAN CAUCU$ FOR SALE Court of Probote, District ot stereo, Klngspolnt, shape.'A-BuIc K lovers car. Sr^CLASSEtlKD ADSr The Republican Electors ot Monchester AM /FM cassette player, O N E O F T H E surest ways Collectors - It hos poten­ the Town of Andover ore her­ NO'nCE OF HEARINO turntable, excellent con­ to find bargain buys Is to 77 Mercury Comet, good tial. Asking $1,000. Call eby notified that there will be E S TA TE OF second hand car, $1,200. EMMA S. SWANSON, dition. $50. Call 646-3149 shop the classified ods 647-8963 or 643-8173, dsk for the Judicial British leader a caucus 647-1658. at the deceosed after 3pm.o every day. Dale. Andover Elementary School Pursuant to on order of Hon. (all purpose room) Wllllom E. FitzGerald, TO CLEAN artificial flow­ w o n d e r gf'’ on Judge, doted January 6, WANTED 1979 Pontiac Lemons — 1984 0 hearing will be held on ers, place them heads Air conditioning, power Wednesday, January 15,1984 down In a paper bag, ada TO BUY at 7:30 P.M^ on application praying for steering, power brakes, w o rk e r the authority to sell certain ,salt and shake well. To H rebuffs U.S. for the purpose ot selecting A M /FM stereo, good con­ real property situated In the 'clean out storage areas In 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix MANCHESTER HERALD party endorsed candidates Town ot Manchester, County Late Model Husqvarno dition. Dependable car. — 67,000 m iles, fully for the town committee your home or garoge, CLASSIFIED ADS ot Horttord os In sold appli­ chain saw. Large size 2100 Asking $1,700. Call Sue at equipped Including sun­ gets nod membership-and to transact cation on tile more tullv ap­ place an ad In classified 643-2711, ext. 40, 8:30am- Phone M3-2711_________ o „ such other business os may pears, at the Court of Pro­ telling our readers what model. Must be In good roof. Asking $1,900. Call properly come betore sold 5pm or 742-7463 evenings. bate on January 21, 1984 at you hove for sale. condition. Coll 649-7057. 643-0443. caucus. 9:45 A.M. By Judd Everhart boycott calf Y. ANSON, CHAIRMAN Mary Lou Taylor, The Associated Press Clerk ICARS/TRUCKS 021-01 022-01 ICARS/TRUCKS fcARS/TRUCKS ICARS/TRUCKS ICARS/TRUCKS ICARS/TRUCKS HARTFORD — A legislative FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE had perhaps not tried to make FOR SALE committee voted 8-5 Friday night Combined Wire Services myiTATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID them work by joining together. to abolish the state's one-man On Tuesday, Reagan cited "ir­ The Eighth Utilities District, The Eighth Utilities District, investigative grand jury system. ■ LONDON — Prime Minister n Main St., Manchester, Ct., 32 Main St., Manchester, Ct., Members of the. committee Margaret Thatcher rejected eco­ refutable evidence” that the go­ seeks bids for low pressure seeks bids tor a Fire Hose vernment of Libyan leader Col. created last year to exairjine the nomic sanctions Friday as a rescue cushions.. washer. Moammar Khadafy was involved state’s criminal justice system means of dealing with interna­ Bid specifications may be ob­ Bid specifications may be ob­ in terrorist attacks at the Rome tained during normal busi­ tained during normal busi­ approved a recommendation that tional terrorism and warned that ness haurs (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 ness hours (9:00 a.m. ta 5:00 > ' . I . < ■ grand jury investigations be con­ retaliatory strikes would lead to and Vienna airports on Dec. 27 and p.m.) Monday thru Saturday p.m.) Monday thru Saturday 1986 ordered all U.S. citizens and ducted by citizens picked the way "greater chaos.” tram the Dispatcher at the from the Dispatcher at the companies to quit doing business Eighth Utilities District Fire­ Eighth Utilities District Fire­ trial jurors are selected. .. "Sanctions don’t work.” house, 32 Main St., Manches­ house, 32 Main St., Manch6s- The proposal now goes to the. Thatcher said in her annual news with Libya. ter, C T 04040. ter, C T 06040. General Assembly, which con­ conference with American corres­ He followed this by freezing Sealed bids will be received Sealed bids will be received pondents at the- official British Libyan assets in the United States at the above address until at the above oddress until FAST START venes its 1986 session oil Feb. 5. and ordering American workers in 7:00 p.m., TuOsdav, January 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January Committee Co-Chairman Regi-' residence, 10 Downing Street. 21, 1916, at which time they 21, 1986, at which time they nald J. Smith, a Republican state Her comments came a day after Libya to leave that North African will be publicly opened, read will be publicly opened, read country. atoyd and recorded. aloud and recorded. senator from New Hartford,, said Secretary of State George Shultz announced that Deputy Secretary But most of America’s Western Bids shall remain valid tor Bids sholl remoln valid for he personally favored creating an. ^ thirty days from the bid thirty days from the bid investigative commission that of State John Whitehead would allies, which have strong economic opening dote. The District opening dote. The District would have permanently ap­ travel to Europe next week to ties with Libya and many thou­ reserves the right to relect reserves the right to relect SAU sands of nationals working there, any ond oil bids for any rea­ any and oil bids for onv rea­ pointed members. New York has persuade U.S. allies to join Wa­ son deemed to be In the best son deemed to be In the best such a commission. ' shington in imposing sanctions refused to join Reagan’s action Interest of the District. Interest of the District. But he said he went along with against Libya. against Khadafy’s government. JOSEPH TRIPP JOSEPH TRIPP the citizens’ grand jury proposal President Reagan this week Italy did announce Friday that it FIRE COMMISSIONER FIRE COMMISSIONER coanMESi because it had the best chance^ of called for an economic embargo would halt arms sales to Libya, Doted at Manchester, Conn., Doted at Manchester, Conn., and Canada cut off aid to Canadian this 2nd day of Jonuory, 1986.
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