1908 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 17 dependents; to the Committee on World War Veterans' zens of the city of Columbus, Ohio, urging favorable con­ Legislation. sideration of the stop-alien-representation amendment to 9595. Also, petition of Almon H. Medbury, Alphicle the United States Constitution to cut out the 6,280,000 aliens Sutherland, James E. Cheek, and 291 other citizens of in this country and count only American citizens when mak­ Rhode Island, protesting against any repeal or modification ing future apportionments for congressional districts; to the of existing legislation beneficial to Spanish War veterans, Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. their widows, or dependents; to the Committee on World 9611. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Association of Army War Veterans' Legislation. • Employees, Governors Island, N. Y., favoring continuation 9596. By. Mr. DELANEY: Petition of the Association of of the citizens' military training camps for our national de­ Army Employees of New York, urging the preservation of fense: to the Committee on Appropriations. the citizens' military training camps; to the Committee on 9612. Also, petition of National Federation of Federal Appropriations. Employees, Washington, D. C., urging support of the Rans­ 9597. Also, petition of the Finger Lakes Wine Growers ley amendment; to the Committee on Appropriations. Association, of New York, urging the repeal of the eight­ 9613. Also, petition of A. C. Clark . Co., canned-food eenth amendment by referring such issue to State conven­ brokers, New York City, urging a higher tariff on Japanese tion instead of to States for legislative action, and also tuna fish; to the Committee on Ways and Means. urging Federal control of the manufacture of all alcoholic 9614. Also, petition of Finger Lakes Wine Growers Asso­ beverages; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ciation, Naples, N. Y., favoring modification and repeal of 9598. Also, petition of the A. C. Clark Co., of New York, the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the urging a higher tariff on Japanese tuna fish, in order to Judiciary. 'protect this industry, together with all the people con­ 9615. By Mr. MILLARD <by request): Petition signed by nected with it in the United States; to the Committee on citizens of Thiells and Haverstraw, in the State of New Ways and Means. York, favoring the stop-alien-representation amendment; 9599. Also, petition of Bacon & Trubenbach <Inc.), of New to the Committee on the Judiciary. York, urging a higher tariff on Japanese tuna fish in order 9616. By Mr. PERKINS: PetitioP..s containing the names to protect this industry in the United States; to the Com­ of 51 residents of Washington, Warren County, and 50 resi­ mittee on Ways and Means. dents of Lodi, all of the State of New Jersey, favoring the 9600. Also, petition o~ the National Federation of Federal stop-alien-representation amendment to the United States Employees, urging support of the Ransley amendment to Constitution; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the War Department appropriation bill; to the Committee 9617. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Finger Lakes Wine on Appropriations. Growers Association, Naples, N. Y., favoring the repeal of 9601. By Mr. GARBER: Letter of F. D. Mowbray, captain, the eighteenth amendment, by referring such issue to State Field Artillery Reserve, Enid, Okla., urging support of ap­ convention, also for the Federal control of the manufacture priations for nati'onal defense; to the Committee on Appro­ of all alcoholic beverages; to the Committee on the Judiciary. priations. 9618. Also, petition of Association of Army Employees, 9602. Also, petition of the transportation committee of the Governors Island, N. Y., favoring appropriations for the Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland, Ohio, urging support of continuance of the citizens' military training camps; to the House bill 11642, providing for ab initio repeal of the recap­ Committee on Appropriations. ture clause of the interstate commerce act; to the Com­ 9619. Also, petition of National Federation of Federal Em­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ployees, favoring the Ransley amendment to the Army ap­ 9603. Also, petition of the Queensbpro Chamber of Com­ propriation bill; to the Committee on Appropriations. merce, New York City, urging favorable consideration of 9620. Also, petition of Francis E. Fronczel, M. D., health House bill 11642, providing for changes in the existing rule commissioner, Buffalo, N.Y., favoring the inviting of the In­ governing rate making for the railroads, the retroactive ternational Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy to 'repeal of the recapture clause, and the distribution of the hold its eiehth meeting in the United States in 1935; to the processes of railroad valuation; to the Committee on Inter­ Committee on Appropriations. state and Foreign Commerce. 