Proceeding Manado Health Polytechnic 1st International Conference. ISSN : 2599-2031 TINUTUAN IN THE EATING PATTERN OF THE STUDENTS OF THE STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 9 MANADO, NORTH SULAWESI Rudolf B. Purba1, Grace K.L. Langi2 1,2Nutrition Department, Health Polytechnics of Ministry of HealthManado Email. [email protected] Abstract Adolescence is easily influenced by flow of globalization, including the selection of food. Fast food choices have caused some traditional foods been marginalized, such as sago and sinduka as the staple food of the local communities in North Sulawesi Province. In addition, there is also tinutuan, which is the traditional food that is the specialty of Manado City. This research aims to examine the existence of tinutuan menu in the pattern of eating habits of the students of state Senior High School 9 Manado. Data was obtained through observation, interview and literature review using qualitative approach. Informants were determined by purposive sampling with the principle of snowball sampling. Problem analysis uses relevant theory. The results show that the preparation, processing and presentation of culinary tinutuan of state Senior High School 9 Manado are a series of culinary tinutuan that are influenced by the internal and external elements of the students. In conclusion, culinary tinutuan is a traditional food needs to be maintained for it contains vital nutrients for the body used to distinguish a culture from national culture (Indonesia) and global culture. The struggle between local cultural values is higher in intensity resulting in cultural transition or change due to the influence of global cultural values. Keywords : Eating Pattern, Tinutuan. INTRODUCTION humans into groups of rich and poor, as well One of the things that human beings as variations in food types, making humans must have to survive is food and drink. Food a group of modern and traditional humans. in general sense is any material available or Food is a cultural product that can be can be provided for the fulfillment of human distributed to various societies. By groups needs in the sense of nutritional and cultural within society, the food resulting from acknowledgement and justified in isolation cultural diffusion can be modified in by members of every society (Kalangi, accordance with the cultural and 1984:5). As a result of hunger or body environmental systems of the receiving feeling lack of certain food substances, it groups. However, not all societies consider will motivate humans to behave in order to and define various sources that nutritionist meet the needs of eating. This means that anthropologists study the problem of food as the perception of the people from different a complex of knowledge that determines culture will produce different view or may and should not be (necessity and perception of a common and unequal sense taboo). wisdom, production, preparation, in the context of food, whereas the function consumption, and nutritional consequences of food is a selector tool for human survival (Kalangi 1985:45). because food or diet is a natural selection for Nutritional problems are less often got humans and human grouping. Differences in the attention and are often not quickly resource ownership and foodstuffs divide addressed, whereas it can lead to big 194 Proceeding Manado Health Polytechnic 1st International Conference. ISSN : 2599-2031 problems. The development of a nation aims of fiber that only reaches an average of 10 g to improve the welfare of every citizen. / day, much lower than the adequacy of 30 Improving the progress and prosperity of the gr / day (Wiboworini, 2007: 30-31)). nation depends on the ability and quality of In terms of physiology, to live its human resources. The measure of the active, healthy and productive human quality of human resources can be seen in requires more than 40 types of nutrients the Human Development Index (HDI), contained in various types of food. The while the indicator of the people's welfare diversity of Indonesian people's food can be seen, among others, at the level of consumption with indicator score of Food poverty and nutritional status of the Pattern Expectations (FPE), shows that the community. HDI is an aggregate measure score of food consumption quality of that is influenced by economic, educational Indonesia's population within the period of and health levels. 