SHOW TIME RadioClassics (Ch. 148 on Sirius & XM) gregbellmedia.com Mar 1st - Mar 7th, 2021 SHOW TIME PT ET MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY PT ET 9pm 12mid Lux Radio Theatre's Big Town 12/7/48 Dragnet Big Man 1 1/12/50 Virginia Christine Birthday Dean StoCkwell's 85th Dinah Shore Birthday Fibber MCGee & Molly 9pm 12mid Prev "Treasure Island" 1/29/51 Big Town 1/4/49 Dragnet Big Man 2 1/19/50 In Two FroM GunsMoke on FaMily Theatre 11/8/50 Gst: Frank Sinatra 5/10/45 From June 5th, 1945 Prev Night Night Sherlock Holmes I Was A Communist/FBI Jack Benny Prgm 4/24/38 9/30/55 & 10/28/56 Grand Marquee (New) 2/20/47 On Martin & Lewis 10/5/51 It's Higgins, Sir 9/11/51 from Aug. 9th 2001 From Feb. 4th, 1953 Jack Benny Prgm 5/2/48 Broadway's My Beat 5/5/51 Dragnet Big Pipe 2/23/54 & On Suspense 5/5/52 Dragnet Big Layout 1/25/53 Frank Race 11/21/49 Escape 9/12/48 Night Beat 3/27/50 Tales/Texas Rangers 9/7/52 The Clock 5/4/47 The Big Story 11/15/50 11pm 2am CriMe ClassiCs 11/25/53 EsCape 3/26/49 Gangbusters 2/5/55 RiChard DiaMond 2/8/52 Yours Truly, Johnny GunsMoke (1/30/54) Minerva Pious Birthday 11pm 2am Prev I Was Communist/FBI 7/30/52 Lights Out 1/26/43 This Is Your FBI 10/19/51 Pat Novak For Hire 4/9/49 Dollar Marathon "Gun SMuggler" Two From Fred Allen Prev Night Night Gunsmoke Word Of Honor The Avenger 7/13/45 Rogue's Gallery 6/30/46 Sherlock Holmes 12/28/46 Matter Of Reasonable Hopalong Cassidy 1/12/52 Show 3/5/41 (1 Hour) From Jan. 10th, 1953 Sherlock Holmes Mr. & Mrs. North 9/1/53 Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Doubt May/June 1956 Box 13 4/10/49 Plus 1/30/49 (1/2 Hour) Gunsmoke Kitty Love 2/19/61 from June 26th, 2005 with Edmond O'Brien 8/24/50 Harry Nile 5/9 2010 Lights Out 5/4/43 Vic and Sade 12/6/45 1am 4am The Whistler 11/26/45 The Green Hornet 7/27/39 SherloCk HolMes 4/4/48 MiChael Shayne Two Episodes Of Romance Series Anniversary SpeCial Dragnet Big Man 1 1/12/50 1am 4am Philip Marlowe 4/25/50 The Green Hornet 8/8/39 Sherlock Holmes 6/13/48 From August 6th, 1945 The Ranchos From Duffy's Tavern 7/29/40 Dragnet Big Man 2 1/19/50 Sam Spade 1/26/51 Jack Carson Show 11/20/46 The Whistler 2/11/48 Harry Nile 5/20/2007 9/14/41 & 2/25/42 Duffy's Tavern 5/4/51 Jack Benny Prgm 4/24/38 Boston Blackie 5/14/47 Couple Next Door 12/11/58 Tales Of The Texas Rangers - Voyage/Scarlet Queen 9/18/47 Jack Benny Prgm 3/6/55 Harris & Faye Show 3/19/50 Jack Benny Prgm 5/2/48 "Fool's Gold" 8/19/50 The Saint 9/18/49 Harris & Faye Show 10/7/51 My Fave Husband 12/30/50 3am 6am Fibber MCGee & Molly John Garfield In Screen Dean StoCkwell's 85th Virginia Gregg Birthday Burns & Allen 2/20/47 Lux Radio Theatre's The Green Hornet 7/27/39 3am 6am From June 5th, 1945 Dir - Body & Soul 11/11/49 on FaMily Theatre 11/8/50 Family Theatre 1/12/55 Jack Benny Prgm 5/9/54 "Treasure Island" 1/29/51 The