Explore Over 30,000 Kilometers of Unspoiled Coastline

Explore Over 30,000 Kilometers of Unspoiled Coastline

Exploreover 30,000 kilometersof unspoiledcoastline. 'lk .- i?n i- Rwr r.'i WTLDL|FE( ..: !.:n UNDERCROTJNDR|VER r,.r.1r lrr 5r tr ili .rtrI r,,!! ,i , ( rr ,r,1 . !rL! 4 .,!, 1 ..rirI[':,b!] , I r"! i.r . r. l: lloi r..: , :r,l I rl r . rjl-:L ri iir rn ri Rf.! r (r, P. n . ,, rr.Efl )rr.r1.:r !. ,. tr.r.rtr r.ri!trj) , r, rr rtrl rL !i! i ,.i 1 r r,t.trr rlr \..r I r.r oi r..f,\ rr.1artrf.r i AITCHAEOLOCICALHUNTS f.,.,;,.,,r, r L,Lrrr.j r,r1.c.,L.i | !. I wwwcxpcri.nccphirippn.5.ph \ t rr- TEF Nqhl ife IYATERFUN, The bea.hbeckons fo.some serious swimhins, dr iu* wadinE BoRncnv by lhe shore.For the moreadive va.arioneB, windsurling and parsailins sears are gofacay is paradlsefor .efrified sun-worshippeB all over the world. In rcadiy available.Go saiingwiih the helpof lo.alsaculely attuned ro the lac!. o.al and foreign tourlsts have made Boa.a/ rheir yeady d$t nation. OtheE hav€.hosen io I ve on thh haven. BEACHCOMAING.There are over a dozenbea.hes dor ngthe nands:White Sheltered from rhe flerce e6reny ttphoois, eor(ay is on the Beach.D niwid.Balngha. Mano. nanoc, aid CaebanBeach. among orhe6. nofrhwe$ern tip olPanay nAkld, aproviice ontheVisays hland known work on your tan, reada book, .eld and havea msage White 3e&h, probally for its colodul AtiAtlhan fe$ival. lhe mo* famoussvetch in the .ounrry,teatures briSht. fne sandand prkdne Boracay! thdusand-h*tars boat of all the eemen$ of a ropi.al paradite <r)std bue waters, powder while sand, swaynS ropi.al palms,flowering plants,and a heahhyand div€rsemarine ile. NIGHTLIFE.Spend thel6thou6 ofthedaya!anlofSoracay s bareand dis.os. Beerin hand,youcandan.e dnthesand slrounded by tw nk ingfirefl es. fthis Boracay h6 three litte communtes Yapak in the nofth, Ba abag in 5eemstoo rowdy lor your tate, bke a stro I on the moon it beach. the mdnb, dd l'1anoc-mano.in the south. Hil/€levatons of up to 100 mere6 abovesealevel chaEcterize Yapak and Mano. franoc. nretuining BAT CAVES. Explofe the bat cavesor Yapak,prelerably with an exper en.ed trais Ink thesmallvilagesandthat sometim6 l€adb lushrropical lunSi$ suideand rake photos ol thee nightcreatures. The.ulinary lare in Boruy k 6 dvetse 6 rhe nat onaLiriesot iB visirors. Fr€nch, Chinse. Au*raian, seleian,Geman, Spanish.ltalid,lapm€se. KAR-TIRSEASHEIL MUSEUM. Locatedat the vitaSeof itiS-itiSm.KaFt r Korean. and Thaj are often fused lnto th€ native cukine. Trul, Boracay Ieaturesan interesting.olecton ot seBhells,woodcatuinSs, poBery. hand- ha be.ome lhe premier€ dd nation of beachloveB :round the Clobe. wovenafricle. and tnditio^.| .osrumestrom al overthe Ph lppines. Tofind olt more.v sitM.exp€rien.ephilippines,ph ' ' MAGELLAN',S CROsS. PortuSuesen:viSaror Fenin3.d Mageran p anted rhe i::' CEBUBorior C,ttvtlculN..-- cross of Ch ltian ty in the name of Span n Apri 4 152 ro mark the spot Cebu. the country\ se.ond bg3e* metropo s. is the poitca. economic where som€ 300 narv€s were baptizedintothe Carho ic laith The ori8inal(os, edu.ationa,.nd .ulru a! .etuer of the Vsaya. Lt s every tiave er ! 