2006-2010 had been fluctuated. This The following data describes the indicated a decrease in FPE score from 81.9 association of problems caused by erroneous in 2008 to 78.8 in 2009. In 2010, the FPE eating habits, namely the 2001 national score increased again at 80.6 but still survey showed the prevalence of anemia in dominated by grain energy consumption married WUS, unmarried WUS, and from the proportion of 50 percent, this pregnant women by 26.9 percent, 24.5 occurs due to lack of awareness concerning percent and 40 percent respectively. Among food diversification, nutrition, balance, and the population aged 25 years and above as safe, and followed by the increasing many as 27 percent of men and 29 percent consumption of wheat which is imported of women suffering from hypertension, 0.3 food. Meanwhile, other food consumption percent has ischemic heart disease, stroke still has not fulfilled the recommended ideal 1.2 percent and diabetes 1.3 percent. composition, such as tuber groups, animal Increasing the prevalence of non- foods, vegetables and fruits. communicable diseases such as Consumption of fruits and vegetables cardiovascular, hypertension, cancer and in Indonesia is low. On the other hand, others suggests a change in lifestyle, many Indonesians like high salt foods. especially poor eating habits and reduced Moreover, the consumption rate of physical activity. Scientific evidence Indonesian fruits and vegetables is about 30 suggests that healthy eating habits and kilograms per year or less than 50 grams per physical activity may reduce the risk of day. The amount is roughly equivalent to developing diabetes by 58 percent, 66 half a medium size apple. Meanwhile, the percent hypertension, as well as heart consumption of salt by Indonesian people is attacks and strokes 40-60 percent. In more than recommended, which is 5 grams addition, one third of cancers can be avoided per day. by applying a healthy lifestyle, increasing Tinutuan is a local food in the city of physical activity and decreasing the amount Manado which consists mostly of vegetable of saturated fat intake. and has become an icon of this city has also Eating habits associated with obesity been the slogan "city of Manado, Tinutuan and obesity including eating snacks and city". Eating tinutuan is derived from the eating in restaurants. In 1999, vegetable and root of Minahasa culture which is fruit consumption of 309 grams per capita hereditaryly implemented and is a cultural per day; this figure fell in 2004 to 221 grams ritual of eating together that is held within per capita per day (Susenas 1999 and 2004). the immediate family, in this case the This low consumption of fruits and existence of blood ties. However, it is vegetables contributes to low consumption uncommon in a wider scope, such as the 195 Proceeding Manado Health Polytechnic 1st International Conference. ISSN : 2599-2031 brotherhood of a tribe, although there is no various ethnic school students across North blood relation. Kinship and mutual Sulawesi Province and even ethnic from cooperation is already felt in the first stage outside North Sulawesi Province, so there in the process of preparing food, because are different patterns of eating tinutuan or cooking is done together. even have never consume them. Tinutuan is an inseparable social and The type of data in this study is the cultural reality with the socio-cultural type of qualitative data and supported by structure of the Manado City community quantitative data. The type of qualitative derived from Minahasan ethnic food culture, data in the form of description, and the items and contains health value. The practice of relating to the existence of tinutuan, were culinary tinutuan culture imparts local obtained during the interview with wisdom, symbols, meanings and impacts to informants especially among the students of the life of its supporting community. So, the state Senior High School 9 Manado. The study of tinutuan in Manado City is very data source consists of primary data and important and interesting research on the secondary data. Secondary data sources in existence of tinutuan among high school this research are documents related to students in Manado City associated with the existence of tinutuan in Manado city. In this practice of daily life with the changes in research, to get information both in the form eating patterns that is caused by fast food of secondary data and primary data used consumption. Changes from traditional diet some technique that is interview, tinutuan to the western diet such as fast food observation, and document. This is done that contains many calories, fat and because qualitative research is not intended cholesterol (Yuliarti, 2007: 193), causing to obtain generalization of findings, but health problems such as data on the findings rather to clarify the phenomenon under in of disease rates above. depth and meaningful investigation. After all, the data were collected in Research purposes this study was analyzed by qualitative data This research generally aims to analysis. Analysis of qualitative data examine the existence of tinutuan in the according to Bogdan and Biklen (1982) in pattern of eating habits among school (Moleong, 2005: 248) is an effort done by students of state Senior High School 9 working with data, organizing data, sorting Manado. it into manageable units, synthesizing it, finding and finding patterns, finding what is Research Method important learned, and decided what can be The purpose of this research is to express, told to others.
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