Green Hornet 8/8/39 It's Higgins, Sir 9/11/51 Suspense 5/10/45 Grand Marquee (New) 2/20/47 The Whistler 9/7/52 Let George Do It 8/29/49 Sherlock Holmes Jack Carson Show 11/20/46 Dragnet Big Layout 1/25/53 Suspense 11/4/48 Dragnet Big Pipe 2/23/54 Suspense 3/31/57 Rocky Fortune 11/10/53 from Aug. 9th 2001 Couple Next Door 12/11/58 The Big Story 11/15/50 Burns & Allen Show 12/28/43 Tales/Texas Rangers 9/7/52 Have Gun, Will T...6/7/59 Frank Race 11/21/49 5am 8am GunsMoke (1/30/54) Virginia Christine Birthday Lou Costello Birthday The Whistler 11/26/45 Minerva Pious Birthday When Radio Was RiChard DiaMond 2/8/52 5am 8am "Gun SMuggler" In Two FroM GunsMoke Four From The Abbott Philip Marlowe 4/25/50 Two From Fred Allen Our Miss Brooks 10/16/49 Pat Novak For Hire 4/9/49 Hopalong Cassidy 1/12/52 9/30/55 & 10/28/56 & Costello Show Sam Spade 1/26/51 Show 3/5/41 (1 Hour) Grt Gildersleeve 5/14/47 Pt 1 Sherlock Holmes 12/28/46 Box 13 4/10/49 Broadway's My Beat 5/5/51 10/12/44, 11/16/44, Boston Blackie 5/14/47 Plus 1/30/49 (1/2 Hour) Green Hornet 3/6/50 Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Lights Out 5/4/43 Night Beat 3/27/50 6/6/47 & 11/11/48 Vic and Sade 12/6/45 Barrie Craig 8/17/54 with Edmond O'Brien 8/24/50 7am 10am Dinah Shore Birthday Rex Harrison In AcadeMy Series Anniversary SpeCial Big Town 12/7/48 Gangbusters 2/5/55 EsCape 3/26/49 Dean StoCkwell's 85th 7am 10am Gst: Frank Sinatra 5/10/45 Award Theatre 11/13/46 Duffy's Tavern 7/29/40 Big Town 1/4/49 This Is Your FBI 10/19/51 Lights Out 1/26/43 on FaMily Theatre 11/8/50 On Martin & Lewis 10/5/51 on Duffy's Tavern 5/26/48 Duffy's Tavern 5/4/51 I Was A Communist/FBI Rogue's Gallery 6/30/46 The Avenger 7/13/45 Grand Marquee (New) 2/20/47 & On Suspense 5/5/52 on Bill Stern 10/15/48 Harris & Faye Show 3/19/50 From Feb. 4th, 1953 Mr. & Mrs. North 9/1/53 Sherlock Holmes Dragnet Big Pipe 2/23/54 The Clock 5/4/47 Behind The Mike 1/5/41 My Fave Husband 12/30/50 Escape 9/12/48 from June 26th, 2005 Tales/Texas Rangers 9/7/52 9am 12 When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was When Radio Was Desi Arnaz Birthday CriMe ClassiCs 11/25/53 9am 12 Noon Duffy's Tavern 3/2/51 Fred Allen Show 1/30/49 X Minus One 8/11/55 The Witch's Tale 8/27/35 Boston Blackie 2/19/46 I Love LuCy (Aud) 2/26/52 I Was Communist/FBI 7/30/52 Noon Abe Burrows Show 2/28/48 Lum and Abner 1/12/43 Superman 2/10/48 Pt 6 Flash Gordon 4/27/35 Johnny Dollar 3/22/56 Pt 4 Suspense w/LuCy 11/17/49 Gunsmoke Word Of Honor X Minus One 4/24/55 Quiet Please 2/2/48 Green Hornet 3/6/50 X Minus One 4/24/55 Quiet Please 2/2/48 on Bob Hope 11/12/46 From Jan. 10th, 1953 The Whistler 1/10/43 Defense Attorney 8/28/52 Barrie Craig 8/17/54 The Whistler 1/10/43 Defense Attorney 8/28/52 Harris & Faye Show 1/9/49 Gunsmoke Kitty Love 2/19/61 11am 2pM MiChael Shayne RiChard DiaMond 2/8/52 Yours