'lfeam C€busmo*hnori.alhndmark. s encEed w th n a b ack cfos ofTnna o wood ol a tiop.a is and paradisecohe rue bamy weathei pr*ine beaches housedii a I osk aong l'1:eahnes Sreer and lururous resorts equpped wnh modern fa.Lnes Shoppn8 mak, SINULOG. The Snuoa s C€but bigae{ Iena held every third Sundayol nd Eo f Ia erys aboundto every .ourkfs laiuary n honor of the irdt lesusor Senor Sanlo Nlno. In choreogmphedand rhythmic tempo. d€vot€escad n dazzina€thnc cosumes hold aoft magesoI Esr oI Cebu is Bohol,the .ountry s ioth a.8es nand with ro ing h k, thenparon. The prayeFdan.e is syn.hronzed !o the beat oldrums and shou6 p aterusand .ry*a sprin8sand bea.hes. t s a p.tu.e!!ue provn.e rep ete of Pit seaorlVva SantoN noL wiih an.e*mlhomesand.enturieso d churches.Bohol for u relatveysmal CHOCOLATE Hllls, Coisistina or at eet 1.263haycock hlls wtrh heshts sizeh6 muchto olferln €rns ofh nory andnatura attra.tions rangin! lrom 40 to 120 mete6, the Cho.dlate tsik E one or na f4iguel Lopez de Le36p an.hored briefr/ on ihe isaid in 565 ?nd is The dome{haped. grdrcovered Inenone hils dry up:nd turn brown durlna re.ordedrohaverealedabood compactwithanativecheita n Rnlah5 katuna thesumme[ ranslormngth6e nto.ows and rowsof Cho.ohre <s€s' ErcaEtions n ancent bufa groun'lsrevea atrilactsdalig ba.t to Chnar SMAIIEST MONKEY In Slai a l-kiometer man-maderore$ is sri.tuary T angdyndty revealng$ron8 oadingts wi$ the ChineselonS beror. the to ihe provin.e s ennafger€d speciesincluding rhe r.re ei the world s smale* Span$ setloot on Ph ippineshores Boho s home @ rhe worldjamous Cho.olateH k and the words smale* ISLAND OF IMAGINATION, Camigui. derivedfrom the wod'Kamagon8 , monkey .he Ta6ier Oiher €qual/ exot . llora and faunacanbd foundin the the name oI a tree in the ebony fam ry. n a pea.shaped vol.anic sland in th€ Bohol Sea. I'larue at the island! wide .tray of flowers and tate the ru .ien ''lanzones in the yearly LanzonesF6tval. Explore maieni. vo.adoes, hor Tofind out more vkit M,qperiencephilippines.ph sprinas, m4n t .ent waterlalls, and ts tamed undetuater .emetery Waierfals n [laEgran Dlran Ph]ippinetuq e ISLAND GARDEN CITY OF SAMAL. The irand Garden cry or samain a Dnveo groupof s ands n the DavaoCu I The la€€*, r so ca led samal.h6 a numberof excelentr€sons, ii. ud ng one that wa on.e apea' f:rm There:reaso Davaois an ai.hor touft! destnation.a natum hav€nfor both sedtrr€ many fne bea.hes wiih good oppoftui r es fdr sion(e ii8 and s.!ba dtvin8 :nd d ngpuBuiisk k theiump'of poinr@ satelltede*natons on th€ MARAGUSAN, With its coo mountaidweathei l.laragusanin the provrn.