9621. Also, petition of Bacon & Trubenbach (lnc.), bro­ 9604. Also, petition of the North River Bridge Co., Jersey kers, canned foods and dried fruits, New York City, favor­ City, N. J., protesting against House bill 13461; to the Com­ ing a higher duty on Japanese tuna fish; to the Committee mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. on Ways and Means. 9605. Also, petition of State Chapter No. 347, the Railroad 9622. Also, petition of A. C. Clark Co., brokers, canned ·Employees' National Pension Association, Willard, Ohio, urg­ foods, New York City, favoring a higher duty on Japanese ing support of Senate bill 4646 and House bill 9891, railway tuna fish; to the Committee on Ways and Means. pension bills, and expressing opposition to Senate b1ll 3892 9623. By Mr. SEGER: Petition of New Jersey Republican and House bill 10023; to the Committee on Interstate and Association of County Chairmen, favoring the immediate Foreign Commerce. action on repeal of the eighteenth amendment and modifi­ 9606. Also, petition of the National Federation of Federal cation of the Volstead Act to provide relief for taxpayers Employees, urging amendment of the War Department ap­ and unemployment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. propriation bill by striking out the provision for the limita­ tion of the amount which may be expended other than through competition with outside firms for manufacture at SENATE the Philadelphia Clothing Factory of wearing apparel for 'l'UESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1933 enlisted men of the Regular Army; to the Committee on Appropriations. <Legislative day of Tuesday, January 10, 1933) 9607. By Mr. HANCOCK of New York: Petition of H. M. The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of Williams and other residents of Baldwinsville, N. Y., oppos­ the recess. ing the modification of the Volstead Act and repeal of the Mr. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. quorum. 9608. By Mr. KELLY of Pennsylvania: Petition of citizens The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The clerk will call the of Allegheny County, Pa., protesting against repeal of the roll. eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Sena­ 9609. Also, petition of citizens of Pittsburgh, Pa., protest­ tors answered to their names: ing against reduction of funds for the National Guard; to Ashurst Barkley Bratton Capper the Committee on Appropriations. Austin Bingham Broussard Caraway Bailey Black Bulkley Connally . 9610. By. Mr. LAMNECK: Petition of Mrs. P. G. Mittler, Bankhead Blaine Bulow Coolidge Paul G. Mittler, Ella A. Connell, and numerous other citi- Barbour Borah Byrnes Copeland 1933 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1909 Costigan Hatfield Moses Smoot against Spain in our efforts to achieve absolute and complete in­ Couzens Hawes Neely Steiwer dependence. We had practically attained that independence in Cuttin~ Hayden Norbeck Stephens 1898 when Dewey sailed into Manila Bay. Thus it was that after Dale Hebert Norris Swanson the United States paid Spain the sum of $20,000,000 for a title Davis Howell Nye Thomas, Idaho which she no longer possessed America found it necessary to Dickinson Hull Oddie Thomas, Okla. spend an additional $500,000,000 and to send 100,000 soldiers into Dill Johnson Patterson Townsend Trammell the Philippines to subdue the Filipino people because we knew Fess Kean Pittman exactly what we wanted. Fletcher Kendrick Reed Tydings Frazier Keyes Reynolds Vandenberg Our attitude since then has never varied. Time and again George King Robinson, Ark. Wagner during the last 34 years every Filipino leader and every Filipino Glass La Follette Robinson, Ind. Walcott Legislature has advocated absolute, immediate, and complete inde­ Glenn Lewis Russell Walsh, Mass. pendence. That was what the leaders of the Filipino people in Goldsborough Logan Schall Walsh, Mont. Washington asked Congress for and that is what the people of Gore Long Schuyler Watson the Philippine Islands still want to-day. Grammer McGill Sheppard Wheeler The detractors of Philippine freedom during the past few years Hale McKellar Shipstead White have been harping on the theory that there can be no political Harrison McNary Shortridge independence unless there is first economic independence. I ask Hastings Metcalf Smith you, what country now independent achieved economic inde­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Ninety-four Senators pendence before political independence? Ask yourselves that ques­ having answered to their names, a quorum is present. The tion about your own country. Were you economically independent in 1776? Were any of the countries in central Europe that were Senator
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