Truly, Johnny Desi Arnaz Birthday Dragnet Big Man 1 1/12/50 John Garfield In Screen Rex Harrison In AcadeMy 11am 2pM From August 6th, 1945 Pat Novak For Hire 4/9/49 Dollar Marathon I Love LuCy (Aud) 2/26/52 Dragnet Big Man 2 1/19/50 Dir - Body & Soul 11/11/49 Award Theatre 11/13/46 Harry Nile 5/20/2007 Sherlock Holmes 12/28/46 Matter Of Reasonable Suspense w/LuCy 11/17/49 Jack Benny Prgm 4/24/38 Suspense 5/10/45 on Duffy's Tavern 5/26/48 Voyage/Scarlet Queen 9/18/47 Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Doubt May/June 1956 on Bob Hope 11/12/46 Jack Benny Prgm 5/2/48 Suspense 11/4/48 on Bill Stern 10/15/48 The Saint 9/18/49 with Edmond O'Brien 8/24/50 Harry Nile 5/9 2010 Harris & Faye Show 1/9/49 Burns & Allen Show 12/28/43 Behind The Mike 1/5/41 1pM 4pM Lou Costello Birthday Burns & Allen 2/20/47 Minerva Pious Birthday CriMe ClassiCs 11/25/53 SherloCk HolMes 4/4/48 The Whistler 11/26/45 Big Town 12/7/48 1pM 4pM Four From The Abbott Jack Benny Prgm 5/9/54 Two From Fred Allen I Was Communist/FBI 7/30/52 Sherlock Holmes 6/13/48 Philip Marlowe 4/25/50 Big Town 1/4/49 & Costello Show Let George Do It 8/29/49 Show 3/5/41 (1 Hour) Gunsmoke Word Of Honor The Whistler 2/11/48 Sam Spade 1/26/51 I Was A Communist/FBI 10/12/44, 11/16/44, Rocky Fortune 11/10/53 Plus 1/30/49 (1/2 Hour) From Jan. 10th, 1953 Tales Of The Texas Rangers - Boston Blackie 5/14/47 From Feb. 4th, 1953 6/6/47 & 11/11/48 Vic and Sade 12/6/45 Gunsmoke Kitty Love 2/19/61 "Fool's Gold" 8/19/50 Escape 9/12/48 3pM 6pM Virginia Gregg Birthday Two Episodes Of Romance Dinah Shore Birthday The Green Hornet 7/27/39 Cliff Carpenter Birthday Virginia Christine Birthday When Radio Was 3pM 6pM Family Theatre 1/12/55 The Ranchos From Gst: Frank Sinatra 5/10/45 The Green Hornet 8/8/39 Ford Theatre Hour In Two FroM GunsMoke Grt Gildersleeve 5/14/47 Pt 2 The Whistler 9/7/52 9/14/41 & 2/25/42 On Martin & Lewis 10/5/51 Jack Carson Show 11/20/46 "It's A Gift" 3/21/48 9/30/55 & 10/28/56 Texas Rangers 11/26/50 Suspense 3/31/57 Jack Benny Prgm 3/6/55 & On Suspense 5/5/52 Couple Next Door 12/11/58 plus X-Minus One 7/10/56 Broadway's My Beat 5/5/51 X Minus One 4/24/55 Have Gun, Will T...6/7/59 Harris & Faye Show 10/7/51 The Clock 5/4/47 Couple Next Door 1/8/58 Night Beat 3/27/50 The Whistler 1/10/43 5pM 8pM Series Anniversary SpeCial Desi Arnaz Birthday Lux Radio Theatre's EsCape 3/26/49 Fibber MCGee & Molly Lou Costello Birthday MiChael Shayne 5pM 8pM Duffy's Tavern 7/29/40 I Love LuCy (Aud) 2/26/52 "Treasure Island" 1/29/51 Lights Out 1/26/43 From June 5th, 1945 Four From The Abbott From August 6th, 1945 Duffy's Tavern 5/4/51 Suspense w/LuCy 11/17/49 Sherlock Holmes The Avenger 7/13/45 It's Higgins, Sir 9/11/51 & Costello Show Harry Nile 5/20/2007 Harris & Faye Show 3/19/50 on Bob Hope 11/12/46 from Aug.
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