€ of Davaostopograph/ddzl$with a varietyofpicrursque lands.apes Fruir Cdmpostea Va ey s Davaos Eaditionalsumme .apital The erhn. Mansaka piantationsand orchidfarms manrle vo.ano'fed h ls andvaleys. V €in .ommlnty vesin the.ofie€ 3.owln8 va ley am dst waterfa ls and co d springs. Ioressnurtufe ':re wLldlife.Coral s andsie on mnrornat warer And the .ountry! hiehestpeat,I'lt. Apo. maSr flcentl/ lords over the hinterlaid. KIOAPAWAN, The provin. al .:pib oI North CotaMto. KidapawanCity s (wo houE b/ bus hom DavaoCi+ h is the mainBaGw:y to th€ a.enr to MounrApo Ju$ s en.hantinss ts bfliant lape*ry ol harmony,woven lrom the :nd 5 ho* to the ainu:l 0nay Kaibongan Fe*va. a showc8e ofold ethnic dvede cultur:lrhreads of its people.In Davao,the comemporaryfus€s rtuals son8s,dan.es, and rports oI th€ l'4anoboand otref Minianao trbes wnh rhetrad tlona 6 mSfantses eretrom allov€r the coun!ry peacefu ly .o-exisrwrh asizeableexpatriate community and nunr€rcus €thnic tr bes DAVAO ORIENTAL. The provn.e of Davao Orienta hr ar e6t 40 tourisr who contnueto ive6 theydid c€nturi€! ago spoE. Amons them are Tiiasons Di8at (or Hidden Sea), a nyier ous lake lound n the town ofSan s dro the 138 meter highAlw:ewaa Fak. the hahen Davaois home to themaiesi. Phiippin€ Ea8le, the.ountry'! nar ona bfd waredalin the counrry found n Catee and the o d mo$ .over€n lTth .entury andconsidered the laBen eagein the world.h ako boa6 ot the mo* chur.h n dre town of CafaSa. prz€d Phlpplne or.hid spec es like theVandasanderianatrd some ofthe mos exoticfruirs ikedurianand manSo*een GENERAI SANTOS ClW. Gensanis the tunacapitalofthe Phiipp nes.wh€re over 2.400 n:.ine 5pe.ie5can be tound, includns the yelow fin t!na. s< plack and mackere. cen$n.an be reachedby a l-holr bus I de from DavaoCity. Tofnd out more.vs tw.exp€riencephilippines,ph INIRAMUROS & ENVIRONS MUSEUMS, The u shapedgove.nmen! beltwith n Lunetafeaturesthe N:tional Museum, the l'4useum of Filipino Peope, and the Depaftment of Toursm The.aptalofthePhlpprnes ichedandsou 5llanila t seBthe archipelago s /thm and is a pulsaiig hub th bleidr ihe Orenhlwr[ the Occdental the quaiitwrh thenodern, the m0ndane wiih ihe exraordnary TOU Rl ST BELI A sone! throw away f.om R za Park k lwlanla! Tourist Bel!. Ar rhehean ofl'lanilal hhtory s ntiimuros. r leaiuresthe Bdnd f4ana Cathedml theermtaandMaatedlstrcB Ermitakdesiredloriisrntilueandafr galLerls. wth 6 deiailed$one cafr ngsand sained glas mosa6i Fod Sanriago,the s te ol curio andsouvenirshopswhilel'lalate ofie6 a var ety ofch l-out c 6sy hot spo6 toture.hanbe6 anddungeons and the Sanp€unin Chorh a {avorreweddio8 slch a cozy cafas.musi.loung€!, spa ann performancetheater. flevopoitan flanilaorrhe N ionrlCrpita Re8ons a bst ngmegr( r/ ol sixreei SUNSET BOU LEVARD. Roxa Bdul€vard,which €xiennsirom ParanaqueCiV md one ( wherethe.ount./\ mo* pre*igios busine$ {16)clths )nmicipa ry to Manila, s the bay areafrom where one.af haveaview ofthelamed Mania addre$esand the iiend en leslre esbblishmen6are Loated.Luxurious hock, resburans,dis.os nusicba6 b.uriques,and rpe.iatyshops are centercd around suiset. t is ako I ned with posh hoiel!. .ainos and lvey nigh*po*. thesleek Aya a andOrtiga CerteE FOOD TRIP l'leropo iran Manla is one bi8 gatronomtc aiventure with otd Other fraior cit6 n.ludeQuezon City, aso an enter l.la ate dif.t, a favorirewaGrin8 holeforloca ! an,i touftG alke.

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