Montana Football

Montana Football

-» «# p« «• «• < « Senior Linebacker means le 10 pass brea montana fo o tb a ll * LETTERMEN Editor’s note: The following is a Barry, Earl* 1920, Missoula Brick, Tim othy*** 1972-74, Traverse City, Ml Carver, Alan** 1993-94, Ashland, OR list of current and former Grizzly Bartell, Jam er*** 1992-94, Great Falls Brickley, S e a n**** 1989-92, Pocatello, ID Carver, Duane* 1956, Seattle, WA football players dating from 1897- Bartell, Jam es*** 1960-62, Glencoe, IL Briney, F rank**** 1946-49, Butte Carver, Dwight** 1917-18, Florence 2006. If any names or dates have Bartsch, K evin **** 1985-88, Helena Brittenham, C urtis*** 1925-27, Kalispell Cary, Robert** 1904-05, North Platte, NE been omitted, please contact the Batchan, Broyce** 1989-90, Vacaville, CA Brooks-Fletcher, Thom.* 2006 Bellevue, WA Caton Jam es** 1992-93, Sacramento, CA sports information office at (406) Bauer, R a y **** 1947-50, Great Falls Brophy, Robert* 1964, Red Lodge Cavaligos, Nick* 1977, Chicago, IL Brott, Dean* 1952, Seattle, WA 243-6899. Baumburger, Jay* 1971, Great Falls Caven, A rth u r*** 1931-33, Miles City Beal, Robert*** 1936-38, Anaconda Brower, G erald*** 1936-38, Miles City Cedarstrom, James* 1974, Scottsdale, AZ Beard, LeBaron** 1909-10, Missoula Brown, Chuck* 1985, Whitefish Cerkovnik, E d *** 1977-79, Malta Player is listed first season he Beaudin, Dan* 2006, Noxon Brown, Clyde* 1939, Dillon Cerkovnik, R obert*** 1978-80, Great Falls lettered. *Denotes letters earned. Bebout, M a rc*** 1993-95, Riverton, WY Brown, D ylan*** 2002-04, Miles City Chaffin, Everett** 1948-49, Missoula Hometown is also listed. Becker, J a y *** 1977-79, Atlantic, IA Brown, Lee* 1984, Bridgeport, NE Chalcraft, Steve* 1979, Richmond, WA -A- Becker, Ned** 1982-83, Atlantic, IA Brown, Reggie** 1985-86, Concord, CA Chambers, Craig* 2006, Mill Creek, WA Accomando, Dan* 1975, Westminster, CA Becker, Wayne** 1965-66, Chula Vista, CA Brown, Ronald* 1957, Sun Valley, CA Champagne, Gene* 1976, Lacey, WA Adam, Emil** 1904-05, Missoula Beddes, Lawrence*** 1959-61, Billings Brown, Scott* 1992, Missoula Chaplin, Dave** 1980-81, Selah, WA Adams, Harry**** 1915-18, Aberdeen, WA Beeman, Stewart* 1925, Lewistown Brown, Tony** 1999-00, Salinas, CA Chappie, Darrell* 1974, Spokane, WA Adams, Merle* 1965, Livingston Beers, Bob** 1967-68, Beaverton, OR Brown, Wingfield* 1919, Philipsburg Charles, Joey** 1982-83, Valencia, CA Adams, Mike* 1973, Newton, IA Bell, Darrell* 1977, Federal Way, WA Brum, Ray** 1968-69, Honolulu, HI Cheek, Donald* 1975, Corvallis, OR Adkins, Nathan* 2003, Cerritos, CA Benjamin, Karl** 1956-57, Seattle, WA Brumback, D.G.** 1966-67, Walla Walla, WA Cheek, John* 1946, Dillon Agee, M ike****, 1993-96, Kalispell Bennett, G rady*** 1988-90, Kalispell Brunnelle, Ross* 2005, Spokane, WA Chiles, Acen** 1993-94, Orange, CA Ah Yat, Brian**** 1995-98, Honolulu, HI Bennett, W illiam ** 1909-10, Anaconda Bryan, D on** 1939-40, Billings Chinske, E d *** 1926-28, Michigan City, IN Akiona, Randyn*** 1999-01, Waipahu, HI Benson, Frank* 1933, White Pine Bryant, K elley**** 1996-99, Honolulu, HI Chong, Elroy* 1970, Honolulu, HI Albright, Keith* 1977, Kalispell Bentz, Christian**** 1914-17, Aberdeen, SD Bryant, Michael* 1977, Hull, MA Christie, Ralph** 1921-22, Spokane, WA Alex, Mike** 1980-81, Overland, KN Alexander, Brandy* 1992, Post Falls, ID Benzley, Robert** 1963-64, Green River,WY Buckhouse, Joe**** 1900-03, Missoula Clark, Chris*** 2003,2005-06, Los Angeles, CA Alexander, Dan* 1993, Los Angeles, CA Berding, Gary** 1970-71, Cincinnati, OH Buehler, E ric **** 1995-98, Butte Clark, E arl*** 1914-16, Everett, WA Allard, Charles*** 1898-1900, Ravalli Berger, Edward* 1942, Billings Bullerdick, M onty** 1977-78, Anaheim, CA Clark, M a tt**** 1987-90, Missoula Allegre, Raul** 1978-79, Torreon, MX Bergquist, Cole** 2005-06, San Clemente, CA Bultmann, Charles* 1963, Telford, PA Clark, Jam es** 1927-28, Pasadena, CA Allen, Dewayne * * * 1965-67, Kalispell Bergren, Terry*** 1964-66, Darby Burke, Howard** 1953-54, Livingston Clarkson, Larry**** 1984-87, Abbotsford, B.C. Allen, Eric** 2005-06, Colorado Springs, CO Beriault, Don* 1976, Bellevue, WA Burke, J im *** 1951-53, Livingston Clausen, C la y **** 1985-88, Missoula Allen, Lance**** 1990-1993, Butte Berry, D ale*** 1958-60, Fairview Burke, Keith** 1993-94, Huntington Beach, CA Clausen, K e n t**** 1976-79, Aberdeen, SD Allik, Randy**** 1995-98, Missoula Berry, Oral** 1906-07, Granite Burke, Paul** 1941-42, Billings Clawson, Gene*** 1939-41, Missoula Ambrose, Keith** 1906-07, Missoula Betters, Douglas*** 1974-76, Arlington Hts., IL Burkley, Joe* 1996, Tumwater, WA Claypool, Clinton* 1914, Missoula Amundson, Greg*** 1979-81, Seattle, WA Biermann, K ro y*** 2004-06, Hardin Burnett, Clifford** 1971-72, Caldwell, ID Clemens, R oger*** 1964-66, Plentywood Anderson, Colt* 2006, Butte Bilan, Edward* 1957, Calgary, Alberta, Burns, Elmer* 1929, Choteau Cleveland, Curt* 1979, Seattle, WA Andersen, Leif*** 1932-34, Portland, OR Bingham, G u y**** 1976-79, Aberdeen, WA Burns, Quentin** 1991-92, Hayward, CA Cleveland, Douglas*** 1971-73, Butte Anderson, Dan** 1991-92, Yuba, CA Anderson, Eddie*** 1951-53, Missoula Birgenheier, Richard** 1960-61, Harlowton Burns, Virgil* 1914, Mexico, MO Clift, T om *** 1974-76, Otis Orchards, WA Anderson, Greg*** 1973-75, Blue Island, IL Bise, Dan** 1991-92, Newberg, OR Burrell, W alter*** 1924-26, Tampa, FL Clinich, Vernon* 1919, Butte Anderson, Greg**** 1974-77, Chicago, IL Bishop, Arthur**** 1906-09, Missoula Burtness, Richard**** 1979-82, Anacortes, WA Cochrane, William* 1902, Red Lodge Anderson, Herbert* 1913, NA Bissell, Don* 1955, Belt Burton, Gary**** 1990-93, Missoula Cockhill, B ill**** 1990-93, Helena Anderson, Kerry** 1983-84, Tigard, OR Bitar, Greg** 1976-77, Hoquiam, WA Bush, T im **** 2000-03, Kellogg, ID Coe, Tony** 1983-84, Renton, WA Anderson, Richard*** 1971-73, Lacey, WA Blackwell, Ira* 1915, Aberdeen, WA Busha, Tom ** 1912-13, Big Timber Cogar, Mike* 1984, Missoula Anderson, Robert*** 1946-48, Missoula Blake, Harold** 1897-98, Missoula Butenschoen, Jeramiah** 1999-00, Billings Cogswell, Andy*** 1924-26, Missoula Andrews, Marty* 1978, Seattle, WA Blancas, Arnie** 1969-70, Aberdeen, WA Butossish, Robert* 1956, Butte Coleman, C alvin**** 1998-01, Niceville, FL Andrus, Bart** 1978-79, Sepulveda, CA Blanchard, Ryan* 1994, Huntington Beach,CA Buxton, J o hn *** 1973-75, Owatonna, MN Coleman, Charles** 1922-1925, Alberton Antonick, Robert*** 1950-52, Butte Blank, Jeff* 1986, Billings Buzzard, M ike** 1968-69, Mt. Vernon, WA Coleman, Renard**** 1985-88, Renton, WA Apostol, Ed*** 1984-86, Olympia, WA Blank, Russ* 1986, Missoula Byerly, Kenneth*** 1953-55, Lewistown Collins, Mikael** 1987-88, Fairfield, CA Appelt, Wesley*** 1965-67, Missoula Blastic, H enry*** 1933-35, Chicago, IL Byrne, R obert*** 1949-51, Billings Collins, Ray* 1913, Butte Argo, Daniel** 1974-75, Cincinnati, OH Arledge, Warren** 1991-92, Bozeman Blue, Christopher*** 1971-73, Olympia,WA Colter, C u rt**** 1999-02, Hysham Arnst, Richard* 1945, Fort Benton Bockman, Montana*** 1956-58, Missoula Colter, D .J .**** 1996-99, Hysham Cabunoc, Shannon**** 1988-91, Honolulu, HI Arntson, Tony**** 1985-88, Great Falls Boddie, Damon** 1993-94, Stockton, CA Colvin, Chris** 1997-98, Inglewood, CA Atwood, George*** 1969-71, Lansdale, PA Bodwell, Tom ** 1970-71, Grayland, WA Cahill, J o h n **** 2001-04, Billings Connolly, Paul** 1964-65, Muskegon, Ml Aukamp, Ronald*** 1964-66, Mount Prospect, IL Bonas, Jerry** 1975-76, Fair Haven, CT Cahill, Paul* 2004, Billings Connor, D aniel**** 1908-11, Darby Axtell, George** 1924-25, Bozeman Bonawitz, Norval* 1936, Missoula Calder, Fred** 1962-63, Toms River, NJ Connors, Bob**** 1981-84, Glasgow Boomer, A dam **** 1997-00, Amer. Falls, ID Callison, L lo yd *** 1926-28, Loma Connors, C h ris **** 2000-03, Butte - B - Boone, W illiam ** 1929-30, Deer Lodge Campbell, D on*** 1948-50, Great Falls Connors, Je rry *** 1956-58, Spokane, WA Babich, R oy** 1934-35, Butte Border, Richard** 1973-74, Salt Lake Campbell, J.C .* * * 1986-88, Steilacoom, WA Cook, Robert** 1945-46, Cut Bank Babish, Timothy* 1972, Azusa, CA Botkin, Bob* 1992, Plentywood Campbell, Ken** 1949-50, Great Falls Cook, Sam* 1915, Idaho Badgley, Kirk Jr.** 1942-43, Missoula Botzenhardt, August** 1930-31, Anaconda Campbell, M u rd o **** 1951-54, Great Falls Cooks, Demidric** 1986-87, San Jose, CA Bagley, R yan*** 2004-06, Great Falls Botzheim, A lan *** 1982-84, lone, WA Campbell, Neil** 1976-77, Helena Cooley, Jerry** 1972-73, Anacortes, WA Bailey, James* 1998, Hillsboro, OR Bouchee, M ik e **** 1993-96, Missoula Camper, Scott* 1987, Manteca, CA Cooley, Paul** 1975-76, Anacortes, WA Bain, D oug*** 1967-69, Kalispell Bouchee, W illiam *** 1960-62, Livingston Caputo, Steve*** 1969-71, Seattle, WA Cooper, Van Jr. * * * 2004-06, Denver, CO Bain, Frank* 1963, Kalispell Bowen, M arcus** 1988-89, Edualy, CA Caraway, B ria n **** 1979-82, Great Falls Coppedge, Johnny** 1982-83, Stayton, OR Baines, Ron E .** 1967-68, Tacoma, WA Bowman, Dennis** 1980-81, Spokane, WA Carlsen, M ike** 1991-92, Ukiah, CA Corbin, Edwin** 1903-04, Missoula Baird, Harold* 1920, Missoula Bowman, Richard* 1942, Casper, WY Carlson, B ru ce **** 1974-77, Great Falls Cordier, B o b **** 1979-82, Spokane, WA Baker, Jason**** 1994-97, Coos Bay, OR Boyes, Bob** 1978-79, Sacramento, CA Carlson, Gene*** 1950-52, Great Falls Corwin, Tyler** 2005-06, Great Falls Baker, Shalon**** 1991-94, Vancouver, WA Bozzo, Tony* 1969, Salinas, CA Carlson, J e ff*** 1975-77, Great Falls Cork, L e e **** 1946-49,

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